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Everything posted by LesterDC

  1. Not really, it's more like... NOBODY knows what the hell is going on.. There is weak agnosticism and apathetic agnosticism (I don't care or I am not sure) and there is strong agnosticism ( it is impossible to know ). See Ingersoll and Betrand Russell. To me, existentialism is a given. Free choice is extremely apparent in this world... I have not seen any good arguments supporting the idea that god is able to intervene in this world. Everything is always your choice - the bible does not become an authority in your life until you allow it to be one.
  2. Haha, bringing that up only implies how much you care about getting the "last word".. While it's funny how you group together all those social "misfits" and claim that the root of the problem is the absence of god, it's even funnier to see how you included the homosexuals.. Are homosexuals really as bad a drug dealers and hookers? This makes me think of how people considered being "black" socially misguided.. On another note, being homeless has nothing to do with your moral code, you could have been a obstinate christian.... who got screwed by the bank. Jesus Christ isn't going to pay your mortgage.
  3. coalition like-minded country support is equivalent to mob support - it isn't following any kind of doctrine or charter. Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same war.. and I'd hope that the congress is not the power check or the "search warrant", American politicians will look out for America..
  4. However, according to your analogy, Bush didn't get a "search warrant".. The U.N. did not approve of the invasion
  5. are we talking about the actual political philosophies or are we only talking about how we feel about them...
  6. No it doesn't.. Life is to be defined by myself and myself only. If I choose to be a nihilist or a pessimist, then my life will be a testament to this philosophy. I will prescribe my own meaning to my life. I will live this life as it is the only life I have, directing my concerns on earthly matters - living for this world and none other.. However, I am not an atheist, I suppose I am an agnostic existentialist.
  7. I wouldn't call that "sucking up". Trading with the U.S. was for our benefit
  8. Making laws not respecting religion but also not prohibiting the exercise? Sounds like what we do up here..
  9. Jefferson summed up the separation of Church and State. The same principle applies to any country that separates church and state... Why I cannot relate the quote to our situation is beyond me.
  10. Right.. I believe that you are pulling my leg here.. (Whoops, I just adopted a new religion) You know the principle behind my argument and now you are just picking at semantics. If you don't believe that your monitor will turn on, why did you try?
  11. Yes, Canada is not atheist, we are secular.. There is a difference, me and toad have cited the differences many times already
  12. most things in life are subjective to perception, making anything we know require an amount of faith. Is believing that the sun will rise the next day a religion now? Deductive reason indicates that the sun will in fact rise but we really don't know if it will. You believe that an apple is an apple and that your computer screen will turn on whenever you press it - are those all religions?
  13. We do not make laws respecting religion or prohibiting the exercise.. We are not imposing anything on you, when it comes to legislature, religion is out of bounds
  14. yes.. they are all "beliefs" but a religion requires more than belief..
  15. What is your point? Separation of Church and State is not exclusive to a specific country..
  16. Since when did belief become interchangeable with religion? Do you worship your son's football team when you believe that he will win?
  17. The country is SECULAR. Not Atheist.. There is a difference. The last time I checked, you have the right to practice religion, just keep it to yourself.. 2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: a) freedom of conscience and religion; "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between church and State." - Jefferson Nobody could have said it better..
  18. No.. I don't agree with you.. If you knew it was so ignorant, why did you say it? Anyway, the numbers are there.. Culture and arts are a big part of our economy..
  19. Wow. That was even more ignorant than Harper's statement...
  20. Yeah, but at what cost? We saw Nazi German and Fascist Italian regimes before anything peaceful came out of them..
  21. Well, if marriage is not a determining factor for salvation.. who cares?
  22. I was kidding.. I was saying that you need some kind of influence or power in order to have the international community seriously care about you.. I don't like it one bit but it's the way of the world
  23. I wasn't being sarcastic.. I'm serious. Canada was a founding member of NATO we shouldn't back out (obviously)
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