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Everything posted by Signals.Cpl

  1. Who enforces that international law? If we make someone stateless who will come and "punish" us as a country for doing that? Thats my point, for now it might be like that but in 20 years its no guarantee it will take a conviction to revoke citizenship. Once you start revoking citizenship for the first few, other countries will wise up and make laws to prevent us from shipping our trash to them. Once that happens we will either see the law removed because it is useless or the process sped up. Can you guarantee that in 20 or 30 or 40 years this law will remain the same as it is now? Can you guarantee that in 20 or 30 or 40 years from now a PM will not change the law to revoke citizenship based on accusations or conviction in another country? Can you guarantee that the law will not be expanded to include other crimes? You can't and neither can PM Harper, because he may have that intention now but in 20 or 30 years he will not be in power. In a few decades, the economy might be in the crapper and a PM wants re-election but has no way to fix the economy so he expands this law to include other crimes as a way to distract the electorate. Since we cannot get a guarantee, selling out 7 million citizens for a false sense of security seems like a horrible idea in the short term and significantly worse in the long term.
  2. Then why does it make a difference if the guy is Canadian by birth or Canadian by immigration? Once you are Canadian, you are always Canadian unless you lied during the process. This law is useless because it is easily evaded and worse still there is no guarantee that it will remain exclusively for its original intended purpose. PM Harper may say any number of things and make any promises but if this law remains, in 20 years we will have a different PM, parliament and national and international situation. No one can give any guarantees that 10,20 or 30 years from now a PM will not decide to abuse this law in order to distract the electorate from economic or political troubles.
  3. You had to meet some requirement to get it. When you are an adult and you come to this country you have to in most cases meet certain criteria, you need career, finances, language etc… at least when my parents came to Canada 20 years ago they had to meet all of the requirements before being considered…
  4. Would it make a difference if he was adopted or not?
  5. Give me 100% guarantee that this law will never ever be extended past revoking citizenship for terrorists. If I wanted to commit acts of terror I will forfeit my second citizenship and thwart this law. Don't you feel safe? This big bad law can be defeated with a little planning... I'm not comparing this law and its division of citizenship to the holocaust but I want to ask one simple question: If we told the German people in 1935 that Hitler will kill 6 million Jews, what do you think their reaction would be? I bet it would be something like this: If path from harassment and racism to genocide is so easy to travel what on earth makes you believe that one political party after another will not chip away at the rights of some of it's citizens? Once the law is in place every subsequent amendment is that much easier since after all there is a precedent.
  6. As long as you treat everyone equal I have no quarrel. I earned my citizenship, a lot of people born in this country have done nothing to deserve theirs aside from being born here and I don't see why I should be viewed as a lesser Canadian simply because some idiot somewhere wants to pretend that he is doing something. It is a law that hurts 7 million Canadians and yet will solve absolutely nothing.
  7. It natural progression, once you see you can do it for terrorists and you need a distraction you take it one step further. Once you get the wedge in, you can do as you please and idiots will keep supporting the idea because they cannot see past their nose.
  8. So he wasn't born in Canada? Where was he born?
  9. If he lies on his application that is one thing, if he is given citizenship he becomes our problem. Citizenship once granted should be final, once you put conditions on the citizenship of one group only not for everyone you punish and marginalize the 7 million loyal Canadians and it opens the door for abuse by subsequent governments. Also no one has answered what happens if those terrorists forfeit their other citizenship? Or the other country refuses to take them back, what do we do then?
  10. Why stop there? Why not apply it to all parts of Canadian law?
  11. Who enforces that international law? Is the US going to invade us or are we worried about the big bad UN?
  12. I'm not that shortsighted, I know when someone is trying to chip away at my rights. I support the conservatives on a whole host of issues but this is the one that is forcing me to vote for someone else, if they want to make me a second class citizen I will use my right to vote to stop them. So Khadr and Zehaf-Bibeau would have been safe from deportation if they were fake-Canadians like me, since they only killed one person each...right? But then they are both Real Canadians so they wouldn't have to worry that is if Zehaf-Bibeau was alive.
  13. So in 20 years or 30 years people born outside of Canada could be stripped of their citizenship for voting for the wrong party? Practicing the wrong religion? Holding the "wrong" set of political beliefs? Once you divide the population in two distinct camps: Canadians and fake-Canadians you open the door for politicians to abuse that law for their own purposes. If the economy is bad but you want reelection you can point out how many immigrants are in jail for murder… strip them of their citizenship to distract the people from the economy. Donald Trump talks a lot about Mexicans, illegal aliens and big wall on the border but in the grand scheme of things that is way down on the list of issues that face the US. The same arguments made for this law can be used to expand it to include all the way down revoking citizenship for minor crimes like speeding illegal parking etc. You are also telling new generations of immigrants that they will NEVER be real Canadians therefore why should they even try to assimilate. This law hurts Canada but does not do a thing to improve our security simply because those who are in Iraq and Syria fighting for ISIS can forfeit their other citizenship before they go and join terrorists. So this law solves none of the problems it is claimed to solve but creates a whole host of other issues that are open for abuse by subsequent governments.
  14. Can you guarantee that no new conditions will be added 5 years from now with a different PM? What about 15? Or maybe 50 years from now?
  15. So I am not a real Canadian because I have a dual citizenship? I guess as a fake Canadian I shouldn't go and serve in the military since after all it is only for REAL Canadians.
  16. But those born in Canada are free to be an idiot?
  17. Why not rapists and murderers? Why not pedophiles too? Throw in anyone who is convicted of fraud for good reason… You drink and drive well outta the country you go. We don't deal properly with many of the above mentioned crimes, so why don't we revoke citizenship for them as well?
  18. So your solution is to send them to another country? So instead of making laws that are tougher on crime we marginalize 7 million people? Great Idea… What happens if before he gets released from prison he forfeits his non-Canadian citizenship? How does that make us safe? What if the other nation doesn't want him? Or what if they revoke his citizenship as well while he is still in Canada? What do we do then?
  19. Unlike you apparently, I believe to take care of my own mess rather than export it to another country. If you cannot give me a citizenship equal to yours, then why would you expect me to give loyalty to this country? Why am I less of a citizen then Khadr just because I was born somewhere else? Why would you expect immigrants to integrate themselves in Canadian society if they will never be true Canadians? I have earned my citizenship while a lot of people born in this country have done nothing to earn their citizenship but be born in this country. If you want immigrants to be loyal to Canada then Canada has to be loyal to them as well. And this is not loyalty, this states that my citizenship is less than yours no matter what I dol
  20. I'm pretty sure that Pakistan can get a similar law fairly quickly… laws are not exclusive to the western nations. And if they don't have it now, the first couple of convicted CANADIAN terrorists send to Pakistan may light a fire under them to change the laws and it becomes a race to see who can revoke the citizenship faster…and I'm sorry to tell you but I think Pakistan will win most of the time since their government has a little more freedom of movement in such cases than the government of Canada at least for the moment. That is very nice, but the rest of the world would wise up and make similar laws because no one wants to be holding on to the trash at the end of the day. This is nothing more than a way to kick out our problems to countries that have plenty of their own problems with out us sending them our own. This is a case where fear mongering presents a "solution" that marginalizes a large segment of Canadian citizens without solving a thing. I believe in fixing my own mess, if a Canadian citizen commits acts of terror then that citizen should be out problem not the problem of another nation. You argument seems to be based on Canada washing its hands of the actions of its own citizens and dumping them on others. This is not to make us safer this is a race to disaster for us because once other nations start receiving out problems they will get those same laws, and we will have to expedite the revoking of citizenship in order to not be the one holding the bag at the end. What do you think happens when we start cutting corners to be the first to revoke citizenship? And what happens if the other country doesn't want to accept the convicted terrorist even if we revoke their Canadian citizenship? Who will force them to accept our trash? The UN? They can't force two 4 year olds to stop fighting let alone one nation to accept the terrorists of another.
  21. Proper Canadians who don't kill people in this country can hold as many citizenships as they want as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, get rid of them if possible. Proper Canadians who don't rape people in this country can hold as many citizenships as they want as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, get rid of them if possible. Proper Canadians who don't assault people in this country can hold as many citizenships as they want as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, get rid of them if possible. Proper Canadians who don't steal from people in this country can hold as many citizenships as they want as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, get rid of them if possible. Proper Canadians who don't break the speed limit in this country can hold as many citizenships as they want as far as I'm concerned. Otherwise, get rid of them if possible.
  22. Tell me this, what happens if it is the other way around? A Pakistani-Canadian commits acts of terror in Pakistan, gets his citizenship revoked from Pakistan and shipped to Canada? And what is the criteria for stripping the citizenship? Convicted terrorists? Convicted by which nation? Just Canada or could it be convicted terrorist in any country?
  23. That may be true right this minute, but in 10,15 or 20 years it may very well change. What happens when the government in power needs to distract the public from economic and/or political problems and they decide to expand on this program? Today it is the conservatives and terrorists but 20 years down the road it could be some other party and Rapists and murderers, 40 years down the road it could be common criminals etc... Once there is a convenient whipping boy, it becomes easy to chip away at the rights of those individuals because the first step is already taken. It is not that big of a jump from terrorist to murderer and not too much of a jump from Murderer to rapists etc etc etc.
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