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Ontario Loyalist

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Everything posted by Ontario Loyalist

  1. Figures you'd show up here. I was starting to think that you'd taken an early exit after all...
  2. Well, if you can't remember making it, then that's your problem. Goes back to what your mama should have told you about lying. You always have to cover a lie with a lie, then eventually it becomes second nature. Well, maybe your kinds' mamas don't do that because how else would you get where you are? Sad that your type are for some reason given free reign here; I suspect there's something behind it, monetary or otherwise...
  3. I'm not very impressed by your lack of ability when it comes to reading comprehension. So much strife is based on willful or ignorant misunderstandings of the other sides' argument.
  4. Well, your making a claim that you go to church for one, but no surprise that that was a lie. Comes natural to your type, doesn't it...?
  5. Well, really the real threat here is a preventative nuclear stike by Israel. The possibility of a terrorist group setting off a nuke is remote at best, but the fear-mongering suggesting that they will certainly does suit certain agendas, doesn't it... Needless to say it would be sort of ironic if Israel would get nuked, given that Jews are largely to thank for the development of the ability to make nuclear weapons. Sadly the rest of us will have to pay the price, too. Just goes to show what revenge can accomplish, the A-Bomb of course being developed to drop on Germany, not Japan. Violence begets violence, and revenge only leads to revenge. That's why Jesus came, to break the cycle, but many Jews wouldn't and now we get this ever present threat. So go figure, there may be an End Time/Armageddon after all.
  6. Well, let's see, it's an established fact, but of course, given your penchant for not considering facts valid, you post does not come as a surprise... Geez, since you claim to be a church going lady, one would think you would have at least read your picture Bible whilst a little girl...
  7. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. I've never seen Ely Parker referred to as an "authority on native history and culture" before. Just because he was Indians, doesn't make him such. But on the other hand, having had (at the time) modern education, and having been successful in the modern world, he certainly would have been more suited for being an expert had he chosen to. as for: Look who's talking? I'm not the one who created Six Nations, made them Indian, and has convinced them that they have a distinct "national", racial, and cultural identity. If these people want to be viewed in a positive light because of those attributes, then if the opposite is the case, then how is that racism and the former not? Canada has a multicultural society, but these people want to opt out and have a "special" status and create a pseudo petty state which they can't even police properly. Whether you want to admit it or not, Six Nations is the hub of organized crime in the region. Whether or not the members of SN on the front lines of their "reclamaiton" are involved or not is beside the point; they facilitate the existance of a political entity that permits that kind of criminal behaviour. You have no problem going after the Canadian government for the supposed wrongs that it's committed, but won't hold your dear SN friends to the same standard--and anyone who tries to is a "racist".
  9. Where does God come into all of this; my reading of the NT suggests that God doesn't care for those who don't recognize the Messiah...
  10. Well, in fact, Germany was theoretically "nuked" on a number of occasions; fire-bombing essentially did equal or more damaged that a nuclear bomb could, it just took a lot more resources and incurred more losses for the Allies. Also, the systemic liquidation of the Jews also began about 1942 when expulsion, etc. was no longer an option and the war was beginning to tilt in favour of the Allies. Fire bombing cities only served to motivate, and I'm sure a nuke would have done so even more...
  11. I would disagree, actually. I think the trend is towards "white" countries becoming non-white. No one questions the fundamental right of countries like Japan and Korea to maintain a distinct culture based on a seperate racial identity, but the same argument doesn't seem to work for Britain, Canada, or Austria, for example. Why should it? It doesn't/didn't work for other stateless peoples either. Nobody likes it when a bunch of people suddenly show up and start disrupting the local social/political order. Of course for Jews, having persecuted Christians, and then showing up landless and dispossesed in Christian lands, well... paybacks a bitch, as they say.
  12. So now that the thread is deleted you can happily deny that you were totally wrong about Lovelace v. Ontario, and deny the fact that you ripped on ME for being right that the case was in fact Frontenac... Auto theft is also a crime. THAT is THE LAW, too... The government isn't culpable in the criminality of members of Six Nations. That existed before Ontario/Canada did, and is something that is born of the individual's moral failing. That goes for everyone, red or white, black or yellow... You're constant bleeting about "racism" is self-serving and hypocritical: members of the so-called "First Nations" community are among the most racist people I've encountered...
  13. You clearly have an over-idealized perception of homosexuality and the gay lifestyle.
  14. Oh, look, CR is right back to citing from Frontenac, which he kept insisting was "Lovelace v. Ontario"... "Your hate for native people is evident but that does not give you license to claim that native people, or Six Nations people specifically are lawless because they hold up development. It is their right and I'm sure it will become more intense in the future if the Crown refuses to negotiate faithfully." No, I'm saying that they're lawless for a number of reasons, and I tink that they should be held equally accountable. But of course that would be "racism" and "racism" is a term you bandy about in your flip-flop agenda. Indians aren't given special rights, privileges, and status: "racism". Indian wants somethings s/he hasn't earned: "racism". Indian is treated equally and doesn't like it: "racism". Indian is accused of being a racist: "racism" etc. etc. etc.
  15. It's discussed TOO MUCH. And what we have basically is a group of people that have demonstrated a significant lack of concern for the law basically trying to manipulate the legal system into this country into balkanizing Canada into oblivion.
  16. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... So you've got 7000+ posts -- BIG DEAL... you think that has some sort of importance, do you? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... Please discuss the issue at hand, or stop posting here... go flame some other thread, Yankee...
  17. This coming from a boy who lives in a country that COINED the term "supersize"... The USA is the FATTEST country in the world, morbidly OBESE people are everywhere to be found... So go lurk somewhere else...
  18. No guff they're not teaching them to kill. But what's next? Pole dancing?
  19. So where have you been? This is the kind of stuff that people have known about for a looooong time. Just look at the legal profession in this country. There's a reason it's the way that it is...
  20. one of the few times that I'll have to agree with a canola farmer...
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