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Cum Laude

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Everything posted by Cum Laude

  1. This short 11 minute documentary talks about the 4th Industrial Revolution. These people are the uber-intelligent. Do they really want what's best for mankind? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpW9JcWxKq0
  2. I didn't find Team Europe to be a major surprise.
  3. Because a documentary like this tells the truth...something the MSM should be doing but doesn't because the MSM is I the bag for Clinton. I can't believe how gullible canadians are, eh?
  4. Anze Kopitar, Zdeno Chara are not replacements. No one, including the players really cared about this tournament.
  5. They are criminals. Not if. Ever heard of MS-13? Ever seen them? Easy to talk from the keyboard, eh?
  6. To all the open border advocates, I would like to ask what you think of MS-13? These guys love open borders. Here is just another example of the anguish caused by the open border policies enacted by the Democrat/Republican Cabal. All is fine, as long as this isn't your neighborhood, eh? What should be done with these violent gang bangers who are here illegally. Oh, and they are moving into Canada. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/03/nyregion/they-keep-finding-bodies-gang-violence-in-long-island-town-fuels-immigration-debate.html?_r=0
  7. Canadians sure love their American football. It's hard to get excited about the third tier goofy canadian league, eh?
  8. Good observation. I'm impressed someone from this forum wants to understand the truth. Maybe soon you will stop putting wall street puppet, Hillary Clinton, on a pedestal.
  9. Typical canadian response. Don't watch because you might learn many negative things about your hero, hillary, then call out the producer. Canadians are a riot. Irrelevant,yett amusing.
  10. I admire the wealthy Canadian farmers who tell me how they avoid paying income tax while enjoying the Arizona sunshine.

  11. Why do you find it amazing? I didn't.
  12. Do you? Reading your posts makes me ask the question to you.
  13. So you prefer an empty airhead? Canadians, eh.
  14. Not hard to be more informative than the CBC. The CBC is for the lazy. You're the guy that said the moderator in the first debate helped Trump, then Holt helped Clinton in the second debate. How informed are you?
  15. Canadians don't think Trump is qualified yet elected a Justin. LOL Say canadian, EH!!

  16. Yet canada has a buffoon for a prime minster. i don't get you canadians and your hypocrisy. Are you telling me being a part time substitute drama teacher made justin knowledgeable about politics? He's as vapid as they come. But I guess it says A LOT about Canada, eh?
  17. Many Canadians have bought houses in Arizona and I have gotten to many of them who are very wealthy farmers. These farmers like to brag that they pay no income tax year after year. Funny how it works. I guess there are magical methods in canada to avoid paying taxes. They also put some land in their wives' name so the wife, whether be a teacher or a nurse, end up paying much less in income taxes. Good times!!
  18. Undermine the country's financial health? 20 Trillion in debt? Billions to Iran. Yep, blame Trump. Yeesh....canadians.
  19. People are upset at Trump for not paying any federal income taxes. Why? He is only taking advantage of the laws that are out there, he is not doing anything illegal. In fact, his proposed tax policies will eliminate several corporate loopholes that large corporations are using to manage their tax expense. If Hillary becomes president and there is a 65% tax bracket, more and more companies in America will take their business overseas and less money will be reinvested into the economy. It is pretty basic, but somehow, most people like you and most CBC canadians just don't understand this.
  20. Oh, interesting. Who do you consider intelligent "black" people?
  21. What substance have you brought? You've brought noting more than 30 second CNN sound bytes.
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