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Goddess last won the day on August 15 2024

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  1. Did you know......?  In the next election, the Liberals will be campaigning on a platform of MANDATORY VACCINATION.  It has not been finalized yet, but was discussed at the Liberal Convention last week.

    Mandatory Vaccination | Liberal Party of Canada




    To finish the fight against COVID-19, protect people at work, ensure businesses can get back up to speed, and, most importantly, make sure our kids can safely return to school, we need to do everything we can to keep public spaces safe.

    A re-elected Liberal government will:

    • Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated.
    • Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country’s largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada.
    • We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.


    This party still clings to the unscientific belief in "Zero Covid".

    They want to BRING BACK all the mandates in Canada.  That means any who wanted to stop at 2 injections - you will be forced to continue to inject, as many times per year as the government tells you to.  Or you lose your jobs, your businesses, your ability to travel even "interprovincially", get groceries, see a movie or attend a concert.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Goddess


      The Libs say they aren't going to bring back mandatory vaccination and mandates, but I don't trust their "pinkie promises" any more.  These people are insane.

    3. Boges


      You weren't going to vote for them anyway. 

    4. OftenWrong


      Boges doesn't mind. He'll still vote 'em back.


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