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Everything posted by lost&outofcontrol

  1. Damn, I always though(I really do) of CNN as being pretty right leaning with Blitzer, Dobbs and co.
  2. umm, thx for actually reading and not jumping to conclusions.sheesh I never said Bush and co agreed with the attack, I just said they probably knew about it and pointed to why I though that. If you can't read what I posted, don't reply. You can debate my opinion, not the one you think I have.
  3. Apart from the fact that I haven't posted my opinion yet I guess. I certainly don't agree with all the conspiracy theories out there. But I do think there is a link between the American government and the money man which would mean that the US knew about the impending attacks. Hell, CBS reported on the money man using FBI info, not some "two bit" loonie website. But then again you have to read my original post to know that.
  4. I'll lay out what we know(proven facts) about 11/9 and let people decide where they fall. Bin Laden -Bin Laden was a CIA operative in the late 70's to mid 80's at the very least. link link -Bin Laden was in an American hospital in Dubai on July 4th and was visited by top American officials. Also, on September 10th 2001, Bin Laden was rushed to a Hospital in Pakistan as reported by Dan Rather on CBS news. More info can be found here. CIA - ISI link -The ISI also openly backs the Taliban -The CIA has well-established links with the ISI, having trained it in the 1980s -The ISI was modelled on Savak, the Iranian security agency, and like Savak was trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the SDECE, France’s external intelligence service. Link to this info The Money man -Mahmoud Ahmad, the director of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) at the time, ordered $100,000 to be wired from Dubai to one of hijacker Mohamed Atta's two bank accounts in Florida. This has been confirmed by Indian intelligence and the FBI. -Mahmoud Ahmad(Director ISI) was having breakfast with Congressman Porter Gross and Senator Bob Graham in Washington when the twin towers were attacked. -Goss spent as many as 10 years working on numerous CIA clandestine operations. He is very close to Vice President Dick Cheney. -Graham and Goss were co-heads of the joint House-Senate investigation that proclaimed there was "no smoking gun" as far as President George W Bush having any advance knowledge of September 11. -Mahmoud Ahmad(Director ISI) has met repeatedly with the director of the CIA George Tenet and Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage. Link to this information and some more info. 11/9 -What really happened to Flight 93? An Associated Press story last August quoting a congressional report said the FBI suspected the plane was crashed on purpose. The FBI has a flight-simulation video of what happened: the video - as well as the black box - remain top secret. And as far as four "indestructible" black boxes are concerned, how come none were found, unlike Mohammed Atta's intact passport lying in the WTC rubble? -Both towers had 47 steel columns which supported all the structural weight of the building. The official 11/9 commission dismissed these columns as being non-existent.link -Seismic evidence points to explosions just before the buildings collapse, these seismic spikes were stronger than the actual spike when the building itself started falling. -FEMA was on site conducting "war games' exercises the day before the attacks. Link to this information -The structural steel was taken from the site prematurly.Link -Officials uncovered a criminal scheme to divert sheet metal beams from the Ground Zero rubble to Long Island and New Jersey.Link That's pretty much it. Whether you agree with the official 11/9 commission or not, this is some pretty interesting info and I'd like to hear your opinions on it.
  5. Now common, let's not point fingers. I haven't been registered here very long but I've certainly noticed ignorant comments from both sides of the spectrum. People have to knock off with the ad hominem attacks. Simple as that. If you can't argue the opinions and facts, don't attack the poster with childish deflecting tactics or insults.
  6. yeah that's what I figured, I was replying to Sam. I don't think Sam though things through, he's contradicting himself. One place you say you will eliminate the gst and at the bottom you you you'll bring it back. I don't mean any disrespect Sam.
  7. I think you underestimated your figures a bit. The ottawa hospital has an operating budget of $500 million per year. Spending $5 000 000 on 15 000 new military personnel equals to $333 per person.
  8. I need more info on why it can't work, I'd actually like to know why you personally think it can't work.
  9. They were offered as part of the package $95000 to the top earning teachers. I believe it takes 24 years(I'll have to check again to be sure) of seniority before getting to the last pay level. It's not $95000 for everyone ! (unless I misread your post, in that case disregard my mumbling)
  10. I think you've got some points L&OOC. A sessional instructor at my university makes about $5000 per course, so I think that works out to about $40k-$45k a year. Not sure what colleges pay out here. A raise of 2.43% isn't unreasonable, raises should be no more than inflation and I think thats in line with expectations. Though you said effective raise, so I'm assuming that 2.43% is above inflation? Why do people deserve a higher standard of living in the same position? If you want more money, work for a promotion or climb a level in those blasted seniority systems. Wages for public employees should be linked directly to Statscan inflation. That way we can avoid all these messes. Yes it's 2.43% above inflation but again like I said, a high school teacher will be making more than a college teacher without this raise. Not to take away from a high school teacher but a college teacher has to deal with much more technical stuff and needs a higher education. Think of the 2.43% increase as a catchup raise.
  11. My bad, I actually did look at the corrections canada website, but obviously did not do the proper search. Only Fenbrook came up as 'new'. No problem, just me being my usual snippy self. But you are probably right at the provincial level. Convicted deviants are actually asking during their hearing for more than 2 years in the hope of getting into a federal institution. There's barely any programs available at the provincial level. And I'll look a bit more into it but I don't think there has been any new max security institutions opened at the provincial level in a very long time.
  12. Except that's not true at all... Atlantic Institution maximum security institution, opened in 1987 NOVA Institute for women multi-level security, opened in 1995 Joliette Institution multi-level security - max unit opened in 2003 Port-Cartier Institution, opened in 1988 Really isn't hard finding them too. link If people would just research things a bit before spewing preconceived ideas that are based on fairies and pink elephant stories there might be a bit more logic to discussions on these boards. There are more max level institutions especially on the women's side that have been opened in the past 25 years.
  13. How many of them do you think actually make $95000 ? The fact of the matter is that the starting salary is just over $32000 and goes up to $82000. The average salary for a high school teacher will be higher by next year than a college teacher's salary. The unions demand result in an effective raise of only 2.43% per year in the actual dollar value of the increase. If you factor in inflation, Ontario colleges are spending 20% less on each student than they were 15 years ago. PDF link to more info.
  14. I tentatively agree with most of the statement but I feel you could replace tories/conservatives in there with Liberal or NDP and it would be the same really. All three parties are getting closer to the center in a effort to appeal to the most people by becoming catch all parties.
  15. The vast majory of people living below the poverty line in Canada actually work. That means that a worker without any skills but who still manages to find work at minimum wage is poor ! But then again it's all choice, everyone can be a millionaire according to you. Wonder why only a few actually are ? One in five are lazy communist dogs, thats what they are, ya... By the way, do you know how much someone makes per year by working minimum wage ? I still can't believe you would think someone chooses to be poor and miserable.
  16. How about replying to the statement instead of copying it word for word which is by the way, against forum rules. You wanna stop with the ad hominem attacks geoffrey.
  17. Why not just put a cap(256Kb/s) on the free service and uncap(lets say 1.5Mb/s) it for the ones willing to pay a small fee.
  18. Great, now I dare you to tell this to half the population of the world that lives in poverty. Tell them the beauty of the liberal system we live in and that your successes and failures are measured on your merits and wants out of life. I dare you !
  19. Wow ! So the world is segregated by how intelligent people are. Rich people are smarter than poor people. Poor people need rich people for their superior intellect. Without them, the poor would be...poorer. Never mind the fact that workers "don't have the knowledge to do so" even though many Venezuelan factories are run by the workers themselves. Kids who comes from privileged backgrounds are smarter than the rest of us. All this time I though people were created equal. I guess this means kids born into a privileged family are automatically smarter than us peons. If you truly believe in this crap, I promise I won't ever argue with you again, I'm just too scared of you really.
  20. Actually no, it's not. Nobody has died for communism since there hasn't been a communist state yet. You say Class warfare and dictatorship and that makes you a freaking god of Marxism. Have you actually read Capital and the Communist manifesto ? Do you even know what the proletariat is ? If you would of read the Manifesto, you would know that there's a massive difference between what Marx advocated and what Lenin did, from the way the revolution took place to the way the country was run. For crying out loud if you're gonna bad mouth something have the decency to know what you're crapping on. **edit** I figure I might as well give you a quick course while I'm at it concerning the "Dictatorship of the proletariat" From wikipedia Marx called capitalism the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, which he believed would be superseded by the dictatorship of the proletariat, which in turn would be superseded by a classless and stateless society known as communism
  21. He posted the same thing 3 times and he's a communist = bad , so all communist are bad ? Is that how your logic works. Communist = bad person ? Nice ad hominem.
  22. Totalitarianism is the hit in North Korea, definitely not Communism.
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