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Everything posted by Drea

  1. A country where you must wear jeans and a t-shirt (or a black whaddaya callit over yer whole body), and only eat liver; or have a certain colour of skin, hair or eyes... this is uniculturalism. Thankfully we have the opportunity to try foods from foreign lands. To learn how the people live, their history, their way of doing things. It's interesting. Now what was it that you didn't like about multiculturalism again?
  2. Bringing this country into the 21st century... I suggest you read the book "The World is Flat" by Thomas L. Friedman It describes how the world is becoming more and more left of centre. There's a 'levelling' of equality happening in many countries -- India, China, Russia, the EU. All are moving toward more a "people" centred way of life. Not communism, silly. Capitalism. But not in the sense we know it now with it's huge corporations, back-room deals, mergers and corruption. A person living in India can now do your taxes. That's right! You can email him your tax return and he'll complete it and send it in for you, probably for less than five bucks. Western economies can't compete with these burgeoning world entreprenuers. These people are highly educated, much more so than our citizens (both US and Canada). Where I work, we send our rough artwork via computer to our head office about 100km away and they send back the finished product. Who's to say we can't send that artwork to India and have it done exactly the same way for a much lower cost? Our graphic artists are union. An Indian would do the job for probably a tenth of the cost. In the near future there'll be no such things as trade barriers and tariffs. Goods and services will flow across the earth powered by the individual, not by corporations. We can credit technology for this global change. Practically everyone on earth has access to everyone else; and the technology improves itself daily making it increasingly easy to buy and sell goods and information. Third world countries (India and China in particular) are now discovering the benefits of capitalism and are (at long last) able to afford the things we in the west have taken for granted since the 50's. From the book: "The inexorable march of technology and capital will remove all barriers, boundaries, frictions, and restraints to global commerce." The attitude of the current US administration is certainly NOT conducive to global open trade. On the contrary, it is in direct opposition to it. And no, I don't want Canada to emulate US foreign/trade policies. That would certainly not bring us into the 21st century, but put us back to the days of conquest and imperialism.
  3. Really? The "Wisdom" of Ann Coulter Isn't she just the most balanced journalist you've ever heard? She's not only a menace in the minds of Canadians, but in the minds of aware Americans as well. Media Matters Her "humour" is harmful, not funny. She is not a journalist nor a commentator. She is an opinionated, vile, closed-minded human being. Those who admire and emulate her are also opinionated and close-minded. This whore has help to divide the people of her country. She's called liberals and democrats (her friggin' brother/sister citizens) the worst, most vile things that's ever come out of anyone's mouth. For the record. Howard Stern sucks. I am not a "lefty".
  4. Uh, yes they do have to "behave"(be-neutered) They have to be centrists because most Canadians are. Now, if they had a majority, they could act like a dictatorship ala GW Bush (ala Martin, according to the rants of rightwing posters -- "Waaaah! We've been living under a liberal dictatorship!") LOL. Re: Marijuana -- that American fellow that was extradited to the US, he got what, 4 months for smoking pot. Just try it Mr. Harper. Re: Roe vs Wade -- The US is on the verge of overturning this verdict. Just try it Mr. Harper. Re: Iraq -- just try it Mr. Harper. Re: religion, ie the Lord's Prayer in public schools -- Just try it Mr. Harper. Re: renegging on SSM -- just try it Mr. Harper. We (the centrist majority) don't want someone's "idea of morals" shoved down our throats. Did you notice how "liberal" your once ultra-rightwing, conservative Christian leader has become over the past 6 months? Did you notice how quickly he dropped the religious fanatics? Why is he no longer pandering to them (at least in public)? Because the majority of us centrists want nothing to do with misguided religions and misguided "morality". We see what is happening with our southern neighbour and we don't want to go there. Do you know that there is a HUGE billboard in the Grand Canyon that reads: "The Grand Canyon is 4,000 years old"? Did you know that they are teaching creation in schools in the southern states. They are teaching it as science, not theology -- to grade school students, not university students... They are teaching it as though it's actual proven fact. Which it isn't. It's well known that Harper admires the US and it's ideals. Will he try to make us over "in their image"? Perhaps, perhaps not, but I am not willing to give him the power to do so. So run your neutered govt, Mr. Harper, glad to see you are being so "liberal". We centrists thank you. We don't trust you, but we thank you.
  5. Guess yah didnt' see the winking icon.... --------------> I'm a centrist -- there are some (I didn't mean many) issues in which I agree with the cons -- crime, military and our justice system could really use an overhaul.
  6. Most Canadians simply believe the govt has no business in the bedroom. Period. Only because there was simply no other choice. If the NDP were more mainstream they'd have the minority today. The Liberals really screwed up but they aren't going away. They are the official opposition, in case you've forgotten already. BTW, I'm not a Liberal. I'm a centrist. There are many issues in which I agree with Harper, crime being one of them. Your psychic? The Conservatives are basically neutered in their current role. They can't implement their entire adgenda as the other party MP's have a vote and issues that are not popular with the majority (all parties) will not fly. The Liberals need to regroup. Heck I think they should change the name, come out all shiny brand new like the conservatives did. Ha! They'll bait Canadians with centrist policies until they've convinced everyone that they aren't planning on any major changes. After they get the majority they'll pounce on us with all their rightwing, neo-con plans.
  7. In your wet dreams. Canadians for the most part are centrists. The minute Harper pulls the "morality rabbit" out of his hat, he can kiss his butt goodbye. Pfft. Marxist Lennonist, give me a break.
  8. Let's hold off until '08, when at the same time Hillary Clinton will be running against some backwater, redneck republican. I can see it now, President Hillary Clinton and Prime Minister Belinda Stronach -- wouldn't THAT be a switcheroo in North America!
  9. Okay... I'll accept that some of the privileges that seem to be afforded to inmates in Canada are unwarranted, but show me a person who opines about how good prison is and how much incentive there is to go there and I'll show you a person who has never set foot inside the perimeter fence of a Federal Penetentiary. If prison was as good as you say it is, then no one would be on welfare because they'd just keep committing crimes en masse. The vast majority of even the poorest of people know it's far better to go to a shelter or soup kitchen than to be kept in a 6 x 8 cell with one or more "roommates" of questionable character, with testosterone-filled guards looking to kick your ass whenever they can catch you ignoring their often arbitrarily enforced "rules" or looking to degrade you with a random strip or even body-cavity search, where assault and rape are more common than you'd care to believe, etc. etc. In my tenure as a criminal lawyer, I've never met an inmate who didn't want one thing above all others...to get out of jail. And, I've never had a client whose first worry and ususally first question to me wasn't, "am I going to go to jail for this?" For every one or two extraordinary instances that can be splashed in the media to make prison look like a spa, there are hundreds and hundreds of instances that demonstrate just how unappealing life behind bars really is...even in Canada. FTA You are so right (correct LOL). Years ago I dated a fellow who spent 4 1/2 months in a provincial prison. Scary freakin' place. There is ONE tv room for all the inmates with a 20" 1988 model Hitachi or something like that. If an inmate's family provides him with a small tv set, he can set it up in his cell but there's no cable hookup in there. All they get is the CBC -- LOL, at least they're informed, eh. No computers -- at least none that I saw. No phones -- only one pay phone for all the inmates. No, they don't buy them dildo's, geeeez. My b/friend was always "watching his backside" so-to-speak. It's not all rosy. Only those who've never been inside (even as a visitor) think this.
  10. I think Harper should govern like there's no tomorrow. He should try to impliment every plan he has, from the cut to the gst to renegging (sp) on SSM (and whatever other hidden adgenda's he has) He should go for it. Then see how long it takes for moderate people who voted for him to run screaming back to the centrists. GO HARPER!
  11. LOL excellent! And so he should. All you conservatives frothing at the mouth because there's no current leader... pfffft. Be patient -- it'll happen. You never know, the left and the centre could unite....
  12. What many fail to realize is the relationship between the US and Canada is a two way street. Yes, we need them to buy our resources, and yes, they need us to supply the resources. Thy won't close the border to trade. They don't purchase our resources out of charity. They purchase them because they need them. Just because we have a trade relationship doesn't mean we have to follow the same political, economic or social doctrines. We're trading goods -- not ideals. Although the US would love to export it's ideals -- and has in many ways already. LOL The "hedonisticness", wonder where that comes from? India? Nope, guess again. Violence and gun culture, wonder where that comes from? Sweden? Nope, guess again. Technology, wonder where that comes from? Japan? Nope, guess again. (LOL had to throw ONE good thing in there from the states). I am not anti American. I don't like their foreign policies, I don't like that they consider us "hedonistic" and lable us as "commies" becasue of our social policies. I don't like that they want to remake every other country on earth "in their image". That if you're not Americanized you're missing something. I Pity the poor American liberal who is now considered worse than a leper in the 1800's. In 2006 in America a person is no longer allowed to call himself a "liberal". Used to be Canadians and Amercians would cross each other's borders, shop, play, get jobs, etc. This is no longer the case. Why? Because George W. Bush said this one thing that divided us all "Either you're with us or against us". Now we are in two camps -- Canadians and American liberals (the few that are still brave enough to admit they're American liberals) on one side and American non-liberals (and the few Canadian right wingers) on the other. What a shame.
  13. Woooo hoo! LOL Canadians will never be as right wing as Americans. It's just not in our genes ('cept Alberta their genetically all Americans) LOL (Kidding! Of course it's not genetic -- it's attitude) Don't you see the above comment is the reason Day isn't leader, is the reason Harper was "toned down" by his handlers and even with a million more people voting in this election, didn't get a majority. No bloody way the freaky right wing is going to make my family (and 99.9% of all other Canadian families) bow to their supposed "righteousness".
  14. We didn't impose the tariff on the wood -- your country did. Who's protecting what? Looks like American forest companies are being coddled by your govt -- a govt who, by the way, is NOT following the rules of NAFTA. Canada IS following the rules. Why is there such a fear of the burgeoning middle class in China? You say you are not "taking things over" when your companies come up here an buy up a successful company -- yet your afraid of the Chinese buying up your oil when a Chinese investor tries putting his money in California. Hmmmm? While we don't "fear" America the same way America "fears" China, you get the idea. America loves it's double standards. Before you start looking north to complain about foreign and trade policies, take a look at your own govt and their dismal record in this regard. "... we invest in Canadian companies and provide the capital..." Poor Canadians, no investors, everybody living on welfare in igloos, Poor Canadians, let's go save them. Pfft. Every time I buy a cup of coffee at Tim Hortons I'm lining the pockets of some foreigner. Timmy's didn't need the capital. An American saw something good, came up here and bought it. There was no "improvement" required, so it's not like Tim Hortons was saved from bankruptcy. The oil in our tar sands does not belong to America -- very briefly the other night on the tube -- GW saying something to the effect of "We are going to protect our North American resources". Well, they are not his for the protecting. If Iran or China or Russia want to invest, who are we to say "no thanks, we only take money from America". We aren't afraid of a takeover from anyone except America. Imagine the day when America can no longer purchase oil from the middle east... Canada will still have lots of oil. Will we have imaginary WMD too? Will GW come and save us, give us democracy. Or will you say "you owe us for protecting you" from the invisible, unknowable, unstoppable terrorist. The only country on this planet that garners any fear whatsoever from Canadians is yours with it's rogue administration. Oh yes, OUR national pride is "misguided" and "silly", but your national pride is patriotic, riiiiight.
  15. The BIG difference between Parish and Carlson is......... are you ready? .... duh folks! this is really easy.... ... guess which one is on national televison ... guess which one calls himself a "newscaster" ... guess which one has a "following" Caroline Parish said ONE THING, ONE TIME. Carlson spews his crap daily to an audience of millions of enraptured followers. Do you see the difference. Our idiots are not on national TV masquerading as professional journalists.
  16. NAFTA ruled that Canada is NOT dumping lumber below cost. WHEN is the USA going to comply with the rules? Oh riiiiight -- they only follow the rules when it suits them. We DON'T have "unfettered" access to your markets. When was the last time you bought Canadian Cheddar in the US at the same price as US cheese? When I go to buy an apple, the BC apple is more expensive than the American apple -- dumping cheap friggin' apples into our market! Grown by Mexican labourers below minimum wage with no benefits just so you can sell cheap apples. Damn them apples. LOL And WINE! Friggin California wine! Tastes like crap, but it's CHEAP, eh. Americans are busily buying up Canadian oil sands (as we speak/type)... not too long ago China wanted to buy California Oil but were told there are a "security risk" Pfft. America isn't concerned about a "security risk" they simply want to hog all the world's oil (including ours).
  17. White skin = real Canadian Dark skin = ethnic Canadian What the heck are you palefaces so scared of? For goodness sake. If the damn lazy white people would get off their butts and VOTE, perhaps the voice of the majority (if indeed the majority are whities) would be heard.
  18. The sale of Terasen Gas. to an American owned co. The sale of Tim Hortons to an American owned co. The sale of MacMillan Blodel to Warehauser an American co. These are just three off the top of my head - I'd bet my next paycheque there's many more. Give me a break already! Everything good that's Canadian gets bought up by an American company. Yet you call us protectionists for goodness sake! What the heck are we protecting? The US dollar? Geez. How many Canadian companies are even allowed to purchase companies in the US? Should we NOT protect ANY of our resources or should we just sell the whole damn country to Haliburton? Waddya think?
  19. Hubby and I are getting married next year. Not in a church, not by a pastor or priest but by a justice of the peace or marriage commissioner, or heck if we're on a ship, the captain. Marriage has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. It's a contract between two people. Barren couples should not be allowed to marry either in this case.
  20. Just got onto that link... from Private Forest Landowners. If I have apples and you have apples, why not just keep our own apples instead of trading apples? Obviously, if America is exporting her logs to us, she doesn't need ours. Obviously, we are exporting logs to the states, we don't need theirs. Why not just keep our own wood? "Log exports are a small but important part of the BC forest industry". Small? "While some believe log exports threaten local mills, there is no shortage of logs in BC" If there's no shortage, what in the heck are we doing importing logs? Anyhoo, thanks for the link -- I'll be looking into this further.
  21. What's in it for you? Unrestricted access to our resources. 180 jobs were just created in Bellingham by Canfor opening up a remanufacturing plant there. Utimately it's the American consumer who suffers. It costs a homebuilder an additonal $1000 for framing construction materials. Canada didn't impose this additional cost to American consumers -- America did. We love to sell our wood to you and you need it. Why make it more diffictult for YOUR consumers?
  22. Many American's have watched his movies, especially Fahrenheit 911, that film made a lot of money. The point is, that you're a propagandist liar when you say that the American government has managed to stifle anyone who speaks out against their policy. You're either a liar, or a retard, or both, but either way, please shut up. I'm sick of this kind of crap. You can just scroll on by if you don't want to read the post. Calling people liars and retards is rather juvenile I might add. Concerned, I'm currently reading this book "American Backlash" by Michael Adams. It describes how society in the states is changing. Older Americans are moving toward more religion, traditional family values, law and order, security, national pride and obedience to authority. Young Americans are going exactly the opposite direction; rejecting religion, accepting brutality and violence, the persuit of intense situations, impulsiveness and apathy. Americans are fed a diet of consumerism and, of late, fear which has driven these two groups apart. The news spouting daily that if "your not with us, you're against us", "support GW or you're anti-American" has polarized the country. Being a "liberal" in the US is blasphemy because of George Bush and his fictional war on terror. The difference in Canada is that we aren't so pressured to be patriotic. We are able to question our government without our neighbours "turning on us" like pod people, fingers pointing "Scrreeeee! a liberal!"
  23. A log has the exact same stumpage fee whether it's sold to a Canadian manufacturing co. or a foreign manufacturing co. When my father's company fells a tree, he doesn't necessarily know at that moment who is going to buy the log. The United States as imposed a tariff on our manufactured wood because they say we are subsidising our forest companies with low stumpage fees. If indeed this is the case, why does the US NOT impose a tariff on raw logs? That was my question. Your post didn't explain this. First of all, we don't have "private forestland in BC". Sure there's the odd landowner that logs off the trees of this development property, but generally forest companies lease woodlots from the govt. (crown land). We have restricted the supply of raw logs going to Japan. Canadian forest companies get around the restriction by selling them unfinished beams which they then manufacture into construction lumber. Also in your post -- we buy logs from the states (when we could get them cheaper here, so says your post) then try to sell them the manufactured wood (on which they have imposed a tariff)? This doesn't make sense. Regarding "small" second growth trees. Up north there are no huge trees. They just don't get that big around in cold climates. BC manufacturing companies in the north are configured for this wood or else they would be always importing logs from the coast. I'm sure CANFOR and Warehauser would locate their mills much closer to the logs (if indeed they could not process the skinny trees). Although I live here on the coast, I am originally from the northern interior. My father has been logging "toothpicks" for many years and I don't think they are ALL shipped to the states for processing. Usually they just get trucked to Westfraser sawmill in the town he lives. Also, I find it hard to believe that we import 4x more than we export. Also, WE don't impose a tax (tariff), the IMPORTING country does.
  24. He has??? Wasn't it less than two months ago thatr Harper announced in Vancouver that he would not reintroduce the decriminalization of marijuana legislation favoured by the NDP, BQ, Liberals and two thirds of the Canadian population? In other words, Harper still favours permanent criminal records and jail time for possession of a few grams of marijuana. You don't think this zero tolerance US social policy is extreme? How about Harper's opposition to C-250? Most Canadians I suspect view killing a man merely because he's gay as a hate crime. But not Stephen Harper. He fears that will result in the Bible being banned. Now that's extreme even by religious nut standards. Other than no longer speaking publicly about his extremely conservative social views, what evidence is there that he has changed his position on any of them? He has to be more mainstream otherwise he'd lose. He's not gonna walk into parliament and reneg on the gay marriage issue, nor is he going to make the bible required reading in public schools. He knows that these things just won't wash with the Canadian public. OMG I can't believe I'm actually defending Harper!! LOL And, not all US states have a zero tolerance policy regarding pot. California and Alaska are just two that come to mind, they have decrim laws. tml12 said LOL I'm over 40. Anyone over 40 grew up in the 60's and 70's and yessiree there was pot around. Many boomer still smoke it. I don't think anyone should have a criminal record for smoking pot. Actually they should hand it out free at public events to keep everyone mellow and happy. When I was your age I was SURE that by the time I reached 40 those antiquated laws regarding marijuana would be long gone. I guess we have to wait a while yet, till all the old buggers are dead.
  25. You're correct Hydra. The one real benefit for me personally come Tuesday morning (I'm assuming the Conservatives will win with at the least, a minority) is that my boss (a Conservative) will be a very happy man! And a happy boss makes life grrreat. LOL The beauty of our system is the fact that we will have MP's from all the parties representing us in Parliament. THAT, my friends, is real democracy!
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