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Everything posted by montgomery

  1. If any of my comments fit the 'wife-beater' analogy then could you please explain. Could you be suggesting that I accuse you of being a CPC member (wifebeater) and I'm saying that you need to stop beating your wife (stop being a CPC member? I can't imagine what else I've said that would give you that impression? And I'm sorry but I have the impression that you are a CPC member because you are so fully involved with promoting the CPC. Call me a Liberal party member if you like, or haven't already. I'm actually not but it doesn't upset me in any way to have you think that! I can certainly agree to not labelling you as such if you stop the promotion campaign. But otherwise, I don't think I'm being overly personal by voicing my suspicions.
  2. Interesting! 10 years wasn't lone enough for Harper to destroy Canada's standing as one of the happiest countries in the world. The other 9 stand for everything to which a truthful Conservative would be totally opposed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/duncanmadden/2018/03/27/ranked-the-10-happiest-countries-in-the-world-in-2018/#cf745173e919 It's all about socially responsible capitalism, as opposed to the Conservative/US ideal of greedy Capitalism which promote huge income inequality as is the situation in the US. And that's before Trump even started his reign of terror!
  3. I'm not surprised you don't make your own decisions on who and what to ignore. But if you've made your own mind up on that, do you promise?
  4. You're asking me to ignore all the Trump support we're hearing spewed continuously by Conservative supporters on this board So if you are prepared to go on record as a Conservative who is supportive of Trump, you'll be giving me something to work with. If you are trying to be the odd man out then we have something in common. The Con supporters on this forum don't feel that way about Harper. In fact they're trying to distance the party from him! Where have you been? oh, you're suggesting they're eco and UN elitists?? What is that anyway? Your term, 'eco-elitist?? Fascism is being promoted in the US by Trump; the similarities are unmistakable. The racism and hate for minorities is escalating at a pace that at least equals the Nazi rise to power of the 30's. And the Conseravtives' support of that is alarming. My point with this thread is that we must not allow Canada to start following suit by accepting the same ideals as the Trump regime. I see that as Scheer's and his supporters' ambitions. It's also worth mentioning that not only Trump's fascist achievements are in sync with the CPC's ambitions, but also the achievements Trump imagines and on which he has been held back by the few saner heads of that country. Listen to your fellow Conservatives, they're betraying your real Conservative agenda. I'll be treating you with much more to come on those issues!
  5. Whaattttt? Never mind. Are you trying to get a message across that supports Quebec separation?
  6. Foreign investment, accepting or declining it, is always a balancing act between Canada profiting from it or Canada compromising our standards to accept it and allow it to happen. The Liberals are always fully conscienceous of that balancing and so find it necessary to restrict some trade from time to time. The Conservatives on the other hand, are only concerned about profit and so the almight $$$$$$ rules their decisions. And of course, the Liberals will pre-negotiate terms that are consistent with our Canadian standards, while the Cons have no interest in doing so. p.s. Both parties allow too much hankypanky for my liking but obviously not enough for Consevative priorities. $$$$$$$ You can't brag day and night about your ideals and preferences without having people believe your schtick and catch on to your Conservative agenda. More on topic is the fact that the US has descended into being a fascist sideshow under Trump, and there is great danger in allowing two fascist extreme right countries at the same time on the N.A. continent. Canada must not help adding to the momentum. Scheer has already given strong indications that he will be a 'yes' man for Trump. It's a topic which needs to be fully explored.
  7. You do tend to go on and on, changing the subject in each of your sentences. But I stopped it there because that sort of whopper can't be ignored. Have you even the remotest idea of how all nations have expanded trade with China, Canada included? Why are you sitting in a chair, dabbling on a keyboard, looking at a monitor, drinking coffer out of a cup, and more, using articles that nearly all came from China? oh, and the pen you use too! Jeeeeeez Dougie!
  8. You seem to be quite confused about so many things Dougie. Why would anybody want to debate your gobbledegoop imaginings. If you go to Wikipedia for talking points, stick with it and learn enough to make it appear that you have a basic knowledge of your subject. Choosing 'talking points' that please you isn't coming across very well.
  9. And that's the reason why Canada must quickly diversify trade away from the US to more fair markets. The Conservatives think the opposite. Conservatives always blunder into saying the wrong things because of the dishonesty of their agenda. And the rest of that rant was garbled nonsense
  10. You're not alone on that Dougie. I think that most Conservatives feel the same way. Profit is much more important to them than survival of our species. Thanks for the truthfulness finally!
  11. I really doubt you could tell me something about any forum Dougie. There is no forum where nobody gets banned.I've been a part of the best and the worst since 99. Were you born in 99?
  12. Hitler's demonization of the Jewish minority is the pure definition of fascism. And for your edification, the WW1 treaty of Versailles was the reason Germany was forced to go to war again. Ask me about it Dougie, it's a great primer for beginners.
  13. Unrestricted trade. Con code words for 'right to work' laws and outlawing unions and fair wages. Cons aren't aware of their own greed even enough to disguise their motives. No minimum wage laws too. Say it ain't so. In other words, forcing the corruption of the US southern states onto Canadians.
  14. Trump is a product of the Iraq war quagmire?? What on earth could you be on about now? And so pray tell who have you spoken to in the US who claim to be fascists, and more outspoken ones than Trump. Jeeeez Dougie! I appreciate Canada under the steady hand of the Liberals and Justin Trudeau. I greatly fear for our democracy and our socially responsible capitalist system if the CPC ever gained power. And one of my main points is that they will have the momentum gained to destroy Canada, due to the Trump influence. The Cons could have us declaring bankrupcy within a couple of years if they were given the opportunity to destroy our health care system. They hate it and they see huge profit potential in copying the US corruption in health care.
  15. How many more wars must the US start, and how many more tens of millions of innocent people must the US bombs tear to shreds before You Conservatives decide they have done more harm than good? Or how about Russia and China? Do they deserve your Conservative praise for failing to start anywhere near any wars? Hmmmm?
  16. You're full of praise for the CPC and also full of vitriol and hating for Trudeau. I suspect you're a paid operative for Scheer. You're completely consistent with the CPC fascist agenda in my opinion. otherwise, tell somebody who might care.
  17. Baloney taxme. I'm not really interested in the opinion of a very small minority of naysayers that are more interested in profit than reacting to manmade climate change that that has the potential to destroy human life on this planet. TAKE IT UP WITH THE EXPERTS. Or at the very least, produce your own 'paid for by big oil' to state the denialist case. You're not a self-proclaimed expert yet are you taxme?
  18. It didn't take a 'catastrophic economic crisis' in the US Dougie, it came slowly after Trump planted the seeds of hate in the minds of his followers Just find a minority to hate and it takes a strong foothold in even a capitalist and democratic country. The CPC are creating the conditions in Canada to fllow suit. Hate of immigrants and Conservative views that immigrants need to already speak our language is a part of it. No more Syrians or the people who are in the direst of need, choose the ones that are pre-made to start making money for Con business interests.
  19. Along with the US's racism, gun lust, greed, huge income inequality, and hate for refugees with brown skin. , I should have also mentioned manmade climate change denial. All of these issues that are leading to fascism in the US are popular talking points with the CPC. They deny none of it. The creeping sickness of Trump is catching on with the Conservatives because they know fascist tricks work with smallminded people who need some minority to blame for their problems. This is the definition of fascism, we no longer have to wonder what the CPC's intentions are.
  20. The US is now immersed in extreme right fascism with Trump and if Canada accepts the Conservative extreme right in Canada, it would be a leg up for fascism in yhr US too.. Only socially responsible government as is being promoted by the Liberals can save everything that is good about Canada. No doubt the Conservatives want to destroy our universal heath care system and turn it into something resembling the US 'for-profit system. No doubt the Conservatives hate to hear that Canada holds a place as one of the top ten happiest countries in the world, while the US declines into greedy capitalism. And no doubt the Cons' leader, Scheer, is totally aligned with the Trump regime. Now is the time for Canada to move away from the US and reject their racism, gun lust, greed, huge income inequality, and hate for refugees with brown skin. All issues the Conservative would have Canadians accept to become more like Americans.
  21. To me your views are just repeated recitation of Conservative pablum and so no, I don't find them respectful in the least. But good for you! You're hinting at having learned to attack my views, not me!
  22. Russia isn't being aggressive in the Ukraine. Russia is defending it's borders now in the same way Russia had to during the Cold War, against Nato encroahment. And the people of the Ukraine voted over 90% in a referendum to stay with Russia. The US played the same gave but never did get consent from the people in the way Russia did. Russia just played the Nato game back on Nato. 40 US wars of aggression since WW2 alone! We should keep the topic alive for the conservative zombies who haven't quite got the picture yet. I trust you have by the way you've been commenting on it!
  23. We'll take that nonsense one issue at a time and 'we' won't move on to the next until I see some progress. The earth is 4.543 billion years old. What on earth could you Conservatives be thinking? And why would any rational person even want to discuss the science of manmade climate change with a person who can't understand that to start with?
  24. A man after my own heart! Is it time to send in the ground troops jbg?
  25. No, not Canadian soldiers, but if a Canadian did happen to be involved in that illegal US war of aggression in a combat role, then he/she would have had it coming. Canada must stop being coerced into taking part in US led wars. None of them are legitimate wars that are defenive in nature or on account of Canada being threatned. The threat to Canada is first being a part of US wars of aggression, which then might lead to revenge attacks by Muslim freedom fighters. Sadly, we're down that wrong road already and so Conservatives can argue about stumbling further down that wrong path. Bring Canada's troops home! That's the only way we can support them.
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