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Everything posted by SNOWFLAKE

  1. Sorry, that is a canard. Look up the definition. OIL IS FINITE. When a commodity is finite what happens when that community becomes scarce? Can you provide an answer. As per the links I provided, there ARE alternative energy sources that are NOT finite. Apparently having had a high school education and having read scientific journals as opposed to just repeating Rightwing media makes me more aware and sagacious than you will ever be. Do you need a dictionary to look up sagacious?
  2. You see how it goes, I post a couple of links to debunk the previous poster's comments, and all you have to offer is snark. If you are implying that your lot is "rational" I would ask you to back that up by actually showing scientific evidence that suggests oil is NOT a finite fuel and that OIL is not a carbon producing product. When the average high school graduate can answer that question but your ilk can't, that is truly scary. So no rational thought should not be a punishable offense, but please let me know when you have one.
  3. I was hoping when I joined this forum I wouldn't meet such monumental stupidity, but apparently it is universal. Wind and solar are NOT the only alternative sources BEING currently explored. Let's be clear, oil and gas are finite. As the supply diminishes the cost for oil and gas will increase. A simple search of the internet would inform you what other resources there are. Example: https://justenergy.com/blog/why-alternative-energy-sources-are-future/ https://www.greenmatch.co.uk/blog/alternative-energy-sources Making simplistic statements without actually doing any research is the refuge of a simple mind. Sorry if that sounds like an insult, but you walked right into it.
  4. Crazy Canuck and Liberal SNOWFLAKE.

    1. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Sorry the liberal snowflake club house is two doors down...



      You are welcome to join us.

    3. Army Guy

      Army Guy

      Thank you for the invitation, but i can't see that happening.

  5. Oh I get all that. But there MUST BE a reason for common folk, even knowing the greed of oil and gas, to still refuse to believe man made climate change. 1. Political: my party says it isn't a big deal then it isn't a big deal. 2. Self-interest: I am not giving up my gas guzzler, I don't want to change anything in the way I live my life.
  6. I don't understand the debate. This is basic science 101. Yet people still doubt human contribution to climate change? I have always suspected there is either a political motivation or a self-interest motivation for denying human activity in relations to climate change. Plus we have not only the internet that allows us to access multiple sources, but there are science journals one could refer to.
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