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Everything posted by kairos

  1. Harper and his ilk don't make money off pensions, they make it off investments, and post political positions with large corporations and think tanks.
  2. What reason would the other parties have had to vote that bill down?
  3. "Well is the Liberals are to thank the changes in Mortgage requirements put in place just this year... well "thank you very much "Michael Ignatieff"!! The Harper Government is refining and improving the system to accolades from around the globe." Took them only 4 years after the financial disaster.
  4. How on earth is Harper responsible for secure Banking regulations? Getting the US to bail us out on loan with interest is the reason the Canadian economy escaped relatively unscathed from the financial crisis, as well as the fact we have slightly better regulations leading back to the Liberal era.
  5. Harper is the crappiest Prime Minister we've had since Mulroney.
  6. Half of Great Barrier Reef lost in past 3 decades Australia's Great Barrier Reef is a glittering gem -- the world's largest coral reef ecosystem -- chock-full of diverse marine life. But new research shows it is also in steep decline, with half of the reef vanishing in the past 27 years. Katharina Fabricius, a coral reef ecologist at the Australian Institute of Marine Science and study co-author, told LiveScience that she has been diving and working on the reef since 1988 -- and has watched the decline. "I hear of the changes anecdotally, but this is the first long-term look at the overall status of the reef. There are still a lot of fish, and you can see giant clams, but not the same color and diversity as in the past." To get their data, Fabricius and her colleagues surveyed 214 different reefs around the Great Barrier Reef, compiling information from 2,258 surveys to determine the rate of decline between 1985 and 2012. They estimated the coral cover, or the amount of the seafloor covered with living coral. That overall 50-percent decline, they estimate, is a yearly loss of about 3.4 percent of the reef. [Photos of Great Barrier Reef Through Time] They did find some local differences, with the relatively pristine northern region showing no decline over the past two decades. ... Saving the reef As for what can be done to save the reef, or what's left of it, some say reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is key. "International efforts to cap and reduce CO2 emissions are equally critical and must occur at the same time as cleaning up local impacts," said Les Kaufman, a biologist at Boston University who is part of an international consensus statement on climate change and coral reefs. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57524285/half-of-great-barrier-reef-lost-in-past-3-decades/?tag=contentAux;mostPopular
  7. Because its sitting on a ton of oil, sort of like Iran. No brainer there. It certainly isn't the province's intelligence that's driving the country with its fuel.
  8. Birds of a feather birds of a flock. You went to your spiritual homeland. The redneck capital of Canada.
  9. I'm utterly shocked that you're in Central Alberta. (not) Alberta hasn't elected a different party in a time that dwarfs the majority of one party states in the world. Redneck central.
  10. Harper won that idiotic 'award' from a neocon thinktank. Yeah Canada's going down the tubes to the redneck right, which just happens to have alot of spare time and internet connections apparently. What a disgrace.
  11. I was just up watching the glacier disappear before my eyes in Juneau Alaska. It recedes now 600 feet a year. At the hostel people from all over the world are suffering severe climate warming. Alot of people working in Juneau came from the South, and can`t live anymore from the heat. The migrations are already in effect. People are being affected in India, in Europe, in Africa and all over the world. In fact the world GDP is now being cut massively by global warming. http://www.vancouversun.com/business/Climate+change+cuts+world/7323879/story.html Ironic, because our idiot prime minister says we cant do anything to prevent global warming, because it would hurt his precious profits.
  12. What a disgrace to Canada and to Iranian Canadians. Harper barely even gave a poor excuse for this action un-paralleled for Canada. Harper is the worst diplomat since George Bush.
  13. He about turned after saying that the govt did a good job of vetting it hmm...
  14. The F35s are a joke, the whole thing is a giant boondoggle. We have no real use for them. If we wanted to use that money productively we could for example replace the old seakings with second hand helicopters that require less maintenance and that could be used to enhance the coastguard for a price a fraction of the vastly overpriced figures for the F35s.
  15. Bingo, and that is a demographic that is alot higher than 100. Then there is the exigency of it. Harper's base is especially focused in Alberta, which sees itself much as Texas does in the states. Thus at the very least the base demands the appearance of strong military backing. The psychology of this mentality was examined well in the book "The Authoritarians" by Bob Altemayer, a scholar from Manitoba. http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~altemey/ (free read online).
  16. So the money is going to an organization that may be working with an organization that Osama Bin Laden said was a front for Al Qaeda and has some suspicious connections.
  17. You're forgetting that the military have large families and extended relatives, supply organizations etc, not to mention the thousands working in supply and the arms industry, or investing in such. This puts the military vote demographic much higher. Then even more important is the image. Even though millions of Canadians never served in the military, military might beyond all real necessity (see F35s) helps many Canadians deal with insecurity issues, and thus they are more likely to vote for Harper the big daddy figure they need to feel is in charge and running the show 'keeping us strong,' while depleting the treasury.
  18. Stephen Harper is sending 2 million dollars to an organization that Bin Laden said was a front for Al Qaeda. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Harper+defends+little+known+Syrian+group/7084294/story.html
  19. Harper wants votes from the military, and his buddies want their boeing and lockheed stock options to surge. Its sad that Canada got hijacked by the neoconservatives.
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