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Everything posted by whowhere

  1. Sorry Pal, the Federal Government is like the supreme Court, they have the final say over Canada. The Supreme Court Can be challenged at the International Court. Welcome to globalization. The only one who is being ridiculous is you with your childish power hording. It is no wonder Canada is a flake and is spineless. I know you are trying to protect your Ontario Liberal Pay raise at the expense of those in Ontario who do real work but you would be better served to reach for the stars rather than develop this liberal entitlement attitude.
  2. A federal Government has the right to pass laws over Canada. If the province wants to challenge the law in the Supreme Court they can do so. If afterwhich, the province is not satisfied they can choose to elevate it to a court outside of Canada for a decision. The province will be defeated and a high court will rule that is within the Federal Governments right to protect the Interest of Canada over the self interest of a province. All you are doing is blowing air.
  3. obviously you have been sniffing glue and its clogging your comprehension. That is not what I said. I said an American company who operates in Ontario or anywhere in Canada is paying the Canadian an equal wage to an American but the Canadians is worse off. Why? because the Canadian's take home pay is being pillaged and plundered from him at the Grocery Store/Gas Pump/and other Retail Stores. The biggest cost of a Retailer is probably labour. If you force a Retailer in Ontario to pay 3 dollars more an hour than what they are paying in the US it is a recipe for higher prices. Not only is this a logical assumption, I have seen it first hand. When in the US, I often go into Walmart to buy things. When I come back to Canada and see the same item 30 to 40 percent higher in price it makes me sick. To further the Insult the Ontario Liberals are wanting to Harmonize the Tax so they can extend the tax on more inflated Retail goods and services. Ontario is sabotaging the economic recovery of Canada with their greedy tax grabbing. It is right for the Federal Government to set realistic minimum wage levels to ensure global competiveness on wage front.
  4. It's not just Ontario, it's across Canada, minimum wage is out of sync with the US. Income and Income Taxes has always been the domain of the Federal Government. It is only fitting they pay attention to the minimum wages as well.
  5. No, the topic is about being competive with our neighbor the US of A. It is not right for Ontario to have American Employers who will pay an Ontario employee what they are paying their US worker (Mr Americian Employer likely thinks he is being fair). The Ontario Employee of the American Company then proceeds to shop at a Walmart (also an American Company) to spend his hard earned money. This Ontario employee is left scratching his head as to why he is paying 30 to 40 percent more for an item in Ontario he recently bought at a walmart in the US. Then it occurs to him the Ontario Liberals are the one's leading the charge to pillage and plunder his wallet. Minimum wage in the US is 7.25 and in Ontario it is soon to be 10.25. That is a huge difference and not a surprise why Ontario's retail prices are higher. Get it clear, this is about competive economics. Not some contrast between rich and poor. It's about ensuring Ontario's minimum wage is comparative to the US so Ontario Consumers are enjoying comparitive retail prices to the Americans.
  6. Yes he does, chinese signs is making it on Signs on the 401 and in Toronto. The only way to curb that is to adopt protective measures to ensure English only.
  7. Oh, Mr Electron Soup has emerged back into the thread after being benched for 5 pages. Who made you and Bonam judges over language? In anycase, on the decree of Jupiter, the one and true God of the universe I have been authorized to arrange his letters in anyway I see fit. I hereby put you and Bonam on notice to cease and desist the use of Jupiters letters. It is impossible for me to be wrong in the use of his letters! Be warned Jupiter is evaluating your garbage and he will filter you out at his convenience. Dress light, the furnace is getting hot.
  8. In your post you prove my point. Ontario consumers are a captive audience to the Ontario liberal left agenda to pillage and plunder the pockets of people not working in Retail or fast food. Yes, Retailers/Grocers/Gas Stations have passed on their labour costs in the form of higher prices. I have been to the US and I see difference. Actually the best guage is to go see what a walmart in the US is selling something for then come up to Canada. You will see a 30 to 40 percent price difference, a slap to the face to the Ontario Consumer. The Governoring Party of Canada has a responsibility to Canada's economy that includes ensuring Canada is on the same footing Globally. Canada's main trading partner is the US. Many companies in Canada are branches of US companies. As I said, A US company may be paying A canadian worker an equivalent wage to a US worker but that money is being raped out of them when they go and spend that money on inflated retail prices. The US has minimum wage legislation, Canada could enact a similar law. Consumer spending is important to an economy, having it taken away by the left do gooders is an insult to global economics and an insult to the lifestyles of people in ontario. Why should Ontario workers be forced to subsidize the Retail/fast food sector?
  9. http://www.ccsd.ca/factsheets/economic_security/poverty/lico_06.htm you should be looking at the 2006 chart. In anycase why does Canada have a poverty line that is twice the United States? Obviously because Canadians are strangled by High Taxes and a gouging minimum wage which inflates Retail prices. We supposedly have free trade with the US, but try driving down to the US to a wholesaler and purchase Gasoline, foods, and whatever else and see what happens to you at the border. If an American buys a Big Mac Combo for $4.00 and in Canada you pay $8.00 Should that make Canadians feel better?
  10. Yes, oh great one. How would a forum get by without refined, polished, and accurate thoughts such as yours. In anycase, given the crap multicultural envirnoment created by the Liberals and conservatives, combined with coy canadians it is better to be rheotorical. You get understood or you don't. I know how clear I am stating my position or not. If you don't like that, not my problem.
  11. Ontario is a self centered, self rightous province that requires a beating for its governance and attitudes. For years Ontario has exploited immigrants to Canada and used them to pump out products destined for the United States. Alot of Garbage people have infested the Ontario Government and this left wing agenda to jack up minimum wage by 3.40 is criminal and is nothing more than a way to pick the pockets of those who aspire to real employment. Ontario is so corrupt that it used to be 1 in 10 jobs was through an employment agency, now its 1 in 4, so good luck thinking you have leverage to negotiate higher wages within a Corrupt province. The US congress has enacted minimum legislation, Canada's parliament can do the same. The argument to relocate to another province and believe your fortunes will change is lame. Our economy is tied to the US, and many US companies are in Canada. If a US company pays a Canadian an Equivalent Wage to an American, the Canadian is worse off because his take home pay is being cheated from him by left wing do gooders.
  12. Now you are talking nonsense. All I am saying is Ontario is economically imbalanced to its US neighbor states. If you want a global economy you have to act like a global economy. That means being competitive locally and globally. All minimum wage is doing is overinflating retail prices and stealing money from those who do real work.
  13. Given the audience, why should I take the time to edit my posts for the satisfaction of the likes of you. Suck it up.
  14. Perhaps neutrinos will have to be looked at in different manner than traditional frequency transmission and receiving schemes. Neutrinos is radiation light and and neutrinos projected would likely need to be detected along the same lines as how your eyes brings information to your brain. A neutrino accelarator would project patterns that would then be detected and by neutrino decoders and a computer to process the messages.
  15. Combine that with mortgages breaking penalties. Back 10 years ago mortgages were written with a 3 month interest penalty if you broke it. So if lower mortgage rates appear you refinanced into those rates. Now if you break mortgage for whatever reason you will be paying upwards towards 10000. Another way the corrupt conservatives have screwed Canadians over. You have a right to stay in a region and call it home but if you are forced to move because of employment or whatever, all that equity will be stolen from you by the banks and real estate brokers. Wasn't that way ten years ago and you can thank the conservatives for that.
  16. And Ontario should not dictate minimum wage that is 3.00 more than neighboring US states. If minimum wage workers want to earn more as you say they should command more on their own. Contrary to what do gooders think, this $3.00 is being raped out of the consumers everytime they go to the grocery store, hardware store, whereever, translating into less money for other things. Why should consumers be forced to subsidize the lazy and inept of society.
  17. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/09extension.shtml These are figures are generated by the US government. Anyone have Stats generated by the Canadian Government? Get the calculator out and multiply 7.25 US minimum wage X 40 and you will get 15000. An individual working in the US for minimum wage would NOT be considered in poverty. Would or Could the same be said about someone in Canada?
  18. Your negotiotion is with your feet. People need to feel confident they can replace their jobs and leverage them to higher employment. Not happening because politicians, government workers, and labour lawyers have banded together to look out for big business. Higher minimum wage will not create a leveraged environment for worker mobility. Businsess of a certain size should be rewarded tax credits for paying people if they don't they get dinged with a surtax. Not hard to create an intelligent tax system if there is a will to do it.
  19. I mind! Because governments are cowards to go after the businesses for being greedy you think dictating higher minimum wages is the solution to getting more money out of these businesses? Minimum wage is a government conspiracy because it hikes retail prices. Higher retail prices is higher PST on purchases. In anycase if US states are functioning with minimum wages at 7.25 so can ontario and any other province.
  20. The ontario government is unrealistic and oblivious to world economics. To fix Ontario, requires Ottawa intervention.
  21. Businsess is business and why should people pay inflated prices for goods and services just because do gooders believe its the right thing to do. What is cost of Living? Increasing Technology has seen increased production without the manpower. We live in a greed exploitive environment where Government is leading the charge.
  22. have you gone to get a haircut, buy groceries not advertized on sale? This is what this minimum wage has accomplished - Inflated retail costs. Yes a disdavantaged person needs to be empowered to lift himself up. Hiking the minimum wage without seeing increases in the non retail sectors is economic stupidity.
  23. You do realize minimum wage in Ontario is 9.50 soon to be 10.25 right?
  24. In the employment market is I and not we. As for hiking minimum way above neighboring US states has created an economic imbalance. The solution to a sound economy is a legal framework based on right, wrong, and a conviction to see it done. I have seen Ontario at work and I have experienced the entrenched corruption of Ontario. It is easy to see what Ontario is doing with their minimum wage increase and harmonized sales tax pursuit: Veiled Tax increases. These are false initiatives because what it does it creates unemployment, drives up the cost of living relative to the United States, and stips spending power away from people who go out and do real work and not the fluff jobs of pumping gas or standing in Front of a retail Counter. Every business is unique and all are subject to labour organizing. If you want to help disadvantaged workers make it easier for them to organize unions, protest working conditions, and step out of employment to go on interviews without recourse from tyrannical employers. If there is recourse introduce a fine based punishment system directed towards these low life employers. Establish a Licensing schemes to limit the amount of a particular business in an area could help to sustain business and avoid saturation. In anycase Income is the responsiblitity and the domain of the Federal Government and consumption and property taxes that of the provincial government. The Federal Government has a responsibility to look outside of the borders of a province and correct economic imbalances that exist. Ontario is out of sync with its neighboring US states. Of course this is a fleeting rant, because Canada and the people in it are aspiring communists and not interested in democracy, freedom and the rule of law.
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