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Everything posted by Keepitsimple

  1. To let us know they're coming - and there's no place that's safe from them? To further sew panic and terror into the populace and continue to erode our freedoms from within? Just look what it's done to our society since 9/11. If you don't stop it before it grabs root - countries risk slowly turning into police states as they combat it after the fact. That's why C51 is so important - it consolidates existing tools and coordinates information sharing to take a tiny but important step in trying to stem the inevitable importation of terrorism - before it takes root - and lessens or at least delays the need for harsher measures down the road. And open the doors wide to the speedy acceptance of 25,000 Syrian refugees? Whoa - slow down there pardner. Becareful. Be very careful.
  2. Nothing personal - just a fact......but to answer your question - no. I wasn't referring to our shared responsibility with allies to deal with this blight on humanity.....I was referring to those in Canada or coming to Canada - including Canadians - who would aid or abet such barbarism. Hammer them - and hammer them hard.
  3. More media-driven drivel parroted by our Trudeau idolizer.......Canadians aren't afraid of terrorists...we're disgusted by them and want to do everything we can reasonably do to keep them and "it" out......and hammer anyone who tries to give comfort or support to their barbarism.
  4. On Guard has trouble remembering his deflections sometimes. He gets a little confused.
  5. That's because our market is closed Monday and China's is open.......and there's a Chinese decision to be made in the meantime that could affect things. Anyway - that's the way I heard it.
  6. Yep - lots of positive news - thanks for the report Cyber. The experts thought we would lose 4500 jobs - and we gained 12,000....in addition to all of this:
  7. Maybe after listening to so many tin-foil hat conspiracies on the forum - maybe I've decided to put one on myself......but it's scary to think of. It's based on two premises: 1) There is a guiding force behind ISIS 2) Islamic fundamentalism has always been a "long game". "Victory" is not measured in individual battles, years or even decades. The struggle for global domination under the one true God - Allah, peace be upon him.....may take a hundred years. 3) The depravity of ISIS seems is irrational. That amount of sheer cruelty and barbarism doesn't make sense. What does make sense is to intentionally, strategically create this human tide of Muslim refugees and embed zeolots among them. A virus. One that uses our freedoms to gain footholds and through sheer numbers - and yes, terrorism....start to shred our democracies. Look how close we came to permitting Shariah law in Ontario. Imagine what a hundred years of infiltration by a naturally insular religion, the establishment of thousands of Mosques, and the internal agitation caused by the extremists - just imagine what that will do. It's the long game......and it's scary.
  8. Let's not lose track of what the end game is supposed to be: it's to provide a safe haven until such time as the dangers in their own country have been mitigated - so they can return home. Two or three years from now, there should be no bleeding heart stories about families being uprooted and forced to return home - only a complete and heartfelt thanks for saving them from the imminent danger that cased them to flee in the first place.
  9. People haven't yet caught on to the significance of Gerald Butts - the man behind the curtain. You're right - he was Dalton's Policy Advisor and if there's any one single thing that hastened the downturn of Ontario's manufacturing, it was the McGuinty/Wynne Green Energy fiasco.......and here we go again.
  10. Right....no one wants to re-open the Constitution again because of so many failed attempts. Funny thing about that ol' Constituion. Everyone criticizes Harper - and to a lesser extent, other PMs for their partisan choices - but the Constitution prevents then from giving away even a portion of the authority to do so.
  11. Harper gave the Provinces a chance - and they still have it. They can hold an election or public selection process that puts forward a candidate for the Prime Minister to appoint. That makes it federally non-partisan and in the domain of the provinces and regions that the Senators represent. Alberta's selection of Bert Brown was the only. The PM - whoever they might be - would not dare go against the wishes of the people/province/region.
  12. What could be less partisan that having data to make informed decisions? Let the facts speak. It's an injustice to generalize with the term "black people" who span dozens of countries with a swath of different cultural and political differences. I really have no idea what the granular data would show us - because there is none - at least local to Toronto. Somalia, South Africa, Jamaica, Trinidad, Dominican.....you can't just roll them up as "black people". Who's committing the crimes, where are they coming from? And for heaven's sake, openly acknowledge that there are challenges with each source - and lets have an integrated program that deals with a better incoming filter (immigration) and effective local support systems.
  13. He'll go into deficit by ten billion each year until 2019 AND fund any and all promises he's making out on the campaign trail.....and now you're looking at an 80 year old guy who's not in government to "help"? Good luck with that. Like father, like son.....it's pretty well inevitable.
  14. Here's a link to the actual story......apparently the energy minister didn't even hire him......it was done by the Premier/Premier's office. Where have we seen that story before? If you think the NDP will be doing some sort of "new" politics", think again. Just keep your eye on these guys in Alberta. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/marg-mccuaig-boyd-s-chief-of-staff-worked-for-anti-pipeline-lobby-group-1.3110152
  15. It's not the party who sets the tone - it's the leader. I don't care if the budget ends up "out of balance" by a billion or two or three. What I care about is the mindset to have a balanced budget. Trudeau, learning at the knee of his father, has no such mindset - as we are quickly finding out.
  16. No it's not. If you actively strive to create an environment where no one can even mention race-stats - and those stats could be used to create programs that specifically target problem areas......then you are enabling the continuation of crime. The Star has done that in spades.......and that's why I say they have blood on their hands.
  17. Balancing the budget on the backs of the provinces has had repercussions that are still felt in provinces and cities today. But much more worrisome, Justin Trudeau cannot help but be a reflection of his father - who had the same "damn the torpedoes" mentality - and rang up debts and deficits to incredible levels - where once there were none. We're seeing just the tip of that same arrogance with his recent acceptance of tens of billions in deficits for the foreseeable future. But not to worry - the budget will balance itself.
  18. Back in the late eighties/early nineties - a Toronto Police Sergeant was pilloried by the Toronto Star for saying that there was "a disproportionate amount of black crime" in Toronto. The Star was relentless in its denial and the fact there were no statistics to back it up. It's been almost impossible to speak in such terms since - and come to public grips with the causes of rampant black-on-black violence. All you have to do is look at the faces of all the murdered victims in Toronto - the majority are black - and the killers are almost exclusively black. The violence and mayhem is but a tiny part of the black community - but represents a large proportion of crime in Toronto. I've said before - the Toronto Star has been an enabler of the continuing violence in the black community. They have blood on their hands.
  19. That scenario provides a teeny-weeny glance of how coalitions work - or don't work, depending on your view.
  20. Can't wait for CBC's power panel to bring Chretien/Iraq as a topic......
  21. A telling tale for sure - and indeed, if I had to choose someone other than Harper, it would be Mulcair - and hope that he could keep the party close to the center. I'm very leery of his stand on free trade. As for Harper, I do believe that no matter what - including a majority - I think he'll hand the reins to someone else. The man is no dummy - he sees the writing - we are ALL fed up with the animosity, the secrecy, the scripted lines and non-answers. If he gets back in, look for a radical makeover in attitude and leadership - probably Jason Kenney - and a much more open and communicative government. So.......as it stands right now - and in the absence of a compelling alternative (Mark Garneau), I will likely hold my nose.......but hey - there's still two months to go so who knows, maybe I'll end up with you. Don't think so.....but I can't count it out.
  22. That's just it - they DO speak to the people - face-to-face at the door......because that's really where the votes are. Most all-candidate meetings are just a room full of partisans shouting for "their guy" and against "the other guy"......and of course, all the parties are bashing the poor government candidate. And of course, there's always the "gotchya" reporters lurking at the back. All that said, I wish it didn't have to be that way. Civility and objectivity on the part of all politics and reporting has gone in the toilet.
  23. So by the constitution's rules, if I wanted to be eligible to be a Senator - all I'd have to do is move there and get a Driver's license and Medicare Card, rent an apartment - and buy $4000 of land - even though I had never even visited the island before? And I could live high off the hog staying in hotels in Ottawa and claiming my per-diems? At least Duffy was born and raised in PEI. Residency would not even be an issue if he hadn't tried to scam the taxpayers by claiming housing allowances and per-diems.
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