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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. These numbers resemble the 2000 election results, how very sad. My hope is the CBC will jump on the NDP bandwagon. It doesn't look like it as they are already talking about how Paul Martin is showing real leadership. What the hell will it take? So after the latest Liberal robbery Canadians would give them more support than 2000. What a bunch of sheep we are. I can't even formulate into words the complete disdain I have for anyone that said they would still support the Liberals. Ah, but I shouldn't be surprised because we Canadians enjoy monopolies, whether political or corporate. Wait a second, we don't like rich people and being held hostage for ransom due to lack competition. If this happened with Telus or Bell and the CFO had just became CEO Canadians would sure as hell punish thses guys in the stock market.
  2. Can I present my conspiracy theory and please take it with a grain of salt. I can't back it up so my hope is that it will make some people rethink supporting Belinda. If nothing else it'll inject some levity into the discussion. OK here it is. If you wanted to destroy the right wing in Canada how would one go about doing just that. First, who would want to do that? Answer, Jean Cretien and Paul Martin. Next, who would you ask for advice on how to do that. Well if your Jean Cretien why not ask Bill Clinton. You know your golfing and things and thoughts of grandeur start to penetrate your tedium. So Clinton says why don't you first convince your enemies to join together so you only have one party to focus on destruction. I know you can hear Jean saying," but da split elps us Liberals". Bill replies, "Ya ya, ear me out you hoser. First you get them to join then you take over the damn party. There is no way to get them join together, Jean protests. Bill says, do you know Belinda? Jean says No way, look at me, and I'm in my late 50's. Ok I'll handle that, replies Bill. Jean says I'll need to have a consevative leader in the liberal party to draw away votes from this new entity. Bill says that is perfect. So Jean and Paul stage a fight to remove him from cabinet thus helping his cause. This is important because remember the Liberal convention where Jean endorsed Paul, "You have my support". Belinda supports everybody financially, even David Orchard and Paul Martin. Why ? Because she needs to ensure she has the ear of potential leaders to assist in a merger and still show support to her fellow operatives. Paul Martins' response to Belinda entering the leadership race "she is a very smart person and I'm sure she'll do well. Stephen Harpers' was, "I can't write a check for my campaign". This suggests Paul was more comforting to Belinda and was an expected occurance. The blueprint already exists for such an occurance. I can imagine the plotting, "we need another Kim Cambell". Given the sponsorship scandal they would relish such a person. Hello Belinda! The Government knew this was coming long ago. Belinda, Jean Cretien, Bill Clinton, Paul Martin, are a chain of events worthy of the X-files. Damn I miss Mulder and Scully. Anyway, I wonder if some of that money will comeback to the Canadian public and that they will forever restrain themselves from voting Liberal.
  3. How many of us cringed at the phony town hall type infomercial paid for by joe tax payer via the CBC to the benefit of Billionair Paul Martin. I hope the opposition parties demand equal time from the CBC. what a pathetic display, the CBC should be busted for this one. In between softball questions from really bad actors like Donna Martin with a taxidermed six pointer on the sound studio wall placed in full view with spot light set to perfection "will you scrap the ineffective gun registry?" I really expected Paul Martin to spray Peter Mansbridges head with a can of ready hair. No! How about some rotisseri chicken, only a little pink near the bone, don't worry we have a fake foreign doctor in the fake studio cross section of canada looking for work. Anybody but me see this bogus peice of work?
  4. Maplesyrup Lets not get too excited about a poll that may be totally made up. https://www.oneconservativevoice.ca/english...02_03_04_B.html I do think Belinda's campaign manager might be following his own words.
  5. I don't own a gun, never will. I watched the movie Bowling for Coumbine and what I came away with was, death by gun does not correlate with gun ownership. To register guns therefore would seem not to have an impact. I'm sure 2003 was the year that within Canada more people died from handgun gunshots than previous years. I don't live in la la land, but wish I did. Because if I did then I could make deductions like, since more people died with the gun registery in place than past years of registrant impotence, then the registry resulted in more handgun deaths. One could then state that the Liberal Government of Canada spent about a Billion loonies to increase the numbers of death by handgun. I also wonder how registering a gun will help it not kill someone. If my registerd vehicle was stolen, is it less likely to be used in a criminal offence or is more likely? If I went wacko and slammed my car into the police headquarters, I doubt they would say, " Oh my god this should not have happened man, he was driving a registered vehicle". The problem seems to be illegal weapons coming from the US, especially handguns to which the registry should target. I still fail to see how knowing a person has guns would diminsh their use in a crime. If police enter a situation they usually take the position that they are in danger and take precaution. Now lets suppose the police are told via rampart there is a situation in the north where Joe Canuck is hostile but according to the registry he has no weapons. Oops, he just came back from Michigan with more weapons and Planet of the Apes tapes than, well, Charelton Heston. The police are less vigilant because of the registry of budget destruction and failure to identify banned weapons. "Wow, That guy shot at us even though the registry told us he had no weapons" Another situation is thus, John smith has never had a gun and enjoys staying home watching Martha Stewart pretend to be interested in making muffs for those damp cells. Jay Smith however has weapons and works nights at Tims. This fella has to walk or call a taxie to get home. Needless to say he is affraid so owns a gun and carries it. There seems to be a situation at Johns work as someone has taken off with the Timbits from the earlier office meeting. A mixup ensues and as Police show up to question John they have viewed the file(but the wrong one) and fear this guy has weapons. Too bad for John because he answered the door holding the remote controll for the T.V. that looked too much like the gun he never owned or registered. I could hear the deffence," the registry said he had guns".
  6. Am I wrong when I state that Paul Martin included Bill Graham in his cabinet in the very same portfolio in which the later boasted that the Americans where at fault. I was actually stunned and delighted when I saw PM had retained the services of this lamo. No one should think for a second that the parallel government that existed from August to December was unaware of the Arar file. I believe PM is currently sweatin' with the oldies and sought to stifle any more damaging leaks before the good ship (Liberian flagged) cruise to power starts to resemble the Titanic. I stated some time ago in a long since erased thread about the pathetic attempt to blame the Americans for this sad treatment of a citizen of Canada. I'm also hoping William Sampson surfaces around April. In the meantime I'll be busily making sure Stockwell Day, Bill Grahams worst nightmare, fends off the two challengers in his riding.
  7. Pell A business that does not provide a service or skill would not be very profitable. How is hiring 100 people and providing a client with a service or skill satisfying sellfish urges and desires? 100 people are working and paying taxes, the clients receive a benefit as well the owner / operator. I mean this is basic stuff. Is Microsoft or Bill Gates satisfying some individual personal desire. I don't think so! Microsoft has created more millionares than all of Atlantic Canada has. Well I can't back that up but you see my point. Usually people that are just out to make lots of money, fail. The wealthy are usually married to a poduct or service that they sell to the masses. What about your doctor? Is he satisfying an urge? He is wealthy. The guy went to school forever and was indebted up the ying yang. Do you understand the risks of Med school? Do you understand the risk of starting a business? Generally people don't do this for a quick fix love of money. Exactly why a socialists redistribution system is not a fair one. You get alot of " Why bother", less risk takers equals less pie to divide to the people that need real assistance. Another way to say that is " we can't afford our social programs." So who suffers? The poor, the sick, not the wealthy.
  8. simple One is to reward the individual for providing a service or skill in the arts or sciences to the benefit of human society as a whole. The others are a question of untoward effects on the same. Gays owe their very existance to heterosexal relationships and are therefore hippocrites in the sense they shun that from which they came. Abortion is pretty much the same thing, hippocracy in the sense they started the process of life and through negligence they now wish to undo it. The later two contribute nothing to the human condition and are nothing more than the satisfaction of individual urges and sellfish desires. Let it be known that those in society from a conservative perspective should be allowed to own and live in a mansion while others may have the opportunity to own at least two rooms and a bath. That is to say own property. Having said that there must be controlls on the amount of wealth an individual accummulates because it also becomes a vice of individual gratification and corruption.
  9. I don't know why Conservatives are trashing Stronach. I have heard nothing about her, good or bad. Could somebody hook me up with why I should not even give her a chance? like some of us here seem to be doing. Remember big tent conservatives from all over the country? I'm not jumpimg on the Magna parts wagon but please lets see what she brings to the party. I've heard some pretty harsh things, "EVIL"," Paul Martin in a cocktail dress". Our swords need be pointed at the Liberals, remember! Preston Manning also asking conservatives to keep it clean during the leadership campaign. Cleanliness is even more important at the grassroots because we make the party. You may not respect me but we should take Harpers and Mannings advice. Krusty- Day is not an idiot. He is my MP and I had cofffee with him in Summerland during the firestorm. He is a great guy and very intelligent. Trusting the wrong people politically does not make a person an idiot, it Makes him human so lay off Day unless you know him.
  10. You know Pell that some NDpers want to move that party to the centre while others want to move to the left. Jack Layton and Ed Broadbrent disagree on the legalization of pot. Svend wants to remove references to God from the Canadian constitution and I'm sure Bill Blakie would object. Blah Blah Blah Paul Martin has removed anybody emodied in central policies from the Liberals. Yet you speak of a historic division within the Conservative Party as if it unique and new. The conservatives have formed governments with more conflict in thier ranks than today. A couple examples, John Crosbie and Joe Clark, Mulroney and Bouchard. It must be frustrating backing a party that ranks some 10% back of a party one month old, no leader, no platform and oh so (not) divided.
  11. Well he hit it out of the park, or more Canadian eh, a true hat trick. So what does the CBC focus on? Well I didn't hear but I saw David Orchards face. The CTV and CBC both seemed to play an extended version of "This hours kiss" They also edited the speach to suggest Harper does not want any other competitors " I don't have time to fight other Conservatives, I want to fight the Paul Martin Liberals". This said after commentary about the lacking of other candidates. Very pathetic and obvious bias. I am sickened.
  12. NO, NO, NO, You view The NDP's % wrongly as it will spread thinly through the country and concentrate in urban centers. This will play well for the Conservatives if they can retain more of the red tory vote. The NDP will not gain so many seats to be the Official Opposition, sorry sticky and pelly.
  13. If a Prime minister states he will reintroduce legislation to decriminalize pot and it turns out his organizers had used drug money in any political activity, this would be the biggest story of scandal within Canada in decades if not ever. So I don't think of it as pathetic in anyway. What is pathetic however is that very specultion that I have crystalized is missing from my media. This is another omission of scrutiny of Paul Martin among the many that I shall not list in this thread. My guess is the opposition is currently obtaining information, as much as they can and pounce in the parliament of immunity or is that the immunity of parliament.
  14. I would simply point to the leaks Martin and Martin supporters supplied to the media re: poorly managed funds and ministerial gifts, and the meeting that took place that caused Jean Cretien to call an election to end the stabbing of ones back. Ya know being fired from cabinet says alot since Jean only ever wanted to one day say " Da ministers were never corrupt". Corruption is one thing but stabbing a sitting PM, never. If Paul Martin had the balls he would have left too, then stage a come back. No, not Him, his way to the leadership was that of intimidation and insubordination. No I have not read Prestons book as I am in the middle of Three. ( Tax Me I'm Canadian, The lotus and The Quantum, Clash of Civilisations.) I promise you I will read what Preston as has to say about Harper and will respond then. Thank you.
  15. If anyone wrote the book on how to stab your boss in the back and anyone who supported him it is Paul Martin. If you trust Paul Martin to implement old Reform policies, well I wish, I wish, upon a star but me thinks Pinochio is gaining wood. Especially since you point out Paul is willing to say anything to get elected then scrap it. Good luck with him. I'll stick with the originator of good ideas.
  16. Well I'm no fan of baseball but football is a real sport. So Paul Martin writes the Red Book that is supposed to be his playbook for governing Canada way back in '93. How come 10 years later the only thing he is known for, a claim to fame, is a page torn out of the green book written by Stephen Harper? Listen to Paul Martin lately and he sounds alot like Preston Manning back in 93. I was wondering why The liberals are 10 years behind Stephen Harper in putting forth what is right for Canada. Also, ever see what happens to a football team that uses another teams playbook against them. Works for a little bit untill the defence realises that they have seen this in practice all year and the plagerists get smoked. A watered down version of the green book is Paul Martins platform and talking renewal of cities, a Provincial jurisdiction, simply to appear different from Jean Cretien and the red book that Paul wrote is simply going to end badly for the Prime Minister. The true visionary in Canadian Politics is Stephen Harper. Proof is that the Liberal Party and that government is moving to his authored policies 15 years later. Scrap the red book we have the Stephen Harper Bible.
  17. Galahad If you liken Paul Martin to Ali (the Greatest) where would you put John Manley. John Manley had Paul Martin on the ropes in tears over donors and poor old Paul started pointing at the mediator (ref) to get him to stop the insanity (pummelling) Paul Martin is so intelligent he wanted parliament to approve senate appointments. Brilliant man he is his minders had to inform him of why that was a dumb idea. Then he flipped and flopped like Flipper talking to Bud in the boat. So you acknowledge the only reason the media talk to Stephen Harper is to give the impression of a multiparty state like there is some alternative but not worth our attention. I know you mean Harper = Knotts in the sense he makes his craft look easy when compared to others, so thank you for your endorsement of a brilliant man. As for Martin = Ali, in his only fight, Martin was brought to a standing 8 count. I mean really, John Manley, Imagine Layton and Harper with a combined flurry. I know I can't wait.
  18. Perhaps the Conservative Party could draft Copps to rid the party of the intolerant stigma. Then we could label Paul Martin the extremist and chauvanist. With Bernie at the helm the conservatives would be true centrists with a strong right wing and feminists appeal. I know, idealogically stupid but politcally smooth. The conservatives would carry the female vote. We would no longer be the party of grumpy old men, but women too. O.K I know she is more likely to jump to the NDP but really we should nail the purple martins the same way they are eating up red tories votes like they are mosquitos.
  19. I really want to confront the Star and CBC for the spin in todays media. The headline and comments about the poll make me sick. Then the CBC asked a few Atlantic Canadians and one Premier about the Conservative Party and guess what? They all view it as the Alliance take over. Except Mr. Mackay but who the hell trusts him, right! I've really had it I mean does anyone know how we can affect change in this media that goes above an angry letter and remains totally legal. Global is always fair and should I just trust Canadians to seek out that which is, at minimal, neutral. I know the Post has CBC watch, this is step one to exposing them but needs to be expanded. Please.
  20. I'm a little sad I didn't make the list but I'm in good company cause neither did Craig Read.
  21. I'm an American loving moron. I'm pretty sure Britian and France did the partitioning of the old Ottoman Empire but since I'm a moron I can't be sure. Say what you will but know this simple truth. When America gets attacked the world will be changed for the better when the dust settles. The fact that Europe is fighting over a common constitution instead of borders is a testament to America living up to its immense responsiblity in a world that mostly lived under tyrant monarchs. They where really the first to come out from under this type governance. This must be spread to the whole world for before true peace can be maintained with minimal effort. Just look at how South Korea has done compared to the North. During the first gulf war many people were cynical saying it was all about oil. My response, well maybe but unless you absoulutely don't use petrol products, shut up please because your position is moronic. As if either bush was actually taking the oil home or padding his corporation. In fact America could have gotten way more oil contracts if they wanted to make a deal with Saddam intsead of paying Billions for a war. Short sighted anti-Americanism is to make thyself or your your country appear superior. If Bush came out and said well we need to secure Iraqi oil to ensure the west can keep the fat Liberal lifestlye because were gonna tighten the srews on Saudia Arabia and need to become less dependant on oil from that country (given their support to terrorists). Who would have joined the effort; not France, not Germany, not Russia. They all had their own deals with the killer. Clinton phoned Larry King and said, ("when I left office there was alot of unaccounted for WMD, we didn't know one way or the other"). Is he lying too? Is Clinton also sexing up the rush to war? In 10 years when we look back at the new jewel known as Baghdad, that partition of the Ottoman Empire won't look so bad. The jewels will be twins however, another will be known as Tehran. The way we now regard Soul and Tokyo will be the attitude towards the twins of the Middle East. Who would condem the citizens of Tokyo or Soul to go back in time to have the Americans do nothing? Anybody?
  22. Let me get this straight. The same people that want Iraq handed back to the Iraqis now want Saddam handed to the International community? The International community washed their hands of this matter long ago. Hell, if it where up to them, Saddam and and Hans Blix would have their own sitcom on NBC. This has been a coalition and Iraqi show from day one so leave it in their hands. Internationalists can't have it both ways.
  23. Wow, SirRiff said America is a great federation. Yes it is. It has seen too much war for any one nation and nobody knows that more than Americans themselves. They hate war so much they are willing to die in it to bring about peace in the world. They are rapidily learning how to bring regimes to submission before they present a global threat, a lesson not yet learned by most of Europe and Canada.
  24. Paul Martin was Elected in 1988 with an anti free-trade and kill the GST party. Talk, talk, talk. We love those Conservative ideas. Paul Martin eliminated the deficit. Talk, talk, talk. We love those Reform ideas. Paul Martin wants to REFORM the way parliament works. We Liberals love those Reform/Alliance ideas. Tax cuts you say! again we love those extremist ideas. Well I haven't read the red book but I can spot all the Conservative accomplishments in this country all achieved in oppostion. Imagine what we could do when we form government. Dont slam The door on the way out Shiela Copps.
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