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Posts posted by Moonbox

  1. 15 minutes ago, User said:

    You claimed he did nothing. Even after I corrected you, then you tried to play dumb games with the timeline, I corrected you again, and you still refuse to admit what you are doing and that you were wrong. 

    Two problems:

    First, your argument is pedantic.  Your are absolutely right that Trump didn't do "nothing".  In the over three hours the riot (that he instigated) unfolded, he watched it turn violent, he watched the capitol building get stormed, he sent a useless tweet after the fact about being peaceful, and then he probably ate some McDonald's, took a shit, and watched another hour or so of the coverage on Fox News.  So yeah...he didn't do "nothing" - just nothing positive, nothing serious, nothing worthwhile. 

    Second, I never even made the claim.  🙃 


  2. 3 hours ago, User said:

    Not at 12:53.

    No, at 2:38, when Trump earnestly and valiantly lifted his fat fingers and sent his useless Tweet.  The point the damage was that the damage was already done, the Capitol was overrun, violence had already erupted, and Trump's limply tweeting "Be peaceful" after the fact. 

    3 hours ago, User said:

    Babbit was shot at 2:44.

    Yes.  I wonder if she'd yet been able to read Dear Leader's heroic message of peace yet on Twitter.  🙄🙄🙄

  3. 3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Sure. Because that's what i said. 

    Well you said he's not being briefed because he apparently can't trust himself to not slip, so why should anyone trust that he won't do that as Prime Minister?

    The absurdity of your reasoning on this note is stunningly simple.  

    3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    If he signs this document he can't talk about something that desperately needs to be talked about.

    If he signs the document then he can still talk about it.  He just can't reveal state and intelligence secrets.  His preference is to be able to talk shit in ignorance, and that's typical.  Talking shit is all he's ever been good for.  No wonder you have such a boner for him.  

    • Like 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    You would hope that a perspective prime minister would be smart enough not to put himself in a position where he might.

    So when he becomes Prime Minister, he's going to avoid being briefed on anything sensitive to avoid so he's not in the position to slip? 😑

    14 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    God knows the current one isn't that smart :) 

    No argument there, though I'd say you're understating the problem.  

  5. 14 hours ago, herbie said:

    And I suppose if you were an MP you'd be so bone stupid you'd vote not to.

    Yes, but if you're an MP what's your job?  Is it to serve the public, or make sure you and your buddies get a golden pension that will cost Canada 120 million?

    The idea that we're moving it for Diwali is full-stop retarded.  

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  6. 19 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    ....... and ask questions of the gov't in the house on the subject. 

    That are probably answered in the briefings.  Political performance is so much easier when you can just plug your ears and remain purposefully ignorant.  

    22 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

    AND comment on the affair. And if you sign it and slip up at all then you could face charges, so you avoid that risk

    You'd hope that a prospective Prime Minister would have the common sense to not slip up, wouldn't you?  LOL!

  7. 3 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    How mad are you going to be when you find out Ukraine is still losing? But you want THEM...not YOU...to fight on and die. A whole generation of Ukrainian men...dead...crippled or ran away already.

    How mad does it make you that Ukraine's getting $50B from the G7, financed by frozen Russian assets? 

    How mad does it make you that Russia is literally paying for the weapons Ukraine will use against them?  

    How's that big offensive going in the North?  



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  8. 15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

    Here you go - hyper partisan right winger Tom Mulcair ( :) )   Explains why he thinks PP is precisely right not to sign the documents and neither would have he when he was leader of the opposition. 

    Yes, he says he wouldn't get a briefing either, because it hamstrings what he can say.  Don't get the briefing, you can run your mouth, openly speculate and lob vague accusations to your heart's content.  

    Since when is anyone listening to Tom Mulcair, either?  :)

  9. 12 hours ago, User said:

    Talk about some mental gymnastics and being plain bad at math. Even if we accept your timeline starting at 12:53, that is still not even 2 hours before Trump sent out the tweet saying to be peaceful. 

    The Capitol building was already overrun and people (and police officers) were already hurt.  Qanon Karen got shot a few minutes later.  If only she'd been watching a live feed of Donald's twitter.  🙄

    I'm not sure how many different ways I can tell you that tweet was a hollow and worthless gesture.  The protestors obviously felt that way, especially since he'd just them up minutes before. All of the agencies, media figures, White House aides and even his freaking family were begging him to tell them to go home.  While all of this was happening, Donald sat there watching Fox News for hours, and refused to do so until 4:17, over three hours after the festivities began. 

    The end result?  They left.  Imagine that!  



  10. 1 hour ago, User said:

    Sigh... it is simply amazing how some of you just absolutely refuse to educate yourselves. 

    I think it's more amazing how selectively you've summarized the timeline and details.  😑

    Let me fill in the blanks for you:

    1 hour ago, User said:

    12:53 pm rioters overran the building Capitol building  perimeter.  

    1:34 pm is about when police were beginning to be overwhelmed. 
    2:11 pm is about when Capitol (building) was breached

    2:24 Trump tweets:

    Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!

    2:38 pm Trump tweets to be peaceful (a hollow, worthless gesture, considering 15 minutes earlier he'd fanned the flames, and he said nothing about dispersing and going home, which is what his family, colleagues, subdordinates and aides were begging him to do)

    4:17 pm Trump finally told them to go home.  

    That is not 3 hours, that is not 2 hours and 50 minutes, that is not 2 hours and 45 minutes. 

    You're right.  It was over 3 hours.  👍

    • Thanks 1
  11. 58 minutes ago, User said:

    Again, are you lying or just ignorant about the timeline that day? He did not just watch for 3 hours. 

    What was it?  2 hours and 50 minutes?  2 hours and 45 minutes?  Is that the argument you think that's worth making here?  

    59 minutes ago, User said:

    Magically cover him? I am just telling you what he explicitly said. You choose to ignore it because it is inconvenient to your bogus argument. 

    I'm not ignoring it. I'm directly addressing it and telling you that it's a flimsy and transparent defense.  You can't go around spouting bullshit about massive voter fraud and stolen elections, telling the dumb apes that follow your every word they need to march on the capitol and fight for their democracy, and pretend that this wasn't a foreseeable consequence.  

    His "peacefully and patriotically" comments was nothing but flimsy and transparent ass-covering.  

    1 hour ago, User said:

    Well, without Columbus sailing the Oceans like he did... none of this may have ever happened. So what?

    This is like the mob boss telling his subordinates, "Boy, would I ever be grateful if someone went and beat some sense into that Vincenzo guy...legally...of course"  *wink* *nose-tap* 

    When Vincenzo is found in a dumpster with his head caved in, I guess we blame that on Columbus too, right?  🙄

  12. 16 minutes ago, User said:

    Now, you are claiming this was what Trump intended. Where do you get that from, other than your imagination?

    He lied about the election being stolen, that his apes were having their democracy stolen from them and that they had to march on the capitol and fight for it is where I "got that from".  The fact that he watched it all unfold silently for three hours without saying anything seals the deal.  

    "*Disclaimer - Peacefully and Patriotically*"

    Doesn't magically balance everything out in the wash.  That's just him covering his ass.  

    25 minutes ago, User said:

    It was only like a dozen right wing extremists who were found to have any plans for actual violence that day and they had nothing to do with any plan with Trump. Most who engaged in violence that day got caught up in a mindless mob, which I fully condemn. 

    Fair enough, but without Trump's shameless lying and inflammatory bullshitting, none of this would have happened in the first place.  The question you need to answer is why did he just sit there watching for three hours, if they weren't doing exactly what he was hoping they'd do?   🤔

  13. 34 minutes ago, User said:

    Wow. You moved those goalposts from a claim that Trump directed them to invade to “had nothing to do with him”

    How did I move the goalposts?  I acknowledged he didn't explicitly say it. 

    I just think you're being dishonest or willfully ignorant if you can't acknowledge that the Capitol Riot (or something along those lines) wasn't the intended result of the Orange Baboon's shameless lying and incitement.  

    My point is that it doesn't make much of a difference whether he explicitly ordered, or (very transparently) implied it should be done.  Inserting "peacefully and patriotically" into his ranting served no purpose beyond covering his ass legally.  The fact that he watched the riot unfold for over three hours without saying anything should dispel any fanciful notions otherwise.  

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, User said:

    Again, you lied. You are a liar. Trump never told or directed anyone to invade the Capitol. 

    Nope, he just ranted and raved, told them the election was stolen, that they needed to fight and that their democracy was being taken away from them when the reality was that he'd just lost and he's too much of a fragile narcissist to admit it.  

    What happened at the Capitol had nothing to do with him...totally...for sure...😑

    • Thanks 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, User said:

    Again... you are the one who now opposes giving Ukraine tools for the job you criticize them for not having. It is a two faced argument. 

    It's circular, self-reinforcing reasoning.  Ukraine can successfully (and has successfully) resisted Russia with outside support.  It's not really capable of doing it without.  Arguing against supporting Ukraine is setting the conditions for them to fail, and the Putin boosters and the clownosphere are pretending that the results are the same either way.  They're not. 

    When folks say, "I just want peace," that's really just a dog whistle for "abandon Ukraine - let Putin have whatever he wants and reward his naked aggression. "


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