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Everything posted by politika

  1. I like where I am Social Authoritarian 38.6% Economical Authoritarian 2.3% Im conservative centerailist right in the middle.
  2. This topic is regarding the rap lyrics that have been circulated to dozens of emails by the RCMP. I agree the this is crude and a low for the RCMP to do somthing. I think if it happaned at work he should be fired no charges laid, but if it was done at his home when he was off duty no charges should be laid and shoud be kept on the force. I thought this was a free country and you were able to express oppinions? Sure this is racist but their's racists songs about the white majority and other cultures going around but do you think the government does anything about these? no they won't. It is because first nations get better treatment than any other culture in Canada. It is like the residential schools if it was white minority of people in it we would not be compensated. I agree that this song was racist but my point to prove is that are government is more racist than the cop who wrote this song. So my question to you is if the tables were turned at the RCMP made a racial song about the white majority would their be an internal investigation of it?
  3. Shakyhands is right. He's exagerating that the country will be finished if Martin wins another election but we might as well be. The librals have now unvailed their plan to blow money out of the economic surplus they have. It's going to usless things like to the Chinese community, for some proposed day care services and other mindless programs that the public should have to pay for. The Liberals are like 10 years olds when ever they get a 10 dollar allowence at the end of the week they go and blow it on junk food and in this case the Liberals are just blowing it on junk. In stead of all this crap they could be spending this money on are military that can't defend our North, or are country for that matter. (we have made plans to by military transport aircraft and if the government isn't going to spend a little bit more money on that guess where will by them from (An extreamly reliable country called Great Britain where their subs are the greatest ) As well as spending a little bit of that to reduce the costs of a secondary education, paying are teachers more or better yet lowering Energy costs in some of our Provinces.
  4. Not if the federal government votes no on allowing them to seperate. please correct me if I am wrong here, But I am pretty sure Jean Cretien in the 1995 referendum had the final say wheather Quebec seperated and I am pretty sure he was thinking about saying no. If a referendum passed, Quebec would make a bill of decalaration independence and it would go through the senate to do its thing than through the House of COmmons to be passed like any other bill than it would be passed by the Prime Minister's consent than signed by the GG. I got this information from the CBC series "breaking point" I watched many weeks ago.
  5. GO STEPHEN GO! GO STEPHEN GO! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HOORAH!!! The Conservatives will rise again!
  6. In an interview with the all-news channel RDI to be aired Sunday, Andre Boisclair says independence is up to Quebecers only and he sees no reason to submit to the federal Clarity Act. Boisclair argues that sovereignty is a not a legal decision, but a political one and that voters will have the last word. He maintains the province's legislature has the authority to oversee the process. I agree with you. But his chances of becoming premier I think are prettyt low. His PQ followers as well as the Quebec people I think are alienated and dissapointed because of his use of cocaine. But I agree with your statement check this out http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/20...ader051120.html Boisclair is an idiot if he thinks he doesn't have to abide by the rules.
  7. This is a repeat all over again of what happaned to Abitibi workers all over Canada. It's all about high gas and energy prices. The government is making millions on energy yet they arn't doing anything to keep these industries open. So my question to the federal government is how much profit from energy and gas is enough, before they start lowering costs?
  8. "Great post politiikiiaaksisika! "-Leadercircle Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight leaderciirrccle
  9. If you guys think Trudeau's an obvious troll maybe you should all stop "feeding the troll" All you guys are doing is going to get your selves banned form this forum as well. Leave Trudeau to be banned and stop replying to this off topic, in appropriate and ridiculus thread that for some reason troll trudeau posted. Hey I am just looking out for the rest of you guys, thats all.
  10. Then I'd recommend not joining any gangs... Hang out with other students... and, if you are worried about gun violence, etc, I would consider altering your plan to live in a "bad part of the city".... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I will take your advice than mr. argus.
  11. Alright i sit just me, or is gun violence getign ridiculus? I know it has been going on for a while in major ciries like Winnipeg and Toronto but recently I read about a man who was shot to death in a Toronto funeral home by yet another ruthless gang who thinks killing is a game? What has are government done to fix this problem? (Please correct me if I am wrong) Absolutly nothing, yes they have hired more police officers on the street. But is that really effective considerign are officers are under equipped and unde rfunded to deal with this. I am going away to college in a year in Winnipeg, I will be off on my own, and probably in a bad part of the city and I don't want to ahev to worry about getting shot and killed.
  12. True enough I could have put them in, But you statement "Placing them in "other" does not distinquish then from "other" parties" SO if I don't put all the other hundreds of parties in Canada in my poll I am not distinguishing them and showing potential influence?
  13. "You need to learn more about the parties that represent your country before making lists as you did on this poll. " Just for the record I can list all the politcal parties in my country if you want and I know them all far to well. The POINT is Liberal, BQ, Conservative and NDP are the ones you hear about daily (whining, complaining and all threatning to bring down the government ) Where's the green party in all of this? I stand by my statement It is not a MAJOR party in Canada, and my list has all the major parties in Canada if you support green, CPC, Socialist Democrat, democratic Dominion and all those other parties than simply vote "other" Why spend time writing them all down? Make your own poll if you want to list every political party in Canada
  14. THis is promoting hatred, and you should not have even put this in here even the USA of all countries doesn't deserve this crap that this website is saying about it, and how dare it say you should thank god for executing these people. You should be banned.
  15. THis is promotign hatred, and you shoudl not have even put this in here even the USA of all countries doesn't deserve this crap that this website is saying about it, and how dare it say you should thank god for executing these people. You should be banned.
  16. An answer to your question about not offendeing Green Party Supporters. I put in political parties that are big in Canada. I am not going to make a big list of the dozens of parties that exist in Canada like the Socialist Party and the Comunist Party of Canada. Sorry my correction about the BQ I looked it up and I correct myself on it. But could you guys just vote! Not ask questions!
  17. Ha, I remeber watching this to. I think it was on last week. It was very funny and true.
  18. Not quite you can vote for them any where you are in this country. Although i know myself that they will never win a Federal Majority or Minority the rest of Canada still can vote for them. I just added them in the poll because I did not want to exclude any political parties from the vote and offend anyone who did support them.
  19. Not trying to start a major argument or anything, but I would like to see what people think on who is going ot be the next leader of the country. So if you please just take the time to vote on that. --Ooops sorry for those Liberal supporters out their, I spelled the word "liberal" in the poll wrong--- Sorry about that.
  20. "I don't believe that Chinese immigrants were escaping communism 120 years ago. I know there were civil wars in China around the early 20th century, perhaps they were escaping that." I didn't say that I was saying that if they wouldn't have paid to come in to Canada they would have been living in communist China still or at least that's what is was 20 or so years ago. THey shoudl be thanking us because of that and are govenment should mention that to them.
  21. "There's no denying that the previous policy was wrong and is counter to the ideals that govern our country today."-plusgood Exactly my point We have ideals today that it is wrong to do this and for that fact it won't happan again. But this happaned 120 years ago. "that govern our country today. The head tax was an explicitly racist policy. Many of the Chinese immigrants who crossed the pacific to come to Canada could not afford the head tax and as a result wealthly business owners paid their tax in exchange for forced employment. Chinese immigrants also bore the brunt of the labour that built Canada's National Railroad. They were also often responsible for the most dangerous of tasks. Their treatment was wrong, it was typical of its time period, but wrong none the less. An apology and compensation from our current government would correct an historic wrong and help demonstrate Canada's commitment to modern Canadian ideals."-plusgood We do owe them apology but compensation no. Like previous posters mention. They did come to live in this great country after all and the family of those people who paid are whining and complaining now of what? That they got to live in this great country because their geat grandparants fled communism and oppresion? I say we send the people who are complaining to North Korea for a day and see how they like it and whether it was worth paying to come here 120 years ago.
  22. "If there's any truth to the old saw about how hardship builds strength, character and spirit, then perhaps WE should be asking THEM to pay us for helping to make them grow stronger Hell, if we went that route, think of all the groups, formerly "persecuted", that we could hit up for this type of thing. We could call it "Character Building Tax" "fail to see how giving someone's descendants money solves any problem whatsoever. It's a cash grab by yet another minority group. First natives, and now Chinese. We owe you nothing, you've found a great place to live, that should be payment enough."-Geoffry Agreed, we don't owe these people anything
  23. "This logic is crap: there has never been any evidence that Martin himself was involved, Gomery only confirmed what any reasonable person without a political agenda would conclude if they looked at the evidence available."-Sparhawk You make an excellent point he might have not been involved in any of this. But I am still reasoning with the fact the he was the Financial Advisor at the time and he controlled funds in and out of Parliment. How do you suppose he didn't do Financial plans for sponsership? Agree or dissagree with me but if Martin who controled the funds at the time and if he was controling Sponsership. He is just as guilty as Cretien, Galliano and the others who were found guilty of neglegence. -Curt
  24. I know everyone from that time is dead but their families are out for "revenge" and want the money it's on the news. By the way it's not going out to the indivdules but to the community. If you watch the news you will see that their are families that are talking about wanting the money back and are multicultural minister (who is Chinese) has stated that he wants the money given to the Chinese community as well. -Curt
  25. Fair enough. But than we are going to have other countries say "hmm since Canada is spending money wildly on what they have done to people let's think of what they have done to us and go collect are accident inssurance" Every country is going to want a piece of action if we keep on passing out money like this. Like sparhawk said "There is a concept of 'statute of limitations' in law that means that someone cannot be held responsible for an offence if too much time has passed since the offense occurred." -sparhawk -Curtis
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