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Everything posted by ?Impact

  1. It would be wise to wait for the books before making pronouncements. The first year of Trudeau's budget will not be reported until October 2017, we have a ways to wait.
  2. That will have to wait for Testament TNG. Ancient civilizations did not have the means and resolution to time pulsars. I don't know about the 10 closest, but many of them are measured in fractions of seconds. The second as a unit of time is only 1000 years old, way after the current Testaments were committed to paper. It was a Persian scholar that introduced the term, although it was as a division of time and I am not sure it could actually be measured.
  3. No you don't have the individual freedom to inflict harm on others. So no incest and child porn are not acceptable. Smoking is the same issue, it causes harm to others, including the employees. You have the individual freedom to not invite a gay couple into your home. If you are running a business however, you have an obligation to not discriminate in the service you offer. You cannot have a water fountain for blacks and a water cooler for whites.
  4. It is not two different sides of the same coin as you are stating, but the same side of two different coins. The 'side' is individual freedom, not religion. We are not picking one religion over another, we are siding with individual freedoms.
  5. What delicious irony it would be if the emailgaters somehow forced Hillary to drop out and then Biden/Warren ticket cleans up.
  6. The symbols E, M, and C are man's creation. The Bible does however tell us that there is more than can be seen: Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. and that there is a great energy holding together matter Colossians 1:16-17 For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. and that the Lord can destroy matter in a great atomic explosion 2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
  7. Well there might be some awful swearing that day.
  8. Evolution is a long an slow process. Conservatives vote to recognize same sex marriage, and decriminalize small amounts of pot.

    1. Smoke


      Now if only we could get Liberals to stop being hypocrites and to be financially responsible...

    2. Big Guy

      Big Guy

      AS one of the delegates stated, " The Conservatives are becoming the Liberal light.

  9. Cool, I think I saw that before but didn't retain it but had to try when I read your message. Probably because generally I calculate in my head, and if it is anything serious I do it on the desktop, more often than not in a spreadsheet. I hardly ever reach for my phone as a calculator. b.t.w. Why would you need a scientific calculator for square root, you should be able to do that one in your head. If you need to get the sine or cosine then yes, because I have no clue where one would find tables these days. Back to the original topic (even if too late here). I would suggest never move a function, you will just antagonize your users. If it is new, put it in the proper place and lead them to it for awhile. I think Windows used to do something like that in the start menu, but I am not really a big user there so I might be mistaken. Highlight the menu and new entry (ie. down the hierarchy) until the user has used it a few times (say 3-4). Don't make the highlighting too distracting, just a subtle change in the background or something on the menu item. I think that works better than the "what's new in version update 5)" start pages, that I always just exit out of because as proud you may be of your new features you are getting in the way of why I started the application to begin with.
  10. I agree with the Borg (sorry, you will never live that one down) that this forum is quite mild in its vitriol. I see a kind of community developing among prolific posters in all the various forums I have participated in. Very often individuals will have different types of interactions with others in that community. MLW is a fairly small community so it is easier to see those relationships developing. Often the 'trolling' behaviour I notice is between individuals, where those individuals will have different types of interaction with others. Many on-line forums are active around politics, and many people think of politics like team sports. Sometimes it is just good natured chiding or shouting down your opponent like between Habs and Leafs fans (sorry Flames fans, you don't count). Unfortunately just like a football (as in European football) match can end up in a riot, so too does an on-line forum. If I was a catcher at the local ball diamond, I might make some comments to try and unnerve the batter, but at the end of the evening I would still want to sit down an have a beer and some laughs with him/her. It is not just up to those that are doing the trolling, but the rest of us to know when to walk away (don't feed the troll). Don't take yourself or others too seriously. Go Rhinos go!
  11. Getting back to religion, before we get a #StopThreadDrift warning... I wonder what the absorption spectrum of the light (as in "I have seen the light") would look like.
  12. To put this incident in context, I can't think about the Senate page a few years back that held up the "Stop Harper" sign. While I may sympathize with her actions, I agree that she was rightfully dismissed. Mr. Vickers should be recalled.
  13. Another point I remember from the speech but didn't go back to confirm (I don't see the French in above transcript). I thought I heard him call Quebec a 'nation' in French, but didn't repeat that in English. Anyone else actually catch what he said in French? I don't have a recording, but no doubt someone on youtube it will be put up.
  14. Does a prism have the needed resolution? On a side note, the reflection gratings used in most of the early stellar spectroscopy were a Canadian invention. While I have driven by the Dominion observatory, I have never been in it. I wonder if they are open to the public, and have any historical artifacts about this creation.
  15. Sorry about the misquote, that was unintentional. Perhaps when playing creationist you acquire new talents. Thanks for the links, I agree the first one is a great reference. It confirms what I suspected about absolute magnitude of Pop III stars (slide 12). I am curious however about slide 3 where they say that some Pop III stars can contain trace amounts of iron, I thought by definition it was none. Where did you see that some Pop II stars can be in our region of the galaxy, I thought they were only present above and below the galactic disk. I guess if they formed elsewhere and somehow drifted here that would be possible, but would they actually form here? I am wondering if any Pop II stars are naked eye visible. Cayrel's star that you reference obviously is not (apparent magnitude 11.7), and I can't think of any individual stars in globular clusters that are, only a few of the clusters as a whole are. I guess if one went supernova than it could be, although I don't know if any have been documented.
  16. I tried to be typical, someone has to hold up the fort I don't think I misquoted you however, because your qualification doesn't change the context. If population III stars are too dim to see, then what evidence do you have to support them. Regardless what your opinion is on the theory surrounding their existence, it is still 'faith' until supporting evidence is found. (this being a creationist is tuff stuff when you try to be factual as well). On being 'too dim to see', you should qualify that as apparent magnitude. I don't see why their absolute magnitude should be a problem, it is simply the issue about distance in time and space. I also believe there should be enough contrast with the cosmic background radiation, but if you think otherwise I would like to hear that argument. There is plenty of evidence of Population II stars, they are not that distant, although I am not sure what their apparent magnitude is. Certainly spectroscopy predates the theory that predicts them, although I don't know if any were found and documented prior to that; did the theory explain the findings or were the stars searched for to support the theory?
  17. Does it really? While I cherish life, I don't think I fear death. I may fear dying, but that has more to do with the discomfort, disorientation, and pain that often accompanies it; a God however does nothing to allay that fear. For those who believe, I would say the fear of final judgement is more significant than what comfort they may receive. Even the most saintly amongst us have regrets, and it is those regrets they fear judgement on. I don't see faith as necessary for morality and ethics, history has in fact demonstrated countless times that those with [professed] faith are often the worst transgressors against their fellow man. I can only answer to the foxhole argument on an academic level, but acknowledge that reason is sometimes trumped by emotion. Noted, thanks.
  18. Just listened to Harper give his farewell speech at the Conservative Convention. Assuming you are a Conservative, believe in the party, and supported the agenda over the past 10 years, then it was a very appropriate and good speech. Certainly a few things I would disagree with strongly, but then I am not a Conservative (as in big 'C'). There were however a couple of items that stuck out to me. 1. He appropriately thanked and supported the interim leader Rona Ambrose, but when he talked about her I detected a very noticeable lethargic reaction from the audience. That tells me that the rank and file are not that enthusiastic with her performance. 2. He talked about the Conservative fund, and I think there was a lot of truth to what he said. I couldn't however immediately think that it was his office that tried to get money from the fund for the Duffy pay-off. Good on them for turning him down, but not that good that they were considering it when the bill was lower. I also thought about the del Mastro (cousin) affair when he bragged about the lack of corporate donations.
  19. Irrelevant, when we look out in space (telescope, radio, naked eye) we are looking back in time as well. Sounds like faith to me. (How am I doing as a creationist?)
  20. Since betsy is MIA, I will take up the creationists side and argue against stellar metallicity. According to big bang theory, only hydrogen, helium, and very trace amounts of lithium were created during the early phase of the universe. All other elements, considered metals, were created by nuclear fusion inside of stars. Where is the evidence of these non-metal stars? Isn't science evidence based?
  21. I prefer, House of Cards - held together with duck tape and paper clips.
  22. Since the subject of 'beginning' has been raised, I though we should also talk about 'end': Ecclesiastes 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away. Yet another one of the Bible's inconsistencies, the exact opposite of the unity that betsy talks about. Which is it, will the Earth come to an end or not?
  23. You are saying that God created the universe (heavens and earth), therefore you are explicitly stating that something outside of the universe existed/exists. Science on the other hand does not speculate about that which there is no evidence. You are playing word games in order to validate your speculation, that is not the way science works.
  24. Since actual legislation needs to be drafted and passed, the details remain to be seen. Part of what Brison introduced on May 12th was that "Ads must avoid using the name, voice or image of any minister, MP or senator.". So while I don't think the ad is partisan compared with the transgressions of the past, how are we to judge it without exacting legislation?
  25. While selling the country is far better than some blatantly partisan EAP ad, it is still a violation of the rules in my opinion, regardless of the "social media" cop-out.
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