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Everything posted by Yesterday

  1. I find it intellectually questionable too and instinctively I am more comfortable with a shift in dimension as opposed to a birth upon appearance and a death upon disappearance at least in terms of neutrinos.
  2. WOW! I imagine there could be a few of us here who would have to play Pinkie to your Brain... Plasma is certainly very interesting. I haven't finished reading about its application in propulsion yet but I will finish reading your links tonight. Thanks.
  3. I agree with these 2, each up and coming generation wants their own version of life portrayed. Since we really aren't all that different, well, in comes redundancy. And, entertainment has its place and time although I don't watch much t.v. myself and find I am happier and more productive when I don't have cable or its equivalent. Got'ta say though, very well played sarcasm Argus. I love a good play with words.
  4. Thanks for the encouragement. I think right now I am suffering from the effect of the g-forces I am encountering on my trip through this learning curve. I agree with you here over turning a profit even though I personally won't but I am not so sure speculation and hedging are the main culprits. Once again I question the source of the force....motivation. Instead of looking at what Obama is saying and doing from a point of view that paints them as actions to further an agenda, I've been looking at it as being actions forced by the global settlements going on around the world. Especially in regards to his spending and the banks. That what we see is more of forced situation than one of a specific agenda. Perhaps what he states publicly has nothing to do with the real reason why but is nothing more than a poor attempt to rationalize the awful amount of spending involved in cleaning up/backing up the settlements. A situation he is not allowed to acknowledge publicly. One major obstruction to creating tougher market legislation is the different definitions of what is legal and the different requirements that arise from it between countries. Perhaps at this juncture it is not possible to crack down further until global agreements are made between countries as to market legislation. Securitization is one such issue. The higher it goes the bigger the fall.
  5. Green Agenda Green Agenda Does whatever it darn well wants Spins the truth Into big lies Catch us all up in its trap Lookout The Agenda's on the move. For those who need a tune...Spiderman, Spiderman....
  6. By the way, I have learned a lot in the last few days regarding theory, science and debate. I appreciate both Pliny and Bonam, their opinions and knowledge. It has been good for me to remember my interest in this stuff. Thank-you for tolerating my misplaced terms and understandings. I think I will go find myself another book to read about some more of this. I must say, I am getting a little bored at the moment with all the financial stuff I've been trying to learn. I think its called brain drain....I need a holiday. Bonam, being a physics engineer, what do you do specifically? I had a great discussion once with a physicist who works with photons. It was fascinating, I learned about the language of light. There is/was so many interesting studies done about it. The one I remember that interested me the most was one where, for example, when a firefly pulls one of the tails of a phosphate molecule there is a burst of light...thus its glow in dark ability. In a study somewhere some tests where done with photons being shot through a gel medium and the result showed different vibrational patterns for each and every photon and it was speculated at the time (a few years now) that perhaps this vibrational difference could represent an ability to communicate at least in terms of differentiating themselves to each other. That the burst of light in a firing synapse might be just as big a part of the picture as the chemical reaction that causes/follows the burst in terms of instruction. I wonder how far this study has progressed? As to personal beliefs...I consider myself a scientist at heart. There is no God for me. I honestly believe that we are the physical manifestation of our thoughts and when I learned about this possibility of photons having communication ability I was excited because I have believed for a long time that we are heavily restricted by both internal and external influences in our ability to understand language much beyond what we can speak. A casualty of our emotional and physical design. I want to believe that complexity of language and the ability to understand it does not require the same vast amounts of energy expenditure as in our physical mechanisms like ears to the complexity of our electrically/chemically run brains.
  7. Yes, there is genetic memory, we both agree. What I wonder though is how extensive that memory could be. What kind of information could it entail? Could our meta experiences with our personal pasts come genetically? How much if any history is built into our genetic memory.
  8. I was just being silly, playing with the words.
  9. How about...Theory is everything. To theorize is to partake in the most wondrous of human drives which is to have a reason why/how for everything.
  10. Once again, you do a better job of explaining me than I do myself. Too funny. Even though we come from different points of view. That is a neat quality you have there Mr. Pliny. Are you as gentle in deed as you are in word? The term hit/dive was not a good one, I was at a loss for situations to use as an example. Debasing the coinage was a good one. It seems to me that the current price of gold is somehow another rip off scheme. I've had it explained to me that the price is reflecting what it would be if the US dollar was to be asset backed by it in its current condition. This explanation does not sit well with me. Another explanation was that if the foreign debt was to be paid of by gold/asset backed structures that the price would need to be what it is to have enough to pay off that debt. Perhaps. I am inclined to think that the price reflects enough of a profit margin to encourage at least some currency movement within the US to keep at least minimally, the banks rolling over their credit while they get through the settlements. Till the 0% interest is lifted off of overnight transactions...till the bank reserves can be utilized to produce credit again...till the government can stop producing bonds in vane to try and stabilize the dollar till the banks can flow again...just uneducated guesses on my part but each time I go ahead and express my thoughts I learn what is right and what is wrong about my understanding.
  11. http://pragcap.com/alan-greenspan-sounds-the-bond-vigilante-siren-call This is a Greenspan quote out of an article that I found quite interesting. It covers a variety of topics. This one in particular, the highlighted sentence... The reason there is no inflation, why the banks aren't lending...in part yes because there is not much consumer demand for loans at the moment, mostly fear related. There is however one other very big reason and that is Global Settlements. Pretty well every country in the world is involved with this on some level and right at the heart of it are the banks. In a global settlement, there is created a situation where all levels of court and multiple plaintiffs come together for the purpose of trying their cases against the defendant. This is usually requested by the defendant for reasons of time, exposure to adverse media and cost. In this case the defendants are banks. The trials have been going on in individual countries for years and years and comparatively recently turned into a global settlement situation to encompass all countries with implicated banks. Out of this settlement of course must come massive financial recourse for victims not to mention fines but also global regulations that allow for a unified front regarding the international fraud that is being cleaned up globally as we speak, as we sleep. Long and short of it, IMO, until the global settlement court trial sessions coupled with appropriate signed global resolutions, we wont see much in the way of honest encouragement for banks to start lending. We should be thankful in a way for alternative media because main stream are not allowed to cover this. The only problem I have with alternatives is that it can be very hard to substantiate material and their reputation as a whole really sucks so it's hard to get appropriate attention to the good material that does get represented there. For the most part I have tried to post research paper's that carry a better reputation to explain global settlements, they are back through the posts on this thread but sometimes one of these alternatives actually publishes something true about what is going on and Greenspan is in a lot of trouble.
  12. I must say that this is quite beautiful. I was wondering how long it was going to take for Greenspan to finally be implicated publicly. If any of you have picked up on the magnitude of the Global Settlements this article will speak volumes to you.... http://modernmarketingjapan.blogspot.com/2010/08/alan-greenspan-united-nations-and-1345.html http://upintelligence.multiply.com/reviews/item/2 http://leconomistamascherato.blogspot.com/2010/08/daniele-dal-bosco-back-in-news.html World wide coverage...I could post more. He is so popular :angry:
  13. The reality of the price of gold to me...I certainly do not consider any value above roughly $300 an ounce as any kind of profits for myself. In fact, I am ignoring the fact that theoretically I could take this new found value, create a bunch of credit with it and probably make myself some money. Without truly understanding why the price is so high my morals and instincts say, turn away my friend. Wait till days of softer winds if you get my drift.
  14. I understand the concept of how the asset can validate the value but it is not the only way. At above $1200an ounce, after the conversion how much money are you going to have? It makes me think of times in the past when the US government forced the turning over of gold from it's citizens. In fact, I have heard rumours recently that once again in the US, there is criteria being set for ownership of gold in terms of being on government support. At least with them only being able to take fiat money from us (taxes,fees...valuation, interest...debt) they basically leave us with our real wealth. I realize that in terms of ever growing taxes and so on it seems as if they are robbing of us our wealth but they are only robbing us of useless fiat money. My gold is still sitting safe and its value has increased my wealth not negated it. Don't get me wrong....fiat money has grown into a monster and it seriously begs for reigning in... Any gold or other asset you bought/buy in your life time has been done with monopoly money, this fact however does not negate the fact that the asset itself will forever have value regardless of what becomes of the fiat currency that purchased it. If the asset is the value of the currency and the currency takes a major hit/dive...what then becomes the value of your asset? In this scenario your assets do not retain enough value to bail you out if need be. They do not represent IMO the security they should, as they could.
  15. I understand the concept of how the asset can validate the value but it is not the only way. At above $1200an ounce, after the conversion how much money are you going to have? It makes me think of times in the past when the US government forced the turning over of gold from it's citizens. In fact, I have heard rumours recently that once again in the US, there is criteria being set for ownership of gold in terms of being on government support. At least with them only being able to take fiat money from us (taxes,fees...valuation, interest...debt) they basically leave us with our real wealth. I realize that in terms of ever growing taxes and so on it seems as if they are robbing of us our wealth but they are only robbing us of useless fiat money. My gold is still sitting safe and its value has increased my wealth not negated it. Don't get me wrong....fiat money has grown into a monster and it seriously begs for reigning in... Any gold or other asset you bought/buy in your life time has been done with monopoly money, this fact however does not negate the fact that the asset itself will forever have value regardless of what becomes of the fiat currency that purchased it. If the asset is the value of the currency and the currency takes a major hit/dive...what then becomes the value of your asset? In this scenario your assets do not retain enough value to bail you out if need be. They do not represent IMO the security they should, as they could.
  16. Yup, I think I can say I believe in gravity. Do you? It's quite a theory and over the years quite a few facts have arisen to show great plausability to the concept wouldn't you say?
  17. A theory is nothing more than the interpretation of either fact or belief. They are made up of beliefs as much as facts.
  18. Genetic memory...how much of what we experience that we can connect to a past beyond birth could come from genetic memory? Is it possible that genetically produced sensorimotor memory could contain in forms not related to imagery or language, identifiable information akin to the storing of traumatic experience in a non image specific way that gets accessed in specific situations and utilized by imagery facilitating full recall. (darn it I can't remember the other term for the image related memory tissue)... This could allow for the past being non-existent yet allow for both a predetermined effect on the future and most meta-physical experiences. I am not well versed in Buddhism but I had thought it was merely physical disconnection he thought to achieve. I should do some reading. I see a coming together, however roughly, of science and philosophy through quantum physics but religion is going to be the tough one to ever bring on board anything other than a god of some sort.
  19. It's been the best 17 years of my life so far. I totally agree and fractional reserve is exactly what I would want to target if I were to seriously try and develop a new concept for banking. I'm thinking that perhaps the biggest effect we could have on this system would come from removing a sizable chunk of the loans business from the banks thus reducing their ability to print money...and also to eventually/ultimately move vast sums of money around the country/world by increasing velocity and decreasing new currency circulation. Accomplished in part by being liquid. Right now I am leery of gold standard and even a basket of assets, so far it has not been proven to me that this would accomplish much beyond removing layers of fraud. It does nothing towards deconcentrating wealth to any great degree. Just seems to shift power to those who are currently monopolizing resources. While the fractional reserve system has gotten out of control and needs to be constructively reconstructed, a need backed currency has the potential to deal with hunger in ways an asset backed never could.
  20. Yes, Afghanistan's are quite incapable of creating a situation like this, after all they are barbaric. How could they of ever contributed to this mess themselves. It must be all our fault.
  21. The part I can't believe is that now, only a few years later, even here women don't want to drop the veil. What happened in so few short amount of years that completely removed the reality of freedom and worth from their minds? I had not known how developed they were before the wars really started. I am amazed that the world has let this go on. My GOD!!!!!! This situation makes Hitler look like a friggin angel from heaven.
  22. Hi Pliny, yes I meant Stephen King's book the Langoliers...I liked it. Now I remember you writing that it was Buddha who conceived the 'now' theory. Personally, even though I couldn't adhere to it I find it an interesting conclusion to come to. Makes me curious about what experiences he had to draw from. I share the same suspicion as you about the big bang and wonder if it mirrors the collapse of a black hole on a magnificent scale. I also have an affinity for the string theory but a slightly different mental representation of the grid in that the one I envision is much more fluid and the interactions between the strings much more complex and redundant.
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