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Posts posted by CdnFox

  1. 2 hours ago, blackbird said:

    So what you're saying is illegal actions are rewarded in Canada. 

    Have you MET our prime minister?

    2 hours ago, blackbird said:


    I don't think the railway blockades achieved anything for the blockaders.  

    You're free to live in ignorance

    2 hours ago, blackbird said:

    "Rail lines across Canada have been paralysed for almost two weeks after being blockaded by indigenous protesters and their supporters.

    The blockades were put in place in solidarity with Wet'suwet'en First Nation hereditary chiefs who oppose a natural gas pipeline in their traditional territory in the province of British Columbia (BC)."

    The Wet'suwet'en conflict disrupting Canada's rail system - BBC News

    The pipeline is around two-thirds completed now.  The protesters failed to stop the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline project.  Blockading the railways failed to stop it.  A terrorist attack at the worksite destroyed tens of millions of dollars worth of machinery but did not stop the project.  It is going ahead.

    They were forced to do new deals with many first nations to make that happen AND the project was delayed by ages AND they did force it's route to be changed a number of times and forced it to be massively overbudget

    Likewise the TMP in the south was ALSO delayed by many years, still isn't complete, is massively over budget and again first nations had to be give extremely larger compensation.

    And a third pipeline that was planned for the north was cancelled entirely.

    So - they got more money, delayed everythnig and drove costs up to discourage other projects, and got one cancelled. They also won court battles along the way which improved their barganing power for future projects.

    And - the two out of three being built were both announced well over a decade ago. Meanwhile, how many new projects have you heard announced? None? Hmmm.

    Even mines and such have been tremendously affected.

    You don't need to have complete victory across the board to still have won  a lot.

    Sorry bud - the first nations have vastly improved their power with such activities.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, eyeball said:

    I'm pretty sure most of the kids who suffered real psychological damage from COVID had parents like you filling their heads with shit from day one.

    LOL - not like you who always present such intelligent and thought provoking insights right?

    IF you're any indication i daresay we can guess who's kids came out more emotionally scarred, and it probably isn't Goddess's :)

  3. 2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    The Republicans are trying to steal elections as they accuse Democrats of having stole the 2020 election. It's like this for literally everything. The Right accuses LGBT people of being groomers, when really the Right votes against bills to end child marriages.

    Setting your projection aside, there's no evidence of 'election rigging' here that i can see. Is your sole evidence that republicans voted for it so it MUST be fraud?

    BTW - is clinton still demanding that 2016 was 'rigged' and trump is illegitimate? Oh - yeah i see she is. Yep it's all republicans :)

    I swear you've got your head stuck straight up your echo-chamber.

    • Like 2
  4. 3 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    Donald left office with the third largest deficit in history. 


    debt is always higher - things cost more and there's more people every year.

    Debt to gdp is a better way to look at things. And there - trump did better than most. In otherwords he increased productivity and profit faster than he increased spending:


    Whereas under biden that obviously was NOT the case. Now  - covid. Fair enough. But - it's still entirely out of whack.

    So trump did better than obama - MUCH better than biden and if covid hadn't come along the debt to gdp might very well have been at an all time low historically.

    So swing and a miss there.

    • Like 1
  5. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/conservatives-wont-commit-to-legislating-end-to-strike

    'Justin Trudeau has increased the public service budget by $21 billion ... and he still hasn't been able to solve this problem,' Conservative MP Stephanie Kusie said

    “The strike that we are witnessing here today is a complete result of the incompetence of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government,” Kusie, the party’s Treasury Board critic, told reporters.

    “Canada is broken, and this is just simply another example.”

    Public servants, Kusie said, are being squeezed by Canada’s affordability crisis, just like everyone else.

    “Justin Trudeau has increased the public service budget by $21 billion, in addition to adding and spending $22 billion on outside consultants, and he still hasn’t been able to solve this problem and to come to an agreement in this negotiation.”


    The ndp has already said they won't. The bloc isn't enough to get it done on their own.

    Justin has painted himself into a bit of a  corner here and is in danger of pissing off not only the public but the largest union.

    And he's taking serious hits for the fact that yes - he's spent 50 billion more on the service and consultants, it's STILL not working right, and now they want a raise he can't afford.

    I guess just trying to buy your way to popularity wasn't a good idea after all.

  6. 5 hours ago, blackbird said:

    But you don't seem to understand how Canada works if you think natives can blockade railways and have a valid claim. 

    I'm afraid its you who's out of touch there.  In fact it's a very successful tactic and often results in a claim moving forward.

    If you want to say it SHOULDNT be - that's probably pretty defensible.  If you're saying it should CHANGE - sure,  right with you.

    But - as of now it absolutely is the case and the courts have done much to back that up.  It is the way of things at the moment.

    • Like 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    While you and your rightwing pals are swapping spit in your echo chamber, Ron's busy cutting off Florida's nose to spite their face. Apparently Ron's so stupid that he failed to recall Disney is Florida's cash cow. He's biting the hand that feeds his childish ass. Of course, this is just my opinion, but I think he's f__king himself good here. I hope he's well lubed up.

    Wow - who was complaining that "someone" keeps everything on the table including "gasp" insults? :) You really could hypocrite for the olympics :)  

    Disney isn't hurting DeSantis at all. Thats' the kind of thing that lefties tell themselves to comfort themselves over the fact disney fired a bunch of the 'woke' folk after their antics cost them billions.

    Whats hurting him right now is trump. He's going to have to back off and say he won't run, support trump, and bide his time. Either trump will lose, then he'll get his real chance in 2028, or trump will win and he only has one term left so he'll STILL get his real chance in 2028.  But he's going down trying to out trump trump right now - looks like trump is going to get another kick at the can.

  8. 1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    That's beside the point.

    It is the ENTIRE point. While a small percent of the population will ever be the 1 percent  (approximately 1 percent of them to be more specific) The fact that more of them are from low and middle class shows there's no particular advantage coming from a 'wealthy' family.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    That's insane.

    And yet true What a world eh?

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Rich people have connections with other rich people. Like the comic showed, a person born into wealth can easily get a job working for the rich people in their circle. The connections that poor people have are not ones that can give them good jobs. And that's not even getting into the roles that family, education, and health play.d

    The comic didn't "show" - the comic imagined.  However - at the end of the day the results show that isn't the determining factor for success. Yeah - it helps to know people but it's also a lot easier to get to know people than you might think.  And  connections get you 'good jobs' less effectively than you might think.

    A poor person starting out and working their way up through middle management into mangement is going to meet all kinds of people who will help them advance.  But to be honest - its' their hard work and reputation that will jump out and propel them.  Cream tends to rise to the top.


    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    In an effort to manufacture consent for capitalism, conservatives will sometimes say "I never got a job from a poor person!" And yeah, rich people are the ones who give people jobs. But this means if you grow up in those upper-class circles, you're more likely to know a rich person who will give you a job.

    The rich person doesn't give you a job because he knows you. HE gives jobs to people who will make him MOAR rich. :)  Which means that a person's track record and performance is as good or better at creating advancement.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:


    Nobody is saying the opportunity isn't there.

    Yeaahhhhhh -  is that true tho? No one? That's not the point of most of these programs and such? That's not the point of saying poor people can't get ahead?  I'm not so sure about that.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    The left-wing argument is that your economic situation dictates how many opportunities you have.

    Well they're wrong. Like i said - drop me into an economically disadvantaged situation with what i know and area and i'll be upper middle class quick enough. And i mean as a 20 year old or the like, not with my current track record and resume to fall back on.

    The difference if any isnt'  the poverty or fewer opportunities. It's the ability and desire to maximize those opportunities. And that's the MAIN difference between kids raised poor and ones raised rich.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    There are opportunities in North Korea too.

    No there isn't - who's hiring in north Korea? Don't be silly.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    But there are MORE opportunities in the West. Likewise, there are opportunities if you're poor, but there are MORE if you're rich.

    Less so than you'd think. In america you might argue that access to university would be harder for poor people but even there there are paths.


    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:



    Both. Rich kids grow up with more opportunities than poor kids. However, a poor kid in a rich neighborhood has more opportunities than a poor kid in a ghetto. This is why the data shows that we can predict success based on a person's zip code.

    The data doesn't really show that. Sorry.

    And again - i would argue that the poor kid in the rich neighbourhood is going to be exposed to knowledge on how to take advantage of their opportunity more, and that's the main difference.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Educations is part of this. Like I said earlier, rich kids go to better schools and have more time to concentrate on education.

    Thats not the education problem here.

    1 hour ago, Americana Antifa said:

    There are really so many factors here that have to do with economics. The people you know, your education, your health, all of these things affect your chance at success. Just the fact that your health growing up shapes your IQ alone should make us concerned.

    None of it is relevant to who will or will not succeed. The paths are there for the most part, EVERYONE  rich or poor has serious obstacles to overcome. But anyone with a little knowledge and a decent work ethic can achieve middle class no problem. Even upper middle class. If the poor people need anything its a shift in culture and learning how to maximize and recognize opportunity.  Don't get pregnant out of wedlock. get a job (any job) and establish your rep,  don't get involved in crime, chart a path.

    The statisics show that the vast vast vast majority of people rich or poor who do that will achieve at least middle class or better.


  9. 2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    So you agree that it makes sense to have gun control, since mass shootings harm other people.

    No, i just agree that it makes sense to have some specific gun control for a variety of reasons. YOu're the one trying to spin it to mass murder :)  and i don't even know how you got that from the line you quoted.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Whereas people should be allowed to poison themselves, because they're not directly harming other people, yes?

    Not really.  It depends on what you mean by 'poison'. I'm against narcotics that are addictive for example because one quickly loses the ability to make rational decisions about them. And poisioning yourself would RARELY affect only you.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Actually, food is a good comparison because while it's legal to eat as much junk food as you want, we still have health regulations. A restaurant can't poison their customers because, again, that is harming other people. 

    Not terribly good for business either :)  But - we have safety regulations. We don't generrally require a chef to have a 'chef license' - just a business license.  SO the equivilant there would be regulation regarding the use and handling of firearms and depending on where you're talking about there is that already.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    Well I don't blame the gun manufacturers. I blame the law-makers for not making red flag laws and closing the loopholes. I never said people who make guns allowed the shootings to happen.

    It is the democratic and left wing position though. And that's the problem.  It anchors the conversation in the wrong place. There really aren't any meaningful 'loopholes'  but for sure "red flag" laws (or at least law or policy along the same lines) is a much better place to start.

    2 hours ago, Americana Antifa said:

    That's just an excuse Republicans make to avoid compromising. There's no reason they can't support red flag laws outside of the NRA funding the GOP.

    Sure there is. It would be more fair to say there's no reason the dems couldn't abandon their unreasonable attack on guns and focus on red flag/other laws. As long as they don't the republicans are going to have to dig in and not move an inch. Even on things like red flag laws which they tend to support in principle they'll have to be carefull as hell.

    This became politiicized and the dems have REALLY racheted up the rhetoric, and now there's no unsticking that without them taking a very very different approach.

  10. 1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    It was MANAFORT, HIS CAMPAIGN MANAGER who colluded (shared polling data) with Kilimnik.

    That's not collusion and that's not trump.  Collusion isn't just sharing data. There's nothing illegal about that.

    1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    Of course that's WHY Trump hired him for his Russian CONTACTS. And he was free cause he was being paid by Oligarch Deripaska.

    Nothing wrong with that either - that is not collusion or illegal.

    1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    The evidence is in the Senate Intel Committee report which has been posted HERE numerous times.

    I've read the report - it does NOT say he colluded with the russians anywhere.

    1 hour ago, robosmith said:

    I would post it AGAIN, but you're too lazy and dishonest to even look at it.


    • Haha 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    I checked the video and you LEFT OUT the "I believe" from "I believe he knows."

    I didn't leave out anything -she said he knows several times.  Also i didn't write the quote, that came from a 'fact checking website.

    BUT - that actually makes it MORE true.  SHE BELIEVES - these are HER beliefs as well.  So she is 100 percent trashing the electoral process

    16 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    That is a statement of what she believes, and IS A FACT  that she believes that.

    Yeah - she believes that the electoral process was compromised and that trump is an illegitimate president.

    You literally just reinforced my point.

    16 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    The Senate Intel committee report confirming that Manafort colluded with Russian agent Kilimnik and he shared the data with the IRA agents HAS BEEN POSTED here MANY TIMES and right wingers here STILL DENY it happened.

    Sorry sparking - trump didn't "collude" with the russians. Show me in the report where the term 'colluded' shows up.  Liar.

    16 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    Just cause YOU'RE IGNORANT does not mean no evidence exists. LMAO.


    Go ahead and post it. Show where it says trump colluded with the russians.

    • Like 1
  12. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/sociologist-says-pandemic-may-have-made-canadian-youth-less-empathetic-meaner-1.6362442


    Increased time online during the pandemic may have made young Canadians meaner, a researcher said Wednesday, warning that declining empathy which emerged during isolation was now fostering increased cruelty during in-person interactions, including at school.

    Kaitlynn Mendes, an associate professor at the University of Western Ontario, said during an Ontario Medical Association press conference that many parents may not be aware of their children's increased exposure to online harassment during the pandemic, which is now having damaging consequences.

    "Teachers really noted that, as young people were coming back into school, the way that young people were communicating with each other during lockdown had changed, and they found that their empathy had really decreased," Mendes, who is a sociologist, told reporters.


    It's interesting. It's worth examining the effect lockdowns had on kids and others just to better weigh the pros and cons next time.  I"m not arguing for or against lockdowns but i think that they were done with no though to what the consequences long term  might be - or even that there WOULDN'T"T be any.  This research and others seems to indicate that there was a significant long term effect of the lockdowns.

  13. 2 minutes ago, robosmith said:

    You just CONTRADICTED YOURSELF. You CLAIM "large," but then admit YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.

    Ahhh -no.

    I said they have had large claims,  I said in SOME CASES we don't even know how large the claims were.

    That is not a contradiction. Lets say we have 3 claims. 2 of them are for 100 dollars. The third we don't know.

    We can say we've had claims of 100 dollars and some claims we don't even know how much it was.  That is not a contradiction, that is true :)

    You STILL don't know how english works do you :) LOLOLOL :)


  14. 14 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Only regurgitating the posters words.

    Fair enough - but regardless of whether they are yours or a repeat of someone else's I wasn't interested in suggesting i approve of it.

    14 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Anyway, Fox sucked back before the superior court could adjudicate and Fox still has more to come.

    And always will. Fox don't care. CNN don't care - they've lost some doozies as well. NBC don't care.

    What they care about is ratings and their ratings have gone way up. I'm sure they'll work harder in the future to hide the evidence better but they'll always be pushing the line and getting sued. sometimes successfully and sometimes not. They all will.

    Which i think is terrible - They do the deed, they get insurance to pay most of the fine and they move on  to do it again, and the public has no honest sources of information.

    Mark twain said: "if you don't read the paper, you're uninformed. If you DO read the paper you're misinformed".  Even more true 130 years later.

  15. 16 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

    Here.... In America..... We are required by law to treat everyone the same..... Yes.... Even trans folk.

    DeSantis is throwing away his chance at the White House over his stance on trans folk. 

    In essence, you could say DeSantis has f__ked himself with trannies. Actually, both trannies and Disney.

    Now Ron knows what a big dick looks like.

    LOL - you're such a class act :)

    And no, there is no law in the states that you have to treat everyone the same. People have the same rights. That's not the same thing.

    DeSantis won't be affected one drop by 'trannies' or disney - if anything smaking disney around won him points. If it wasn't for trump he'd be the next candidate and if he was up against biden he'd have a very strong chance of winning.

    Back to the "tranny" issue, i think transgender people on average are pretty well accepted but the political movement of 'transgender' is a different beast altogether, and some of the more unreasonable demands and the constant need for attention of the political activists rubs nerves raw.

    As i've said from the get go - the evidence does not suggest this is really a 'tranny' backlash. This appears to be more of a backlash against constant identity politics and the culture wars. This isn't just the far right tranny haters, this is much larger than that.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    People have seen it, and the only ones saying or trying to do something about it are those on the right... the left side of the house are perfectly OK with this type of behavior and conduct..

    For liberal voters it's practically a prerequisite.

    10 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

    .it is normal nothing to see here, in fact will even defend it with the normal screaming and yelling...The only way to make a difference , is to vote all of them out... i think most Canadians right now have pulled their toques down over their eyes and ears to block it all out, nobody really cares until election day.

    Well i think there's a bit of the 'sleeping dragon"  (or perhaps in the case of canada the hibernating bear :) ) going on.  People gloss over this stuff and don't really think about it or what it means - until you rub their faces in it a bit and they're forced to really look at it. Then they tend to get a little more involved.

    If it's just on the paper for a day or two then gone they just don't even notice. It's almost like they think "Meh - someone will make a big deal of it and tell me if it's REALLY important",

  17. 22 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Tone is in the receiver.

    LOL - oh please :)   The writer sets the tone. :)

    Or are you claiming that when you called fox viewers "shit" you meant it in the positive, friendly way and are just being misinterpreted ;)

    Please. A man owns what he did and the tone there was pretty specific :)


    22 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    If offended, sorry.

    No offense - i just didn't agree with it.

    22 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

    Was only quoting another poster. In my opinion, he is deluginal :)The discussion and other posters defence if to Fox.

    And that was hilarious :) But - that's why i didn't want to associate myself with the rest of the post, but wanted to acknowledge the very clever joke :)

  18. 2 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

    So you think Singh buys Trudeau street cred with the woke zealots.  I found it interesting that Singh threw the working class under the bus during the Freedom Convoy.  Another champagne socialist.

    I think the woke zelots is exactly what Trudeau thinks he gets out of Jaggers.  They all think 'trudeau is better than the cpc - he's not woke enough but that's ok because the ndp keeps him in line so we're all happy'.

    That will hurt jaggers in the next election as the radicals will have less of a fear or hatred for Trudeau because they don't see him as a threat to their ideology - they think he'll be kept in check.

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