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Everything posted by SNOWFLAKE

  1. JAYSUS MAN!! I VOTED CONSERVATIVE. I LIVE IN A RURAL AREA. Stop putting words in my mouth. I know the difference. Stop pretending you don't know what I am referring to. I am done with this topic. Rightwingers - as in the American Right - are f*cking bigots, MAGAs, conspiracy theorists, and dangerous extremists. PERIOD!! F*CK, how many times do I have to say the same thing for you to GET IT??
  2. Compared to you, an ant has superior intellect ?
  3. Listen up buttercup, when it comes to stupid no one comes close to you. You are not only monumentally stupid, but a Rightwing troll and a sad pathetic human being who thinks the whole world is out to get you. Lose weight, stop drinking, clean yourself up, go for a walk, volunteer somewhere, and become a human being. OR be a loser. Your choice.
  4. Why would I continue to debate you? JAYSUS!! I even admitted to voting for a Conservative. If you haven't understood me by now, then you never will. My attacks are against the Rightwing. And yet, you STILL are trying to find an equivalency?? I repeat: LET ME KNOW WHEN LEFTIES STORM A CAPITOL over rigged election conspiracies. Until then, your "equivalency" schtick is not something I am interested in engaging.
  5. Ok, you go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being big enough to blame both sides for the loss of civil discourse in the U.S. Maybe you trying to keep it civil here for the sake of engagement. I am only here for the entertainment value, I use other forums for serious debate since none can be had here. Get back to me when the Left refuse to accept election results, storm Capitols, threaten violence when their candidate is charged with a crime, when they attack a woman's rights, when they start believing everything is a George Soros conspiracy and when they start voting for the likes MTG and Boebert. Till then, we both have had our say, I know where you stand, you know where I stand. NO need to beat a dead horse.
  6. Someone found a meme from some Rightwing site and posted it. Color me impressed. /s
  7. bleating noun the weak, wavering crying of a sheep, goat, or calf. 2. a weak, querulous, or foolish complaint.
  8. Our resident Righties will b*tch and moan like they usually do and go "what about................" Bet on it. ?
  9. OH GEEZE!!! CNN is biased, but hasn't been sued for OUTRIGHT LYING to their viewers. Big diff. As for opponents being beneath me, my attacks have been and will continue to be on bigots, right wingers, Trumpers, and those who would deny a woman her rights to make her own health choices. I have posted this before, maybe you missed it. Where I live in Ontario, I voted Conservative. Let me repeat that - I voted Conservative. You see, I disagree with a lot of what the Conservatives stand for (fighting with nurses and teachers), but they did an EXCELLENT job under Doug Ford fighting the pandemic (unlike the American right who kept bleating about vaccines that don't work or about shut downs), they aren't interested in doing away with our universal health care, nor taking away a woman's abortion rights. Ford didn't outlaw any Pride parades. Big diff again. Sorry, your attempt at "equivalency" - while laudable - is turning a blind eye to how extreme the Right (and many Republicans) have become. You read the commentaries by Righties on forums like this and it is a steady stream of defending Trump, hating on LGBTQ, believing stolen election lies and conspiracy theories, and mimicking Fox. Bias is one thing, total idiocy is another. Righties are total idi*ts. Complete m*rons. Sc*m of the Earth. Contemptable. Don't even try to compare them to legitimate Conservatives. Not even close. Example: Conservatives used to be ALL ABOUT defending big business. Of getting govt out of controlling big business. Of free enterprise. NOW - they attack Disney, Bud Light, and a host of other businesses because they support Pride? Give me a break! End of story.
  10. OH JAYSUS!!! I know sometimes, when I browse through different debate forums, I have to be MORE pronounced in what I am saying because often what the "meaning" of what I am saying goes right over everyone's head. Either that, or you were making a strawman argument, disingenuously suggesting that I SAID having standards make you fat, when I clearly implied, NOT having standards (as in betsy) makes you fat. I also implied, sitting around all day listening to Rightwing news, getting riled up about "others" because you don't have a life yourself, or having poor habits (like getting fat) is something you should own and improve on. On the other hand, betsy does have standards. I will admit I can see she has standards. Now I wonder if you are intuitive enough to read what I mean by that.
  11. Living an angry and frustrated life because of your own failings is NOT reality.
  12. YOUTUBE is your argument? F*ck! Read a book. Take a sociology class. Mingle with people who are different than you. Get out and get some fresh air. Go for a walk. Volunteer somewhere. Lose weight. Stop smoking and drinking. Stop hanging out with other white trash. You will feel better about yourself. I guarantee.
  13. No problem. That won't happen in Canada. That won't happen in most civilized nations. Only an entitled populace would vote for someone who promises something he can't - or isn't interested in - delivering. He, or his ilk, would toss you under the bus as soon as look at you. All they care about is money and power. BUT if you believe someone like Trump is what you need to soothe your fragile egos because you can't accept the world is changing, then you will vote for someone like that. I guarantee, you wouldn't be happy with "another" Trump, because - as the saying goes - be careful what you wish for.
  14. Who is we guys? What form of "lashback" should we expect? What if we tell you to go f*ck yourself and leave people who are different than you alone and go live your own life without the prejudice and hatred? Would you go home, get your AR15, and show me exactly how upset you are? If you want to live a shallow, meaningless, purposeless life, fine by me. I will NOT plunge my nose into Rightwing media just so I can get triggered. I will love everyone as they are. I will be the best I can and set an example. I raised my kids to be tolerant and accepting, not suspicious and close-minded. So you might as well grab your firearms, because guess what? The world around you is changing. The younger generation has NO use for your bigotry. Just like my generation had no use for my parent's generation's bigotry. Your world is shrinking, getting smaller, and the smaller it gets, the angrier you will get. The ONLY one hurting from your attitude is yourself. Deal with it.
  15. Take my ENTIRE quote in context, not just part of it. I said I listen to Ted Nugent despite his Trump support I agree that trans in female sports is a serious issue but the ideology out of grade school is a canard. I have posted this MANY times and it has gone over everyone's head. I live in Canada, I know teachers, and have schools near me. NO massive parent protests over which books are being read or not read. A nearby Catholic school flew Pride flags. NO KIDS here are turning queer unless they were that way already. If you insist on what Rightwing media is feeding you instead of actually volunteering at a school, or talking to teachers, or studying what is actually happening vs what is not happening, then you have no choice but to add your name to the list of dummies on here who simply believe whatever Rightwing media feeds them.
  16. I live my life and don't sweat the small things like who is represented on a beer can. I even enjoy Ted Nugent music despite his support of Trump and far-right ideology. I don't pick my beer or music based on politics. If LGBTQ people freak you out THIS much, that speaks to a very shallow isolated and insecure life. Grow up.
  17. I stopped using penis envy as an argument back in grade school. You are a twit. There is nothing I envy about you. If anything I feel sorry for you because you have the IQ of a m*ron. I can already picture you in my head: a small insecure nothing of a human being who only gets his rocks off accusing other people of having penis envy. UGH!!
  18. Oh geeze! Another one who has to prove his manhood to someone on the internet. I have commented before that this site has become a dumping ground for those he need to pound their chests to feel manly. JAYSUS man, try loving someone. Volunteer your time. Be better. This "I am man hear me roar" is getting pathetic.
  19. Listen to yourself. The ONLY way you can feel like a man is to threaten someone on the internet? Sorry buttercup, that is just pathetic. I am even willing to bet you are so insecure in your manhood you won't let this go until you get the last word in. Tell you what, I wouldn't want you to lose sleep tonight thinking you got spanked, so I PROMISE not to rebut your next comment so you can feel manly. Deal?
  20. Well, we could go back n forth on this HE MAN boasting, but I don't need to boast and convince other people on the internet of my manhood. I have to wonder why you do.
  21. Are you even serious with that comment? OMG, now he really is trying to pass himself off as a tough guy. I don't know you, you could beat the shit out of me, but you also don't know me. Are you really THAT insecure that you would talk tough to some guy on the internet? I won't respond by claiming how tough I am, I just know I am not such a wuss I have to beat my chest online. How much of a loser do you really want to pass yourself off as?? Hey fool, I have a life. I don't wait around for you to challenge me. Come on tough guy, reach through your computer screen and show me how TOUGH you are.
  22. Once again, what are YOU going to do? Talk loud? Beat your chest? Or do something REAL, like bring a baseball bat to so you can smash a teacher's head in? You are ALL talk. A blowhard. A wimp. A basement dweller afraid of the world. So when "decent" folk have had enough, tell me oh brave one, what will YOU actually do? Besides moan on a computer?
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