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  1. repeat after me ; Unions are only interested in what's best for the people.
  2. So Wynne wasn't part of the team? How in the hell did she become leader then? That is such an apologist's attitude. These thieves should be in jail for the thefts and incompetence they have perpetrated against Ontarians and you want to re-elect them ???!!!! Wynne was a willing participant no matter what you believe . The only other possibility is that she is so naive that she should be banned from any leadership role whatsoever till her dying day! (Just like "I never saw Nuthin' but elect me Prime Minister anyways" Paul Martin. She chose to support her party throughout the entire debacle that McSquinty headed up. From driving out business to driving up hydro fees and their own salaries. Implementing taxes after promising they wouldn't. cutting back on health services. She took her raises just like the rest of them. She was a member of the liberal crime syndicate of Ontario just like the rest of them. She deserves to go to jail just like the rest of them. Give your head a shake man! Kids are starving in this province due to lack of funds. But McSquinty and his band of merry thieves all got got an extra $16,000 to $49,000 pay raises tacked onto their already excessive salaries. People are dying from lack of funds for life saving procedures. But we pay Chris Mazza over a million dollars salary to hire a girlfriend and jetset around the world. Meanwhile Helicopters are sitting not being used and , yup, people die from lack of access to equipment. An estimated 9500 smog related deaths a year in Ontario. But instead of putting scrubbers on Coal fired hydro plants the Liberals pissed millions away to protect a couple of seats. Under the Liberals the Sunshine list has grown to unprecedented proportions. And now they say they don't have the money we gave them to manage the province properly. And people want to give these guys the keys to the office again?? I cant understand it at all. In the world I grew up in you don't reward lying and incompetence. The list of reasons NOT to vote liberal is too massive to list here, but yet the liberal sheeple of Ontario just might vote them back into power. If that happens, we are doomed.
  3. It's about choice, which some on here just don't seem to get. And it's about yet another facet of our lives that the government has no right being involved in. They say it's for our own good, but it's really about massive profits at the tax payer's expense. Again. Follow the money!
  4. I've noticed with all the rhetoric and arguing over who does or doesn't support what new taxes, er, revenue tools that not once has our elected leadership even suggested fiscal responsibility, or fraud prevention, or government accountability going forward.. Personally, I'd like to put forward the idea of seizing the assets of the likes of Chris Mazza who have systematically defrauded the tax payer under the ever watchful and diligent eyes of those entrusted with the keys to the cash box. Incompetence and theft rule the day once again, and we all just accept that the only penalty for these crimes will be that someone won't be reelected (hopefully), but we will continue to pay the con artists that have already stolen our wallets in the first place. How can anyone in or out of government rationalize that?? we need a tax revolt
  5. So they force green energy on us. increasing the cost of hydro. They drive businesses out of the province, reducing the need for the more expensive hydro. resulting in an excess of hydro. So we sell it at a loss to the USA. Proof that governments cannot get anything right at all. Google the word clusterf*ck and it takes you to the Liberal Party's website. They get raises in the thousands and we all get to pay the tab. It's got to end!
  6. I'm sure someone will claim god put it there for some unfathomable reason. God does work in mysterious ways, haven't you heard?
  7. ' Unfortunately, that's really probable. The biggest problem with Ontario's government isn't so much that MqSquinty was a bigger liar and thief than most politician's lately (that or more incompetent than most), but that there seems no way to not only hold him and his band of merry (Con) Men accountable for their blatantly obvious shenanigans but worse, there seems to be no way to get the system changed as to avoid this in the future. This seems to be true at all levels of our government, and until there is a tax revolt demanding accountability, I see no end in sight to the abuse. For the most part, recent history shows that all our elected officials talk a great deal about "cleaning up" and imposing "accountability", and all sorts of "pie in the sky", initiatives at the outset. But reality shows that that attitude lasts only until they have learned how to play the game. That usually takes no more than a term or two for far to many of them. The record speaks for itself; no matter what the portfolio, it seems that as soon as you start digging into the details you start finding all sorts of irregularities, mismanagement, missing documents, missing money, nepotism, and outright theft disguised as waste. Can anyone point to any project managed by our government (at any level) that could be used as a shining example of the proper way to do things? Anyone? I'm sure there's got to be one somewhere, I just can't seem to think of any. The system is broken and unsustainable the way it is currently set up. There needs to be some pretty significant changes made before the whole pyramid scheme collapses around our necks.
  8. There's a huge gap between functioning in the contemporary world without a smart phone as opposed to going back in time to a totally unfamiliar world before when even the animals and plants of today have yet to evolve. But that being said, I would probably have a better than even chance based on the wide variety of skills I have picked up since my years as a scout leader. In today's reality though, it has come to light that a lot of basic skills are missing from today's generation. One recent article I read talks about how even something as simple as replacing a faucet washer is beyond the ken of today's young adults. So my point really was that today's kid's rely on a high tech world to do their thinking for them, and when the entire eastern seabord's power goes off again for three days, or the next pandemic or massive earthquake hits, or the next asteroid that intersects our planet's orbit occurs, there will be those with a reliance on hi-tech, and those with the ability to think a problem through using the good ol' mark 2 human brain. I know what group I'd be investing in.
  9. It seems that Agnostics and atheists are more 'giving' (or at least carry more in the way of paper money)
  10. After 4 threads trying to justify why you deserve so much more than those paying you, I would hope not.
  11. I have to strongly disagree with you on that one. True education provides the skill sets and ability to survive when the smartphone isn't available. Those skills and abilities are blatantly missing from today's generation. Without their smartphone, all too many people today are hopelessly lost.
  12. Because we are in Canada????????? And these are Canadian institutions that were built by Canadian money from Canadian citizen's? I rather doubt that when these banks need assistance to survive an economic downturn or some other financial calamity that India's taxpayers will be donating to the cause. Nope, the rich executives will be sitting on their yachts in the south pacific while our government uses our money to bail them out. You already see it happening around the world and to think we are immune is just hiding our heads in the sand.
  13. I guess Billions of dollars in profits quarterly is just not enough for the overpaid ceo's and executives of our banks. If they were really trying for "cost savings and efficiency" then they should cut back on those obscene salaries and perks that come out of their customer's accounts. This is just yet another example of how those with the ability to make the rules make them to suit themselves. The bonuses and benefits paid to these elitists all comes out of our pockets. and while I won't begrudge anyone a decent wage for a job well done, this is just greed, pure and simple. It used to be that you'd take your kid with his first ten dollars down to open a bank account in an effort to teach them fiscal responsibility, but these days you have to explain why those same dollars just seem to evaporate via service charges and fees. Those 'service' fees keep going up and considering the last time I stepped into a bank instead of doing it myself (which the banks all said would let them REDUCE fees and improve 'Service', it just goes to show how greedy these institutions are. One of the biggest pyramid schemes of all times. These institutions these days are all about moving money out of the average Joe's pocket and putting it into yet even more yachts and mansions for an already bloated bureaucratic old boy's club. "initiatives that enhance the client experience" my ass! My bank account certainly hasn't been 'enhanced' by these gluttonous institutions.
  14. No one cares about spelling and grammar anymore? That's the problem, and I dare say, one of the main reasons that educated people (you know; the ones that can spell and put a coherent sentence together?) feel that teachers are getting paid well enough as it is. If you are not going to teach the three R's any more than why the heck should we be paying you more? Math is obviously not important to teachers any more either, since it should be obvious to anyone with a (old style obviously) grade 5 education that you can't take more tax dollars out of the pot than you put in. And the Politician's have allready cleaned out the cookie jar so there's nothing left for teachers. Teachers in this province have one of the best deals going compared to the tax payer, so please stop whining about how hard done to the teachers are in this province. I ain't buying it. That's not to say that I don't respect teachers, and it doesn't mean I don't beleive they should be paid well and fairly for the task they do. I just don't buy into the constant whining and 'woe is me' attitude Not when I see what they get back from the system. And the Libs did what Politician's do. Rob Peter to pay Paul, then when Peter finally pushes back, they do the reverse. Hell, it's not as if it's THEIR money eh?!? And by the way, look around the world and look at history; the better the education available to the massess the less oppression there is. The two best ways to keep people under your thumb is to keep them illiterate and then hook them on religious superstition. cheaper in the long run than paying thugs and goons to browbeat your subjects into compliancy. So YOU may not think that proper spelling and grammar is important, and if you ARE in fact about to become a teacher, then that's yet more proof that teachers are getting too much from the system.
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