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White Doors

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Everything posted by White Doors

  1. The degree of privatization in Quebec would make Ralph Klein blush.
  2. Agreed. The culture, religion and state sponsored education systems are poisoning multiple generations of people. They teach that Jews are Primates and Infidels are swine. Islam is not the only issue, it just makes an efficient vessel in which to deliver the hate. It needs to be taken back from this but I am afraid it is too late. I have never advocated cutting immigration off from any cultures or countries. An individual test on values may be appropriate however.
  3. That would be the trick. Certainly, if greater privatization is introduced, it would have to be a gradual process to try and mitigate that as much as possible while still having the eye on the ball of actually having better healthcare outcomes for the patient. In fact, one could argue that is exactly what is going on right now, especially in Quebec. The NDP certainly don't have the cojones to say anything about the increased privatization in Quebec right now and the Liberals never would anyways. So ironically, perhaps our own political ineptitude and immaturity on this issue may in fact, be helping us mitigate the risks of moving to a private system.
  4. I have never advocated for an end of public financing, nor would I. What I am arguiing for is greater private involvement in the delivery of it - where it makes sense. What I am tired of is screams of UNITEDSTATEDGREEDUNINSUREDMALPRACTICE!!!1111 everytime someone mentions it. I advocate private-for-profit delivery of healthcare both inside the public system and outside of it. The Quebec Supreme court agrees with me.
  5. So.... it's your assertion that Toyota and Honda are in deep financial trouble akin to GM and Chrysler? Ok.. lol, but it's you funeral. haha
  6. certainly: http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_spe_...ding-per-person As you can see, there are many countries that spend less on healthcare per capita than Canada that have a mixture of public and private delivery. I know you are obsessed with America, but there are many other countries that we can look to for inspiration and good ideas for our healthcare issues. That said, healthcare spending is becoming a problem for alot of countries so now is the time to be looking at innovative solutions to the problems that we are facing. That does not include yelling rabid political ideaology when confronted about the issues. Note: This chart only looks at the money spent, not how effective the systems are. I know I would rather be in a medical system of alot of those countries that spend less per capita than does Canada. Throwing money at a problem is not innovative or smart.
  7. The advent of VoIP has made the principle of Net Neutrality unworkable. Some data is more important than others as far as the need for speed goes.
  8. I do agree that culture is also a factor Hardner. But that is a chicken/egg argument for the most part. Which was shaped by which? Either way, the results speak for themselves. Yes, I am aware of what the word grovel means. Begging me to not insult you can be interpreted as groveling from Merriam Webster: to creep with the face to the ground : crawl 2 a: to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement b: to abase oneself 3: to give oneself over to what is base or unworthy : wallow <groveling in self-pity> Your case fit's best in with #3.
  9. Agreed. And one of the most important problems with Islam is that their holy book also describes how government should be run. I think it is one of the main reasons that this religion has kept their adherants in the dark ages compared to so many others major religions that have moved past the 6th Century in thought and actions.
  10. Look at other systems that have a profit motive and they in turn spend less of their GDP on healthcare and have better outcomes. Ergo, your inference is incorrect and you are the idiot. Walmart makes tonnes of profit yet they have the best prices around. You would need to understand economics 101 to get this however. Au contraire, the businesses that are doing badly right now are the one's that were not runnng efficiently. One only need to contrast Toyota with that of the big 3 to see that clearly. (This coming from a GM car owner) Not sure that healthcare itlsef is a human right, but the Quebec supreme court ruled that timely access to healthcare cannot be over ridden by ideaology. Take your juvenile argument to them and see how you do.
  11. Not necessarily. One only need to look at the relative costs of systems that have two tier health care to see that you are indeed incorrect in this assumption.
  12. Of course privatization has a profit motive. Profit is not a bad word however. It also does not mean additional expenses for everyone. Does it come as a shock to you that private businesses may be able to operate more efficiently than large government bodies? seriously? There are lots of places for a business to deliver quality, timely care that would far exceed the public health systems ability to do so and in turn, cost less as well (including say a 10% or 15%) profit. We are already a paying customer in our current system - Family practices are businesses and they are paid per visit. You are dollar signs in the eyes of your family Dr now and have been for 40 years. How do you feel about that? Make you feel dirty? IF only as a country we could get away from this juvenile partisan language war we would be able to move on and actually improve our system. Quebec has been leading the way actually. Thanks to their Supreme court decision, they are and will be leading the way on privatisation efforts there. Ever wonder why the NDP doesn't campaign hard against that?
  13. So you are basing your opinion on your own personal fear instead of facts? As I suspected. This is like trying to talk to a person who believes the earth is 6000 years old.
  14. I don't think emulating practices that seem to work well in Switzerland and France and trying to incorporate them here has to be an ideaological issue. Personally, I think good health care is more important than Ideaology, I know that you never would.
  15. You never heard a heated intellectual debate? Pity. They are much more efficient and exciting than the usual strutting and preening of PC credentials that passes for debate these days.. Much like Peacocks in heat. Yes, you can call me what you like. If the insults do not match the post referenced, however, then it will be you looking like the fool, not I.
  16. So you are taking your ball and going home? You are looking for Internet sympathy points? Stop grovelling and tell me why you think there are no problems with Islam.
  17. You don't want to be called an idiot, don't act like one - same goes with moron etc etc.. no free passes for anyone Hardner. If you don't have thick enough skin to debate me, very well. If MLW permits people here to insult active CF personnel you certainly don't get a free pass.
  18. so are they rational or not rational? Seems to me like you are arguing out of both sides of you mouth here... Regardless, it's pretty simple really, you don't like guns, don't buy one. Meanwhile you let the people who would like to have a gun through CCW or otherwise, do so. You are infringing on their freedoms and right to protect themselves if you do not.
  19. Well first Hardner, we would have to agree what a 'problem' is. For example, I don't view the events of 9/11 as an 'isolated incident' especially in light of how it was viewed in the Arab world as either a joyous occasion or a Jewish conspiracy to point blame their way - either outcome is not painting a pretty picture of the Islam mindset in my eyes. That is a problem, however, I doubt it is from your 'perspective' of holding hands and singing carols. I willingly admit when I am wrong and will defintely let you know when I don't know - but really, the whole issue is wether you can take the PC glasses off and put the kool-aid down long enough to objectively talk about the subject.
  20. Really? I am more shocked that people actually pay attention to this fellow. The man is obviously mentally challenged. Leave him alone.
  21. Never confuse smarmy PC talk of 'live and let live' with reasoned, intellectual debate. Any reasonable person viewing current events would have to describe Islam as a world-wide problem right now. Islam is NOT a force for good change in the world at this time. People who refuse to see that Islam is not a positive influence in our world - are simply idiots.
  22. You don't want a bailout, but seem perfectly willing to steal? nice moral compass you got there. I'd suggest wearing hunter's orange too. Wouldn't want to give a shotgun packing landowner an excuse would you?
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