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Status Updates posted by Argus

  1. 80% of ingredients for prescription drugs come from China and India.

    1. OftenWrong


      Disappointing, but I'm not surprised. The only world leader taking the Chinese head-on is Donald Trump. I know you don't like him personally. However, it is a fact that Trump, and he alone, is using economic negotiations to force China to stop companies from producing and distributing fentanyl. No other country is supporting Donald Trump in this initiative.

      I know you don't like him, but right now he's the only hope there is to stop this mad freight train we're on, in regards to trade with the Chinese. We've all been saying it for years, but no leader ever had the balls to do something. The door to criticism of China and holding them accountable is now open, thanks to the bad repugnant man who dwells in the Whitehouse. Given the political climate we are in, only such a man can make these changes now.

    2. Argus


      Trump has no idea what he's doing, which is why he's getting no results. The way to get China to do something is NEVER to openly, bluntly make demands. That just doesn't work. You want to block fentanyl, just start doing very intense searches on ships carrying Chinese goods - intensive enough they're backed up for weeks waiting to offload. And when the Chinese complain you act very apologetic, and say that you have no choice because of the fentanyl, but that you'll certainly try to do better and hire more people.

      Won't be too long before China starts cracking down on fentanyl sales and exports.

      We could do the same, btw, except Trudeau has no balls or spine.

    1. dialamah


      Vancouver didn't pay for it, Westbank did.   A city bylaw requires developers to pay for public art for developments over 10,000 SF.   

    2. Argus


      Yes, which means it basically takes the part of a tax. So instead of paying five million in taxes to the city they had to contribute 'public art' and this is it.

    3. Abies


      I doubt that is it they probably still pay considerable amount of tax. 

  2. What do you call it when someone takes someone else's money openly by force? Robbery. What do you call it when a politician takes someone else's money in taxes and gives it to someone who is more likely to vote for him? Social Justice.  - Thomas Sowell

    1. BubberMiley


      Ever occur to you that it is the government, funded by taxation, that guarantees the value of the currency? So by "robbing" you, they are actually making you wealthy. If you weren't robbed, you'd have nothing.

    2. Argus


      I don't need the government. I would get paid and hold whatever currency would be in use, with or without them. Most of the money the government takes from me is then redistributed to other people who are less productive than I am.

  3. Canadians have paid $1 TRILLION, 100 billion dollars in interest on our federal debt since 1974. And it's only getting worse.


  4. In the first 11 quarters of the Trump admin, GDP grew by an average of 2.64%; in the last 11 quarters of the Obama admin, GDP grew by 2.64%.


  5. Trump has flown down to Mar a Lago, Florida 100 times in three years. Good thing he doesn't have a responsible job which takes up a lot of time.

    1. OftenWrong


      Much of the work is waiting to be signed off on Dems desk. Blame Nancy Pelosi.

    2. OftenWrong


      I read that migrant detention centers along the US Mexico border are emptying out, people are not trying to come across as much as before. When they do, they get sent to Mexico where they can live with their family, presumably not in a jail, and await their hearing. Sounds pretty good to me.

      Now the system runs itself... good work. Go enjoy some golf.

  6. Murray writes: “The interpretation of the world through the lens of ‘social justice,’ ‘identity group politics’ and ‘intersectionalism’ is probably the most audacious and comprehensive effort since the Cold War at creating a new ideology.” Christianity has been spurned, but the religious impulse is inherent and abhors a vacuum. The “religion” of social justice, Murray observes, poured itself into the handy campus vessel of Marxism with remarkable speed.


    1. OftenWrong


      Sounds about right. What's ironic and absurd is that the left throws out accusations of collusion with Russia, and demonizes Russia, yet their very own ideology is perfectly aligned with it. Vlad Putin must be laughing his A off, every single day.

  7. Another example of the speed of justice in the UK vs Canada. A man who threw firecrackers at a remembrance day ceremony has already been before a judge and been sentenced. This is inconceivable in Canada. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-50374253

  8. Turkey plants millions of trees in hopes of someday having toilet paper.

    1. Shady


      It’d be nice if they planted some freedom and democracy too.

    2. Argus


      Hard to grow native trees in foreign soil.

  9. Turkey and Russia, the biggest sources of lies and disinformation on mapleleafweb.

  10. Study finds conservative content de-radicalizes people, contrary to leftist dogma. https://tnc.news/2019/10/28/conservative-youtube-content-prevents-racism-study-reveals/

  11. “My wish is that we continue to increase levels in our immigration system for refugees. I’m very open to saying that, and I will do whatever I can, in whatever position I am in, to continue to push for higher refugee numbers every single year,”  - Ahmed Hussen, Canada's Liberal Immigration Minister

  12. UN Human Rights Council votes to add Venezuela instead of democratic Costa Rica. Because it's not like human rights matter to these guys.

  13. London commuters beat up climate change protesters.


    1. QuebecOverCanada


      SAD, like not suck a donk, but like mucho sad :( :( 

    2. scribblet


      Good to see people fighting back and not letting themselves be bullied by a bunch of extremists

      Yeah..   this is gonna change the weather



  14. CBC won't sue Liberals for doing what they're suing Conservatives for doing because... just because, damnit!


    1. scribblet


      Right...   CBC asked that the ads be removed but doesn't sue the Liberals

  15. A man who was a complete failure as president endorses a man who is a complete failure as prime minister. Quelle surprise.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scribblet


      America’s first black President has endorsed Canada’s first black(face) Prime Minister.  and we were worried about Russian interference  lol

    3. capricorn


      This endorsement was probably arranged by Butts. A reporter asked Trudeau whether his staff requested the endorsement. He did not give a clear answer, replying only that "Obama makes his own decisions"'.

    4. scribblet


      According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the Liberals held a campaign fundraiser in New York City recently but are refusing to discuss who attended or how much money they raised.   Would be interesting to know if Obama was there.  

  16. CBC sues Tories for using a few brief clips from the debates, but had no problem last election when the Liberals did it


    1. scribblet


      CBC can no longer report on the election they should recuse themselves its  election interference their bias  is showing.

  17. Trudeau says Quebec has the right to have a 'values test' for prospective immigrants but Canada doesn't.

  18. NDP wants to remove cap on elderly immigrants but says we need mass immigration because of an aging population...

    1. OftenWrong


      I'll tell you why, because all the white kids are on welfare.

    1. Shady


      Liberals like Ricky Gervais and Piers Morgan are being marginalized by the radical left for not complying 100% with their orthodoxy.  It’s an interesting phenomenon.

  19. So apparently rumors are growing that Trudeau was fired as a teacher for sleeping with a student.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BubberMiley


      Funny how the same people who would wail with disgust about the timing of dirty political smears if they involve one of their guys are the first to partake when it involves the other guys. A true sign of low character, whether the rumours are true or not.

    3. Argus


      This is an election based on buying votes and smearing opponents. And the Liberals and NDP are the ones who made it that way.

    4. scribblet


      I think Kinsella was just stirring it up...

  20. Climate Emergency Trudeau just flew his plane from one Montreal airport to another because they didn't want to drive through the city's traffic.

    1. scribblet


      But but but  we bought credits

    2. Shady


      The fraud strikes again.

    3. scribblet


      How many cans of black shoe polish can a groper squeeze onto an extra jet

  21. Hmmm, just a friendly dinner between one of the moderators for the upcoming leaders debate and Gerry Butts, with both taking notes.


    1. scribblet


      I don't see the media screaming about this.. is she giving the questions to Butts or is he giving her the questions?  Talk about shady and fixing the debates.  That editor/reporter should step down, now.   They were actually taking notes..  the optics are terrible.

      Register a complaint  https://debates-debats.ca/en/about/contact-us/  

  22. Virtue signalling Emmies hit all time low in ratings. Apparently fewer and fewer people want to watch lefty 'stars' of shows nobody watches make speeches about how we need to reform ourselves.

  23. I'm so, so, so sorry! But of course, it wasn't my fault. Privilege, you know. It blinded me to how racist this was! Society must learn better! We must educate society on its racism! - Trudeau

    1. scribblet


      US commentator Dave Rubin on Trudeau:
      (1) Social justice is just virtue signalling until it comes for you, too.
      (2) Any Conservative would have to step down immediately
      (3) He will get a pass because he's a progressive media darling. https://t.co/QUWzqdj3ny

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