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Everything posted by Shakeyhands

  1. Is this Round # 3 that I see coming? I hope McCain was truely joking about Jeb running in 2008.... Although to be truthful, I think he may be a bit brighter than W. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,148875,00.html Its always such a good ole time when the Republicans drop in on their friends a t Fox....
  2. Yes I have been going around and straightening everyone out on this. Thanks for the edumacation on dem bombs. You are my hero.
  3. August1991 Posted on Feb 27 2005, 05:54 AM HUH? What does that have to do with disliking Americans? It has everything to do with standing up and being counted as against a stupid plan. And what exactly is it that the Left doesn't get?
  4. Kimmy, I was actually making a joke, but thanks for over reacting! That was even more entertaining. Sometimes its fun to have a laugh. You should try it sometime.
  5. Kimmy, http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Scienc...fissionbom.html I think that we can safely assume that any modern nuclear device would not likely use the same sort of detonator as the originals. Therefore you would be correct... hopefully Thanks for picking my post apart, piece by piece. Very entertaining.
  6. Hmmm... I wouldn't want to bet the farm that a detonation couldn't happen, I believe I have read that intense heat is enough to 'cook' a warhead to detonation. I guess the point is, I am not willing to find out. Are you? and to be honest, any amount of radioactive anything is too much in my books. Why would anyone want to fire a missle at the US anyway, what with how they are spreading democracy throughout the lands.....
  7. I think the bigger question now that that is settled is what do we do if a rogue nation did decide to lob a ICBM or such across the pole? I would expect first of all that it is probably aimed at the US, and will they expect us to sit idly by as the "Intercept" said missle thereby detonating it over our soil? I think that that is exactly what would happen. Lucky the chjances of this happening are non existent AND the damn thing doesn't work anyway.
  8. I truely believe that. I think that Bush knows that the US cannot afford a war with NK. His 'advisors' and military leaders know that they would have their lunches handed to them.
  9. QUOTE (August1991 @ Feb 24 2005, 07:00 PM) Pretty bold statement! You wouldn't have some sort of proof that this is the case would you? Or is this most likely what I think it may be, and just something that you heard Bill say and thought it cool to repeat?
  10. Again, I think its been made pretty clear here that its not an problem with the American people but moreso a problem with the current administration ( and I suppose the zealous farrightwing Republicans)
  11. I found this earlier today.... Its interesting, please take a moment to view ( a light moment that is) http://ktmtalk.com/uploads/posting.swf
  12. I'm calling BullShoit on this one. I also find it amazing that its ok for some to discriminate based on sexual orientation (according to the Conservative mantra) but God forbid if your beloved Americans are criticzed for anything... Give me a break. It also terrifies me that you are a Scout Leader and you are intent on bashing your Country at every chance. I won't even bring up your reluctance to grant other the same rights and privledges that you enjoy. Are you familiar with the 3 Principles?
  13. Without doubt, the stupidest thing I have seen on this board yet. Congrats!
  14. While my reference to the movie had more to do with his comment I will say that if even 2 percent of what was portrayed to have happened is legit... Bush should be taken out back and shot by his own people. Sorry you didn't 'enjoy' the film.
  15. Or I guess more correctly Anti-49% of Americans....
  16. Anti Americanism? No such thing really. Anti Bushism, for sure and for good reason. I think really it is more about Protectionism (as long as Corporate America benefits) I always think back to the clip in Farenheit 9/11 of Bush addressing his base of 'the haves' That was very telling.
  17. good one Ticker, This I believe is along the same lines as Kleins pre election comments. and why shouldn't McGuinty ask for some back, by far Ontario contributes the most of the provinces. And lets not forget that he is dealing with the huge mess that the Harris/Eves Gov't left, no there was a couple of poor leaders
  18. did anyone really expect anything but something like this from Harper? The man is a buffoon.
  19. Absolutely. a) they are no different from hetero parents parents why the hell not? (not much of a stand but whatever..) c) it doesn't matter if ita 2 X Men or 2 X women or one of each, as long as the child is raised to be productive and is loved.
  20. Hmmm....... this ought to send our RWW's into a tizzy... http://money.cnn.com/2005/02/16/news/fortu...dex.htm?cnn=yes
  21. Banned infers that it was on then taken off, in this case, they were as welcome to apply for broadcast like everyone else.
  22. ahhhh... their just a bunch of Criminals Tawasakm (especially those from Perth...)
  23. Hey Burns... Where can we get a CBC or a C-BS Blocker? Oh wait... you say that no one has ever made one? Oh my... I wonder why not? Perhaps because they are the one who are actually Fair and Balanced? Hmmmmmm.....
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