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Everything posted by xul

  1. I think Harper will unlikely lose votes from peoples like August1991 because they have no alternative choice.
  2. Because there isn't a "we" as you think. The people you called "we" are a group of people who have different understanding and interests on this matter. "Why would we want so many carpenter immigrants?" a laid-off carpenter who has no money to pay the bill of his plumber may ask like this. But a plumber who hates the price of his carpenter charged him may also complain "why wouldn't we get more carpenter immigrants to raise the competition?" The policy of Canadian government usually is the reflection or compromise of the opinion and interests of your so-called "we" or the collectivity of Canadian, not merely a single one. Sometimes the governmental policy looks like against most of its people's will, but it merely looks like. In most of cases it is because sometimes people can not see whereabouts their long-term interests lying on. For example: A laid-off worker: "I've just been fired by my boss. He hired a low-paid immigrant worker instead so he was able to cut off the cost of his business. Why do you move so many workers competing with me since I'm your voter?" The politician: "First, your boss is not only my voter but also my funder, so his interests weighs to me more than yours. Secondly, even if I stopped moving cheap labours in, you boss would unlikely rehire you but more likely off-shore his business to someplace with plenty cheap labour resources, so I would not only lose one vote but also all votes from your fellow workers who are still been hired so far. And last, once all workers are unemployed and all capitalists are off-shoring, I will have nowhere to tax people and have to pay plenty for the welfare, the system will collapsed and everyone include you will not get welfare anymore. So what I'm doing is just to keep your unemployed welfare unbroken....so I still deserve you vote. " Of course, a politician will never speak so honestly like that because it is totally political-incorrect, but I think I'm telling a part of the truth.
  3. The population of Japan is four times the population of Canada, but Japan is just a small island not larger than a province of Canada and almost without any natural resources. China is as big as Canada, but its population is 40 times more than Canadian. If Canada had 1.4 billion population, I doubt there would still have many immigrants coming regardless how hot its economy is. In fact China had begun to grant permanent residency to foreigners since 2004. Interview: How to get a China green card If you came my home town Beijng, you would find there are a lot of white and black guys lounging around in the downtown and most of them are not tourists. Of course, it seems no one applies P.R.China citizenship, because no one knows the use of a citizenship without the right to vote.
  4. I know the F-22 project had been started before Bush administration, maybe even before another Bush administration . But I'm sure the plan of purchasing additional F-22s over the original planned 183 fighters(that was Clinton administration's plan) was proposed during Bush administration.
  5. There are not any science geniuses who never make mistake. Air Force suspends some F-15 operations
  6. When people speak of a "best design", usually they are talking about not only its technical aspect but also its economical aspect. I'm not a MBA-kind but I think it is the common knowledge that if someone have to choose a supplier which he will have to count on it for 30+ years and which will be practically irreplaceable, it will be better that he has an alternative supplier becasue he can not have terms in the contract to fix the price in such long period, so keeping the competition all the time not only at the beginning is vital to guarantee the buyer's long-term interests. The manufacturers live and die on the goodwill of the US military but not on a certain administration because the certain administation's term is merely 4 or 8 years. And I think you should notice that what the army guys want is not always coincident with what their political bosses want. Maybe once Bush-kind come back, Lockheed Martin will be award more order just for it spits on Obama administration's face becasue the cancellation of F-22 is just an action of spitting on the face of Bush administration's decision. I think this is the viewpoint of bjre in another discussion---if Baidu can offer what Chinese need, why should they prefer that there should be a Google or more to make them having choice? Technically, if F-35 is a variant of F-22, just as F-16C/D are the variants of F-16A/B, there will be a economic advantage by choosing the same manufacturer because the most of parts of the planes are exchangeable. But I don't think F-35 is a variant of F-22. Because if everyone agreeded with this, democracy would no longer have reason to exist.....
  7. You did get the point. Not only Harper but also Bush and Obama have no power to negotiate a fair price of F-35 from the CEO and MBAs of Lockheed Martin because they were facing a monopolistic supplier. I'm suspicious that the raise of the price of F-35 is just for spitting on Obama's and Gates's faces for the cancellation of the orders of the rest of F-22s. It is still unbelievable to me that the Pentagon did have put all its eggs in one basket. The unnegotiable price is only one aspect of the headache. What would happen if the plane had some flaw so it had to be suspended from flight for several months during in service? The airspace of the most of NATO members would be defenceless, and even America itself would have to count on merely 184 F-22s. If Pliny was the Secretary of Defence of America, I think he would bring the generals who made the decision to court-martial for they had gone to communism further than any Soviet generals--who at least had two suppliers to supply fighters for their AF all the time.
  8. I said that when I had forget SK was a country which had mistakenly flown it civilian airliners into Soviet airspace and were shot down twice.Korean Air Lines Flight 007 Maybe this time the sailors who were responsible to handle the sonar consoles were also a bit drowsy like the pilots of Korean Air Lines Flight 007. I read somewhere that the two ships had drilled (anti-submarine drills, kinda sarcastic)with American warships whole day before the incident happened, so the sailors might be very tired. The captain reportedly was in bed when. There are also rumors or conspiracy theories said that it was American sub which accidentally sank the Korean ship. NK navy isn't the only one which owns the mini-sub suitable for shallow water. American billions-dollars-worthed newest technology has made them a perfect suspect of the culprit. The minisub on the back of Virginia Class And coincidently I remember the technology of precisely guiding and exploding a torpedo directly under the middle of hull of the target to snap it, not like traditional torpedo only hitting its most noisy part--the stern, is only used by the newest American torpedos. The flaw of the theory is that it seems like the seal-minisub has no ability to fire a torpedo. Another conspiracy theory is the evidence, the fragments of a NK torpedo, which the South military presented might be fired by NK in its previous navy drills not at the night of the event happened. The SK military presented it as the evidence just for covering its mistake and incompetence which caused the the incidence. Generally, I dislike conspiracy theories. But the uncertainty of the cause of the event is very helpful for NK to get rid of any possibility of an UN condemnation.
  9. China will not attack any US warship, Japanese warship, Vietnamese warship...Somali pirate ship(if it is not on action) in Yellow sea, because China has no right to do such thing. Most part of the Yellow Sea are international water and everyone can go into there. I suggest you don't trust the information from the posts in those Chinese military fanboys's forum anymore, because there are hardly any funboys, amateurs, reasonable posters...or even western-so-called nationalists left now. IMO the only posters there are propagandalists---from both side, pro-communist and con-communist---and ignorant young peasant posters, who usually only can write "one-word replies" like "agree", "no", "shit", "fuck", etc. I'm even not sure the pro-communist posters are hired by China government for their poor understanding on Chinese governmental policy. I think most of them are hired by the woners of the websites who want to tinge their website red to pass the annually governmental censorship and certification, and please those pro-government rich peasants, meanwhile the con-communist poster's function is to cater for con-government poor peasants who always whine that Deng's capitalism reform has made them poor. The purpose of the webmasters is to raise debate to draw as many visitors and readers into his website as possible, so he is able to persuade advertizers advertising on the website to fund the website alive. The propagandalist posters usually are called Wumao, that means 50 cent--that's the price the webmasters pay them for each post or each reply for their posts. I believe most 50cents are just some poor peasant-family-born high school or college students who want to earn extra money to by an iPod or something. You can identify them by, , using personal abuse on them, like replying their posts with offensive words such as "your an idiot", "you're a fool", etc. They will not retort you or protest or complain to webmaster, because you have just let them earning another 50 cent.
  10. Except the information of the maker of the torpedo was a bit outdated.... How Did N.Korea Sink the Cheonan? DPRK CHT-02D Torpedo Pieces of torpedo propeller recovered
  11. The cause of the skirmish can be traced back to the time of the Korean War. In the war, NK and its ally China didn't have any naval forces so some small islands outside North's coastal area were captured by America navy for surveillance and espionage purpose. When the war was going to end, the nationalist dictator of SK, who worried his country would be divided forever, refused to sign the agreement of ceasefire, so the ceasefire was only between NK, China and America-led UN forces. In the land, American troops was deployed between NK troops and SK troop to make the ceasefire effective. But in the sea, since both NK and SK navies were too weak then, it seems like no one bothered to draw a border line to separate them. The so-called border was declared unilaterally by SK and US in 1953 but never being recognized by NK. In 1970s, Nk declared the width of its maritime belt 12 nautical miles, so the maritime border drawn by SK in 1953 cut into NK's territory water, from NK's point of view, and the tension began to raise. But since it was in the Cold War, that meat the war dogs of both side were supposed to be muzzled by their USSR and US superpower masters, there was not any skirmish happened. In 1990s, the international circumstance changed. Soviet had gone and SK had got a Chinese embassy in Seoul, and the Germany had reunited again after communist East Germany collapsed, so the SK government might think it was safe and possible to reunite its country by using its stronger navy forces challenging NK's weaker navy to crumple NK communist dictator's regime. The first skirmish, the First Battle of Yeonpeong broke out on June 9 and 15, 1999. 30 NK sailors were killed and 70 wounded. One NK torpedo boat was sunk and 5 others were seriously damaged. The lost of SK are minimal, only 11 sailor wounded. Though most western meida adopted SK's allegation that the NK initiated the skirmish, but I trust my own judgement---it was the military hawks of SK which started the skirmish. If anyone reviews the international environment the NK faced in 1999, I mean such as Soviet had gone, terrorism was not the major issue of US at the time, China was militarily unprepared(most fighters of PLAAF were J-7s, a Chinese version of MIG-21 then)and was concentrated on the Taiwan issue, he will conclude that the dictator of Nk was unlikely the one to start the conflict. The second skirmish, the Second Battle of Yeonpeong happened in June 29, 2002. A NK gunboat reportedly took the initiative to attack a bigger gunboat of SK and sank it. Usually the Second Battle of Yeonpeon is considered as the NK's revenge for its loss of the First Battle of Yeopeong. 6 SK sailors and 14 NK sailors were killed in the skirmish. This time the dictator took the initialtive beacuse the terrorists attack had happened and he might reckon the US was unlikely to do nothing more than verbal condemnation to back SK. The third skirmish burst out on November 10, 2009, known as the Battle of Daecheon. A SK gunboat initially fired at a NK gunboat in distant range and forced it back its base. 3 NK sailor were killed in the battle. This time the South took the initiative becasue right-wing politician Lee Myung-bak was elected as president and he is more favour on gunboat diplomacy than delivering carrot to the NK dictator---that was his predecessor's policy. The event of the sinking of corvette Cheonan, is just another skirmish in this disputed water. It can be considered as the NK revenged for its loss in the Battle of Daecheon IMO. People tend to think it is a big deal just because the results of the skirmish surprised everyone, not because of the the skirmish itself.
  12. Since there has not been a war in the region for more than half a century and most people there grow up in peacetime, I don't think there are many people in East Aisa would consider things with an Israeli way. And this was the prime goal which the political leaders were up to when they gathered in SK a few days ago. S.Korea, China, Japan move towards free trade bloc As for those belligerent statements from political leaders of both side of Korea, they are more likely for speaking to their own people to save the leaders' faces than to threaten their rivals. I think Koreans have already been worn on hearing such statement and this is why they don't take it seriously. The South's goal is to push China to agree an UN sanction over the North, so the political leader of South could declare a diplomatic victory and make people forgetting the incompetence of the government and military as soon as posible. Meanwhile, the ruler of North is fully aware that he has to wave his "nuclear deterrence" again, so China could speak to the South, "of course, you have our full sympathy. But for your sake, do you think it is wise to escalate the situation?" Then, over time, the event will be forgotten and become history, just like other similar events happened before.
  13. But this is a CIBC's report. It eyes mainly on economy and finance so it is correct. Economically Canada is surely in a good position in the world nowadays. Canada is among a few countries which is strong on both energy and manufacture sectors. Though the manufacture sector is facing more and more competition from foreign countries, but Canada's geographic advantage can partly reduce and counteract the impact from these foreign competitors. Canada is just like dual engine plane, it may not be among those bigest and fastest ones, but it is more safe than those single engine planes.
  14. The result of the investigation has showed you are right and I'm wrong. But I still can't image how on earth those South's dude could hear nothing from their sonars when the torpedo was approaching them. I don't blame them for they didn't find the sub before it attacked, for it might have been waiting there for days before the South's corvettes arrived. But the propellers of a torpedo will be really noisy if it moves at high speed to strike. I'm also wondering what the admiralty of the South and another corvette had been doing after the attack happened. A conventional sub cannot move very fast underwater, and the depth of water there reportedly is 25 to 50 meters, so the sub was un-maneuverable and unescapable. It was almost a suicidal mission to the North's mariners of the sub. But now, maybe they are just sitting in their cozy home, stroking the medals Kim awarded them and telling their kid the heroic feat they have made.....technically and political-incorrectly, I think they really deserve the medals.
  15. This is correct, except not mentioning that all politicians have the tendency of making people to think their political rivals are bad guys....
  16. I don't know who invented this method, but it does sound like a great idea for all politicians who are in power. All American nuclear missiles laid in their holes in somewhere of Nevada would create GDP because pentagon has to rent some if they were not built..... I can't imagine how those statistical officials compute the imputed market value. Let's assume there is a Canadian town with 100 families. Each family has two house--one for their won residency another for their dogs. One day communist dude xul came to the town, and there was a smartest one of the 100 families who lent one of his two house to xul by the price of $10 thousand a month, so these statistical officials added 100*2*10,000*12=$24 million into the GDP of the town. Next month every folks in the town had found the easy way to get a windfall and kicked their dogs into where they were supposed to live, then everyone offered a house for rent, would the GDP still be $24million? I guess the GDP would drop to 100*2*10*12=$24 thousand because xul would not pay more than $10 a month for the house he rented if there were so many houses being put into market.
  17. ....but are you or me or others so different? If you have a well-payed job in a company, and you know a guy who is better than you but if you introduce him to your boss, you wil be kicked off and never make such a well-payed post again, will you introduce him to your boss? This is what the system is designed. If you stand for unions, you may say, "how greedy these capitalists are! They move their factories to China and abandon us just for making more profits!" But if you stand for capitalists, you may also say, "if Canadian capitalists are so patriotic that they never move their factories elsewhere, so they are defeated by Japanese companies and bankrupt, will union members refuse to abandon the sinking ships and find new jobs in those Japanese firms? If somehow Dalai Lama's jinx at China goes wrong which turns every rock in China to pure gold so every Chinese become as rich as Arabian Kings and no longer work, will Canadian workers refuse to work for Chinese capitalists who will pay triple wages to hire them?" You said fairness was relative, that's absolutely right. A new-comer may complain the unfair treatment of the refusal and the protectionism of the labour market, but if he manage to get through, the system may also protect him from competation of new-comers. So the system is still "fair" as a whole.(It's just unfair to capitalists, and that's why they move their factories to China---the system today there is more fair to them.... ) I know very well the hardness most new immigrants will face. I wasn't blaming them. But do you really think Canada should be responsible for the situation? If Canada government promised immigrants jobs, the immigration officer should issue everyone a job offer maybe paycheck with the visa. Canada offers immigrants the options of stay or going back, so everyone needs to do is to make a choice suitable for himself, then trust his own choice, do his best, don't let negative feeling get him and let fate decide.
  18. Maybe it's time to give Harper the majority and let him make some changes on these laws.....
  19. I agree it's kinda unfair. I remember I was also accused as a propagandist or a brainwashed when I tried to say something different from what they used to know. Sometimes I felt I'd better tell them I was a pure blood Brit....lol, a pure blood Brit is supposed to write English better than me. But I could tell them I was a German, no, an Icelander may better---for it's a country having "no colonialism, communism, Nazism.....history" . LOL, I never thought of that. But this is a Candian political forum, even Harper or Ignatiffe can not survive from such kind of attacks. It isn't pleasant but it's a part of the system, maybe one of the dark sides of the system. You can choise ignoring such off-topic replies or making reasonable debate. It is unwise playing as a "red Chinaman" just for others call you a red Chinaman. You need not pretend that the CPC is some noble thing even if you do have a communist dad and you perfectly know he isn't as evil as most of Canadian think---using the actor lines of the film Patton, "most ordinary Nazi join the party just about the same way Americans become Republicans and Democrats...." Just imagine, if you were a German, and happened having a great grandfather who was not a "cruel bad guy" at all but an "ordinary Nazi"---that means he thought the membership of Nazi Party may be helpful to get some governmental orders for his uniform making business, would you let your kids wearing a swastika to honor the party? I think you just don't understand, the cause of the "unfair" treatment you suffered in this forum is just the same cause of some new immigrants who complain they are "unfairly" treated for they can not find good jobs. Insufficiency of credibility is essential causes in both cases. To those new immigrants, employers have no way to verify the skills they claimed in their resumes. As for you, the stories you presented to support your claimes, such as how some kind-hearted Japanese capitalists who run big firms added his poor Chinese workers who didn't have communist official dads to "help" the business as "partners", usually are incredible. I'm not aware that PM Trudeau was only elected in Quebec...
  20. I said "Do you really believe those internet fairy tale that if someone who has washed dishes in Canada for years comes back China, he will be able to find a well-paid job like a manager?" This was the response of your statement "But many others went back in the first several years. Most of them find it hard to find a professional job and reluctantly work as a labor." If that is true, obviously you didn't work in a warehouse, so did your colleagues... Where did they initial capital come from? Were they some poor Chinese peasant immigrants and after they had worked for years in some Japanese warehouses as labour workers, they became millionnaires?---Japanese yuan millionnaires Maybe. And then they came back China, an super-idiotic communist banker of Bank of China mistook their 1 million Japanese yuan notes as Chinese yuan notes, so they became real millionaires and started their business... If I run a business, I will willingly pay a person $10 million a year regardless what kind of colour his ass's is, if he is able to convince me that he will earn $1 billion for me.....so do those Canadian employers. There is a joke: After got the majority he dreamed, the first thing Harper did was----to ban all Chinese food in Canada. Pure British blood Canadian Human Right defender bjre came outside Harper's office protesting. Harper was surprised. "You are not Chinese and don't eat Chinese food at all, and as for those Chinese, there also are a lot of options like French food, Italian food....available," he called in bjre and asked, "why do you protest my policy?" bjre: "I'm not merely speaking for Chinese......I protest because If people let government decide what foods they eat, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.....” I never said that CNN-kinds were the symbol of justice and fair. On the contrary, in a capitalist system, as a form of business media also has its own interests. That makes them no different from Walmart-kinds though they try to convince people that they are different. But I was comparing the system. You can not deny that in Canada, people have more rights to access the information if they want. The photo you quoted in this topic for one. In Canada, as a politician Mr. H.Canada maybe just laugh off it. But even if he is furious, he still can do nothing to stop the media or people like you to make use of it because his power is restricted by the system. If such thing happened in China, Mr. H.China might laugh off it to show his tolerance so you may feel there is no difference. But if he decides not tolerating such thing, the system almost makes him being able to do anything he wants to deal with the media and you, and that makes huge difference between the two systems.
  21. 200k yuan a year can really make a person or a family among rich guys and living in a decent living standard in some Chinese towns, even judged by western criterian. Food and housing are so cheap in most part of China, like that a two bedroom apartment like this only costs a peron 50k to 200k yuan in some small town or city, but I can not guarantee that the food are safe and the building will not collapse if there is an earthquake so it is hardly to compare the lives in North America and in China. Since earthquakes do not always happen and there have not a lot of Chinese dead for poisonous food, I may say that the living standard of a person who earn 200k yuan a year in a smal Chinese city or town is approximately equivalent with a peron who eran $60k to $80k a year in Canada or USA except he can't get a gardon in his back yard---house is really rare in China because this country has already been overpopulated. What bjre is misleading or being misleading is there are not many 200k/year jobs available in Chinese small towns. As for those mega cities like Beijing and Shanghai, since both communist and capitalist share the universal taste of setting up their HQ there, there do have many people earn over 200k yuan a year. But the price of housing in Beijing (the unit of the chart is "yuan/per square meter" not per house ).... wish bjre and his friend reading the chart first before they throw their Canadian passport into a trashcan and come back China....
  22. I said that I thought you were telling the truth that you were a Canada citizen because you, like your pure-blood countrymen--lol only a joke, I mean those Canadian who have never been to China, showed having no idea about what the life is like in China nowadays but some misleading information from some incredible website. Do you really believe those internet fairy tale that if someone who has washed dishes in Canada for years comes back China, he will be able to find a well-paid job like a manager? LOL, unless he has a well-paid top-ranked communist dad first. There do have some immigrants coming back their home countries. In China, I guess most cases are among these: 1. A young man(I mean a person who has no need to consider the difficulties to his families especially children caused by migrating from one place to another) who already has a well-payed job in China and he just wants to find some oppotunities to promote his career in a foreign country. When he came to Canada and found things were not as easy as he thought, he had to rush back China, usually several months after he came Canada, before he lost his original job. 2. A dude of a corrupt communist official who has found a safe hiding place in Canada to hide the money which his dad defalcated. He comes back China because his dad wants him to continue his dad's communist revolutionary business. 3. Some one who may not be rich but is "well-connected" in his hometown, usually in a small city or town because in such place it seems like that everyone has an "uncle" in local government, hospital, school...or some place where there are some relatives who can do him a favour to make his life more convenient and easy. If a "poor dude" like this comes to Canada and somehow has to stay, I bet he will go mad at last. 4. Some one was spanking "educated" by his peasant dad into a college in China. When he came Canada, he found annoyingly that laws here protect naughty kids' asses so his kids would not make MBAs or something like their dad so he has to come back his hometown to continue the ass-spanking education before the kids were taken by CAS.... Anyway, I don't think there are a lot of serious immigrants may come back because they consider the fairness of the system they have chosen rather than their temporary economical or living-standard loss. In other words, they eye on long term benefits more than present interests. In China, people who can read english like you and me may know most of news here, though sometimes they are not able to open the website from youtube to Dalai Lama's. In Canada, people who can read Chinese may know most news in China. Though they are able to access any Chinese website but there still are some news they will never know just like Chinese people, because not all news in China are allowed to report. I find you do have all ingredient of being a dictator except political sense ....how on earth could you "order" a professor to study something to come to a prescriptive result? If a professor is "ordered" to "study" out a prescriptive conclusion, he is definitely not studying anything but doing stenographer's work. Whether you are a dictator or an elected political leader, you only can fund a professor to do his study on a certain subject which you interest and let himself alone to come to the conclusion if you really want him to do study for you.
  23. I never think you are a "propagandist". There is a real propagandist,propagandist, and I'm afraid to say he is a smarter one. "And in case that there can be more people become aware that there are many Canadians live in miserable state and want to do something for them" is also a goal, and it is a good goal. But I think you should also consider others' feeling when you express your feeling. The expression of "Why Harper did not dare to look at Obama who waged finger at him?" is neither a proper nor an objective description of the situation in English even if the photo is a serious one. Though the word "dare" may be a bit of moderate in Chinese but it is still not nice. This forum is a Canada political forum, that means you could not suppose that there are a lot of people know China well. Just as in China, how many Chinese know Canada well? And some members here replied your topic just by a reciprocal way. If you read those quarrels between BC2004 and some Canadian, you will find they didn't treat you different. If you want some moderate replies, you should better moderate your expression first.
  24. ....but do you think the way that you used to post here have ever helped anything, regardless whatever your goals are?
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