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I Miss Trudeau

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Everything posted by I Miss Trudeau

  1. Mission successful. Billions of taxpayers dollars given away to campaign supporters with no criminal investigation in view.
  2. I was talking about the heritage trust fund. Even if Klein has single handedly cured cancer, how would that be relevant to the heritage trust fund? Klein has clearly mismanaged that fund. The fact that it doesn't seem to be growing, despite near record prices on oil, kind of puts the lie to the name of the fund, I'd say. Lets just call it what it is: a useless fund whose name lets people feel good about passing on a portion of our oil riches to future generations, when we're reall doing nothing of the sort. The rate of inflation for last year was between 2 and 3%. One would hope that whoever is managing the fund could get a return of greater than 3% on that investment. If not, they need to be fired. My dad can beat up your dad.
  3. Mmhmm. Dig a little beyond your partisan talking points and you'll see where the lameness lies. I assume you mean the Shouldice clinic? Google doesn't yield any applicable results of "beresford clinic jack layton". So whats the Shouldice clinic like? A private doctor's office! "It's just part of the system," Layton said in an interview. "The doctor says, 'Go there.' You pay with your (Ontario health) card. It never occurred to me (it was) anything other than medicare, which it is. Care to explain to me how a "family doctor," which is a private entity paid through the health care system, differs from a "private clinic," which is a private entity paid through the health care system? Aren't Conservatives supposed to believe in minimal government involvement in the lives of the citizenry? Hey look! I can post off topic nonsense too!
  4. Tops it up to keep pace with inflation? Who the hell is managing the fund? That fund should be growing on its own, even when adjusted for inflation. If Klein is topping it up to keep pace with inflation, he needs to find a new fund manager. More likely, Klein is pulling out all of the interest then putting just enough back in so that it doesn't shrink when adjusted for inflation. The price of our non-renewable resource is currently very high, and to celebrate and plan for the future, we're ensuring that the trust doesn't shrink? Have another cold one, Ralphie.
  5. The only way that statement could possibly be true is if Harper has never seen a doctor outside of a public hospital. If Harper has a family doctor, and I would bet that he does, he has used a private clinic.
  6. Sure, if he wants to have all of his grandstanding about Liberal arrogrance thrown back in his face, followed shortly thereafter by being thrown out of 24 sussex.
  7. The University of Alberta, due to slashed funding, has been replacing less than half of its faculty as they retire or move on. That has no effect at all on admissions or number of graduates, I suppose.
  8. If i'm not mistaken, its a tax credit, not a direct welfare handout.
  9. What about all of the Europeans commiting rape in Europe? Clearly, western culture includes gang rape.
  10. Ironic that you've taken such offense at me doing precisely what you and others demand that minority groups do. Seems like their damned if they do and damned if they don't. But then, what can you really expect from racists who start threads like "Is gang rape a part of Islamic culture?"
  11. Apart from the 26% who utterly rejected rightist policies, anyway. You know, those ones that now have absolutely no local representation in parliament. The ones that the reformers, if they were actually interested in fair representation, would be outraged about.... but not a peep out of them. Funny that.
  12. Imagine that... my booze hound premier not being able to foresee professional shortages after his hatchet job on post secondary education. Who woulda thunk, eh?
  13. I'd like to take this oppurtunity to apologize for the statements and attitudes of Argus, Geoffrey and Leafless. Their beliefs are not in line with the majority of the white community, and I wish to make this clear to all that such attitudes are not tolerated by the majority of the white community. Thus, I hereby excommunicate Argus, Geoffrey, and Leafless from white society in the hopes that their attitudes never be mistaken for the attitudes of regular white folk. Thank you.
  14. Perhaps you could enlighten me as to how the behaviour of those people at the hotel is analogous to swingers conducting their business within the confined of a private club? Until such time as you can defend that absurd analogy, you're just spouting nonsensical rhetoric.
  15. You're kidding, right? Harper has been given a free ride by the media this campaign. What makes you think thats going to change if the Conservatives form the government?
  16. I guess I'm one of those "Liberals" thats find this sort of thing juvenile and pathetic, not amusing.
  17. I think you answered your own question there. This may come as a surprise to some, but not every accusation has a basis in reality, especially when the alleged bribe offerssomething that would be impossible to deliver on.
  18. There are many combinations that lead to undesirable genetic traits in the population. There are genetic conditions that are far more likely to result in serious health consequences to the children than even sibling reproduction, but we allow people with those genes to reproduce. The bad genes argument doesn't seem to be the reason that we have a taboo against incest, or thos eother instances would be outlawed as well. .
  19. Although a disproportionate number of the poor are aboriginal, aboriginals comprise only 3.4% of the poor in the cities studied. Expressed in relation to their population, they are worse off than whites. Sheer numbers is a meaningless measurement.
  20. I was touched by an Angel once, but it made me feel 'icky'. Did you tell someone you trust?
  21. [explicit answer to rhetorical question] Clearly, because the pro marriage group is going to vote conservative regardless. Its the people that are put off by the connection to that group that the Conservatives are going after. And we don't want people knowing what their Conservative candidates stand for, now do we? [/explicit answer to rhetorical question]
  22. Nonsense. Any leader that is even willing to entertain the notion of denying rights to a minority is not fit to lead. The denial of rights ought to be an election issue.
  23. Business owners have been responsible for ensuring the safety of their workers for a long time. Hospitality has been the only industry that has been permitted to have dangerous levels of toxic gases released into the workplace continously.
  24. Well, of course not. There aren't very many centuries old political or philosophical ideals that are alive and well today.
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