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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. Who the eff are you? I suggest you trace this link "http://radbelts.gsfc.nasa.gov/outreach/space_radiation.html"'>http://radbelts.gsfc.nasa.gov/outreach/space_radiation.html" http://radbelts.gsfc.nasa.gov (In case you haven't realized it yet, yes NASA!!) The only one who needs to get something straight appears to be you.
  2. http://radbelts.gsfc.nasa.gov/outreach/space_radiation.html http://news.softpedia.com/news/Neutrions-Could-Be-Used-for-Communications-123423.shtml http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/10/061005222628.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_eye Toadbrother, Gosthack rational enough?
  3. davidmabus0202 is that you? don't forget your favorite song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdCmzSJD6rk And this to.. http://www.squidoo.com/nostradamuspredictions
  4. First of all we have to know who the rich are? My opinion of the Rich are those who are decision makers in the job market. They control who gets to be employed or not. They are the corporate management and the rich extend into the various human resource departments as well. Often these people feather their incomes and abuse the lower ranks of workers. As of late they do it through using employment agencies or higher new immigrants to Canada over long tenured Canadians. Why do they do this? They do to this to drive wages down and is a broadbased conspiracy on their part to create Canadians and keep Canadians as unskilled workers. when Corporations decide to hire they claim Canadians don't have the skills so they are given a green light by the Politicians and Government Workers to higher from outside of Canada. These are the Rich. The so called poor Argus despises did not fire the first shot. The Government and Corporate trash have declared war On the Canadian and American People alike. This is revealing in the high unemployment rates and the prevalence of low wages all the while big corporatiosn profits are getting fatter and fatter. The problem with these protestors they are targeting the wrong people when they should be scouring business directories and corporates sites to find out who these rich are and deal with them directly. The true rich you never meet because they have made their fortunes through savy real estate and stock investments. They enjoy their fruits via exotic vacations and fancy restaurants. We never see them. The only rich are the frontline scum also known as the so called middle upper classes who control who gets employment or not. People are made poor by these scum of the earth. These protestors need to target better. God says eye for eye, tooth for a tooth. If these rich scum have inflicted poverty on you, then you have the God Given right to destroy their vain property in kind.
  5. You failed to include the English majority should decide for the French minority as that is your position. Outside of Quebec fine, inside Quebec, Quebec has a right to be what it has always been. Quebec also has the right to inflict and enforce laws to preserve its historical culture and crush other cultural upstarts. You have issue with that. I agree Canada should be looking after Canadians first and only provide haiti aid in the form of goods and services produced by Canada and Canadians. I agree Canada should not be wasting money on them. If money is to be directly given to haiti it should have been done through the Red Cross or the UN as part of a Global package. Your problem is you muddying your thread by attacking Quebec and having issue with aid to Haiti. Two diffent topics. You want to start a thread to attack Quebec overtly than do it, don't do it through finding something Quebec is apart of then proceed to vent your ignorance.
  6. It appears those who platforming themselves on science are retreating and ignoring science that doesn't fit their constructs. It appears many are fixated on the electron when it appears the neutrinos have characteristics in common with an electron. In electricity Voltage is potential/pressure and current means the flow of electrons. Volage and current are concepts which could be adapted and adjusted for neutrinos. Maybe neutrinos won't be considered electricity in the traditional sense but it can't be denied that neutrinos are flowing like electrons. To get the neutrinos flowing pressure voltage or whatever would have to occur. It appears there is difference between a neutrino and an electron in that an electron is apart of a circuit and returns to the source/pressure/voltage wheras a neutrino is set in motion to destination unknown with no requirement of returning to the source. They have the ability to go through anything and everything and are not affected by electromagnetic forces. http://www.ps.uci.edu/~superk/neutrino.html neutrinos are real and quite interesting. certainly on the fringe of technology.
  7. http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6891310/description.html http://radbelts.gsfc.nasa.gov/outreach/space_radiation.html
  8. To get rid of the charter would require a vote in accordance with the ammending formula of the 1982 constitution. Good luck getting that off the ground. The only way to deal with violent protestors is with equal measures of rubber bullets, tear gas, video surveillance, once they are neutralized they can dealt by the law in accordance with the Charter and whatever other laws out there. Repressing protest is contrary to democratic state.
  9. Agreeing with Argus?? Come on, what does a government employee insulated by his union knows what reality is? I was merely saying any new laws created would not make it through the senate. If the law did it would be thrown out for violating the charter. Changing the charter to accomplish what argus would like to happen, won't happen anytime soon.
  10. A Robocop society in the making. Striving to be cuba or china is nothing to be proud of. Protest is apart of Freedom of Expression and so is undue punishment. Good luck unilaterally changing what's in the charter. Any of your fantasies will be thrown out by the senate never making into Law and if it did get by the senate the court would throw it out for violating the Charter. The only way to deal with unruly protest is through water cannons, pepper spray, and any other counter measure to ensure peace. That's the limits of what is allowed, deal with it.
  11. If neutrinos are capable of transmitting information the human body is supposedly.... http://technolog.it.umn.edu/technolog/mayjun99/neutrino.html
  12. Good for you to have read the bible and draw conclusions. In your arrogance and quickness to draw flawed conclusions you are beaconing yourself the real goof on this thread. Yes I see the christ from the Christians. The Christians are those who parade around saying they are christians yet they do not EMULATE what christ and his apostles preached to the people. I have yet to come acoss such so called christians including you. It is against the spirit of christ to insult people. If you were truly of christ you would take the insults and not dish them out. In anycase the witching hours has come upon the so called christians. You want to beleive in your christianity you better learn the language Jesus spoke. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_language_did_Jesus_speak If you are a so called jew you better learn what moses spoke. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Did_moses_speak_hebrew&alreadyAsked=1&rtitle=What_language_did_Moses_speak In anycase moses, jesus, Muhammad did not use these Latin letters. As they are not here to directly communicate with you, you have to rely on what is written. Two books exist in written form portraying the God of OT. The septuagint written 300 BC (existed in Latin) and the masorectic king James written 1604 transcribed to English using latin letters. AS for your right to pollute jupiters words with your garbage, no you do not have that right. If you are going to use a word, use it properely or not at all. If you are going to parade around ascribing yourself of christ when in fact the words contained in the NT are contrasted against you the only outcome for you is this Matthew 13 (King James Version) 42 And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 10 (King James Version) 28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
  13. Once again you flip flop. You said you are not Christian yet here you are throwing stones of Judgment as to what is and isn't christian. Christian is a word, a word derived of the Latin Alphabet which was introduced by Roman Christian Missionaries to Great Britian in 5th AD. In 16th Century Ad the Masoretic Jews collaborated with English scholars to bring forward the King James Bible. Because these are Roman Letters you are in fact in the domain of the God of Jupiter and these words and letters belong to him. However, Jupiter is the king of all Gods and anyone including you lack the capacity and intelligents to establish your own alphabet will continue to humilate yourself in his domain and space. So go on and retreat to your abstract Christianity which is beyond words because Jupiter will deal with you accordingly.
  14. Jesus was supposedly a Jew preaching to Jews. It was Paul who broadened the scope to the masses of the world. On the one hand hand you can't talk of Christianity and ignore what is written by Jesus's apostles. Doing this reveals you are delusional and the real moron. For whatever reason Christianity has been linked with the God portrayed in the Old Testament. Not only that, Jesus did everything in the name of and on behalf of this God portrayed in the Old Testament. In the opening of John - NT, in the beginning there was the word. Christianity is about words and the meaning behind them. Does that fit into your model? Calling me a Psychopath when I put forward literal passages contrary to your abstract reference to christianity is projection on your part. For anyone who knows the principles of Christianity knows it is unchristian to degrade anyone and call them names. In Christianity you are of Christ or you are of Satan. In Christianity it is either/or. In the NT the emphasis is on "works/deeds". You can beleive what you want but your actions and words is the defining fact that makes you christian or not. You can't have a christ consciousness if you are unaware of the principles of Christianity and the addition of one commandment by Jesus. If you don't know what that commandment is then you truly are a moron.
  15. Now you are confusing your audience. You can't reject Christianity then talk about Christianity as if there is some consciousness to it.
  16. Who are you targeting protestors or homeless drug addicted scum? As for you being apart of the productive side of economics -You work in government. That has to be some form of a joke! What has government done for Canadians other than over tax them and prostitute them and sell them out to the world for who? Tyrnanical employers and banks.
  17. Really, what was the christ conscious you went on about then?
  18. Not Christian? If we go back into your posts I am sure we will find you declaring otherwise. That would demonstrate you are a liar, untrustworthy in your posts, and of poor character. The OT and the NT is what it is. You can't pick and choose the parts you like and don't like, that's not how it works. Rejecting the book or the characters portrayed because it goes against your thinking is revealing of your intellect. The only direct account of Jesus we have is what is written in the NT. To get that you would have to read it. Understanding the OT and NT and accepting and beleiving it is two different things. If you are going to talk a talk then be prepared to be refuted by what you supposedly platform yourself on. Which is it Science or Theology? If you are platforming yourself on science I am sure Toadbrother, gosthack, kimmy, etc will be ready cast holes into your weak grasp of science.
  19. Not only have you no knowledge of the OT, you have revealed you lack the knowledged of the NT as well. What was the last supper? dying on the cross? The resurrection? The trinity is the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. According to the OT, the Ghost is what you release when you die, giving up the Ghost. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%2025&version=KJV Jesus died on the cross for the remission of sin afterwhich he supposedly rose from the dead - A ghost, a Spirit, a something? In the Abraham sense, Jesus is indeed dead. The question becomes what is embodied in this Ghost given up? You butcher science with half truth. You blasphemy the OT. You spit on your Jesus declaring him dead. What kind of christian are you? I suggest you start learning what the game is before you continue to reveal how much of an.. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/idiot
  20. Yes people are vermin, trash, and scum. However, my definition of vermin, trash and scum may be different than other peoples. I am happy you have found your way to the government tit and is sucking it to your definition of upper middle class status. Canada is a conundrum as the Government Class rapes and plunders the Private Sector Class. Canada is politically structured for those close to government/political parties to suck cock. Do it well enough you may get a senate appointments or high placements in one of the departments controlled by the party of the day. The problem with Canada's simpleminded Government workers and bird brained politicians is they have been schooled and owned by the US in their economic raping of the world. The US does not collect half the taxes it spends, doing this is their source of inflation. Not only is the US operating this way I am sure they have every economic academian like the CIA I would think evaluating and analyzing the currency trading to manipulate it accordingly. So how does Canada fare in comparison to the US model of economics. Not good, because we have clueless simpletons at the helm who doens't understand the program. Canada is in a good position geographically and relationship wise with the US but damn when you have tweedle dee (the politicians) and tweedle dum (the government workers) guiding Canada it is no wonder Canada is what it is. Not to worry, the US will drag Canada along as it always has, and treat Canada like its prison bitch while the Government Workers choke the economy with their narrow minded views. As for the people you look down on, it is really is them telling the politicians and government workers of Canada how simple and clueless they are.
  21. The rant of a defeatist. Seven deadly sins? How? As christ died for the remission of sin yet there are seven deadly sins? Once again you demonstrate you are an ignoramus. Salient fact, I am not Jewish and Jesus died for the Remission of Sin, So yes I am at zero sins according to that trajectory. Of course this is contigent that jesus is legitimate. Whoever said he was legitimate other than Christian nutbars?
  22. For someone who has zero knowledge of the stories in the OT, has zero knowledge of the facts of science and is propogating some east indian conceptualization that is inconsistent with the OT and science makes you befitting of this shoe. One fact is true I am sure, flies love you.
  23. When I made that comment I didn't have you in mind, relax.
  24. It amazes me how those who platform themselves on science know nothing of science.
  25. http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?lextype=3&search=dullard
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