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Aristides last won the day on January 25

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    Wet Coast

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  1. Well it is going to cost US companies money, people are cancelling US travel and boycotting American products and businesses.
  2. Doesn't matter, Canadians are in the mood for a fight. If they have to. Trump thinks everything is transactional. Sovereignty is emotional. He is used to trying to win in a business deal and doesn't understand when people are prepared to push back, even at a cost.
  3. Trump intent on making Americans even dumber.
  4. China has just slapped a tariff on US LNG. That could be good for BC.
  5. Trumps thinking isn't three dimensional, it's one dimensional. There are only winners and losers to him and that is why he has screwed up. He can't contemplate a win win or understand that he can't always force others to do his bidding.
  6. I nominate Danielle Smith for Fentanyl Czar.
  7. 73% of guns used in Ontario crimes originated in the US.
  8. 100% is ridiculous but 25% is realistic. Who will they buy heavy oil from, Venezuela? Then how do they get it from tidewater to midwest refineries, there are no pipelines.
  9. No reason to think Trump will keep his word on this anymore than he has before. Even if this does get settled, Canadians will never really trust the US again and maybe that's a good thing.
  10. Cabotage. Other than the EU, no country lets other country's airlines fly their domestic routes, including the US. Canada allows 49% foreign ownership of airlines, the US only 25%. One of the reasons it costs more to fly in Canada is it is user pay. Major airports in Canada are on federal land and airport authorities pay hundreds of millions in rent to the feds every year. Airport security, air traffic control, all add to cost of your ticket. All services paid for by government in the US. Also, many of our airlines costs are in USD but revenues are in CAD. Our professional sports teams have the same problem. If foreign carriers were allowed to fly domestic routes in Canada, they would cherry pick the most lucrative routes between major cities, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto and Montreal and the rest of the country could go to hell. In a country the size of Canada, air travel is critical infrastructure.
  11. Because he is prime minister until they pick a new one.
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