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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    I'm listening.

    No you're not. I think we both know that. It's a big hunk of the problem with you.

    15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Atheism isn't a belief, it's the lack of a belief.

    No, agnostic is a lack of belief - atheism is the belief that there is no god period. It's a positive belief, not the lack of belief.

    15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    If you believe in something, it's on you to present evidence for it.

    So if you believe definitively that there is no god then you must provide evidence.  If there is no evidence then the best you could say is 'maybe there is, maybe there isn't, i see no evidence either way".  Which is NOT atheist.

    15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    So when it comes to Theism, it would be on the Theist to present evidence to the Atheist.

    Nooooo... god it's like trying to teach trigonometry to a goldfish.

    15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    And when it comes to this propaganda idea that the Left is trying to have tons of shit deplatformed or banned, it's up to the people who believe this to present evidence for it.

    No, there is no need to prove commonly held knowledge. If i say the sun comes up in the east every morning it would be up to you to prove otherwise.

    15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Well I already agree that in any population there will be fringe elements. What I'm saying is that it's not common among the Left or the Center, certainly not nearly as common as it is among the Right. 

    And you're wrong. Yet again.

    15 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    In order to change my mind, you'd have to give examples like the attempted cancellation of David Pakman.

    In order to change YOUR mind i'd have to use experimental drugs and a lobotomy on you. And then - maybe.

    If you actually cared about the truth you'd have looked it up yourself and found tonnes of examples without my help. Which tells me you know you're lying.

    As to the rest - same thing. You're just wrong except for where you're being dishonest.

    You're an embarrassment to the left and a prime example that it's a position held by those who are expert at self delusion and dishonesty

    This is why the right is the political home of reason facts and logic. The left only cares if those things HAPPEN to support their position - otherwise, they hate it.

    Sigh. It's hard to think of people like you as the best we could do with 4 billion years of evolution to work with.

  2. 2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    My statement was that leftists and liberals very rarely try to get people fired. The fact there you don't have examples of them doing do is what proves my point.

    there's tonnes of examples.  You didn't address my point did you.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Atheists don't have to present evidence that there are no gods. It's up to Theists to present the evidence, since they believe god/gods exist.

    Nonsense - by definition their beliefs are held to be valid based on faith.  it would be up to the athiests to prove they were wrong if anyone had to prove anything.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    It's the same thing here. I don't believe there is evidence that leftists and liberals try to get people "cancelled." If you disagree, present some evidence.

    You won't anyway. We've discussed this.

    Lets put it this way - if i give you one example of a leftist or liberal trying to get someone cancelled,  will you agree that leftists or liberals do this? Or will you complain you need more or that those people aren't liberal enough to be REAL liberals?

    IF all you're going to do is sealion about it then there's not much point. We both know that there's tonnes of examples that will pop up with a simple google search and so it makes your motives suspect.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:



    You didn't actually watch the Twitter Files hearings, did you?

    AAAAAHHAHAHAHAA - YOU are truly retarted! - that wasn't even ABOUT the notebook!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Holy crap - not only did you not watch the hearings YOU DIDN"T READ THE ARTICLE!!!! LOL

    Well thanks for proving the point :)  Lefties lie.

    Here ya go:



    Roth was intimately involved in the effort to censor the New York Post’s exclusive stories on Hunter Biden’s shady foreign business dealings ahead of the 2020 election. Twitter prevented users from sharing the story publicly and from privately messaging the link to other users. Mainstream publications, including the Washington Post and the New York Times, later confirmed the authenticity of much of the content derived from the computer, which was abandoned at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.

    Whooopsie doodle -  i was right and you were wrong - which you knew :)  This guy already admitted to it, it's public knowledge.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:


    Like I said, there are exceptions,

    Right. Exeptions.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:


    WTF? When did I say that was okay?

    Several times actually. 

    I've said it before - you don't seem like a very good person. Bigoted, sexist, racist, and supportive and dismissive of violence that people you consider like minded do.  You out and out said Conservatives were ALL lesser people as well, don't know if i got that in there.

    History isn't going to judge your side any better than it does the KKK, the brownshirts, or any other group that advocates for hatred and exclusion as yous does.

  3. 4 hours ago, TreeBeard said:

    Dude - that was a bit of a lie on your part then. The CPC never hired him. Nor were they considering it - it says very clearly in that trial that it would have been the first nations who hired H2o - not the gov't . The gov't would just fund it.

    The guy was just doing lobbying for H2O and stepped over a line with regards to that. That had nothing to do with the CPC.

    And the fraud charges wouldn't show up till after the CPC was out of power.

    So if i'm being very kind - your statement was a GROSS and MASSIVE exaggeration. If i'm being VERY kind.

  4. 4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    Strong leadership does not a decent POTUS make, if it leads in the wrong direction. 

    Well again - you're conflating what YOU feel good policy is with 'good leadership'. And that leads to issues - basically your definition of a good potus would wind up being 'someone who does stuff i like" and that's just way to personal to be a useful tool for comparing or evaluating them.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    Trudeau said he was going to introduce a carbon tax, and he did.  I doubt you'll find many Trump supporters on here willing to concede that that was just strong leadership.

    well i would say they were wrong if that's the only issue we're talking about. But - overall he has broken more promises than just about every other prime minister ever including his father and he's been caught at corruption many times specifically for his job.

    And he said the carbon tax would be neutral which it turns out it isnt

    So thats where we start to run into issues.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    Americans didn't vote for Biden by such large numbers in 2020 because they "liked the results, they didn't like the show". They voted that way because they did not like the direction the country was taking under Trump and they wanted a more liberal government. 

    Hogwash. They liked the employment situation. They liked the strong economy. they liked a lot of it.

    But they didn't like the drama and that was clear from the polling and biden said he'd do a better job with covid (which he didn't).  Biden seemed pretty safe and a return to sanity - but they wanted to keep all that other stuff too. Which is why biden is in the tank right now

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    To imagine that abortion wasn't an issue is silly, as it assumes that no-one gave it a thought until the SCOTUS actually killed Roe v Wade in 2022.   Those who voted on the issue in the 2022 midterms would certainly have considered it in 2020.

    I doubt it.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    You say they have access to abortion, and freedom from the Supreme Court, but that's being disingenuous. 

    No, it isn't.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    They have much reduced access to abortion, with every chance of further reductions, and increasing indication that the Supreme Court is going to look into gay marriage. 

    THe gay marriage thing is a complete joke. Don't even bother. I don't have time to go make myself a tinfoil hat. 

    As to abortion, They don't have a 'much reduced' access for the most part. The vast majority of states didn't change anything. And those that did are a 2 hour drive from those who didn't. That would be a relatively minor inconvenience.

    The thing is legal experts have been saying for many years roe vs wade was a shakey ruling and could well be overturned. It probably should have been with the states all along.

    So - easy enough, just add it to the constitution. It's not like there aren't a hell of a lot of amendments already - add one more.

    But biden doesn't want to try.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    I am vehemently opposed to any kind of religious influence on lawmaking

    May i remind you that during the debates nancy stood up and stated clear as a bell she would appoint judges that would rule in favor of her political agenda (guns, etc) at the same time trump said he would and NOBODY BATTED AN EYE in the public or the media.

    If you're opposed to it then you're talking about the wrong country because both sides are just fine with it.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    Trump inherited a pretty good economy from Obama and falling unemployment, which continued, granted, but such is usually the case.  Once COVID hit it's unfair to comment on either the economy or unemployment as the pandemic was a unique situation.  

    He turned an "ok" economy into a very solid performer. Stocks radically improved, jobs did, most of the economic markers underwent a dramatic and noticeable improvement the timeline of which can be lined up with various policies.

    Obama lead a very slow and sluggish recovery at best. Trump did much better.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    His performance regarding the pandemic itself is generally regarded as being very poor, and might have swayed some voters.  

    Which is a lie, pure and simple. IT's the kind of thing democrats propose. He did far better than most and the only reason we got vaccines when we did was project lightspeed.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    The current state of the economy is something that is being experienced worldwide, and cannot be said to be Biden's responsibility.  I understand there will be those who don't see it that way.

    It is biden. It's not worldwide at all, many countries are no where near as bad as the states and the ones who come close made the same mistakes. But the US is just about top of the list in the developed world. It is ABSOLUTELY biden's fault.

    you cannot dump billions and billions of unearned dollars into the economy WITHOUT that happening. 

    If biden had done the right things then they would have an inflation rate perhaps 2 percent above target at its max and only have been above target for a  year max. That is vastly different than what happened. And now they'll head into a recession shortly.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    So I don't buy that Trump's antics alone were the reason for his failure in 2020.  His antics after that failure could well be responsible for the Republicans' current reluctance to have him within a country mile of the nomination in 2024.  They might not have a choice though.  On their own heads be it.

    I think not wanting him within a country mile is 100 percent about teh antics. For sure. They know he did fine with the real issues - but they know people are sick to death of "the election was stolen" and fights with the press and telling little rocket man his button is bigger than his, etc etc etc.

    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    That said, I do agree that Biden is becoming less and less electable, and his performance in the run up is likely to be poor.  It would be good if the Democrats could come up with a viable alternative.  But who?  I remember in the run up to 2020 I asked whether Mario Cuomo would be a good choice.  So much for my ideas.

    Lol - well it's a problem isn't it. Right now i'm not seeing ANY white hats on either side.  Bernie sanders? What a disaster that would be,  Desantis is kind of just like trump light - he'll do almost but not quite as good with the economy and cause almost but not quite as many drama shows. What's the point? Might as well go for full fat trump instead.

    I'm not seeing that moderate leader who can just step in and do  a solid job with a few policies that tick off one side or another a little but not 'burn the cities or storm the capital' levels of pissed off. And nobody terribly strong.


    4 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    At least the Republicans have a field, and can afford for Trump to be defeated in the nominations.


  5. There exists within Canada a species of humans that are ghouls - people who feed off the dead. Not people who care for the deceased but rather those who prop their dead bodies up to try to make money from them.

    This is from such a group. They don't really care about the deaths - the deaths are just a means to an end. The end being selling news and getting gov't funding to do some fake crap about 'femicides' which will make no difference but will line these people's pockets.

    they are the worst. And they take money and resources from people who actually would like to see positive changes.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

    Agreed. I wonder how much time it would take to get directly involved...

    Well it depends on HOW involved.  - spending some time with your riding association and such especially during candidate selection is not a lot, maybe 3 or 4 hours ish to have an impact during candidate. You usually only have to do that once every 4 years. Maybe an houror three a year to meet with or spend time with the riding or candidate to go over ideas. Policy conventions are about every two years - you can directly get involved and go there and vote and such if you want to represent yoru riding and that's obviously several days worth of time committment, but you can also just help craft poilcy to be voted on or discus what you'd like to see the vote be, and that's either several hours or a little less depending how involved you are.  Election times of course can be many hours a day for weeks if you have that much time but a lot less if you don't want to - scruitineering is just for a day.

    It's kind of hard to say but at a guess i would say that if someone spent an average of 2 hours a month getting involved they'd have a significant impact and democracy would benefit greatly. That's 'average' of course - some months nothing some more.

  7. 14 minutes ago, blackbird said:

    I like the idea of freedom of expression.  Can't understand people that try to silence other people from speaking about whatever subject they wish.  Such people often feel free to scold others and pontificate on whatever they feel like, but want to silence others because they don't like the subject.  Not great defenders of freedom of expression except for themselves.

    Freedom of expression is great. What I don't get is utter losers who make retarded statements about their imaginary friends 24 hours a day and claim it's their right under freedom of expression, and then crybaby about people using THEIR freedom of expression to comment on this asinine behavior.

    Any thoughts on those people? They kind of sound confused and hypocritical don't they.

    One. Thread.  Just try.

  8. Just now, Americana Antifa said:


    Why its the same one you provided to prove your statement.  Ohhh.... wait...

    LOL - typical leftie - refuses to provide proof but demands it when the discussion goes against them.

    Then tries to discredit proof if you provide it any way they can rather than address it

    Let me guess - now you'll post a bunch of irrelevant stories which don't address the issue and claim you've provided proof right? LOL - so predictable :)

    Just now, Americana Antifa said:

    Nope. What actually happened is the Biden campaign requested that Twitter take down nude pics of Hunter Biden. These pics being on Twitter is illegal under the "revenge porn" law.

    AAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!!1 HOLY SHIT - do you think ANYONE in the universe will believe that crap attempt at rewriting history?!?!?  ROFLMAO!!!!

    Wow - tell me you're a delusional sack of garbage without telling me :)

    No - nobody wants to see hunter biden's nude pics :) The notebook was found - it had emails and incriminating information on it, the mainstream media reported on it and were immediately shut down and threatened by twitter.  And twitter said they would insta-ban anyone who even mentioned it :)  
    Nice try tho :)

    But the fact you have to lie THAT BADLY about it should prove to you that you are on the wrong side of politics these days.

    Just now, Americana Antifa said:

    Yes, but the law allows private companies to discriminate, as long as it's not discrimination based on protected class.

    Sure it is.

    Just now, Americana Antifa said:

    Again, when you put on your nazi uniform, that you usually only wear at the meetings, and go to the local bar, you get kicked out. It doesn't matter that nazism is your political belief, because that's not a protected class.

    Actually there have been people who challenged that and won.

    Sorry kiddo. I know you think it should be ok to repress and hate on people based on their beliefs but it's really not

    Just like i know you believe that it should be ok to hate men, and to hate white people.  As  you've mentioned before

    But in fairness you consider others who don't hold your views to be sub human and lesser people, so .. no surprise. You're just like every single bigot and racist in history.

  9. 1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

    The ones you mentioned were not cases where freedom of speech was violated. They also weren't case where people called on something to be cancelled.

    Hogwash.  Dishonesty isn't how you make a case, try something else,

    1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

    So I know you only get your news from right-wing media, but if you actually fact-checked what you hear, you'd learn that Youtube and Twitter are actually biased in favor of conservatives.

    Actually the fact checks show otherwise, The ONLY people who believe that are those who completely immerse themselves in the most left wing of media.

    People who look at both don't have that problem. You do.  So.. there you go.

    1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:


    The Twitter hearings showed that they actually changed the TOS so that Trump could stay on the platformed. Not only does Youtube not censor the Right, but they even let insane fascists like PragerU run commercials for other videos.

    The twitter hearings showed that there was a bias to the left over all and this was discovered to be the case when twitter changed hands. There was MASSIVE left wing favoritism in their algorithms

    Then there's the policy volations. Such as when ANY news regarding hunter biden's laptop was completely squashed during the election, with even mainstream media like the new york post being threatened if they even mentioned the existence of articles about it.  Twitter claimed it was due to their policies - but that was quickly disproven and shown the story did not violate their policy.

    So swing and a miss yet again little girl.

    1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Nobody has a right to a platform.

    People do have equal rights to be treated equally under the law. Sorry if that inconveniences your efforts to repress people.

    1 minute ago, Americana Antifa said:


    Do you have an evidence to back that up?

    Of course - but we've seen many many times already you don't care about evidence.

  10. 10 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

    I personally blame the media for most of our evils.

    Honestly, they don't get "freedom of the press" to inflict their own political beliefs on us, it's to let us know what's happening, yet the media in NA seem to feel like it's their duty to provide us with enough disinformation to incite violent riots for people who were killed while assaulting police.

    Why is there no similar outrage for murdered women, or people murdered by repeat violent offenders? We're supposed to feel sorry for the perps (and assume that they're always white) and I don't get it. 

    There's an argument for that - but it still comes back to the people.

    Media doesn't exist in a vacuum. If people didn't want to be lied to by the media, the media couldn't survive by lying. 

    Media is downstream of culture, and politics is downstream of media. At the end of the day it's still about the people.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Americana Antifa said:

    I wish I could agree, but the average American doesn't follow politics that closely. Trump's attempt at blackmailing Zelenskyy so he could cheat in an election was one of the worst things he did, but most people are either unaware or don't fully understand what happened there. The average person just cares about what's happening in their day to day life.

    True, but Trump simps are more likely to get out and vote if they care about the actual person. It's not enough to just know that Trump endorsed them.

    We agree that anything can happen, so what really matters is that we vote. I just don't think the threat of Trump is gone yet. We need to treat this like the enormous threat to democracy that it is.

    So you're saying dem voters are lazy and stupid?

    Ok - well, there you go i guess.

  12. 2 hours ago, herbie said:

    If you've noticed your paying more with carbon taxes, you're 'getting the picture'.

    If i'm paying more with carbon taxes but i can't lower my carbon foot print further - then the picture is of a clown presumably.

    2 hours ago, herbie said:

    If you think it's more effective to whine so loud about it the whole society changes for you than adjust yourself to fit in, grow up, you're not 14 anymore.

    You can buy a good book about how english works at most book stores. Look into that.

    In the meantime, what society has learned is that society can't adjust for it. So it doesn't work. It does zero for the environment at all. It just puts tax dollars in the pockets of the liberals to waste.

    2 hours ago, herbie said:

    And if you're one of those who actually believes 3c extra tax justifies a litre of gas go up 25c then just keep voting Conservative, fool. It mysteriously went up a nickel here the day before they had the tax increase. I'll be gassing up today to see just how much extra Big Oil ripped everyone for.

    Well the problem is that it's not just a carbon tax on the fuel - it's also on the trucks to get the fuel to the station, the activites of the companies to mine the fuel, etc.

    You see - MOST taxes are not paid until the end consumer.  For example GST is not paid by businesses when they buy a product to sell later - they get all that money back. So the GST does not add to the expense of PROVIDING the goods or service, it's just a tax ON the good or service.

    BUT - CARBON tax doesn't work that way. Every step of the way the cost of carbon tax is paid by the company producing or transporting the goods - so it has to be 'marked up' along wiht other expenses like labour and such.

    I believe last time it was worked out that '3 cents' on gas you mentioned actually costs about 11 - 15 cents in real price increases at the pump. Oh - and then we charge gst on that as well.

    The carbon tax is somewhat unique that way - the actual cost of it is hidden. The part YOU pay is literally the tip of the iceberg - most of the cost is buried in the pricetag and you don't get to see it.

  13. 1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

    Basic disagreement here.  I'm not going to say Trump did a great job on something I don't agree with but his base does.  If you ask me to comment on his record I'm going to do so based on my views.  Biden pushed for student loan forgiveness.  Do you think that's good because his base wanted it?  I don't.

    I think if he'd run on that and been elected on that and pushed it through then that would be strong leadership. I think it would have been a horrible idea but the two are different.

    If you're going to speak intelligently comparing one presidential term to another you have to learn to set aside personal bias and compartmentalize it.  It's fine to say "I didn't like his agenda" but if you can't get past that, you can never really analyze them. It would be like being so blinded by dedication to your home team that you couldn't appreciate that the other team played a good game.  That would pretty much rule you out from being a sports commentator :)

    1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

    I don't believe Trump provided what Americans wanted. 

    He did. But they didn't want the drama that went with it.

    1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

    They don't want to become a Theocracy. 

    They didn't become one or even remotely close to it. So no problem there.

    1 hour ago, bcsapper said:


    They want access to abortion. 

    They have access to abortion. And that was a judicial decision not a trump decision.

    1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

    They want freedom from the religious right. 

    They have freedom from the religious right and that was never threatened.

    1 hour ago, bcsapper said:

    If Trump had provided what Americans wanted he would not have lost so badly in 2020.  He provided what his base wanted, and what the evangelicals wanted, but not what America wanted.

    Well again - not quite true.  I was very careful to seperate his 'performance' show from the results he got. Americans liked the results, they didn't like the show.

    Which is why biden is getting slagged so badly. They MISS what trump gave them in that regard - low inflation low gas prices stable economy good job growth good stock and real estate growth which is what their pensions are based on, etc etc.

    They don't miss the absolute crazy stuff.  But look at your own 'dislikes' -  theocracy? That never even came  close to happening. Abortion?  Wasn't even an issue during the 2020 election so your claim there is just silly.  What happened is that his antics allowed the left to convince a lot of people that a lot of things were happening that just weren't true and people hoped biden could bring stability in that area without ruining the things they DID like.

    But he didn't - the economy is trashed horribly now and biden is becoming as unstable as trump, just in a different way.

    So if the us gets biden v trump next election, they're going to have to decide if they want a good economy etc and live with the crazy, or if they want a crap economy and to live with the incompetence. 

    It's not a great choice is it. Hard to think that it's come to this for that once great country.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    Tal argued Canada’s mass immigration targets are helping ease our country’s labour shortage, which in turn is tamping down wage growth.

    He made no case for it at all, and of course our employment numbers show that the labour shortage is still there.

    2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    What makes it all the more unsettling is that the corporate-backed organizations pushing Ottawa to hike immigration targets, such as The Century Initiative and the Conference Board of Canada, have acknowledged that higher immigration leads to lower GDP per capita.

    Not exactly. if you bring in more 'capita' then initially, sure. But not over the longer term. What happens is that you have a slightly lower gdp per capita but higher gdp growth.  And that's still a positive.  If i have 1 person making 10 dollars worth of profit and then it changes to 2 people making 18 dollars worth of profit, profit (gdp) per person went down but i still made more profit.

    So there's not really anything wrong with that. And it doesn't drag wages down.

    2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    Evidence? Studies? Cite?

    Are you kidding - YOU who has provided ZERO to back up his claims asks for a cite? Look it up yourself - right after you get done looking up something to back your own position.

    2 hours ago, I am Groot said:

    And one of the major reasons is that rather than increasing training or technology employers can just bring in temporary foreign workers or hire from a continuing stream of desperate immigrants.

    Don't spout nonsense. If anything new arrivals need more specialized training to fit in. Mentor programs and the like. Which is a main reason they're worth less.  The WORST way to improve productivity for the employer is to throw expensive labour at it and even allowing for a discount for new Canadians they're still very expensive. No employer would look at that as a good substitute for productivity.

    Immigration has absolutely zero to do with our productivity problems. And the fact you would suggest that demonstrates you aren't thinking about this rationally, you just don't like immigration and you're trying to come up with any reason at all to demonize it.

    And there are studies that show immigration doesn't affect the wages Canadians make. Hell, David Card won a nobel prize proving that.

    Sorry - you're so far off base here it's not even funny.



  15. 2 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    OK....the U.S. actually helped to develop several COVID vaccines....Canada not so much (Trudeau's deal with China bit him in the ass.).



    And the only reason they got developed so quickly was due to project lightspeed, which provided the necessary money for both moderna and pfizer in the end.  And that came from..... a republican.

    So complete swing and a miss claiming it's the republicans fault.

  16. 16 hours ago, Nationalist said:

    Sigh...it's our own fault eventually.

    Yes. At the end of the day in a democracy it's our own fault eventually.

    We dont' get involved in politics anymore. We should be very involved in the local riding - almost nobody is. we should help pick candidates - almost nobody does. We should help pick leaders - this time was better for the cpc but traditionally few do.  We should be involved in policy conventions but that doesn't happen for most people.  And even the easiest part - the part that requires almost no effort - we should make a good choice and go out and vote and select the best leaders for the country and  only about 65 percent of us can even be bothered to show up to vote, and of that about 2/3'rs just vote for a party because that's what they always do without even looking at the issues or platform.

    And we get poor results. And we're shocked.

  17. 16 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    You can thank US right wing yahoos for doing that. It was plain as day in March of 2020 the US would suffer the worst from COVID because of the disdain they were so quick to subscribe to.

    Don't be an ass.  This is canada, and it was 100 percent entirely trudeau.  ENTIRELY.   Just before the eleciton he was swearing it would never happen. He stepped out of the GG"s office and immediately attacked the unvaccinated and ran his campaign on it. He made it sound as if anyone who didn't get a vaccine was trying to kill your grand mother.

    he would go on after the election to say vaccine hesitant people were misogynists and bigots and were a waste of space. Those are quotes. He questioned if they should even be 'tolerated'.

    No - the spit has NOTHING AT ALL to do with conservatives or right wing ANYWHERE.  This is ENTIRELY on him - a leader who DELIBERATELY WEAPONIZED VACCINES AND COVID to get ahead  politically.

    The man is a disgusting scumbag who is 100 percent responsible for canada tearing itself apart and for permanent divisions that are never going to heal.  For votes.

    I know you like him - but there is no arguing that this is his legacy.

  18. 15 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

    I remember being surprised (and amused) at how CNN kept up a desperate hunt for ridings where Hillary might still be able to score a few votes. 

    For those who are political junkies - it has GOT to have been one of the very best elections to watch in history. The media literally having a melt down more and more as it became more and more clear he'd won. I've never seen the like anywhere.

    The thing that really stuck with me tho is when he came on stage, and there's a moment just as he come out where he stops and looks around, and my friend and i said at the same moment - "HE IS SHOCKED HE WON".  He very clearly did NOT expect to win, i don't know if he really thought about what it would mean, he very clearly did NOT expect to be there. 

    It was literally an outcome that took EVERYONE including the candidate by surprise.


    Right now he looks like a lock for the nomination. 

    We'll see. Like i said i won't bet against him.


    21 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

    There's a difference between hate and contempt. 

    I won't pick a fight over it, for the purposes of this discussion i'm happy to call it either.

    26 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

    I don't agree his track record was not bad.  (SNIP) I'm opposed to things like corporate tax cuts and turning a country into a theocracy.  (I'm pro-choice, pro-gay rights, etc.  Basically pro-personal freedom as opposed to religious control of others) To see Trump holding a Bible was bad enough.  To see evangelical Christians buying it was a lot worse. 

    Well - there's some important distinctions.

    First - policy vs outcome is important. You may not agree with his policies but that's personal preference. However - if he states his policy and then acts on that and achieves his policy goals successfully -  REGARDLESS of your opinion of that policy that's a pretty good leader. That is a successful leadership (assuming all else is neutral).

    Trump ran on a variety of things and for the most part achieved them and most were things a lot of americans wanted.  Did the economy go up? Yep. Did jobs go up? Yep. Did taxes go down? yep.  etc etc.   So he did VERY well.

    The second thing is you cannot equate his 'antics' and 'showmanship' with results.  He waived bibles around and such - but really what new laws did he bring in that were anti gay? None.  So sure the dems have their rhetoric and the republicans have theirs but if they're not using their powers in that regard it's kind of meaningless. IF trump had banned gay marriage or something then fine but that never happened.

    26 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

    I don't agree with weakening environmental regulations.  There are sometimes good reasons to loosen red tape, but typically, whenever I read about one proposed by Trump's government, I was against it.

    Again - that's your take on his policy - that does not mean he was not a successful leader. It's what americans wanted and he did it well

    26 minutes ago, bcsapper said:

    Trump standing next to Putin and saying he trusted him more than he trusted US intelligence agencies was also a low point for me. 

    Well in fairness the US intelligence agencies went after trump a lot more than Putin did :)

    It was a dark and dishonorable time for the us intelligence people.  Not a good or nice for trump to say but even you would have to admit given the steele dossier and the trump witch hunts and the leaked texts etc that its not ENTIRELY unprovoked.

    But the bottom line is that when it comes to performance trump did achieve much. He ran on making the economy better, improving the US strength abroad etc and was largely successful.

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