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Everything posted by Kindred

  1. Here comes the anti-terrorist train lets all jump on board - news flash this is NOT the friday night movie, this is freakin' real and while you all sit back and enjoy this newest entertainment children are suffering, being wounded and killed and terrorized -- how the hell did society become so desensitized and so immune to the suffering of humanity? How did society become so damn ignorant and selfish? For those of you who dont listen to anything except CNN and Fox 2 Canadian children have been killed now. Not that they are more important than children from Lebanon or Israel but some of you seem to think they are, if they are white and blonde and come from the West than it means something to you ......... Are these children also terrorists who support Hazbullah and do they " deserve " to die?
  2. You forgot to add "and every child" ..... and reality is most of Lebanon does not support the "guerilla force" operating in their country, by the very definition of the word .... they are also being held hostage by Hezbulla (sp?). Take a look at the most recent election results in Lebanon ........ You would have a more objective and informed opinion if you did some research, educated yourself, and stopped parroting the popular US media on world affairs. I dont understand someone who gets their information from the TV Media - the SAME media that reported the 911 terrorists came straight from Canada, and held Canada responsible in the intitial fallout - when there is a wealth of history and information available to you on the internet - never mind books ! It is this kind of ignorance that creates racism, hate and wars ........ God help a society who's members are too lazy to ask questions and look for their own answers, but just sit on their collective asses and let the media tell them what to think, feel and do - How many of you have not given one thought to Israel or Lebanon before this started? How many of you know that the US piles billions of Foreign Aid on Israel? How many of you know that the US and in part, Canada are the Arms Dealers who have provided the weapons for this war? How many of you know how THIS has influenced and WILL influence the US stand, and by association, Canadas because Harper is a Bush Toady? How many of you know the facts behind the comment about this attack being "justified"? What are the facts, the history that form the allegiance from other countries? From the G8 countries? Who is financially impartial to the outcome of this war on Lebanon and who has huge nvestments in the area? Terrorists my ass ........ that is the the scape goat of all political machinations around the world isnt it? Every act of aggression in the world has been justified as being a defense against the 911 "terrorists" - hasnt that been a little over done? Its reached the point of the ridiculous regarding how many countries have been blamed by Bush for 911. If Bush said the Easter Bunny did it people would rush out and get a gun and start shooting at every little bunny they saw ......... Muslim bunnies OMGod ! The constant "terrorist alerts" are just blatant brain washing to keep the people of the US off balance and complacent .... and its brain washing Canadians who are tuned into US stations.
  3. I didnt respond because I thought that was a "given" - I have a connection to this because I am a human being and absolutely appalled by this destruction and annihilation of Lebanon. I am appalled at the lack of response from the rest of the world .......... I am appalled at the Canadians response ........ I am appalled at people trying to justify it and supporting it ....... People for the most part dont want to hear the history, the aggression of both sides, they just seem to like the "fire show" and revel in the carnage ......
  4. Why do terrorists target the US and Canada too? Because they are "rich" countries and they are jealous? Because we are "white"? Because we are "democratic"? For the most part "not Muslim"? NO its because the US and Canada are the biggest ARMS DEALERS who have and continue to supply these countries with the weapons to kill each other and because we are ultimately behind this destruction ! Russia used to be a major arms player but they are kind of beaten up and more or less ineffective, or so the world seems to think .......... The US gives Israel BILLIONS in foreign Aid, more than any other country has received since WWII - and they give it to them in ONE LUMP SUM so they can collect interest on it, other foreign Aid is given in quarterly payments and is a fraction of what Israel receives ........ THATS why the "terrorists" target the US, because they are ultimately behind all this crap, fuelling the fires.
  5. I didnt think anyone could be dumber than Clark or more "American" than Mulroney but damn Harper is going to outdo both of them ...... To give Clark his due he did say Harper would be a very dangerous leader for Canada to have and warned Canadians that he would be kowtowing to Bush and Canada's role in the world would be changed forever. and look at us now .......... I used to be a proud Canadian 'eh, but Harper has made one International gaffe after another, this isnt the first time he has made a fool of himself. He is appallingly ignorant of World Affairs, has never travelled outside of Canada before this .... and appears to have a bad habit of showing his ignorance to the world. His comments have damaged Canada's role as Peace Keepers and as a Neutral country. He is just another Bush stooge ....... like Mulroney ......... But then he does have the endorsement of both Bush and Mulroney and that should scare the crap out of most Canadians. Harpers comments put him at odds with most the G8 summit members and even Blair, the third stooge has had the sense to take a middle road on this and not back Israel ......... Harper is ignorant of the history of the Middle East and stated to media that Lebanon has no interest in peace. Could he make a bigger ass of himself? THEN he says Canada is willing to work with BOTH Israel and Lebanon to establish an Israel State in the Middle East ........ yah that should work after this insult to Lebanon Two Canadian children have been killed in this insanity and even though they were killed in Israel the families are blaming Israel, their own country, for the deaths. And Harper feels Israel's barrage is a reasonable response to the kidnapping of their three soldiers? Harper is an idiot.
  6. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/mear01_.html The report is all here John Mearsheimer is the Wendell Harrison Professor of Political Science at Chicago, Stephen Walt is the Robert and Renee Belfer Professor of International Affairs at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. His most recent book is Taming American Power: The Global Response to US Primacy.
  7. Harper has proven he is a Bush Toady - and damaged our reputation with the rest of the world who feels Israel's actions are way out of proportion.
  8. God help Canadians with this moron at the head of out country making us look like assholes all over the world with his stupid comment that Israel is justified when most of the world disagrees, but then Harper has his head so far up Bush's ass he cant see whats going on anyhow .....
  9. A voice of reasoness in the midst of mayhem ......... and I repeat no one can call the actions of Israel reasonable or justified, to deny the barrage on Lebanon and the intent to annhilate the culture and destroy the infrastructure is ridiculous. They have destroyed the Beruit airport, the bridges, the roads, this is considered a "war crime". INNOCENT civilians are being "punished" in an insane attack by Israel that cannot be justified because the Hezbollah have no military installations or static physical presence for the Israel rockets to target - to say they are firing on Hezbollah targets is pure bullshit ....... They are bombing whole apartment blocks and then saying " we had reason to believe the Hezbollah lived there .." and no civilians were hurt ..............and I say again, bullshit ......... Argus you havent explained why its okay for Israel to have hundreds of Lebanese prisoners but not okay for Lebanon to have 3 Jews in prison .... nor have you explained your comment that the bombing is in retaliation for the death of these 3 prisoners when all reports are that they are alive and well ..... reports released by Israel in fact to the BBC ..... I imagine Israel will succeed in blowing up these soldiers though ..... sooner or later ........
  10. jeeze if being a reasonable, intellectual person who examines many sides of an issue before posting, and does their research so they dont appear to be ignorant is being "anal retentive" Then three cheers for all the anal retentive posters. Better to be anal than runaway oral with no connection between the brain and the keyboard or the mouth that spews without thought or reference -- Disclaimer: This post is a general observation on the merits of being anal retentive and addressed to no one in particular
  11. I noticed you including me in this name calling, personal insults thing and I object ...........Sorry to dissapoint Argus but I have read every single post I have made on this thread and I dont see any that contain name calling or personal insults to you, or anyone. I have pointed out that you appear woefully ignorant of the facts, and once quoted your remark about people being "pig ignorant" or "ignorant pigs" and "goat herders and pedophiles" back at you - but I didnt call you a moron, or a whore, or a pedophile, or whatever ......... Oh wait I said you come across as a bitter little man who life has dissapointed, because of the content of your posts, and yes I did call your a racist I think, because of the "Goat Herder" and other such name calling that I consider to be racist ........ Is THAT the horrible insult and name calling you refer to? I reserve the right to object that saying someone using racial slurs is a racist is insulting them or calling them names. Not when the proof is there .......and they seem proud of being a racist. You are way off base and out of line accusing others of having insulted you and called you names. To use a common phrase of yours ............... I believe "you are mistaken"
  12. I havent read this whole thread but saw this and I have to ask what the hell makes people think that the only medical care available to people is in either Canada or the US? And that anyone living abroad has to go to either of these countries to receive medical care? Someone posted the same stupid comment about China is another thread. Most of these countries have a medical system and medical facilities superior to anything Canada has -- A group of Canadian Doctors just toured several countries overseas to view their medical facilities and medical systems in order to ascertain how to better improve the system in Canada. One of the countries they visited was China. Further more you cannot collect CPP unless the contribute to it, and a lot of Canadians working overseas pay Canadian Income Tax and pay into CPP. They can also be eligible for pensions from the countries listed on their dual citizenship, which are generally better than Cdn pensions, therefore REDUCING the burden on the Canada Pension system ...... because they are not eligible for OAS supplements because of the two pensions .............. duh ........ It wouldnt hurt to do a little research before you post ........ or listen to someone who lives there instead of calling them commie spies and insulting them ....... I'm a Canadian who works in China, when I had a kidney stone within 2 hours I had had an ultra sound and a CT Scan, lab work and had seen a Specialist ......... no waiting years to see a Specialist, no six month wait for a CT Scan, no 2 1/2 month wait for an "emergency Ultra Sound" .......not exactly primitive and no need to rush home to Canada for Inferior Medical Care ...
  13. That is one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard. The Hizballah are mobile, they have no static military installations or camps or presence.Isreal is determined to annhilate Lebanon and the Arabs and if anyone has any doubts of that now they are truly in denial and living in a cave somewhere ........... Stupid CNN or someone reported last night that only 17 people had been killed in the barrage on Beruit and Southern Lebanon, give me break already ....... We dont know what the body count is .... we wont know for a very long time, if ever. There never was a final count in Dresden, the numbers coming out of Irag in the intial attack were SO untrue and covered up by the "embedded Media" ........ anyone SEEING the damage, SEEING the barrage has to know its a helluva lot higher than is being reported ....... It is indefensible. Totally completely indefensible.
  14. What would you call the beef thing? That really hurt Canada economically, the softwood lumber thing, granted it started eons ago but the US is having problems cooperating on decisions made, delays in customs, creating new tariffs? Canadian manufacturers are losing HUGE profits because of it ...... Big Brother is moving in, silently, and unnoticed ......... none of this ever gets into the news.. You dont even have to read between the lines to know that the US is taking over Canada's security, transportation and defense. US wont declare "open warfare" on Canada, its doesnt have to, we will just sit on our collective butts and let it happen, we wont even notice it HAS happened until the Canadian flags come down and the American flags go up ............ Our rail carriers seem to have US flags painted on the sides of their box cars now ........... Off topic I know but I wanted to respond to Argus.. infiltration and economic tariffs is how its being done, threats surrounding security, imprisionment and deportation of Canadian citizens ... slowly slowly ..... so they dont wake the sleeping Canadians ........... pointing the finger at Canada everytime there is any kind of terrorist alert or activity ......... keeping the US Media reporting the "Canadian Threat" .......... They dont have to "invade" Canada, and just FYI look up "NAWAPA" Noth American Water and Power Authority - it makes for interesting reading ......... and it aint dead yet.
  15. and I have been called a whole lot of names, the latest was a reference by Argus to "street walking in short shorts" .. His posts contain such a high level of intellectual debate perhaps indicative of a pathetically small .. uh . point of view and reference?
  16. I see the US is evacuating its citizens, even Italy has started evacuations and were kind enough to take some Canadians along with them ... where is Canada? Oh yes Harper is still in France and assures the media that Canada "will get in there as soon as possible" but at the same time saying Canadians ""have to remember we dont have the resources BIGGER countries have - damn I always thought Italy was smaller than we are with less military ........ Oh right our military is over in the other Middle East fighting a war for Bush. But they are looking into renting 7 commercial ships for the 50 - 60,000 Canadians in Lebanon. According to the US the best they can do is evacuate 1000 people a day .......... do the math. The US has even sent in helicopters for their people. Get out your hiking boots Canadians ........... I wouldnt be sitting around holding my breath and waiting for Canada to make a move .......
  17. One way to tell is people arent banned for disagreeing with God Almighty Audra
  18. I am suggesting Bush is more determined than Hitler ever was to rule the world. Hitler wanted a world wise Aryan Race, Bush wants to push Christianity down the throat of every person in the world. Hitler was a maniac and so is Bush. Hitler only invaded his neighbours, ok and England, thank God Bush has chosen to go further afield, but he has already targeted Iran, Korea, China, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, if not with open warfare to all of them, with asides that they could or will be next, He has waged economic war on Canada already, and has been threatening since Day One to take over Border Security and put Homeland Security into Canada as well. Dont exhale yet Canadians - we have oil and natural gas resources too.
  19. One of the biggest stumbling blocks to "facilitating" Immigrants into Canadian society is people like you, Argus, racists who hate everyone who isnt white ...... who blame their own problems on the most visible target. Employers who exploit Immigrants and Refugees are also to blame. A Settlement Program that selects and floods an area with new arrivals. Yes it happens and the Government should NOT be selecting landlords who come to them and say "I have 45 apartments to rent, fill 'em up for me". A Government that cuts funding for ESL programs, Employment programs and Settlement programs. It comes down to two things, (1) a Government that sees new arrivals as being "less equal" in terms of housing and employment, wages and benefits and floods selected residential areas with them. And also cuts funding to Settlement and Language programs. (2) And racist jerks and individuals who are hostile and exploitive of new arrivals. An Immigrant with a degree is usually paid less than a Canadian with the same degree, and the length of time in Canada has no impact on this discrepency. Imagine how "equal" minimum wage refugees are treated by employers. Too many people see Immigration and Refugee claimants as "slave labour". Wahoo ! If they complain we will tell them we can "send them back", they dont know an employer cant do that :angry: The most common threat to Immigrants and Refugess, by "nice" Canadians, "if you dont do as I say, shut up and accept what I pay you, I will see that you are "sent back" to where ever the hell you came from" Why do they want to come to Canada? They think Canadians are "nice" and "non-racist" - SURPRISE !
  20. Canadian are their own worst enemies, because of their complete apathy concerning anything other then themselves we have a Medical System that is killing people, we have a Government that RAISED taxes on low income earners and cut the GST (big deal) which ONLY benefits the wealthy making big ticket purchases, yah if you save 1% on a yacht its a big deal, or on a $100,000.00 vehicle or plane ....... for the rest of us it means f**k all - ALL the changes since Harper got in have been to benefit the wealthy and penalize the low to middle income earners. But hey we're Canadians, we will just roll over and take it and not say a word ....... All the money scandals and partonisim and we dont say a word ........ Wages are dropping for low to mid income earners and we dont say a word ...... Union busting, we are losing our benefits and we dont say a word ...... One of the worst Social Assistance and Disability pensions in the world, and we dont say a word ..... Our soldiers, who enlisted thinking they would be Peace Keepers, didnt enlist knowing Canada was going to become part of a war over oil, didnt know they would be supporting Bush's war of terror - and we dont say a word, even though they are coming home in body bags, ....... silence .......... In Canada its every man, woman and child for themselves ..... we have no collective consciousness ...... Canadians arent peaceful, easy going, nice people, they just dont give a damn about anyone other then themselves ...............their own personal situation ......... Argus you just really come across as a very bitter person who, as I said, hasnt had the life you think you should have had, and you and your friends are all "marginalized". Its really sad that you and your friends and family live in ghettos and are forced to associate with visible minorities, given your racist rants and prejudices that must be very hard for you having a "goat herder" living next door ....I lived at the coast for a year, and it was great, never saw any of the crap you want everyone to believe is everywhere, out of control, epidemic, but then I didnt haunt "the ghettos" either, if they exist .... And heres something you might think of, if you are shopping for a house and want a "deal" dont look at houses in areas that have been rezoned for multiple housing development such as the two examples you posted here - I dont know why the things you post always amaze me ! You would think I would be used to the fact by now thats its going to contain ignorance, and this time its ignorance over the price of multiple housing development zones and the value of the land, not the house itself ......... $289.000.00 in an areas rezoned for multiple housing is NOT a lot of money - it looks like a damn good deal in fact. You really are just kind of floundering through life arent you, looking for someone to blame and hate for your situation ........... You should be spending all the time you spend on line getting an education and improving your situation. Vote for change ! Instead of getting up a mad for whoever is our Governing party and voting AGAINST them to "pay them back" for whatever you think they did to you ............
  21. Because they used to have and it wasnt working for them, thats why. Different provinces had different standards, and there was a lot of corruption.Police officers are usually stationed where they DONT know they people to avoid conflict of interest. I believe the error, if one was made was in placing the Indian female officer back in her home town - with people she had known all her life. IMO we are just seeing "the real world" coming to Canada. Our RCMP and soldiers have been very very fortunate in that Canada hasnt had a violent history - until now - until the media brought the poison into Canada. This is a different world we live in, we grew up listening to love songs, todays generation grew up listening to music promoting violence and killing and rape and mayhem ... its brain washing, and its been proven to influence the thinking of suceptible young minds. Now they're old enough to own guns and everyone better get used to it -
  22. You wish, this gives the US, the worst Terrorists in the world, the excuse they have been looking for to declare war on Iran and Syria - and we know the US wont stop until there is nothing left in the world - Hitler was small potatoes compared to Bush.
  23. But did they vote conservative? Or did they just vote "against" the liberals?
  24. Those damn immigrants have really ruined Vancouver and all of BC all right .......... you get some erratic thought in your head and just run with it ....... no research, no facts, nothing to back it up ........ I cant find real numbers of immgrants or refugees on social assistance. I did find one report that gave the overall number as 8% but it isnt what I would consider a "solid stat".
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