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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Let me make this perfectly clear, Scott Brison is a fine young man..... uh, I mean (CHECKS WITH HIS MINDER) yes that is right, we welcome him to the Liberal family, the gay son I never had. SirRiff said it best when he said Scott wants to be with a winning party for a change. This is the point, take a shortcut instead of building something you could be proud of. The Conservative Party is nothing more than a wire frame waiting to be built upon and instead of being a builder, Mr. Brison walks away If there was no merger do we honesly think Mr Brison would have stayed in a rump party when he could be a parliamentary secretary of say finance or justice? Paul Martin is courting PCers and playing into Jack laytons hands. This is why we had to have the merger, to save the PC party from oblivion. Four Alliance members will cross the floor to save the PC official party status. Your welcome Joe Clark and David Orchard. These red Tories could have lost in the next election or crossed anyway. It is because of the merger that the PC party will survive. The merger pre-empted a dealthblow by Paul Martin. The Canadian Alliance does have members that think homosexuality is wrong. Can I just say that in a small demographic like my workplace which happens to be unionized and therefore 80% vote NDP and 15% vote Liberal Federally there is a very high incidence of homophobia, about 50-60%. I should also note that my workplace is 98% female. What this tells me is that in this demographic we find closet homophobes. Don't we learn in school that the most dangerous kind of bigotry is that which is hidden? So by this logic then coudn't the case be made that a large number of homophobes exist in such a large Liberal tent or is that a closet?
  2. Neal NDP will never gain in Quebec. They loved Ed Broadbent but won't vote that party.
  3. I agree I love the look of Conservative voice. The colours are great. I think there has to be red in the logo.
  4. Nope, never been to NPWBN and never been refered to as a feminazi. Paul Martin looks very unsure of himself. As I said before he looked like he was going to cry when Manley asked him to reveal his donors. Harper could easily smoke him. Hell I could smoke him. BUT The house divided will not get elected. Joe Clark will be the new political analyst on CTV with Patrick Puffy crying about how his family was killed by these horrible crusaders. If Harper wins PCers will stay home and say Martin is really a PCer ya know anyway. If Mackay wins the CBC will be camped out in Saskatoon with 24 hour coverage of the "note" and how it clearly says "no merger", "maintain 301" blah, blah. The only way the Conservative Party could get away with changing leaders again (every couple years) is to bring in Micheal Wilson the man that changed the fortunes of Canada up against Vanilla Ice (catchy tune but it aint yours).
  5. sorry Gallahad I misread the post Wat to go!
  6. AF That is correct you are afraid and don't speak for the Alliance or the Conservative party. Protecting the definition of marriage is not the same as opposing gay marriage. Jurisdiction exists to permit gay unions and does not need to be infringed upon by a federal government. Women are having abortions. This may be sad and you may believe it is wrong along with alot of other Canadians. You can't legislate them to stop. What is Canadian culture? Whitebread, beer, hockey. I like the global culture that is emerging within Canada. Consensus but variety, diversity with unity. A conservative should respect the traditions of our country and those from others with the same regard, otherwise it would be hippocritical. AF seems to want the government to intervene in peoples lives; marriage, abortion, protectionist of culture like the mullahs of Iran and Sheila Copps. None of this is Conservative so AF should leave the party. Bye!
  7. Perhaps the bible is a one of many , the Torah, The Koran as all religions have books that bear striking resemblance in their spiritual works. The material laws change with the times and people that they are intended to influence. Laws of nations must change over time to suit the needs of the time. Why shouldn't the same be seen in religions? If all religions where actually one work over say 10,000 years to continue the covenant and maintian the spiritual laws, wouldn't this be one example of a proof of the existance of those prophets and messengers and sons and God. Seems that every thousand years or so someone comes fourth with such a powerful word that thousands of people rally to the cause. Thus, creating a new religion instead of renewing the former and creating division where there is none. Imagine if every time Canada created a new law the old country rejected it and a new nation emerged from the new law while the old one remained. Very frustrating
  8. springer off by 5.5 Goldie off by 5.7 Well I thought maybe since springer was over, you know I win ! Like on the price is right.
  9. I like Mike ......Wilson for leader of the Conservative Party. Does anybody have his phone number? You know Harper is good but he has past comments to haunt him. "Firewall" is one, here is another after the 2000 election. " Canada appears content to become a second-tier socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social services to mask its second-rate status, led by a second-world strongman appropriately suited for the task" While some of us may agree with this statement and it may be truthful. Calling Canada second rate can and will hurt this untainted entity. I would like to see some untainted old blood, perhaps the actual one that undid Trudeau / Cretiens legacy of debt burden and provincial rape.
  10. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/HTMLTemplate?id=...bhub=VoteResult Here is another good news item at CTV. Also Canadas Election act states nowhere that 100% of party members are needed to merge, only certification from leaders and a resolution from the party. In your face Orchard and enjoy your filibuster. 85.7% yes
  11. You know I always felt that even if a person was born in say Africa or Europe or anywhere for that matter so long as they believed in such things as freedom of the individual, Good accountable government, Free markets as a means to greater prosperity ECT. That they where in fact Canadian even if only at heart. Doesn't that make them more Canadian than Joe Canadian by default (birth) whom doesn't care about any of the above. Many of the problems with North American society can be resolved with political will that must start with the people. Looking at a problem and saying Canada is going into the toilet is probabley the wrong attitude and I guess it will take immigrants with a new pioneering spirit to rebuild and restore those principles that this country was founded on.
  12. Oh, Another thing. A recent poll showed that 42% of Canadians don't trust Paul Martin Jack Layton the next day on T.V. was saying how we can't trust Paul Martin to do what is right for the average Canadian. Both Conservative Parties did not mention trust at all. This issue and not gay marriage is what could win us seats. On the issue of Plane trips again we dropped the ball Jack Layton said, well the relationships between the corporate world and the PMO is not even suttle anymore. This rings in Canadians ears. Stephen Harper went on about the ethics counsellor not doing his job. Wrong answer! This is why we lack in the polls
  13. The problem is you have the Liberals riding a wave of Bono love in with Paul Martin not to mention most of the media in Canada. While we Conservatives continue to tear into each other. I don't see or hear any talk of how we would would do things better. Paul Martin is talking and taking our platform and instead of calling him Vanilla Ice we pull a Milli Vanilli and air our dirty laundry on counter spin (T.V.) This would never be seen by the Liberals! We need only blame ourselves and those leaders that let it happen.
  14. Link expenditures to an agreeable percentage of GDP Example 3% for military 12% for health 7% for education This would ensure stable longterm funding.
  15. The man is entitled to his views but the politician has to speak on government issues. The state has no right to intrude into the bedrooms of the nation. Therefore criminalizing homosexuality is not a federal mandate. As a consevative I also believe the state has no right in many other aspects of our life, pensions, insurance, banking, ECT. So it goes like this, "leave that which is Ceasars unto Ceasar." Also we should leave that which is Gods unto God. You can't legislate good behaviour nor should we try. Marriage should also be left to the churches and not states. Elsie wayne made a comment that offended Gays not that long ago and nobody fired her. I just think the media will play this up like crazy and may doom the merger unless cooler heads prevail on the progressive conservative side. Perhaps the MP will rather sit as an independant. Lets not forget the Liberals had a convicted criminal in their midst but for some reason that is ok.
  16. Seems like a genuine attempt to include a people in making a sound informed descision on how to increase revenues in the least offensive manner. I lived in Winnipeg the first 25 years of my life. Great city! A very comprehensive plan that should work well. Couple things though, How do they get income tax? And a large increase in the energy costs in the one of the coldest and hottest citys in Canada could be bad news for those just making it now.
  17. All major religions come from the same source. about every thousand years there comes the need to renew and abrogate material laws found within a religion. The spiritual laws remain constant throughout the ages. Progressive revelation to a growing and changing humanity. Abraham develope the family the basic building block of society moses to bring forth a poeple a community to be an example for the tiny world Jeseus to show those neighbors in the community how to treat one another, charity for the poor. and the promise of eternal life through those deeds. mohamed the first nation state that must contain all the previuos. To fight the resistance to that progress. bring greater power to woman. this was subverted and sects were formed( trodden under foot as per daniel the Bab ( the gate in persion) to renew the fallen Islam faith and prepare it for the pinnacle. Baha'u'llah to bring forth a global community with a supreme tibunal as a way to settle the many disputes through consultation. To show fourth the devine plan in panorama. Some would call this the kingdom the return of Christ. This is just a quick synopsis of why we have what appears to be many religions. Lets not forget Hindu , budhism, sihkism, shinto. Consider the origins of these religions and where they where founded. India, isolated by then impassable moutains, Japan an Island nation, Tibet agian at the time not accessible and all in need of independant guidance. They still however have the same spiritual laws as all others and if you look you see the timing of each is far apart but close to about a thousand Years, except those that came in the isolated regions. Isam is a failure but because is was almost immediately subverted by its followers to accomodate their cultural needs and power to the mula and immans and their whims not to mention the dispute over succession. The same could be said about christianity,judaism, sihkism
  18. No Americans to bash in the Sampson case so call the victim guilty instead of confronting the abusers. Where is the visceral response toward the Saudis like we saw towards the American government in our house of commons yesterday?
  19. If you really want to see a fiscally consevative government, one that will grow the economy to pay for social programs instead of expotential tax increases. you might consider the new conservative party. The rest will tend to continue to either increase payroll taxes that kill jobs and lowers revenues and eventual deficeits or they will create higher income taxes and fees (taxes) wherever the they can to pay for them. So less government interference is really the best way to ensure the programs can be sustained for generations. Because expenditures will outpace revenues and let me give an example. The have province of Alberta, the richest per capita in the country had revenue increases from 1997 - 2002 of 21% while health expeneses alone increased 57%, so how long before it becomes a have not province. The goal is to grow the economy faster than the pace of expenditure growth. Thus pay for social programs without going bankrupt. Social programs need to be re-examined as well, not eliminated. This is basic common sense and is the main theme behind the Alliance party. They also support the traditional family as a basic building block to healthy society. A strong military to secure what we value here and throughout the globe. Immigration that is effective and not like the current porous system where openess exceeds vigilance. I could go on but you sound like a real conservative and the only close is the Alliance.
  20. Today I subjected myself to the call in show on the CBC. Topic was Arar being tortured in syria. All they could talk about was how the " bastards" deported this man to Syria. Not the fact that Syria commited the unthinkable and that Canada aided the American descision. This also ocurred later in question period as yet another exuse to American bash. John Harvard was the mouth peice of the Liberals and is a Martin supporter. Do we really think that this anti Americanism will diminish under Martin?
  21. Anyway the poll by jmck was conducted by former employees of undisclosed members of parliament based in Calgary. I became A little suspiciscious about the numbers, as much as I want to believe them but needed to see no bias. I will hold judgement untill they can be repeated by another pollster. If anything it is a nice counter to the Ekos bias.
  22. so the leadership of this new party is not shaping up the way I believe Canadians would it like not to mention many high profile concervatives. So what! this movement is very big, I will state this again, no party yet , no leader yet and we are within 10-20% of the liberals. The Government is tripping and the 200 seats I thought Paul Martin would get is reduced by 30 to 40 seats. They will be held. The greater gains will come no matter the leader. The numbers indicate people are ready to jump off the tired Liberals. A principled and steadfast stand for our policies sold over the vast lacking deficiet in moral and the influence pedling and conservative display of a strong team, forget the leader, show the team. Paul Martin did well as finance minister to most Canadians every other minister except Manley has failed at his or her portfolio. It take a strong team to govern and the conservatives have to show they have rising stars to replace these bumblers. Cabinet trading cards with stats showing their goofs and boondogles vs a pofile of the conservative shadow cabinet and their strenghts. The strong team approach vs look at the leader will benefit the conservatives. I love harper for PM but Canadians are ready to hear that this team is better than the team that just keeps winning by default. Florida was quite well recieved by almost everyone. why? people just wanted to see somebody else win.
  23. Well we took one of the most wild regions in the world and transformed it into a leading nation in the world. despite the fact we wasted two full generations of Canadians through excessive taxation and thus reduced our massive potential. That potential remains and will be brought to fruit one day. I refuse to define this country by any social program because this diminishes our roots and history. Only three nations had the fortitude to land at Normandy this will forever be our moment. Those men did not go into battle and die for socialised health care or a government pension. I believe they went to kill ideals that were a detriment to humanity. Scarily, ideals, though to a lesser degree, that are now to be tolerated and ignored by this administration. I think this is what most conservatives view as a transgression, not to mention the decimation of the military. We where the third nation in space "Alouette" If not for a certain PM we could have been the first. The Arrow made me very proud because we scared our allies with what we made( scared in a good sense). When the Arrow was killed our boys went south and put the US on the moon. All this can be repeated in this generation it will just take the RIGHT leader.
  24. I just want to clarify that the conservatives did not merge with the progressives but took the name to honor a leader that came from that party. Akin to if Preston Manning became leader of the PC's and reform died and the party decided to rename themselves the reform consevatives. Just wanting to make sure we remain true to the facts as liberals will pick this stuff apart. We have to be very careful so as not to rewirte history so suit our current needs. The new conservative party will become a reality because it is needed and Canadians demand it. We also need to start talking about What we will do when we have power.
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