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George W Bush

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After September 11 he had the balls to go after those that planned the slaughter of inncents in the name of a Narcisstic Religion. I doubt very much that Billy Bob would of had the balls to do more than flay about the camera. It's been downhill since then, he's gone power mad. He sees terrorist behind every tree, yet he panders to Islamist in his own country. He's been a dismal failure as a leader, but the media has ensured he never stood a fair chance. From day one they have been nasty and negative.

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So W has had his two terms. He will soon be gone.

What do we Canucks think of his time in offfice?

Well, this Canuck thinks that he has been a total disaster, unless, of course, someone out there can disabuse me of such a thought by citing some examples of Bushco's contribution to the common good. Naturally, that is a rhetorical challenge; still, I know there exist those who lack the empathy necessary to really appreciate the human misery the Bushco regime has wrought. Yes, heinous things have been heaped upon millions of innocents in the past because of the actions of similar tyrants, but that the same old thing continues to this day clearly illustrates that as human beings with all our technology and modernization, we've progressed not a whit.

On the other hand, Bushco has been exquisitely successful in fulfilling its own selfish, criminal, heinous agenda at a prohibitive cost in human resources and money. Either Bush is a liar (oooooo - surprise, surprise) or he's insanely delusional when he claims to be a man of Faith with close ties to God. In either case, he continues to be a ticking time bomb. Every single empire has expired because of obscene greed by the powerful few. Anyone who claims that the U.S. and its daft allies (including, unfortunately, Canada) will prevail are I'm sorry to say a brick short of a load--and I'm being exceedingly kind at that.

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Guest American Woman
So W has had his two terms. He will soon be gone.

What do we Canucks think of his time in offfice?

So I click on this thread only to find that it's a discussion about the AMERICAN president-- but it's made quite clear that AMERICANS aren't welcome to take part in the discussion ....


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He's been a dismal failure as a leader, but the media has ensured he never stood a fair chance. From day one they have been nasty and negative.

Actually the opposite is true. The media drug their feet and took far too long in exposing this regime. If they had done their job, Bush would not have been elected again in 2004. I remember the media lauding him after his first congressional address and lauding him in the weeks after 9/11. It wasn't until after it came to light that he had lied about the WMD that they started to report the truth.

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Actually the opposite is true. The media drug their feet and took far too long in exposing this regime. If they had done their job, Bush would not have been elected again in 2004. I remember the media lauding him after his first congressional address and lauding him in the weeks after 9/11. It wasn't until after it came to light that he had lied about the WMD that they started to report the truth.
It is a good thing that Bush was re-elected because it gave him a chance to completely discredit himself. If he had lost Keery would have been blamed the failure of the Iraq debacale because he did not do 'enough'.
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So I click on this thread only to find that it's a discussion about the AMERICAN president-- but it's made quite clear that AMERICANS aren't welcome to take part in the discussion ....


Alas, that is what Americans are for, starting with their head of state. PM Trudeau taught Canada how to define itself in terms of America, so we have a responsibility to be the best foil possible. President Bush is going to finish his term on his terms, ignoring his domestic detractors, and certainly not giving a damn what Canadians think about him.

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You know the saying "only in America" well Bush playing President makes that so true. Only in America, could a draft dodger get out of the military through the help of his dad, only in America, could a former/?? drugie and alcoholic, became President, only in America could Bush be able to scam the voters with the help of his friends, the computer software wizards. only in America could a son of a former President became President because of his dad. Only in America, could a son show his dad , I'm just as good as Jeb, and go out and take out to leaders from two different countries, even though one didn't have anything to do with 9/11 !! Only in America can the VP be more corrupt than the President!! The world will NOT be sad to see them go or what the world holds for them in the future!! America hasn't looked this sad since Nixon.

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...Only in America can the VP be more corrupt than the President!! The world will NOT be sad to see them go or what the world holds for them in the future!! America hasn't looked this sad since Nixon.

But the important thing is that you keep looking....and buying...and selling. The world is not nearly obsessed with America compared to Canada, which certainly has the market cornered on corruption based on the past election.

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But the important thing is that you keep looking....and buying...and selling. The world is not nearly obsessed with America compared to Canada, which certainly has the market cornered on corruption based on the past election.

Corporates have totally taken over North America. With foolish Mannon worship - exaulting the rich and socially successful have resulted in not the best rule but the richest rule. The term aristocrat meant the best to rule- merchant class have out done the aristos..cornered them and empoverished the brain power of both nations - now that the merchants have total power - they don't have a clue what to do with this huge private estate that is America and Canada. It is not so much corruption by exclutionism and fear of intelligent and creative people. To have money and influence through money is false and artifical power. The rulers know one thing and have been trained since childhood - take and never give back!

So we have a problem state side and here - people like Bush are fine - if he was not ruled by a quite and insidously selfish committee and had been able to follow his own human instincts no matter how simple they be the USA would have faired better...He actually has a heart but is not allowed to use it. As with all massive corporations - the VP always is traditionally the boss and the president is the guy that takes the wrap for the poor behaviour because of being the figure head..that is George's calling - to be the straw man and take the hits...mean while Richard the shot gun Chaney - just lurks about - commanding and threatening and hiding...it's quite pitiful - when I saw the way Chaney lashed into Wolf Blitzer of CNN - it showed that the man was brutal and crazy - and his support of Israel was a joke...that money laundering destabalizing out post they call holy...such poor poor and uncivilized behaviour - just wish they would hurry up and go and leave our Prime Minister alone - Harper use to be a nice guy till the big boys started bullying him.

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So I click on this thread only to find that it's a discussion about the AMERICAN president-- but it's made quite clear that AMERICANS aren't welcome to take part in the discussion ....


I disagree let her fly, what do you think of Bush? Are you happy with his leadship? Did he do the right thing going after those that masterminded September 11 or should he of rolled up the carpet and hid in the closet like the Dems would of?

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it's quite pitiful - when I saw the way Chaney lashed into Wolf Blitzer of CNN - it showed that the man was brutal and crazy - and his support of Israel was a joke...that money laundering destabalizing out post they call holy...such poor poor and uncivilized behaviour - just wish they would hurry up and go and leave our Prime Minister alone - Harper use to be a nice guy till the big boys started bullying him.

Hmmmm...seems this wasn't an issue when the Canadian Prime Minister stood in line behind Ms. Monica Lewinsky to please an American President. So it would seem that "bullying" is just determined by one's politics. America is for the Americans, what Canada does is its business...choices must be made....choose well.

VP Dick Cheney is the oil God. More powerful than any Prime Minister and lesser gods.

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So I click on this thread only to find that it's a discussion about the AMERICAN president-- but it's made quite clear that AMERICANS aren't welcome to take part in the discussion ....


Hey listen - I stuck my nose into a virtual American government site - they frowned on my Canadian presense - but after a year and a half I was fully excepted and fully Americanized...actually it did not take long - I became the honourary virutual Ameican Canadian and I was welcomed by my friends to the south to partake and insult and contribute - so today is my very first day posting on my home turf...I am not that big on surfing about and stuck to one site exclusively - Please - as a Canadian welcome - feel free - your citizens treated me well and with care love and respect - I will show the same to you - stop whinning and close the door and step in - your letting the cold in.

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Hey listen - I stuck my nose into a virtual American government site - they frowned on my Canadian presense - but after a year and a half I was fully excepted and fully Americanized...actually it did not take long - I became the honourary virutual Ameican Canadian and I was welcomed by my friends to the south to partake and insult and contribute - so today is my very first day posting on my home turf...I am not that big on surfing about and stuck to one site exclusively - Please - as a Canadian welcome - feel free - your citizens treated me well and with care love and respect - I will show the same to you - stop whinning and close the door and step in - your letting the cold in.

Ya, I stuck my nose in a couple of American sites as well. Got slapped down a few times. Good to see a Canadian forum like this one. If folks have something to contribute, who cares where they live? I kind of understand their sensitivity though. If our country was on the worlds hotseat, we might become more defensive too.

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Ya, I stuck my nose in a couple of American sites as well. Got slapped down a few times. Good to see a Canadian forum like this one. If folks have something to contribute, who cares where they live? I kind of understand their sensitivity though. If our country was on the worlds hotseat, we might become more defensive too.

I communicate in a very intense manner with about 20 of them. Ranging between the ages of 60 and 18 - they are defensive at this point - but after over 7000 long posts and a few very tough fights where we would always kiss and make up - I got to understand them - I love them. The most interesting one was a young intelligence officer - or should I say former..secondly was the young female - brilliant..she was refered to as an ignoble savage and an overly privledged liberal - but a fine and open mind - there is great hope in the United States of America..they do have the spirit and brain power to overcome their difficulties...but I am afraid that the corporate facist scar ripped deep..they are wounded and have my full support..they are worth saving and assisting - but not the crimminals..and they are from the lowest of low to the very high.

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I communicate in a very intense manner with about 20 of them. Ranging between the ages of 60 and 18 - they are defensive at this point - but after over 7000 long posts and a few very tough fights where we would always kiss and make up - I got to understand them - I love them.

Glad to hear you have a soft spot for our American neighbours Oleg.

An average of 20 posts per day. You'll be hard to keep up with. :lol:

Welcome to the forum and enjoy the ride.

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Guest American Woman
Hey listen - I stuck my nose into a virtual American government site - they frowned on my Canadian presense - but after a year and a half I was fully excepted and fully Americanized...actually it did not take long - I became the honourary virutual Ameican Canadian and I was welcomed by my friends to the south to partake and insult and contribute - so today is my very first day posting on my home turf...I am not that big on surfing about and stuck to one site exclusively - Please - as a Canadian welcome - feel free - your citizens treated me well and with care love and respect - I will show the same to you - stop whinning and close the door and step in - your letting the cold in.

Hey you listen. And I do mean "listen," because you obviously didn't 'hear' what

I said at all. I pointed out that this is a discussion about an AMERICAN president-- where

it's been made clear that AMERICANS aren't welcome to take part in the discussion. So I

was pointing out the absurdity of that. I don't think you'll find a similar situation on an

American forum-- ie: a discussion about Harper where Canadians' views aren't

welcome. :lol: One could use a variation on a theme and say "Only in Canada, eh?" ;)

Edited by American Woman
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I don't think there is much to say about Bush other than thank god his term is nearly done and there cannot be another one. I think everything that could be done incorectly in that position has been done by this man either on purpose or accidently.

When he took his oath to uphold and protect the constitution, was he crossing his fingers?

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I don't think there is much to say about Bush other than thank god his term is nearly done and there cannot be another one. I think everything that could be done incorectly in that position has been done by this man either on purpose or accidently.

When he took his oath to uphold and protect the constitution, was he crossing his fingers?

It's always been Chaney - and that false intelectual - Mr. Carl Rove - that guy you knew in highschool..the bright nerd that in the long run, understood power but not ethics. There are interesting thing that can be said about Richard Chaney..that will not be said for fear of plucking light weight BBs out of my forehead. This was a disaster. George Bush is a kind hearted man. When it comes to corporations he had no choice but to comply. I watched his father during a press conference. I could see him scanning the room for who might assasinate his son. Being a former head of the CIA - he knows that holding the presidency is not a 100% safe postion. There was grave concern in the father for the son..Don't blame George...when he hugged two young black women after the Orleans disaster - He cared....but caring is not what it is about when it comes to being a robotron like the corporate Chaney.

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But the important thing is that you keep looking....and buying...and selling. The world is not nearly obsessed with America compared to Canada, which certainly has the market cornered on corruption based on the past election.

Who's pass election, Bush's? The one that was rigged from the start? No matter what YOU think of your name sakes, they are the most hated men in the world! Let the world take a poll US vs Canada and see which one would come out ahead? You know in the 2004 election, I remember finding a election poll of how other countries viewed the election of the US and who would win. The world chosed Kerry and even the votes from the US, wanted Kerry, so you wonder why he didn't win but now we know how it was rigged.

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Who's pass election, Bush's? The one that was rigged from the start? No matter what YOU think of your name sakes, they are the most hated men in the world! Let the world take a poll US vs Canada and see which one would come out ahead? You know in the 2004 election, I remember finding a election poll of how other countries viewed the election of the US and who would win. The world chosed Kerry and even the votes from the US, wanted Kerry, so you wonder why he didn't win but now we know how it was rigged.

I stood outside the court of appeal and ran into a guy that has been here for six years. He had a Canadian wife. He had a child - he was a former American trade delegate to China - this guy had been around..from what I gathered he was also a former employee of Enron..all he could say facing his extradition hearing was "Dick Chaney runs the place". "The last two guys the they dragged out of Canada are dead" - this is bold stuff...He also hinted that Chaney may have been involved with Enron PRIOR - to the scandal.. all I can say from what I know, is they are NOT on the up and up. This poor man looked ragged and if he had stepped out of a black and white series call the FUGITIVE....BUT- I watched as the court of appeal abandoned his human rights - he was without a lawyer - and it looked as if the judges were going to sell his ass to the Americans..it was distrubing.

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I don't think there is much to say about Bush other than thank god his term is nearly done and there cannot be another one. I think everything that could be done incorectly in that position has been done by this man either on purpose or accidently.

When he took his oath to uphold and protect the constitution, was he crossing his fingers?

martial law, anyone?

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Who's pass election, Bush's? The one that was rigged from the start? No matter what YOU think of your name sakes, they are the most hated men in the world! Let the world take a poll US vs Canada and see which one would come out ahead? You know in the 2004 election, I remember finding a election poll of how other countries viewed the election of the US and who would win. The world chosed Kerry and even the votes from the US, wanted Kerry, so you wonder why he didn't win but now we know how it was rigged.

I'm not sure about that anymore. Many of my friends from over seas tell me that they now see no difference between us and the US. The tasering in BC isn't going to help that perception, either.

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