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Black Dog

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Everything posted by Black Dog

  1. Given how many more of those infected people would have died without the vaccine, the answer is quite obviously yes and only an absolute dipshit would say otherwise.
  2. "Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired." Arguing with a Bible thumper about science is a mug's game, but even mug's games can be fun sometimes.
  3. LOL this is just a pu$$y's way of getting out of an argument they're losing. Yeah but I'm not lying like you do.
  4. LOL you're literally retarded. Someone get this guy into a home for very stupid dogs.
  5. Again, if you're too stupid to understand that political worldviews can come through in ways other than overt indoctrination, there's no conversation to be had. I literally did lmao.
  6. You could go re-read the posts and get an appropriate adult to explain it to you. I dunno how much more clear I can get than this:
  7. This is from Harvard College, which is the undergraduate school of Harvard University so it doesn't actually represent the whole institution and doesn't include Law, Business, Government, Engineering and Applied Sciences etc etc. Why would i provide evidence for a claim I never made, dummy?
  8. If he has a "pretty good life" why did he get hooked on drugs and end up in a coma in a Russian mental hospital? Sounds like money and the adoration of retarded incels like you doesn't make him all that happy. Maybe he should have cleaned his room.
  9. If you're an engineer, you've just proven my point.
  10. lmao "it's propaganda when I don't agree with it".
  11. I'm talking about grads, you're talking about majors, which can and do change. I'm not even sure your numbers are accurate tbh. It goes to show how stupid and child-minded you are that you think something can't have a political slant if there's not explicit propagandizing involved. You've never met an engineer, huh?
  12. OK this is 100% a troll, no one could be this stupid and still be able to operate a computer. You got me good.
  13. Yet the only cases where anyone has been nailed by a human right's complaint for "misgendering" have been instances where the misgendering was part of a sustained campaign of workplace harassment.
  14. Let's just say it took me significantly less time to come up with that riposte that than you spend posting here you f*cking loser. I look way less like an id!ot than JP does in his retarded clown suits, man's tailor must hate his guts. Yeah I'm jealous of the guy who's brain was turned into a thin slurry by benzos, who has lost his plum academic job, his license to practice and is reduced to writing incomprehensible gibberish in a failing newspaper nobody reads. lol.
  15. lol more than 60% of Harvard grads end up in conservative-leaning fields like finance, consulting, tech, engineering and law. More than half make six figures right out of the gate. Hardly the marks of a institution producing cadres of hardcore social justice warriors. Social sciences and the humanities represents less than 30% of Harvard grads and that's if you stretch it to include Health and Academia. Those "certain fields" where students of elite educational institutions are being exposed to left wing concepts represent a minority of programs and produce comparatively few grads, but you wouldn't know it from the amount of time right wingers spend crying about them.
  16. Why don't you snap a selfie so we can see. Oh I can argue with most of what he says, but making fun of his retarded outfits is just more fun. You when someone is mean to Jordan Peterson:
  17. No I think he's a clown because he dresses like a clown. Like, literally: Also he's funny in a "boy this guy is dumb" way, also like a clown.
  18. You've never asked me what was in the trails. You asked me what people were spraying and I answered you: no one is spraying anything. Others have explained what's in the trails you see (water vapour and trace byproducts from fuel combustion) and you don't seem to be able to grasp a concept my four year old understands. Again, the fact you "ask questions" and ignore or dismiss the answers if you don't like tells me you aren't interested in learning the answers but having people validate your insane worldview.
  19. Not beating the drug-induced brainrot allegations by including an 850 word digression about ancient Mesopotamian cosmology in an article ostensibly about higher education. Anyway, the idea that elite colleges and universities are churning out student radicals who emerge to destroy the system and aren't simply factories for reproducing institutional power is completely at odds with the entire history of these places.
  20. There's a point where skepticism of official narratives ends and reflexive contrarianism and bloody-minded stupidity begins and buddy you have sailed past that a long time ago to the point where you won't even accept evidence before your very eyes What's the point in "asking questions" if won't listen to the answers unless they're what you want to hear? Like I said, you have a toddler's mindset.
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