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Posts posted by CdnFox
1 minute ago, Aristides said:
Companies make long term decisions that affect short term stock prices all the time
So your argument now is that they INTENDED this to be a loss in the short term.
Their reaction makes it painfully clear that was NOT the case. This was not a 'long term' plan. This was something they thought was simple and cheap - and it backfired.
Lets not try to pass it off as some sort of example of 3 d chess.
1 hour ago, Aristides said:
NATO is a defensive alliance and Finland is quite capable of looking after itself until the cavalry arrives. Permanently basing NATO troops in Finland would be an unnecessary provocation. During the Cold War, Canada used to do exercises involving rapidly moving troops to Europe and fighters to Bodo Norway.
But why would it be a provocation if it's purely defensive?
Of course it's not just defensive and 'defense' can be interpreted a lot of ways.
And there's no need to worry about 'unnecessarily provoking' a foe who's just worn themselves to nothing fighting in ukraine.
The Russians see it as a serious threat and they know it weakens their position. So - that is a loss for them. It would never have happened if they hadn't just wasted craptonnes of their military strength in ukraine
Just now, Aristides said:
Bud Lite customers are generally older and slowly dying off. They are looking to their future market.
Sorry but there's gong to be a tonne of this kind of fake 'opinion' pieces out there for a while.
You think bud isn't calling every single newspaper or media outlet they've ever advertized on and saying "positive stories NOW or never get another cent"? Hell they're calling trump and saying the same thing. And trump is out there stumping for them.
You and i both know that the future of bud light is NOT the transsexual community. The trans they sent the beer to with her picture on it doesn't even drink beer.
This was engaging in identity politics for the purpose of making bio-straight people who consider themselves 'allies' feel like bud is sufficiently woke. This was a political message, not trying to break into the trans market.
Which is fine and dandy - but right now that was the wrong move. People are sick of 'woke' and identity politics and now they've got a backlash.
7 minutes ago, Aristides said:
Even after this hit, InBev stock is up almost 9% since the beginning of the year. I don't think I would be selling if I owned it.
But it should be much higher than that.
You don't get wealthy by making half the money you should have. Dividends will be lower, stock value will be lower, etc etc and i absolutely guarantee you that makes a VERY big difference to a lot of execs and shareholders. This idea that "nobody cares if you lost 6 billion, pfffft!" just isn't a real thing.
4 minutes ago, Aristides said:
Even after this hit, InBev stock is up almost 9% since the beginning of the year. I don't think I would be selling if I owned it.
10 minutes ago, Aristides said:It's a stock price. Doesn't cost a thing unless you are selling it. It has already recovered about half that loss.
It was supposed to gain, not lose. So - instead of going UP as it was, it went down. Which means no matter how you slice it this cost shareholders money.
Revenues are down too apperently. Which is WHY stocks are down. And so smaller dividends and such.
to pretend that the investors and the people who run the show don't care about stock prices because they don't mean anything is not being honest.
10 minutes ago, eyeball said:
You're dreaming.
Nobody takes you seriously anymore kiddo.
16 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:
the Kremlin has chosen the path of aggressive war against NATO by proxy or otherwise
And it just got harder for them to do that.
If you're going to pretend that their national security isn't an issue for them or that having what they percieve to be a hostile force on their border isn't a matter of national security. then fine, but please don't claim you know anything about military politics any further. you'd have to be 7 different kinds of stupid not to know that.
4 minutes ago, eyeball said:
And what's your explanation for not covering it up when you did this? I mean in your case no one has to remember what happened they can just go look.
you did this kiddo. And you DID try to cover it up. You're that pathetic
4 minutes ago, eyeball said:Sure, who needs evidence.
Nobody. They saw what you did, they can see what's still there, they can check the timestamp but at the end of the day the details aren't important to anyone. The only person who thought this was so important that they should go out of their way to cover up their "big lie" was you. And that's all people are looking at right now - you're the kind of guy who'd say something on the internet and then when they get called on it go back and edit it out and pretend they never did.
You're THAT pathetic and now everyone knows
8 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:
Donald Trump Jr. Urges Right-Wingers to End Boycott of ‘Conservative-Leaning’ Bud Light
During Thursday’s broadcast of his Triggered podcast, Trump pointed out that despite conservatives’ complaints that Anheuser-Busch had “gone woke,” the conglomerate actually donated more money to Republican candidates than Democrats in recent election cycles.
“That’s literally unheard of in corporate America, where it’s really easy to go woke, where they do so constantly, where there’s a consequence of actually being a conservative,” he exclaimed. “So 60-40 to the conservative side is kind of a big deal.”
Honestly i don' t think it's the fact that they "went woke". Bud has supported LGBT groups many times in the past and as i somewhat jokingly noted 'spuds mckenzie' was a girl.
I think the public is sick of woke and woke politics and this was seen as being a very in your face woke political move and people have snapped, and their annoyance is being taken out on bud.
As i noted, the reaction and affect on their stock is too big for just a hadful of conservative die hards. I think it crosses the spectrum a fair bit and EVERYONE except the far left is just done with it. It was fine when trans did their thing and bios did their thing and everyone accepted each other but now people have to live with daily does of trans in the news, trans demanding this or that. trans shooting up churches, trans in their kids schools with unreasonable bra sizes, trans wanting to "educate" their children during "Story Time", and now they can't even just sit back and have a beer without dealing with Trans drama.
I don't think most of these people care about trans people one way or another - they're just sick of hearing about it.
11 minutes ago, eyeball said:
What exactly did I write and then change though?
I'm sure lots remember the gist of it - but it doesn't really matter. The point is you did it, then tried to cover it up when i called you on it. And you know what you did - seriously how pathetic are you exactly? Honestly i never would have thought you were that sad.
13 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:
NATO is ultimately a maritime force
Russia is ultimately a land mass. And being surrounded by nato won't help them sleep at night.
54 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:
InBev is wide awake.
And their stock is doing great.
What? No it isn't, it totally tanked. It cost them about 6 billion dollars
54 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:Snooze you lose.
Looks like they'd have won a hell of a lot more staying asleep to me
31 minutes ago, Deluge said:
You speak invertebrate, which is so much worse.
ummm - you realize that it would have been YOU speaking it.. i was the one who didn't understand it
So this whole 'thinking' thing - i guess you don't get to practice much eh?
You need to work on insults kid - you kinda suck
48 minutes ago, eyeball said:
Yeah with invisible....ink.?
Yeah that makes about as much sense as any of your other logic.
48 minutes ago, eyeball said:You still got squat eh? Fricken loser.You sure played this one badly didn't you?
LOL - you so desperately want that to be true
But we all know kiddo. And you know what you did
You are literaly so pathetic that you lie about changing what you wrote to try to look less pathetic to people on the internet
1 hour ago, Dougie93 said:
what if one is confronted by extreme circumstances ?
what if the government is coming to take your free speech ?
That's often when we see the more moderate society play their 'trump card'. They'll bring in a NON moderate to affect sweeping change.
Examples (other than hitler because he's way too obvious) would be like ontario - who passed up on 2 pretty mild conservative offerings as kathleen wynne was destroying the province and eventually brought in Ford - who at the time was a fire breathing conservative who was going to slash budgets to the minimum etc. And the left freaked out "HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!!"
In the us it was literally trump, which was a reply to the wokeness and intersectional culture wars obama fueled.
I suspect PP will be another example - although he's actually not terribly radical or right wing he's seen that way compared to justin who's so far left he's almost round-robin'ed around to being far right
The left will have passed up on someone who's a red tory like Erin and will wind up with someone who's a lot more firmly right.
This is a thing the left have never understood. The rise of Far left wing mismanagement and authoritarianism always leads to a far right radical response.
31 minutes ago, Aristides said:
Per capita, Finland is arguably the most militarized country in Europe.
More MBT’s than Germany, more artillery than the UK and soon to have 65 F-35’s in a country with the population of BC.
Why are they so militarized? Just look at their neighbour, and it ain’t Sweden.
Which brings up another point - beyond their significant military strength is their tactical and strategic location. If nato builds up forces in that area now it's just part of 'nato', so they can invest in new nato surveillance systems and if threatened nato can position fast strike forces there for attack, it essentially turns the country into an advanced nato base right on the border of Russia.
If Poutine wanted to make things SAFER for russia by invading ukraine... that did not turn out the way he wanted it to. Definitely a loss there.
3 hours ago, reason10 said:
Darwin's The Descent Of Man led to Francis Galton's creation of the junk science EUGENICS. The Holocaust was based on Eugenics. Educated people know this.
Stupid people connect those dots, educated people know better. But like i said - if you're going to go back that far and try to make that kind of causal relationship and blame darwin, then why not go to the original source and blame god?
3 hours ago, reason10 said:You've lost this argument. Move one,
ROFLMAO!!!! - that's what a coward who knows he's lost would say
"Oh please don't hurt me anymore, please please just give up and let me pretend i won! Pllleeeaaaassse mr CdnFox! "
THAT's just pathetic. Don't grovel.
So lets recap.
You offered this as a 'compromise' solution. Your logic was that 6 weeks is plenty of time because women can find out right away if they're pregnant as soon as they get pregnant because otherwise they're stupid.
Further - you state a fetus is a human from conception. When asked for a logical argument or proof of this you replied "because its all darwin's fault".
The TRUTH of the matter is that women would barely have time to find out that they were pregnant - you were just too stupid to know how the testing works.
And you utterly FAILED to make ANY case that a fertilized egg is a human being with rights attached.
and when all this was pointed out, you begged me to stop and just leave you alone and stop picking on you essentially.
Buddy. I suppose it's possible you could find a way to look dumber and more pitiful somehow. But i really can't think of how at this moment. Next time do better.
1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:
You’re asking me if I have any evidence that the purpose of their advertising to a certain group was to advertise to a certain group?
No, i'm asking if you have any evidence that their intended target market was to get trans people to drink their product. As it turns out most of this 'influencers' audience isnt' trans. Nor was this published in any trans magazines or the like.
So when YOU Make a claim that the target was to get more trans people to drink their beer, where's your evidence? In fact the evidence seems to indicate they were virtue signalling to people who approve of the Letter People, not the trans community itself.
And the fact you deliberately chose to 'misunderstand' my question pretty much tells me you don't.
1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:Your nose isn’t being rubbed in anything. How is this brand attempting to make inroads in this community rubbing your nose in anything?
When you do something for political reasons rather than product reasons, you're rubbing people's nose in the politics. And people don't like that. I've got about 6 billion bits of evidence for ya to prove that
1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:It’s such a ridiculous claim on so many levels. As I said you never would have even heard of this deal if conservatives hadn’t tried to gin up a controversy over it You don’t follow trans social media do you?
So you know i'm right and cant' articulate a response, so you're just going to have a hissy fit. Noted.
1 hour ago, BeaverFever said:Advertising your product to people who don’t already consume it is a standard marketing practice to grow the customer base.
But they didn't. As i noted this was not published in any trans mags, the influencer's followers are almost entirely non trans, the target is people who were not trans at all but who approve politically of that group.
So it's political. And turning beer into a political issue cost them 6 billion dollars and counting.
Get woke go broke.
16 minutes ago, Deluge said:
Of course you didn't. You're a Canadian, and you're also a moderate.
Ahhhh - so you're saying i don't speak stupid, so i wouldn't get it. Gotcha.
4 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:
Is it a political statement though? Or is the right just making it political?
It was absolutely a political type statement. She's a well known influencer who just did her year of 'transitioning' and they had her pose with the beer and drinking specifically to celebrate her one year anniversary of 'girlhood' and posted it everywhere basically saying 'look how woke we are'.
So of course it's going to be political. She was selected specifically because she's transgender to show how friendly bud is to that community in a very public way.
4 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:The problem with your argument is that it suggests banning and blacklisting trans people is normal and non-political but the opposite is political
Well make up your mind - you can't have it both ways. And no- my argument suggests no such thing. My argument isn't that it's non political, it's that they're fed up of politics especially identity politics being thrust on them everywhere they turn. People are fed up.
4 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:Would it have been a political statement if a business owner never had a ‘whites only’ policy during the Jim Crape era?
The who era? Did you mean Jim Crow? And frankly the rest of the sentance doesn't make sense either way, i have no idea what you're asking me there?
3 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:
So now the new story is you’re outraged and boycotting them because they tried to market their product to a new audience and think it might not catch on?
LMAO Let the lame excuses continue
I dont' think they did though did they.
Do you have some evidence that the point of this was to get trans people drinking bud light? Kinda sounds like you're just making that up. In which case that would make you the one with the lame excuses.
Bud and bud light have sponsored tonnes of gay and lesbian and lgbq things in the past but people are just fed up with having their noses rubbed into things like transgenderism and now there's a backlash.
Oh - and for the record - she admitted she doesn't drink beer. Likes one of those previously mentioned fruity drinks.
2 minutes ago, herbie said:
I wouldn't worry about that because I'm not stupid enough to think the Prime Minister causes inflation.
Ohhh i'm quite certain you're stupid enough to believe anything.
2 minutes ago, herbie said:No, your entire reply was. Karl Marx understood profit better than you do.
Wow - so "i know you are but what am i" was the BEST retort you could come up with? Man - not afraid to show off that stunning intellect of yours are you
2 minutes ago, herbie said:Another ignoroid speaks. The land value only increased by 20%.
Dude you were lying
It's PAINFULLY Obvious
Nobody thinks you did renos on your credit card and tripled the value of your home. Literally everyone reading that is going to know you're a liar
2 minutes ago, herbie said:Do you even know anyone who does renos outside of Toronto/Vancouver Metro?
Yep - i hire them literally every day. (well... every week day). But i don't think anyone has to be an expert to realize you can't triple the value of a home with a renovation you put on your credit card.
If you're going to lie - pick more convincing ones.
29 minutes ago, robosmith said:
See, you ARE BLIND. So BLIND you don't see how minorities don't get equal rights.
No, you're illiterate and didn't realize you never said anything like that.
29 minutes ago, robosmith said:Until very recently, LGTBQ did not have the right to marry who they love.
If by recently you mean like almost 20 years ago sure. But... that was 20 years ago. They have it now.
29 minutes ago, robosmith said:And now those rights are UNDER ATTACK, AGAIN.
AHhh no. no, those rights are safe and sound and nobody will be attacking them at all
I've told you before, it's best NOT to listen to the voices in your head. They're not your friends.
26 minutes ago, robosmith said:
You DON'T KNOW what I think.
I don't think you think at all.
26 minutes ago, robosmith said:I use CAPS so you don't MISS KEY WORDS.
So YOU find that YOU don't READ entire SENTENCES and you SOMETIMES miss KEY WORDS if htey're not CAPS?
I usually just read everything. Mind you - it's easier for me, i don't have to say the words out loud when i read them like you do.
26 minutes ago, robosmith said:I find that's very often a PROBLEM with people who want to IGNORE the MESSAGE.
Dumb ones maybe. I can see why you've struggled with it.
26 minutes ago, robosmith said:That has NOTHING to do with the subjects of YOUR OPINIONS.
It proves you were wrong with what you said. So that's proof of my opinion you're an !diot.
26 minutes ago, robosmith said:You ARE BLIND.
EVERYONE can see you're being stupid. No blindness here
26 minutes ago, robosmith said:Never started "being wrong," and YOU'VE PROVEN NOTHING with your OPINIONS.
You've never started being right - and i've proven you're a bit of a dolt that's for sure
Your parents must be so proud.
War In Ukraine
in The Rest of the World
Not to them. And frankly if they are going to be aggressive and invade other countries it DOES threaten their security.
Sure bud, sure. They're all nuts - YOU'RE the only SANE one.
Finalnd as part of nato is an angry neighbour with a shotgun on his lap. Regardless of their ACTUAL intent, you have to be concerned about it. And it only happened because he started this war.
So that's a loss for him in that respect regardless.