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  1. Last time I took this test I was either close to Ghandi or Mandela, hahaha
  2. The senate is a disorganized and biased place, and this can never be changed, but I will tell you one thing, that if it is abolished, then who is a check on the government, even if a bioased check it is still a check, and secondly an elected senate cannot work.
  3. Hahaha, that is the most arrogant and selfish BS I have ever heard. First off, notice that this money is meant for people who have to send their children to the day care, not for people that don;t send their children to the daycare but they want money, of course having complete ignorance to the purpose of the day care program, that money should go to people who need it for daycare. Not to some person that thinks that even thought they don;t need the money for daycare they want it.
  4. Yes Hicksey, I do agree that it was a correct move not to create more trouble, basically for himself, but I disagree that this a quality of a strong leader. A well yes of course Martin did not care either, but one cannot say that it is almost touching, it was done plainly for political reasons. Dude I'm talking about childcare not healthcare, which there was a previously set childcare program, and Harper's plan to give money to everyone is not truly fair.
  5. A) Rap is not music, just felt I had to say that. WHen it comes to the image of society and life created by rap and the videos, well its BS, every rap thing is about living a bad life in the ghetto, getting shot at and becoming rich but still hanging out with drug addicts, what surprises me is that people do listen to this and they take it seriously and they begin to believe that that is what their life is. The way they make the videos is BS too, what is it trying to show, its not music anymore, its just a complaint about what some person think is a bad life. C) To compare Black Sabbath to this rap makes no sense, balck sabbath does not suggest these stupid messages, although it was interpreted into various things but rap says it loud and clear with no interpretation needed.
  6. Harper's not being able to speak on behalf of his appointment opf Emmerson is not a strength, it is a clear sign of Harper's weakness and inability to understand the democratic system, the people of Vancouver did not elect Emmerson because he is an outstanding fellow, but because he was part of the Liberal party, because they found that the Liberal party better represented their views. Harper's inability to speak just shows how he is ignoring the peoples voice and has placed himself a the person who has all the say in the decisions, he is a dictator in a way, he does what he wants not what the people want from him. As for troops in Afghanistan, oh well he surprise visited them, that does not mean anything, he did it to gain public support, he does not care who dies in Afghanistan, why would he. Next, lets speak more on the topic that affects people, his platform for this election was based on, giving money away and taking away programs. For example, the child care thing, so he is going to give every family(including those people who make millions or those that have family taking care of the children) with a child under 6 a 100$ cheque, or whatever it may be, every month, but as a result he will take away the childcare program that had been put in place by the liberals a while back. I don't see the point in that. Or even better the entire GST thing, he will reduce the GST from 6-7 percent, but he will return the income tax from the reduced 16% back to 17%, once again, how does that make sense. Oh and by the way if you didn't know an increase of one percent in income tax is more then a decrease of one percent in GST. I don't see why you are trying to support someone who is clearly not democratic and I don;t see how one can look at his visiting the troops as just a ploy to gain public support.
  7. well yes thats a problem too, but just one thing at a time
  8. I'm sorry to offend anyone but i think women are the biggest problem on the streets, they are either to careful or not careful enough, for example, sometimes when crossing the street car are on coming of course they are suppose to stop for the one who is waiting to walk or alreayd walking at the crosswalk but nearly always when a woman is driving she simply drives by while a man stops, this may be a problem in only alberta but i find them the largest problem on the streets and if you add cel phones to that then it is a problem.
  9. In my opinion, btw sorry if its off topic i just see a few things about seperatism and dont want to read the long but intelligent posts, so anyways should quebec have its referendum, then it will cause a split, and this is impossible to stop now, this split will result it canada becoming very unstable. This will lead to the economy being destroyed plus as a result of quebec, who is a mojor part to paying the debt off, splitting alberta will not want to pay off the debt with only ontario as those are the two richest provinces in canada and quebec is easily the third, hence alberta will split, and then it will be followed by a few other provinces, untill canada is seperated into tiny provinces, this is simply an opinion.
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