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Everything posted by SNOWFLAKE

  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/canada-residential-schools-unmarked-graves-indigenous-children-60-minutes-2023-02-12/ https://www.indigenouswatchdog.org/2022/06/20/the-national-post-dishonours-the-thousands-of-missing-children-in-unmarked-graves-with-their-biased-and-distorted-views/ Please don't bother to respond, I find racists to among the vilest people on the planet. And if you do respond, show your hand, and make more excuses for what happened to the indigenous.
  2. So the abuse at residential schools can be dismissed? Don't bother responding, or if you do, know I won't respond in kind, you disgust me.
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_gravesites#:~:text=Some were officially associated with,unmarked graves to be 3%2C200. Would you tell a Jew to forget that the Holocaust happened as well? I see by your claiming that the deaths were mostly due to communicable diseases that you are looking for some excuse to explain your views. You don't have the intellectual chops to ask yourself why those diseases hit residential schools particularly hard: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/at-least-3-000-died-in-residential-schools-research-shows-1.1310894 Still doesn't excuse the mass graves. We can go around the bush as many times as you want, these arguments are nothing new to me. I am of German descent and I acknowledge what we did to the Jews and strive to make sure it never happens again. No excuses. Shame you don't have enough humanity in you to admit your history. Oh, for crying OUT LOUD. Grow up!!
  4. Link? Nope. I have a life to live, I am not interested in looking under my bed constantly. Yeah ok. ?
  5. I came across this completely by accident, it's not exactly being promoted or advertised. When I do a web search for "political debate forums" this one is certainly not near the top of sites being displayed. It is what it is, how long someone like myself will hang in there is another question. Depends how many people I have to spank for having the wrong views. ?
  6. Shit happens. Then we vote for a different party, and the shit gets worse. Sometimes you just have to do the best you can with what you have.
  7. JAYSUS, just when I thought we could have a debate you bring out all the Rightwing talking points that I have heard over and over again on Fox and other Rightwing media outlets. You weren't interested in a discussion about affirmative action after all, just needed an opportunity to bleat about "radical left wing activists." I swear, when I read tripe like yours, I ask myself, can these people NOT see themselves when they speak this way? Are they permanently angry? Freaked out? Incapable of dealing with life? Go love someone, hug a child, volunteer somewhere, smoke a joint, DO SOMETHING with your life other than whining about what you perceive is being taken away from you. GAWD!!!
  8. the optimum word there is "handful." Don't get me wrong, I am not being critical, just curious as to why this site isn't being promoted more to bring in a wider range of debaters.
  9. As I stated earlier, there is a discussion to be had that affirmative action is no longer necessary. BUT....... let's be honest........... we don't know what will happen when it is done away with. So best argument I can give is; ok do away with it and see the results. If the results show that we are going back to excluding minorities in universities and jobs, bring it back, if it doesn't, then don't bring it back. ANOTHER BUT.......... we can't go on pretending racism no longer exists. You have your experiences, I have mine. I have never been discriminated against. But I am not about to say "too bad they can't hire normal people" when served by an immigrant.
  10. Of course, but acting or speaking out based on the bias is what makes the difference. Like segregation in the U.S. or residential schools in Canada. I know I know the counter-argument will be "that was then, this is now", but that is like asking Jews to forget the Holocaust ever happened. There is a reason for learning history. Gawd almighty! I am white. I have NEVER had an issue with getting a job. No one in my family has either. None of my friends. There is a legitimate argument to be made that affirmative action is no longer needed. But when I go into a fast food restaurant and I see some young guy from India with an accent trying his best to serve a customer and that customer then complains to his buddies why can't they hire "normal" people, discrimination is still VERY MUCH ALIVE. Anti-white racism is a canard. If a Muslim business hires other Muslims it's anti-white racism, but if a Christian business doesn't want to hire a Muslim or gay person, well that is just protecting their religious freedoms. I have heard ALL the arguments. I have been debating, on forums and in real life for many years. I know the tropes, canards and whataboutims people throw around. I treat everyone equally and somehow have never been treated poorly. There might be a reason for that.
  11. Hence the treatment of aboriginals in Canada and much larger and longer jail sentences of blacks in the U.S. I know you will argue for the sake or arguing, but stats have long proved that minorities are treated more harshly than the white population. I am white myself. So it's not like I am making excuses because I am a minority. Racists are monsters in terms of their attitude, and suggesting that I suggested repression or violence is a disingenuous strawman argument. If you can't debate on the substance and have to "put words in my mouth" then you knock yourself out. I am not about to go tit for tat with someone who uses such tactics.
  12. https://www.timesrepublican.com/opinion/columnists/2022/12/if-youre-not-woke-doesnt-that-mean-youre-asleep/ https://medium.com/transgender-soapbox/science-proves-again-that-watching-fox-news-makes-you-dumber-than-not-watching-any-news-at-all-6783ac48a348 https://www.happierhuman.com/moral-values-examples/
  13. JAYSUS PEOPLE! Freaking out over 40 million people? Freaking out over the definition of indigenous? Here is a solution: Build a wall. Expel all Muslims and non-white immigrants. Let's do like our neighbours to the south are doing - MCGA - Make Canada Great Again. Btw, anyone that is curious enough might spend some time doing some research online about population growth. It's going to slow by 2050 and be in negative growth by 2100. Not that it matters, with what we are doing to this planet, we won't have a liveable planet to enjoy by then. Now can we just get back to enjoying the great outdoors of our great land and NOT worry about all them darn immigrants and indigenous. Just chill for crying out loud. The way we are carrying on you would think we were Americans, sheesh!
  14. Seems just a handful. Maybe more but good weather has them finding other sources of entertainment? Curious minds want to know ?
  15. IF black people freak you out, that is on you.
  16. But what a fool believes he sees No wise man has the power to reason away What seems to be Is always better than nothing (Doobie Brothers)
  17. Did you miss this line: I know you are just being obtuse, but the look is not good on you. The entire OP is a dogwhistle. And you KNOW it, but because of your own attitudes you are attempting to deny what is obvious to the rest of us. I will repeat: I am white and don't have this fear the OP expressed. Why is that? Maybe because I don't see black people as monsters. I see racists as monsters.
  18. Well if you can't read the intent, that is not my problem. Go back and read his opening salvo, it's all there. Sorry if my assessment of his rant ruffled your features, but hey, if your features are so easily ruffled that is not my concern. Of course, you could resort to name-calling, that ought to make you feel better.
  19. Jaysus, someone sure is spooked! Hell, here I am a white Canadian and I am NOT spooked by people of colour or different sexual orientation or folks wearing turbans. I also don't wake up in the morning looking to blame this group or that group for my own failures. Well, we all need a hobby I suppose, not hard to guess the OP's hobby.
  20. Whenever I read such a LONGGGGGGGGGG assertation I figure someone is really trying to make a point, or are trying to convince us to see the world his way. I don't see the former in his rant, but plenty of the latter.
  21. Let me get this straight: you are equating someone who is openly anti-semitic to someone who is transgender?? I would not purchase a MAGA hat either. Not an equivalency. An equivalency would be me NOT buying clothing made by Mennonites because I am an atheist, but I have. An equivalency would NOT be buying a book because I found it in a Christian book shop, which I have. NOT honoring an anti-Semite is like boycotting a store that refuses to serve black people. Otherwise I won't judge a product that is promoted by a gay person or a straight person, a black person or a white person, a Muslim or a Christian.
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