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Everything posted by Scotty

  1. Ontario's budget watchdog says the sale of Hydro One will cost the province $500 million per year. Another brilliant move by the Liberals to drive the province's finances into the ground. http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-politics/hydro-one-could-cost-ontario-500-million-a-year-in-lost-revenues-budget-watchdog
  2. You people are forgetting that this isn't just a case of third party advertising or corporate or union money going to help political parties. This is a case of a back scratching exchange of money between the government and it's own employee unions. The government pays money to the unions and gives big benefit and salary increases to their members in exchange for 'free' support during election times and donations. If this was being done by a company or corporation everyone would be in agreement that it's corruption, but because it's unions the same old gang feel the need to come out in support of their comrades.
  3. Denmark is considering mandatory training in sexual behaviours for immigrants due to the high proportion of convictions for sex crimes: Between 2013 and 2014, 34.5 percent of all rape convictions were immigrants, though they represent just 12 percent of the population.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. overthere


      Denmark is the opposite of friendly to brown people. Gaining residency is difficult, citizenship near impossible.

    3. Argus


      If immigrants make up 12% of the population doesn't that suggest they are indeed welcoming immigrants in large numbers?

    4. kimmy


      Wonderful people.

  4. You mean they have a corrupt relationship where both scratch each others' back at our expense. Yes, it's the same with the rest of the public sector unions, as well, particularly the one representing the OPP. This kind of thing ought to be illegal, but of course, both sides will claim that the money has no influence on their decisions.
  5. Based on these estimates, about 66 in every 1,000 people who eat a lot of red meat or processed meat will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime; by comparison, 56 of every 1,000 who eat very little meat, processed or otherwise, will develop colorectal cancer - Globe

  6. Corruption is a strong word, which we don’t often use in Canada when it comes to politics. It infers a blatant disregard for honesty, ethics or principle. But it’s the word that springs to mind when you contemplate the insidious relationship between Ontario’s Liberal government and the teachers unions they do so much to cultivate and please.

  7. You can also build your own gun, if you have the mechanical know how. So what? Automatic weapons are illegal, as is converting a semi-automatic to an automatic. Here's another news item for you. The ammunition clips which go into guns are specially made in Canada in order to hold fewer bullets than regular clips. For example, the one for my hand gun only holds 10 bullets. I can, however, buy a 'normal' clip in the US which would hold 17 bullets and simply replace them. That would be against the law, though, just as altering your semi to fire full auto is already illegal.
  8. The thirty three seats in Ontario and eleven in Quebec don't count?
  9. I'm not sure if your issue is with a lack of reading comprehension or a lack of understanding of basic English, but your comparison has no relationship to what I wrote.
  10. In cabinet, certainly. Not as prime minister.
  11. So then you are an admirer of Ronald Reagan?
  12. No, if the poll I quoted was put out by the Sun or Post you might have a point. But it was from the Star, which loathes the ground Harper walks on.
  13. That's because there was no Reform government. There was a Conservative government which valued pragmatism and the middle road and not rocking the boat above almost all else.
  14. True. I would say, though, that his senate appointments did tend to be a little different in that they were usually not life long politicians or party bagmen, which was the previous tradition. In fact, he might have been better had he retained that position since lifelong politicians seem less likely to get into trouble than journalists and the like.
  15. I looked back to see if I had misinterpreted you and I see nothing to indicate I did. You were replying to the following statement. It suggests one of the Liberals' first challenges will be in excising the Tory partisans from the civil service. To which you replied But the top 3 or 4 or half-dozen in each department.... yeah, time to retire There is no misinterpreting the above. You were baldly stating the top people in each department needed to be removed from their jobs because you perceive, without evidence, that they might be tory partisans. That is collective punishment because for some reason some of you on the Left seem to believe targeting charities was done on a political basis. As for the 'gulags' comment that was clearly indicating the direction this sort of radical paranoia and punishment without evidence leads to.
  16. That would have been nice, though no one has ever done so.
  17. You are assuming there will be no electoral system changes, I take it? You're free to do so. I'll thank you not to make baseless assumptions about what I 'clearly' hope'.
  18. Do you really think the refugees played any significant part in the election? The only people I know who mentioned it mentioned it negatively for Mulcair and Trudeau, including those who wound up voting for them.
  19. Maybe the immediate reaction to the dead child on the beach provoked a more emotional response. A more nuanced survey from the Toronto Star showed Canadians were far more divided, and more in support of Harper than the others. When the Star shows more support for Harper on a subject like this than other leaders I take that to be a survey free of bias. I'm also confident that if a new poll were taken it would find even less Canadians eager to import the same problems Europe is facing. http://www.thestar.com/news/federal-election/2015/09/11/24-of-canadians-like-tory-plan-on-syrian-refugees-poll-shows.html
  20. Corrupt Ontario Liberals didn't bother to ask for invoices or reciepts after handing millions to teachers unions. "We know they had to rent hotel rooms and order pizzas" says corrupt minister. Really!?

  21. I would agree. The only possible impetus for them to try to fight the Liberals will be if they perceive the Liberals are attempting to change the way MPs are elected in a manner calculated to enhance their own chances of becoming a permanent governing party. And I see the likelihood that happening as being fairly high.
  22. The discussion was not about misogyny in Canada, but about this symbol of imported misogyny of a much more virulent and hateful type.
  23. I suppose you haven't considered the fact that every subsequent poll showed the majority of Canadians agreed with Harper and not Trudeau on this issue? The numbers weren't even close.
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