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Status Replies posted by Boges

  1. The number of young people saying they're gay or lesbian has skyrocketed. Gee, I wonder why.


    1. Boges


      There have been social consequences up until recently. Bullying, isolation, family acceptance. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. The number of young people saying they're gay or lesbian has skyrocketed. Gee, I wonder why.


    1. Boges


      Because students are less afraid of the consequences. . . 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Crowd at internationally televised live UFC event in Toronto chants loudly - "F*ck Trudeau!"


    1. Boges


      It's shocking that fans of human cockfighting aren't fans of JT. 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. Apparently paying a carbon tax on home heating this winter is no longer a federal concern, in terms of saving the planet...

    1. Boges


      I think it's just Home Heating Oil. 

      Suckers that use Natuaral Gas are still on the hook. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. What a bummer!  The storm went OFF-SCRIPT! ?

    Instead of the anticipated catgory 3 - it weakened to categoty 1!

    But CBC still has to maintain its desired scary narratibe - comparing it with storm surges brought on by Katrina, and other storms!  "There'll be floodings.....and drownings...." ?

    1. Boges


      It was a Cat 3 storm at landfall. That's a significant storm. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. What a bummer!  The storm went OFF-SCRIPT! ?

    Instead of the anticipated catgory 3 - it weakened to categoty 1!

    But CBC still has to maintain its desired scary narratibe - comparing it with storm surges brought on by Katrina, and other storms!  "There'll be floodings.....and drownings...." ?

    1. Boges


      There has been flooding. Hurricane's generally weaken before landfall. 

      It did hit landfall this morning as a Cat 3 though. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Canadian Tire - going cashless?

    Only one cashier accepts cash.  The rest are all cashless.

    I hate being coerced and manipulated.



    1. Boges


      Cash is not going away. There are still uses for cash. But for retail it's quickly going out of style. People, by and large, don't want to carry cash on them. You can be a target of theft and it's a sunk cost that you've already withdrawn a pre-set amount of cash as opposed to using the cash or credit you need for a specific transaction at POS. 

      A Cash-only line is like having an Express line. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. Canadian Tire - going cashless?

    Only one cashier accepts cash.  The rest are all cashless.

    I hate being coerced and manipulated.



    1. Boges


      Yeah they do that with everything you do on the internet too. Smart Phones, browser activity. 

      You can avoid that, I guess. But most prefer to live a life of convenience a part from the slog of making a living. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  9. Canadian Tire - going cashless?

    Only one cashier accepts cash.  The rest are all cashless.

    I hate being coerced and manipulated.



    1. Boges


      That's why CC's use the chip now and wallets protect from RFID signals. 

      You can still live a life using cash, life just won't be convenient. 


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  10. Canadian Tire - going cashless?

    Only one cashier accepts cash.  The rest are all cashless.

    I hate being coerced and manipulated.



    1. Boges


      I also think reducing cash tills is a theft prevention tactic to keep small amounts of cash on-hand so robbery becomes less lucrative. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  11. Canadian Tire - going cashless?

    Only one cashier accepts cash.  The rest are all cashless.

    I hate being coerced and manipulated.



    1. Boges


      Conversely I purposely avoid the Grocery Stores that forces you to put the Loonie in the Shopping Cart as a tool to make sure you put it back with other carts. . . because I rarely have a Loonie on hand, as is my right. 

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. Canadian Tire - going cashless?

    Only one cashier accepts cash.  The rest are all cashless.

    I hate being coerced and manipulated.



    1. Boges


      You have the choice to wait in the line that only accepts cash. 

      OR you have the choice to do business with establishments that accept cash. 

      Costco is largely cashless for much of it's POS services (Gas, Self Checkout, Fast Food Section).

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  13. Look, as a conservative in all seriousness if you want to be gay, go ahead. If you're a man and like to wear a dress and a bow in your hair, I don't mind. You be you, I'll be me.

    Just don't expect me to give a shit, what your choices are.

    1. Boges



      Plenty of other conservatives are banning trans people's access to healthcare or banning them from being near children. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Tesla is a crappy, dishonest car company that lies about the range of its vehicles.


    1. Boges


      It's almost like these Tech Billionaires aren't upstanding citizens. 

  15. Commonwealth Games cancelled in Australia. The reason: 67 Billion dollars.

    Oh, dear.  They're looking for a replacement.....no one's coming forward to volunteer.

    What are the chances Trudeau will step in to save the day?

    1. Boges


      Toronto spent a bit north of 2 billion for the Pan Am Games in 2015. 7 Billion is absurd. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  16. According to the 2016 Census, 21.9% of the Canadian population were foreign-born (immigrants)1. This was the largest proportion since Confederation, topping the previous 1921 record of 22.3%, and the highest among the G7. Based on Statistics Canada’s recent population projections, immigrants could represent from 29.1% to 34.0% of the population of Canada by 2041

    1. Boges


      Rhetorical Question: What percentage were brought here as children? 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. 150 grams of popcorn @ $5.49

    Holy crap!

    1. Boges


      I'm pretty sure I can still get a Massive bag of Skinny Pop at Costco for under $7. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Frost alert in eastern Ontario twice this week. Right now it's 5 Deg. outside.

    We need some more global warming please...


    1. Boges


      Remember it was like 30 degrees in for a good chunk of April? 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  19. Did you know......?  In the next election, the Liberals will be campaigning on a platform of MANDATORY VACCINATION.  It has not been finalized yet, but was discussed at the Liberal Convention last week.

    Mandatory Vaccination | Liberal Party of Canada




    To finish the fight against COVID-19, protect people at work, ensure businesses can get back up to speed, and, most importantly, make sure our kids can safely return to school, we need to do everything we can to keep public spaces safe.

    A re-elected Liberal government will:

    • Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated.
    • Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country’s largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada.
    • We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.


    This party still clings to the unscientific belief in "Zero Covid".

    They want to BRING BACK all the mandates in Canada.  That means any who wanted to stop at 2 injections - you will be forced to continue to inject, as many times per year as the government tells you to.  Or you lose your jobs, your businesses, your ability to travel even "interprovincially", get groceries, see a movie or attend a concert.


    1. Boges


      You weren't going to vote for them anyway. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. Did you know......?  In the next election, the Liberals will be campaigning on a platform of MANDATORY VACCINATION.  It has not been finalized yet, but was discussed at the Liberal Convention last week.

    Mandatory Vaccination | Liberal Party of Canada




    To finish the fight against COVID-19, protect people at work, ensure businesses can get back up to speed, and, most importantly, make sure our kids can safely return to school, we need to do everything we can to keep public spaces safe.

    A re-elected Liberal government will:

    • Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated.
    • Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country’s largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada.
    • We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.


    This party still clings to the unscientific belief in "Zero Covid".

    They want to BRING BACK all the mandates in Canada.  That means any who wanted to stop at 2 injections - you will be forced to continue to inject, as many times per year as the government tells you to.  Or you lose your jobs, your businesses, your ability to travel even "interprovincially", get groceries, see a movie or attend a concert.


    1. Boges


      So you must have missed the part where Ontario re-elected Doug Ford. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. Did you know......?  In the next election, the Liberals will be campaigning on a platform of MANDATORY VACCINATION.  It has not been finalized yet, but was discussed at the Liberal Convention last week.

    Mandatory Vaccination | Liberal Party of Canada




    To finish the fight against COVID-19, protect people at work, ensure businesses can get back up to speed, and, most importantly, make sure our kids can safely return to school, we need to do everything we can to keep public spaces safe.

    A re-elected Liberal government will:

    • Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated.
    • Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country’s largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada.
    • We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.


    This party still clings to the unscientific belief in "Zero Covid".

    They want to BRING BACK all the mandates in Canada.  That means any who wanted to stop at 2 injections - you will be forced to continue to inject, as many times per year as the government tells you to.  Or you lose your jobs, your businesses, your ability to travel even "interprovincially", get groceries, see a movie or attend a concert.


    1. Boges


      September 2021 is a much different time then whenever the next election is going to be. 

      Most Canadians were fine with vaccine mandates if it meant that things didn't get shut down again, in the middle of the pandemic. September 2021 was right at the beginning of the Delta wave too. 

      Being vaccinated then meant 2-doses and you didn't have to get children under 5 vaccinated. 

      Going forward it would mean keeping up with Boosters and getting everyone over 6 month vaccinated. A much different dynamic. 

      Note that in June 2022, Ontario elected Doug Ford. One of the major gaffe's by the Liberal leader was to pledge to have COVID vaccination part of the Yellow-Card Vaccine requirements to attend public school. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  22. Did you know......?  In the next election, the Liberals will be campaigning on a platform of MANDATORY VACCINATION.  It has not been finalized yet, but was discussed at the Liberal Convention last week.

    Mandatory Vaccination | Liberal Party of Canada




    To finish the fight against COVID-19, protect people at work, ensure businesses can get back up to speed, and, most importantly, make sure our kids can safely return to school, we need to do everything we can to keep public spaces safe.

    A re-elected Liberal government will:

    • Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated.
    • Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country’s largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada.
    • We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.


    This party still clings to the unscientific belief in "Zero Covid".

    They want to BRING BACK all the mandates in Canada.  That means any who wanted to stop at 2 injections - you will be forced to continue to inject, as many times per year as the government tells you to.  Or you lose your jobs, your businesses, your ability to travel even "interprovincially", get groceries, see a movie or attend a concert.


    1. Boges


      Discussed, does not mean implemented. 

      They would be insane to put this in a platform. 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. Recycling is mostly a waste of time and money and bad for the environment.


    1. Boges


      Recycling plastic doesn't seem worth it which is why the powers that be are trying to reduce our reliance on plastics. Or at least single use plastics. 

      Paper bags may take more energy to produce, but they're a renewable resource, as you say, and they don't take thousands of years to decompose. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  24. Recycling is mostly a waste of time and money and bad for the environment.


    1. Boges


      I think Canada has way more robust recycling than in the US. But you can't tell me those Amazon boxes go straight to the Landfill. 

      70% according to this cite: https://www.wm.com/thinkgreen/recycle-products/paper-cardboard.jsp#:~:text=Currently%2C about 70 percent of,like sawdust and wood chips.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  25. Recycling is mostly a waste of time and money and bad for the environment.


    1. Boges


      Having Compost (Green Bins) makes it all much easier. I've heard that organic matter takes much longer to compost in a Landfill. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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