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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

    See, this is what I mean. What you're describing isn't real Marxism. You're describing Marxism through the lens of the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory.

    Told you guys. EVERY mention of marxism or communism becomes 'cultural marxism'  even if it's got nothing to do with it - and then you're a nazi.

    Sigh. Leftist today. whatchagonna do.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    There does seem to be a lot of projection among you fascists

    Projection? THat's one of your trigger words for 'i've got no arugment and i'm angry about it".  Awww sweetie, are you having a difficult day? I'm sorry to hear you're so emotionally upset.

    Anyway the problem with you fascist lefties is you need everyone to fit into a pigeon hole. In your world ALL conservatives are bad people, ALL trans are good people, ALL jews are nazis. That's just how you think.

    But for most of us - people are just people. We like people or not based on who there are, not what their label is like you.

    Personally i think it's just as silly to love every trans just because they're trans like you do as it is to hate every trans just because they're trans.  People are people.  Someday hopefully you can understand that.

  3. 3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Sure, I haven't seen what you're talking about.

    You haven't seen what i was talking about? Well let me post it for you again so we're on teh same page:

    4 hours ago, eyeball said:
    5 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    The government appoints all sorts of boards that are technically 'independent' but not really. They simply make sure to appoint their friends and allies to the position. Much like Trudeau and his 'independent' rapporteur'. 

    I've been watching stories about this sort of thing on CBC for years now and the thrust of this thread is that CBC is hiding these sorts of stories.

    That's literally your quote in response to groot's statement.

    Do you remember seeing it now?

    Why do you insist on lying like this?

  4. 2 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    What hidden news exactly?  Hidden by who? Are they under order's, do you have copies of these orders by any chance?

    Why don't you ever take the time to consider what sorts of questions you raise when you make unfounded knee jerk claims like this?

    What news stories have been hidden that cbc knew about but never reported? Is it safe to assume you think no other msm crony knew about it either?  They're all under the same gun Trudeau is holding against the CBC's head?


    3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    What hidden news exactly?  Hidden by who? Are they under order's, do you have copies of these orders by any chance?

    Why don't you ever take the time to consider what sorts of questions you raise when you make unfounded knee jerk claims like this?

    What news stories have been hidden that cbc knew about but never reported? Is it safe to assume you think no other msm crony knew about it either?  They're all under the same gun Trudeau is holding against the CBC's head?

    Happy to answer that but lets put the last subject to bed first.

    So - are you admitting at this point that you HAVEN'T seen stories about all sorts of boards that are technically independent but not really on the cbc?  We can agree on that and move on?

  5. Just now, eyeball said:

    They're Liberal Party scandals.

    But that's not what was being discussed.

    What was being discussed was: "The government appoints all sorts of boards that are technically 'independent' but not really. "

    Not liberal scandals.

    Just now, eyeball said:

    You're suggesting these weren't scandals worth covering up or reporting, whatever the case may be?

    Can't cover up what other stations have already broken. You can only downplay and spin.  And that they do.

    But - that's not what we were taking about.

    So - are you admitting at this point that you HAVEN'T seen stories about all sorts of boards that are technically independent but not really on the cbc?

  6. 6 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Disliking nazis makes sense.

    But calling everyone a nazi just becaue the disagree with you does not.

    IS that the mental gymnastics you have to perform to justify to yourself why you hate others? You lie to yourself that they're nazis first so it's ok to hate them?

    You are one damaged little girl aren't you.

    6 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Disliking gender non-conforming people does not,

    depends on the gender non conforming person i guess. I'm sure there's some i'd like and some i wouldn't.

    6 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:


    especially if you like Bugs Bunny.

    Lets keep your 'Furry" fantasies out of this for the moment.

  7. 20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    No, you don't get off trying to change the channel that easy so give it up already.

    I literally quoted what we were discussing.  YOU were the one changing the channel :)  But as we all know, you're a big fan of rewriting things when you're in the wrong :P

    20 minutes ago, eyeball said:


    You responded to a post in which I said; I've been watching stories about this sort of thing on CBC for years now and the thrust of this thread is that CBC is hiding these sorts of stories.

    And which sort of stories was that? Why THESE sorts - this is what you responded to:

    The government appoints all sorts of boards that are technically 'independent' but not really.

    And you claimed you've been watching storis about this sort of thing on cbc for years now.

    But - you couldn't find a single one.

    So you just posted a few of the many many many many liberal corruption scandals and thought somehow people would think that's what we were talking about.

    Swing and a miss kiddo ;) trying to rewrite what people said never goes well for you does it :)

    20 minutes ago, eyeball said:


    I repeat CBC is not hiding the news. To suggest it's under the government's control to do so is ridiculous.

    Of course they hide news. The fact they don't hide ALL the news doesn't mean they don't hide news.

    But - that  is NOT what we were talking about.

  8. 5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Well that had nothing whatsoever to do with a board of directors being technically independant but not really. That's a story about the sponsorship scandal.  I mean  - it's a story about liberal corruption but it's got nothing to do with the specific subject.

    So swing and a miss there.

    Lets just rehash what we're talking about - quote:

    The government appoints all sorts of boards that are technically 'independent' but not really.

    That's what you said you had been hearing stories about.

    5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Again - the claim was you'd been hearing stories about boards that are independant but not.

    SNC is a story about liberals be ing scumbags but - not what we're talking about.

    5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    Third strike, yer out ;)

    So you couldn't come up with even ONE example? Not one? These are just stories about liberal corruption.

    5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    CBC did not hide these stories from the public's view and the government didn't yank, claw back or penalize CBC financially for reporting them.  I'm not aware of any reporters being silenced or disappeared for reporting them are you?

    No need - the stories were out there so the cbc couldn't bury them but - in each case they downplayed the story and softened it. And they've been critisized for that quite a bit.

    This is a different subject than what we were talking about. But - it's still worth noting. The CBC Severely down plays stories which are offensive to the liberals and downplays stories that are pro conservative, and hypes liberal positive stories and conservative negative stories.

    Agian - not what you said, but still interesting, sure.

    5 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    I've asked before if you people think its the other way around and the media controls the government but there's no straight answer to be found that way either.

    The media doesn't control the gov't. But it can absolutely impact it.

    By whitewashing the bad and highlighting the good they can certainly impact public impression. For example - the lie the cbc told relentlessly and aggressively during the trucker protest about the american funding helped set public opinion against the truckers and support trudeau's treatment of them.

    Likewise the cbc's lie about the 'emails' that we now know didn't happen between steel and the justice department can have a major impact.


    • Confused 1
  9. 28 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    No, here's a far better not to mention perfectly accurate example of you actually doing what you're talking about - putting your words in someone else's mouth.

    You're welcome.





    except it doesn't.

    But you did. You actually quoted me - erased what i wrote, and put in your own stuff. And when i called you on it you went back and erased what you wrote.

    That's you baby:) You're the kind of person who fakes what people say and then tries to cover it up :)

    And everyone knows it. The fact you so desperately and pathetically deny it shows how much that eats you up inside :)

  10. 49 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

     If you cannot hold a civil conversation without turning into the obstinate pos that youve proven yourself to be,

    BWAAAHAHAHAAHAHA -You've been insulting the HELL out of me for a dozen posts now!  And you were  the one who started it!  Holy crap, i know i said you were a hypocrite but i didn't realize it was your entire life identity!

    49 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:


    you and your like minded pals can carry on in your echo chamber alone.

    Yeahhhh  we're real obstinate about facts and logic, and reason. We just don't accept anything else. There's really no talking to us. :)

    49 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    Your unnecessary abrasiveness is indicative of the tiny mind that wields it.

    Sounds like my mind is still bigger than yours :)

    Sorry you picked a fight and suffered emotional damage as a result - frankly i still think you're kind of amusing and cute when you're not flipping your b*tch Sw*tch.  You really need to learn how to debate people without the hypocrisy and anger management issues.

    You take care, i'm sure we'll bump into each other again :)

  11. 6 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    LOL..."hitting you" not "hitting ON you".

    I think takin' the Mick out of robo-bot and Barbie all day, has you reading sideways.

    But the comment was funny.

    All the threads are blending together for me today....  russia attacked bud lite because nato sent someone's panties to a ukrainan trans girl in a bar,  - that's what we're talking about, right?

    Imma just gonna have a nap for a bit i think...

  12. 40 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    Lets say you're in a bar and some guy next to you starts hitting you and won't stop. Lets say you turn to the guy on the other side of you and get him to fight for you.

    Question: Are you proud of yourself afterwards? I mean...the objective was reached. The 2 guys fought and lets even say your guy won. But when you go home and look yourself in the mirror...are you happy with what you see?

    But ....what if the guy on the other side of you was ALSO gay and you just didn't want to be accused of being a straight guy who beats on gays?  that way it's gay on gay and you can't be accused of picking on someone just because they're gay.

    Also, how did he hit on you? Did he try to buy you a drink? Was it a bud light? Because that's just asking for it right now.


    I'm probably over thinking this. Carry on.

  13. 5 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    What amazing heights of foolishness you've abtained.

    Awww muffin -  you mad? is it time for your cookie and your nap?  :) Seems like insults is all you have left

    5 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    You guys just carry on with your angry underwear talk.

    Oh my ANGRY underwear talk is quite different, and you have to pay extra for THAT!

    5 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    Y'all got skills when ragging on one another over women's undergarments.

    Whereas you've got no skills at all - i guess we know why YOU'RE bitter, nobody's offering YOU their panties it would seem :)

    Seriously girl, i don't mind having a little fun at your expense but don't take this TOO seriously. it's the net. When you get to the point where you're just lashing out at people like that it's time to take a step back.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    LOL... @CdnFox

    Figure we've tugged on the poor, blind silly person enough?

    Figure he's even figured out yet that he's just a source of mild amusement?

    Fair enough - you're probably right - he's about one post away from being discovered later foaming at the mouth with a pair of woman's panties on his head for no clearly explained reason.

    • Haha 1
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