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Sir Bandelot

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Everything posted by Sir Bandelot

  1. I don't think everything shown on TV is acceptable. Media in general can be a very powerful influence on peoples minds. I try and limit what my own kids watch. but it's not posible to do it all the time. They are in their teens now but my attitude is, if I don't want to watch it, they shouldn't. The internet is a whole new ball game, as far as thats concerned. But my kids and I watched that show, Ginger Kids... it did not change us and I don't expect my kids to go out and cause a problem for anyone. Still I know many kids are insensitive and they might be influenced in their behaviour. I don't think the number of bullies is increasing. There are just some who have these problems, and they find different reasons to single out people who are different and make an issue out of it. Obviously whether its abuse of ginger kids, blacks, chinese or what have you, it should not be tolerated and criminal charges should be applied when its necessary.
  2. I had to edit and pare down the information in my second post. The moderator told me I must provide a link and not quote so much of the article. So that is not a problem I hope. But anyway, I think if this case does go forward ,it could be some pretty serious stuff. Let the courts decide who is right.
  3. There's many reasons why Obama got elected, including the debates, the choice of a running mate and media campaigns. With such intense bombardment of information in the media coming from both sides, its impossible for anyone to know who really said what. In the end most of those media statements are just hype and tabloid info, which I think would not sway the opinions of intelligent voters who are interested in real politics. Obama got elected in a democratic process. I don't think there was any conspiracy on the one side, that wasn't attempted in similar fashion by the other. Looks like the tinfoil hat is on the other head now.
  4. You people are only looking for excuses. They are classified as prisoners of war, and the Canadian government knows it. At no point has the minster said, they are not considered prisoners of war. The government calls this the war in Afghanistan. The fact that the minister apoligized for misleading the house speaks for itself. There's really not much you can say to argue it, but obfuscate all you want, if it makes you feel good. Next you'll be tellin us that just because a shit sandwidge looks like shit, smells like shit and tastes like shit, Doesn't mean it's shit.
  5. More details on this story, which it seems few Canadians know much about- Abbreviated excerpts from: Canadian Afghan detainee abuse scandal There are many more details given there in the link, see for yourself. Geez sounds like these people have no respect for international law.
  6. Oh Canada, our home and native land... How's the rest go again? While I appreciate your misty-eyed patriotism, the reality is that Canada has done some good, and some bad things. Just like any country we are in a struggle to steer our course and define our national identity. That is the struggle of life and as the situation changes, Canada must change too. While I am proud in some ways for what Canada is relative to other countries, I try not to put it on a pedestal. We have some black marks in our history too, some of which we have not atoned for. So lets not over romanticize it.
  7. I'm not the one who ran away, I been here all along. But lets let bygones be bygones... So glad your back , and in top form too
  8. Kingston has been Liberal for a long long time. I'm not even sure how many votes Peter Milliken got, since I didn't vote this time. I think the name of the CPC guy here is Abrahms. This is a military town, so I suppose its possible that it might go conservative. In any case the day must come eventually when he will retire, so they would be wise to start grooming a new person to step in.
  9. To me it's not even a conspiracy, what I mean is that any government, or big corporation has a vested interest in protecting their public face, and they also have the money and influence to do things, to make good stories appear and make bad ones disappear. They work with corporations like youtube and google to remove unwanted information or use the media to float sunshiney stories about how good something is for everyone. Thats also why mergers are not good. They put power over many into the hands of a few. If the internet is a threat to their control (and it is) they work hard at it to buy out all influential web services. Its only a matter of time. Nuther example- some countries like China and now Australia have blocked internet sites so their citizens can't have access to them. http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,2...676-661,00.html
  10. Here is more news on the dirty deals they did thats coming out, the picture s getting more clear every day- Ex-Optionable CEO Charged; Bank Trader Admits Fraud Nov. 18 2008 (Bloomberg) -- A former Bank of Montreal trader pleaded guilty, and the ex-chief executive officer of Optionable Inc., a brokerage, was accused of hiding hundreds of millions of dollars in losses from the Bank of Montreal. David Lee, 36, a former natural-gas trader at the bank, pleaded guilty last week, and Kevin Cassidy, 49, Optionable's ex- CEO, was indicted for fraud, U.S. prosecutors in New York today announced. Regulators also sued Lee, Cassidy, Edward O'Connor, 55, Optionable's president, and others. The cases stem from C$680 million ($550.5 million) of pretax commodity-trading losses the bank announced in April 2007. Those losses grew to C$853 million for the fiscal year, paring profit by C$440 million. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...id=a4DVPmM8TnZY
  11. See for some people it has to be spelled out completely for them to understand. You have to read the articles. Do you think the banks are going to come out and say "we screwed up and here's why", no, they have PR teams and have to maintain their public face. Read the articles, it's about the problem in the US, and how Canadian banks are involved. Then read what Harper said in September ... consumers are spending normally in Canada, there is no crisis here. But the banks are involved in the crisis THERE... and that is what this is all about. you have to understand what happened in the US too, and how Canadian banks are involved, some are even being subpoenaed! No one wants to loan money to the banks, because they are afraid the banks will collapse and they won't get their money back. So one way to solve it, so the banks can loan money to each other at a lower rate is to free up their debt, and the government did that by buying mortgages. That gets them back down to the 8% capital they must have so that they can borrow money again. From where? From other banks of course. Then they lend it to you, so you can buy christmas presents. I hear theres a big sale on Crayolas, better snap them up!
  12. If you actually read the thread they include ALL the major banks, except TD. Look here... see I have a nice blue crayon for you
  13. Right... lets blame Paul Martin for the pirates
  14. I have backed it up already, check my links on the Royal Bank US scandal, and others all in this thread. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....st&p=360874 http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....st&p=360877 http://www.mapleleafweb.com/forums//index....st&p=360880 Please, DO TRY and keep up...
  15. Only problem here is, YOU don't know what I'm talking about. You try to put words in my mouth by twisting the argument. go back to my post yesterday and show where I said that. Don't you guys get it? No. You becasue you don't WANT to... Because when they loan to consumers as opposed to speculators or business... Let me draw you a piture...
  16. But then so can everybody, right? Is there anybody who can buy more than they make? How would they even do that? Since everyone is in the same boat. Even huge countries like China and India need to have jobs, they make way more than they can ever buy, cause they really can't buy nuthin. Problem is they make it for so cheap, sell to us and we can't compete with that. Hello unemployment lines...
  17. Oh, what are they then, bail-outs? Definition- "A mortgage loan is a loan secured by real property." - With you I really have to get the crayons out to splain it
  18. Exactly. But erroneous measurements or not, the most compelling evidence is the measurements of ice thickness and satellite photographs of large ice shelfs breaking away. Ice-breaker ships are finding themselves unemployed. Polar bears threatened with starvation because there is no ice. Its obvious by now that something unusual is going on, with the potential to be a serious problem for civilization. The question is what, if anything can be done about it. True science is self-corecting, and research must continue. If nothing can be done, contingencies must be developed. The problem must be studied, not just ignore it and dance the night away. Global warming deniers, time to get over it.
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