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Trading spouses - I am a God warrior


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This is about one person who is nuts. She touts her "Christianity" as though she (the filthy disgusting pig that she is) is "above" the people she was so insanely against (the booga booga "dark-sided"). Frig, even if they were Satan worshippers they were probably much saner than this idiot stick.

I am going to look up a site I was on last night -- "coming out godless"... some really really horrific shit that some people have been through in the name of religion and why they have become atheists.

Here it is.

From Story #33

Drea, people can claim to be whatever they wish, and there are no doubt many people who have gone off kilter with their Christianity, or who have used Christianity as a cover/excuse to perpetrate grievous acts. It is written in the NT that there will be many who lose faith, or who do not fully put their faith in God; it also warns of false prophets and those that who will deceive people in the name of God. Being a Christian takes much more than simply stating or believing that one is a Christian; it requires daily vigilence, a commitment to following Christ and abiding by his teachings; if one sincerely follows Christ, then they will be able to weave their way through all of the disceptions and distractions of this world. The sad thing about people who profess to be Christians and fall short is not the fact that they are condemning themselves, rather that it allows non-blievers, people who have anger and hostility towards God, to use them as an example in their quest to deceive and delude others into not accepting Jesus as their personal saviour and abiding by God's will. God sent Jesus to die for our sins; all of us, and that includes YOU. You can always change, regardless of whatever you've done; God will always forgive you, but you have to make the move, you have to stop with all of this mockery and hostility, the deception and deluding.

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This is getting out of hand.

I agree, this woman is completely out of hand and needs to be institutionalized and the children taken away.

simple minds, simple pleasures

I agree -- This woman is so very simple minded. How silly to believe other people are "dark-sided". Frig. She should be held up in the Christian community as how not to behave. The You Tube video should be shown at all Christian churches as a warning to what happens when people become fanatic about their beliefs. But of course, the Christian community will try to distance itself "we are not like that!". Well this woman has proven that some of you are "like that".

Don't shove it under the rug! Take the video to your pastor and ask him how he feels about this woman's behaviour. Will he condone it because she is "a true, deep believer"? Or will he admonish it?

God will always forgive you

Oh thank zeus and allah and jesus and buddah and the pink unicorn! I was afraid... but this makes it aaaaallll better -- thank you. :blink::lol:

Next, they will want some sort of Christian trials to see if they are posessed of the evil cult of Christianity and have painful eviscerations to rid the body of the unclean faith of Christianity.

No one is "possessed" of anything except for lunacy... uneducated lunatics abound when it comes to "faith" in an invisible daddy.

Read some of the stories on the site... Kuzadd and I are not the only atheists on the planet.

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you are correct withut knowing it.

The fanatics of atheism and socialism made the USSR and the millions that died as of a result of that.

fanaticism of ANYTHING is bad. But you don't care. You want to concentrate on the CHRISTIAN part of it. One of the most benign religions on the world today and you simply must take every opportunity to put it down you can.

Kuzadd does it because she thinks she is protecting Islam somehow. Not sure to your motivations, but I think I have an idea.

regardless, this video is old and I have seen it many times. If this is you 'proof' that Christiniaty is to blame, then you have done a poor job.

carry on.

ps: you could easily use the poster above you as a bad reflection of Christianity. he is.

Edited by White Doors
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you are correct withut knowing it.

The fanatics of atheism and socialism made the USSR and the millions that died as of a result of that.

There is no need to get into a pissing match about who kills the most people. We are discussing a fanatical Christian woman. Not an Islamic fundamentalist, nor a Scientology nutbar, nor an atheist, nor a communist... a Christian woman. If she would not have said anything about her faith, we would just call her a crazy woman. BUT she ranted BECAUSE of her religion, not in spite of it.

fanaticism of ANYTHING is bad. But you don't care. You want to concentrate on the CHRISTIAN part of it. One of the most benign religions on the world today and you simply must take every opportunity to put it down you can.

Of course. I live in it, daily I hear or see references to Christ, etal.... and therefore have the right (and opportunity) to critisize it. Whitedoors, you didnt' read my whole post -- ALL religion is a farce in my opinion. I have said this gazillions of times, but you just run with "Christians are being prosecuted!" tired old bullcrap.

Kuzadd does it because she thinks she is protecting Islam somehow. Not sure to your motivations, but I think I have an idea.

Oh please please tell me! I quiver in anticipation of finding out what you think my "motivation" is. :lol:

regardless, this video is old and I have seen it many times. If this is you 'proof' that Christiniaty is to blame, then you have done a poor job.

Just pointing out that some Christians are "like that". Once again, you did not read my entire post... sigh.

carry on.

ps: you could easily use the poster above you as a bad reflection of Christianity. he is.

At least he is consistent. He and I really got off on the wrong foot but since we've stopped insulting one another (at least directly ;) ) we get along alot better.

I am not going to change my beliefs... I don't expect anyone on this board will either.... but read the stories in the site I linked... very interesting reasons for people abandoning their faith imo.

Edited by Drea
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simple minds, simple pleasures.

Drea and kuzadd have been on a anti-christian witch hunt for months now.

Anything they can dig up they post here.

Next, they will want some sort of Christian trials to see if they are posessed of the evil cult of Christianity and have painful eviscerations to rid the body of the unclean faith of Christianity.

The more they post, they more they disprove their own point that Christianity is 'bad' whereas the logical answer is that 'people' are bad.

One hardly needs to remind them of the much more gratuitous evils committed in the name of states where ANY religion was outlawed.

Oh yes, how did that work out again?


Oh that evil cult of Christianity, all they do is evil :rolleyes:

Pope John Paul II pressuring the USSR for freedom of speech/religion in Poland. Oh he's so evil :rolleyes:

The monsignor at the Vatican who saved all those lives of persecuted jews in Italy during nazi occupation. Those evil christian bastards :rolleyes:

The Christian Children's Fund that helps out the poor kids in Africa. Evil I tells ya :rolleyes:

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In the end, the insane christian "warrior" took the money.

:lol: Of course she took the money. First off, if she doesn't take the money they don't get to put it on the air. But the whole "I don't want money" thing is part of the drama. When she was going on that spiel she knew she was going to take the money and they knew it as well. That spiel is what she was being paid for. Watch the credits of the show. There are two Supervising Story Producers.

Edited by jefferiah
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:lol: Of course she took the money. First off, if she doesn't take the money they don't get to put it on the air. But the whole "I don't want money" thing is part of the drama. When she was going on that spiel she knew she was going to take the money and they knew it as well. That spiel is what she was being paid for. Watch the credits of the show. There are two Supervising Story Producers.

The point is Jefferiah and I am sure you know some were responding to you tonque in cheek, anyone who will use the actions or the opinions of an idiot to then assume it applies as a characteristic or quality of belief of everyone else in the faith the idiot claims to have, is an idiot.

Geez I am full of judgements today. Its the fibre in my diet.

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There is no need to get into a pissing match about who kills the most people. We are discussing

Of course not, no atheist or non-Christian likes to face the fact that people of their ilk are the true cause of most of the world's problems; if everyone abided by the teachings of Christ, we would have a world free from sin and violence. Anyone who doesn't abide by Christ is in their own small way contributing to the fact that this is not the case.

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Of course not, no atheist or non-Christian likes to face the fact that people of their ilk are the true cause of most of the world's problems; if everyone abided by the teachings of Christ, we would have a world free from sin and violence. Anyone who doesn't abide by Christ is in their own small way contributing to the fact that this is not the case.

Sure. Just like the Crusades, huh.......?

In fact the REAL problems in the world come from western Christian-based colonial expansions into other nations. People are not only sick and tired of having "the man: in their face, but are terribly disgusted with the hypocritical Jesus lovers saying one thing and doing another.

When YOU can prove that you follow Christ in a Christ like manner, then you'll have earned my respect. Otherwise you are just another Jesus-sodomite trying to ram YOUR version of Christian hate and sanctimony up our collective asses. BTW the proof is in the works, not faith alone.

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Sure. Just like the Crusades, huh.......?

Oh, are they still going on? Funny how people like you always have to point fingers at events long past like that to "prove" your arguments. Moreover, it's a clear indication of one's ignorance when one makes such comments. Certainly, you must have at least a basic understanding of Christianity, and should know that faith is derived from abiding by Christ's teachings, not adhering to a state church. As a Christian, I don't feel myself accountable for acts that were committed in the name of Christianity some time in the past because that has no bearing on my relationship with God. Why should it? You are aware of the fact that there were people--"Protestants"--who broke away from the Catholic Church because of it's worldliness and corruption? Do you have any knowledge or understanding of the history of Christianity? It doesn't seem like it to me.

In fact the REAL problems in the world come from western Christian-based colonial expansions into other nations. People are not only sick and tired of having "the man: in their face, but are terribly disgusted with the hypocritical Jesus lovers saying one thing and doing another.

Look at the history of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, pre-Contact America, and you'll see the same pattern of emperial growth and decline.

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Oh, are they still going on? Funny how people like you always have to point fingers at events long past like that to "prove" your arguments. Moreover, it's a clear indication of one's ignorance when one makes such comments. Certainly, you must have at least a basic understanding of Christianity, and should know that faith is derived from abiding by Christ's teachings, not adhering to a state church. As a Christian, I don't feel myself accountable for acts that were committed in the name of Christianity some time in the past because that has no bearing on my relationship with God. Why should it? You are aware of the fact that there were people--"Protestants"--who broke away from the Catholic Church because of it's worldliness and corruption? Do you have any knowledge or understanding of the history of Christianity? It doesn't seem like it to me.

Look at the history of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, pre-Contact America, and you'll see the same pattern of emperial growth and decline.

The Crusades are always going on. Their format may change and their methods may change but their objective remains constant. Either become a Christian or be treated like a devil outcast. That's what you are doing, is it not?

People can believe and practice their beliefs anywhere they want in this part of the world. However, the moment they use their religious beliefs as a weapon against other people, or nations, or belief systems, they become the devil incarnate. The Christ never forces its beliefs because too many people are heavily rooted in the ego of sin and misery and their judgment could be terribly tainted by that sin. Christians believe in sin, correct? That makes them sinners and sinners are not capable of realizing Divine Perfection because it is their nature to see imperfection where there is none.

Edited by charter.rights
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Oh, are they still going on? Funny how people like you always have to point fingers at events long past like that to "prove" your arguments.

Sorry, I've been following this thread for a bit and had to jump in here when reading the above. Kengs, you've ignored my questions and requests before, but I'll try again: what present day events do you have on hand to prove that Buddhists, Taoists, Jews, Bahá'ís, or Jains, to name but a few non-Christians, have had any part in, to use your words, "the true cause of most of the world's problems"?

Certainly, you must have at least a basic understanding of Christianity, and should know that faith is derived from abiding by Christ's teachings, not adhering to a state church.

That may well be the case, but, as I'm sure even you know, Christ's teachings, with no one version ever proven to be written by him, and differing versions written by different disciples, edited by the Council of Nicaea, translated into different languages, and adopted by different sects of Christianity, are open to interpretation. Therefore, what you're arguing is that true faith is only that which you hold within yourself, and it thus apparently follows that anyone who doesn't adhere to your personal take on Christ's teachings is wrong. Do you see the problem with that?

Look at the history of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, pre-Contact America, and you'll see the same pattern of emperial growth and decline.

Well, at least here is the first hint of an admission that Christian based society isn't an anomaly of goodness and piety amongst heathen clans.

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The Crusades are always going on. Their format may change and their methods may change but their objective remains constant. Either become a Christian or be treated like a devil outcast. That's what you are doing, is it not?

You know despite the fact that I am always defending Christianity on here, few people who know me in real life probably think of me as a Christian. I have not gone to Church since I was 12, with the exception of weddings and funerals. I do not wear a t-shirt which anounces that I am Christian, and for many years prior to me changing my ideas, I was more of an armchair Buddhist. And I think alot of people were aware of my interest in Zen at the time. Throughout all of this, I was never treated as a devil outcast. I can remember instances where someone who was strict Christian may have expressed concern, but certainly not horrible to deal with. Nothing along the lines of "convert or else". And in typical everyday life I do not see society treating people as outcasts for not being Christian. You must be dreaming.

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People can believe and practice their beliefs anywhere they want in this part of the world. However, the moment they use their religious beliefs as a weapon against other people, or nations, or belief systems, they become the devil incarnate. The Christ never forces its beliefs because too many people are heavily rooted in the ego of sin and misery and their judgment could be terribly tainted by that sin. Christians believe in sin, correct? That makes them sinners and sinners are not capable of realizing Divine Perfection because it is their nature to see imperfection where there is none.

It's good to see that you had a change of heart about the "Jesus-sodomite" (or was that somewhere else?) statement. Too bad that your revision is so laughably ignorant that it's not even worth commenting on.

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It's good to see that you had a change of heart about the "Jesus-sodomite" (or was that somewhere else?) statement. Too bad that your revision is so laughably ignorant that it's not even worth commenting on.

I didn't have a change of heart. Christians who try to impose their beliefs onto others are Jesus-sodomites, IMO. Just like the priests who try to teach little boys with their pants down. Where are you going with your point?

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I didn't have a change of heart. Christians who try to impose their beliefs onto others are Jesus-sodomites, IMO. Just like the priests who try to teach little boys with their pants down. Where are you going with your point?

That's sad and pathetic, really; you know that sexually abusing children is not condoned by Christians, and just because someone may be a member of the clergy does not mean that this should reflect on all Christians. It's astonish that people can be as crude as you are. Do you really think that you've gained any sympathy for Indians here by posting the bile that you do? Or perhaps that's your intent?

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That's sad and pathetic, really; you know that sexually abusing children is not condoned by Christians, and just because someone may be a member of the clergy does not mean that this should reflect on all Christians. It's astonish that people can be as crude as you are. Do you really think that you've gained any sympathy for Indians here by posting the bile that you do? Or perhaps that's your intent?

The fact is that not only was pedophilia condoned by the Church, but it is still being hidden and denied by them. This has nothing to do with "Indians" (a derogatory term in itself). It has to do with the deplorable, despicable violent and immoral views of religious fanatical Christians. Those who believe they have a God given right to impose their views on others are not Christ-like. They are sinners and egoists lost in their own insanity.

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That's sad and pathetic, really; you know that sexually abusing children is not condoned by Christians, and just because someone may be a member of the clergy does not mean that this should reflect on all Christians. It's astonish that people can be as crude as you are.


That's sad and pathetic really, you know that pedophiles abusing children is not condoned by homosexuals, and just because someone may be a pedophile does not mean he is a homosexual nor should it reflect on all homosexuals. It's astonishing that people can be as crude as you are.

Charter rights is correct. If the people who run the churches did less to protect their "employee" and their riches and instead handed them over to the authorities, all would improve.

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That's sad and pathetic really, you know that pedophiles abusing children is not condoned by homosexuals, and just because someone may be a pedophile does not mean he is a homosexual nor should it reflect on all homosexuals. It's astonishing that people can be as crude as you are.

I've never made that assertion, though; the problem is in either you inability to read, or your willful twisting of my argument. I've never said that pedophiles are homosexuals; rather, that there are homosexuals who are pedophiles, and pedophelia in the guise of "man-boy love" is considered an aspect of the "gay lifestyle".

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wow, 4 pages eh?

look, this lady claimed herself to be a christian, to be God's warrior as she said herself, in a very unrestrained manner, leaving no doubt, of her mindset (true christian, god's warrior)

She was an idiot, there is no doubt about it.

She was horrid to her family (bordering on abusive)

Is she representative of all Christians, I would say no.

But she is representative of a fanatical believer of christianity.

Judging, intolerant etc.,

I said she reminded me of that woman in Jesus camp, and she does with that same fanatical belief system.

BTW: as for the church and the molestation of numerous young children, particularily boys.

That abuse was so covered up by the church that is is a daming indictment of the church as a whole that they cared so little for the victim and more about saving face.

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Jefferiah, the claim that the woman is an actor is unsupportable.

"Reality" TV shows simply don't need to script anything. They have thousands of people to choose from, and they simply choose the ones most likely to create zany, wacky, or bizarre episodes. Then, they put them in situations that are most likely to create just such an occurrence. Then, they film everything, and only show the most interesting parts. And if nothing zany, wacky, or bizarre actually happens, the episode probably won't make it to air anyway.

The auditions episodes of American Idol illustrate the point. Of hundreds or thousands of auditions in each city, they only show a couple of dozen on TV. A handful of the "good" auditions, plus a bunch that are hilariously bad. Some of the people go to the auditions are trying their level best and are just plain terrible. Some of the people who go to the auditions are trying their level best to be terrible, in hopes of getting on TV. Either way, there's no need for the producers to hire actors to create the shenanigans on the show when people are literally beating down their doors to do it.

There have been at least a couple of "reality TV" casting calls that backfired. One that was particularly well publicized was for an (aborted) series based on the Beverly Hillbillies premise: they wanted to take the most stereotypically Appalachian family they could find and put them in a Beverly Hills mansion. The idea that this sort of stereotype of rural Americans would be held up and ridiculed on TV made many Americans furious, and the network hastily apologized and dropped the idea.

So ... why did they need to find "real" hillbillies? Why not just hire actors?

Because the risk of being caught in a lie is too high. The loss of face would be enormous, and with reality TV then (and now) a "golden goose" for the networks in the US, the risk of doing something to jeopardize the golden goose is just unwarranted. Why bother, when people will come in droves for the chance to be on TV? Jerry Springer got caught when some of the battling trailer-park bimbos on his show were recognized as members of a small-time "professional wrestling" company. Any prime-time reality show would likewise get found out.

Here is the wikipedia article about this "God warrior": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marguerite_Perrin

Some points worth reflecting on:

-her appearance on the show achieved sufficient fame/notoriety to get her a guest-spot on Jay Leno.

-she says that when she saw the show, she cried when she saw how her outburst looked.

-she contends (like other "reality" TV guests have) that the producers used selective editing to create a portrayal of her that is different from the person she is in real life.

And on an unrelated but sad note, her older daughter (the single mother seen in the clip) died in a car crash a few months ago.


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