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Everything posted by lukin

  1. Where? Public education in Saskatchewan and Manitoba isn't even mediocre.
  2. We always hear much about how great Finland's educational system is. Finnish students don't begin FORMAL education until the age of 7. Before that age, is plenty of unstructured play time; basically letting kids be kids. Expecting 3 or 4 yr olds to sit still in school is wrong, and when they can't sit still, drugs are recommended. I wonder how many people in the next 10 to 15 years will be negatively affected by the their much too easy ritalin prescriptions?
  3. PEARL is useless. Shut it down. Good riddance. A waste of tax payers dollars.
  4. I'm used to your dodging real questions, waldo. That's why you are not to be taken seriously. you excel at excessive yapping.
  5. I asked you over a year ago, what You(waldo) are doing on a personal level to combat climate change. You still haven't answered that. Why was that question so difficult for you to answer.
  7. How is this ignorant comment related to the thread?
  8. I can't believe how desperate the alarmist camp is. Why are they hell-bent on trying to fool the world? The sad thing is that they have fooled way too many people, including a number of people on this 2-bit forum. What is their real agenda? what is behind this fake panic? http://joannenova.com.au/2012/02/fakegate-the-sound-of-a-meme-collapsing/
  9. The Obamas are very out of touch with middle America. This ad tells it all. http://tundratabloids.com/2012/02/news-paper-ad-of-the-week.html
  10. I read your link, waldo. I thought you didn't give any credibility to anything mentioned within the pages of The National Post. What gives?? John Moore? Come now.....quoting John Moore's alarmist propaganda is laughable. His ship, much like your own, is sinking. The gig is up, waldo.
  11. The alarmists are desperate and greasy. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/02/environment-researcher-admits-leaking-climate-docs-claims-theyre-genuine.ars?clicked=related_right
  12. I guess someone has to try and hide the fact that warming ended in 1997.
  13. Trolling reported reported. Climategate has waldo in tatters.
  14. Liberals, Conservatives, new democrats, greens...they are all the same They want you to believe they are different. They have the same common goal. They work together. Most people are too stupid to realize this so they spend too much of their time on useless forums...looking and admiring their typing.
  15. So what? What happens next? Will I vaporize? You took this thread off topic, waldo. I guess that is your way of admitting you have been wrong.
  16. You said that already. Anything new to add to the thread?
  17. I guess I win. What kind of grown man "tattles"? Humans are making no impact on climate change, yet waldo feels a need to consistently insult those who don't buy his propaganda.
  18. Are you telling on me because I've proven how wishy washy you really are. I take it as a compliment that you have to report me. I'm beating you and you don't like it. You feel threatened by my questions.
  19. So why are you constantly kissing waldo's ass and agreeing with his anti- oil sands propaganda? Without the oil sands, Canada goes belly-up, which is exactly what some hard-core leftists want.
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