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Everything posted by psikeyhackr

  1. It didn't say what was happening in the 14th century. It was the Little Ice Age. I don't think anyone is saying that CO2 is going to do that to the global climate.
  2. I am betting on 2.8 degrees by 2100. Nobody mentions CO2 resulting from unnecessary manufacturing due to planned obsolescence. GDP is Grossly Distorted Propaganda How much have American consumers lost on the annual depreciation of automobiles since Sputnik? Get an economist's opinion.
  3. There was a video in the post about it raining for 2 million years. Did you watch it?
  4. History is fiction with delusions of reality about the information that is always missing? LOL
  5. Bringing the climate of more than 5 million years ago into the discussion is somewhat ridiculous and doing it for more than 100 million years ago is utterly ridiculous. No one was trying to grow wheat, corn and rice to feed hundreds of millions of people back then. It has been from 2 to 4 million years since CO2 was this high. The cycles of Ice Ages has only been occurring for a couple of million years, maybe not much more than one. The Himalayan mountains did not exist 60 million years ago and their weathering is what pulled a lot of CO2 out of the atmosphere. So throwing up drivel about 200 million years ago is just a distracting waste of time. Is that your objective ?
  6. The person I was quoting said 97% of CO2 was natural and other unscientific nonsense. Fast natural change has been 1 degree C per 1000 years. We have gone up that much in 80 years. We have raised the CO2 in the atmosphere by 33%. Not much point in spending lots of time communicating with people about stuff that is easy to find if they were objectively interested.
  7. Yeah Right! Who provided the evidence that climate changed many times? How fast did it change?
  8. Sorry, I don't keep track that way. Could have been: Wake by Robert J Sawyer oh no, he is Canadian! Daemon & Freedom by Daniel Suarez America strikes back but that is an unAmerican name. LOL Island in the Sea of Time S.M. Stirling Oh no! Americans taking over the world, AGAIN! The Bobiverse Series by Dennis Taylor A CyberAmerican sent out to conquer the galaxy. These Americans must be stopped. Where are Bruce Lee and Sun Tzu when you really need them? Dauntless by Jack Campbell The usual interstellar war with humans and aliens and more aliens. Does it ever end? These aliens need to chill! Is anything other than science fiction entertaining?
  9. "Only planting trees can guarantee future forest fires."- Smokey the Bear
  10. All kinds of products. That is a very specific description. I repaired hi-hi stereo equipment before I switched to computers at IBM. I found it really annoying that working on the System 32 and 34 and Series One were less fun than Tandberg and Pioneer reel to reels and cassette decks. IBM produced this piece of shit called a Datamaster 23. It replaced the 5100. I had to write my own benchmarks since I never saw the word on any IBM documentation. I wrote a Bubble Sort and a Prime Numbers program in BASIC. The old computer was almost twice as fast as the new one on both benchmarks. I did LAN installations after leaving IBM. Who uses tape recorders anymore? Optical disks are no fun at all.
  11. How many years have YOU spent repairing what kind of technology?
  12. Sure, you can be impressed by economists who have not told you that they have been ignoring the depreciation of durable consumer goods since the end of WWII. But maybe you can say that is just a CLAIM and physics does not apply to durable consumer goods.
  13. So as soon as I perfect my virus that only kills White people and release it I can use you and Mises to justify my actions. LOL
  14. In 1976 I read a book: The Screwing of the Average Man by David Hapgood. That book convinced me that there was something wrong with what I was taught about economics in college. My major was electrical engineering. So I decided that I was going to figure out what was wrong if I had to read Samuelson's Economics cover to cover. So I would come home from work and read 15 or 20 pages each evening. Eventually I got to NNP, Net National Product. It rated half of a page in a 400 page book. NNP = GNP - Depreciation Depreciation: Loss of value of capital goods due to wear and tear or obsolescence. That wasn't complicated so I just continued reading. It was not until I was about 5 pages beyond that I wondered about consumer goods wearing out. At the time I was working as repair technician for a hi-fi retailer 6 days a week. So having to work on mostly mediocre to crap equipment, sometimes getting stuff that was Impossible to repair because it was stupidly designed, brought the depreciation of durable consumer goods to mind in 1976. So it has been something I have focused on for a while. It has been something economists have ignored for a while. I suspect that majority of economists have just thought the way the profession trains them to think. Consumer Depreciation does not cross their minds, but I do not believe that they are all that stupid. I did not learn about Raymond Goldsmith PhD until 2005. He wrote about consumer wealth in the 1950s and died in 1988. Sometimes I think Russian economists should have figured this out in the 1950s and used it as propaganda against the West. LOL
  15. You are claiming that he is wrong. He said: [Quote]Any time the government helps the people, conservatives attack it and call it socialism. [/quote] Lots of various conservatives have said lots of stupid shit. The Wall Street Journal called Henry Ford a "traitor to his class" when he introduced the $5 day. And with all of their blather about Adam Smith they don't point out that Smith mentioned 'education' Eighty Times and wrote "read, write and account". When the OP says that I am off topic I will think about it. You can just STFU! Of course with your delusions of intellectual adequacy I am sure that won't happen, so continue entertaining me. LOL
  16. You buy used hamburgers? But when do economists mention Net Domestic Product on television? The economics books don't even point out that Demand Side Depreciation is ignored. We are all just supposed to presume that economists doing this and not telling is fine? Are you approving of this? I had one PhD economist quit talking to me. This is one factor contributing to screwing up the planet.
  17. So you mean cars purchased by consumers to drive to work and use the same cars for 3 years or more, those cars are not implements of production? I am saying that we are playing word games. It does not matter whether a machine is used for production or not. A window air conditioner is added to GDP when purchased. It wears out over 12 years of use. It has to be replaced eventually. The replacement is added to GDP. The process of wearing out should have been subtracted. Whether this is under capitalism or socialism is irrelevant. But if planned obsolescence is part of this process then it is very significant. That creates unnecessary work, waste and pollution. I would think that socialists would make a big deal about it.
  18. ROFLMBAO Where does the government get its money? If you are talking about government spending then you are talking about economics. Math is going to apply to economics whether it is conservative or socialist. I am merely pointing out that neither side can do the math. Lots of depreciation is the result of physics. Physics wears things out. Do the math, or do you lack the brains?
  19. He doesn't have the military brilliance of Napoleon or the "charisma" of Hitler. When is one of his buddies going to decide that bumping him off is the most advantageous thing to do?
  20. The stupid Americans. Although they are probably the majority.
  21. Since you did not copy the equations I entered I am inclined to suspect that you are deliberately being obtuse. The alternative is even more disparaging of your intellectual acuity. The point is that the economics profession has used incorrect algebra since the end of WWII by ignoring the depreciation of durable consumer goods. And pointing out that Marx mentioned depreciation but these consumer technologies did not exist before 1884. Planned obsolescence did not start until the 1920s. John Maynard Keynes probably never saw a television commercial for automobiles. There were 200,000,000 motor vehicles in the US in 1994. How many were consumer goods? Where did the depreciation go?
  22. How did the NAZIs get into it? The Catholic high school I attended required an entrance exam and they stuck me into college prep which did not include accounting. I do not actually know if they had it at the time so obviously it was not MANDATORY which is what I said. 4 years of English literature was mandatory but only 2 years of math. I took 4 years of math and would have traded 2 of EngLit for 2 of accounting.
  23. Europeans making a big deal of minor variations are hilarious.
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