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Posts posted by WestCanMan

  1. Why shouldn't they be opposed? I'd oppose it if it was happening to me and I sure as hell don't want Canadian companies terrorizing other people either. It reflects very badly on all of us. In the meantime I'm still looking for a cite where jacee or anyone else said...word for word...

    Opposed to what? "western companies that are terrorists" ? That's not even a proven thing. It's an article about one alleged occurance! Her one weak example was from Peru or someplace like that. Bolivia? Have we been attacked by a bunch of south american terrorists? It takes a lot more than that lame article to make a declarative statement equating to "western companies have caused so much harm that terrorism is an obvious reaction."

    You should be ashamed of that post.

  2. What you need to produce should read like this..."I (jacee, or whoever) blame the west for everything that muslims are doing".

    Can you do that...word for word?

    I cited the exact post you were asking for. It stated very clearly that "western companies are terrorists in Muslim countries in the same way, giving rise to Modern Islamic extremist opposition to western invasion" and it was on the same page.

    In point form:

    "I (jacee, or whoever)" - the post is obviously hers, I doubt that you want to dispute that

    "blame the west" - "giving rise to" equates to saying where the motivation comes from, ie the source of blame. Since she was the one who made the comment, she is stating quite plainly that she puts the blame on the west. I don't see where there's any room to dispute that.

    "for everything that" There was no mention of any other sources of blame, just "western companies", so it's natural to assume that there's no other source that is worthy of comment. When a person makes such a declarative and statement you would think that they were trying to portray their opinion accurately. If you notice at the bottom of the post it says that she even took the time to edit it, so there's zero room to say that she didn't clearly state her position.

    "muslims are doing". - "Modern Islamic extremist opposition" is exactly what the "muslims are doing". Again, no real room for debate on this point.

    I win, you lose. Unless of course you wanna go another round on this one?

  3. Everything? Cite precisely where jacee or anyone for that matter has uttered this I'll-informed belief that every single atrocity muslims commit is the fault of the west? The west is simply to blame for the atrocities the west has committed.

    Post #432, 2nd last paragraph.

    And my original point was ... western companies are terrorists in Muslim countries in the same way, giving rise to Modern Islamic extremist opposition to western invasion.

  4. If you don't have time to sift through the truth, you have nothing of relevance to say.

    The class action suits for police violations of citizens' rights and safety are going to cost us millions.


    And why were the bystanders detained

    [for several hours ... in pouring rain ... told to pee in their pants ...]

    even though the arrests had already been made? Because, the chief said, police couldn't be sure that no other trouble-makers were lurking in the crowd.

    One poor woman ran up to police and begged to be handcuffed and arrested ... thinking that at least in jail there would be toilets and food, out of the rain and cold.

    People were ordered to disperse and go home ... while police continued to hem them in, charging them and banging their shields!

    And we paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in police salaries and benefits ... and we will pay millions for settlements of lawsuits ... for that?!?!

    Get your wallet out!

    By the way WestCanMan ... how many of the people dragged out of the crowd, handcuffed and arrested ... were ever even charged with any offense?

    Any convicted of anything?

    Several hundred innocent people detained and subjected to inhumane treatment ... and

    not a criminal among them!!

    And police wonder why they get a bad rep?!?!!

    Police should be wondering why we pay their salaries at all!

    We pay them to protect our constitutional rights, not to violate them!!

    It's not over. The class action lawsuits now in progress will shed much more light on police behaviour. No wonder Chief Blair bailed out!

    Wrong again. The Police don't have a bad rap. They will be your first call when you have a really bad day and you know it. If you're being honest you also know that people join the police with good intentions and put up with way too much crap from the dregs of society.

    Here's a bit of reality for you. The police had to deal with an angry mob of losers like this: :https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=I-h-YIj4jRw

    It's really easy for armchair quarterbacks to say what they would have done in a certain situation. It's another thing to form a wall and stand up against a surging mob of rioters that are carrying weapons, and be under orders to use minimal force against them.

    The people who followed the mob in actually were guilty of just being part of that group, and also of not obeying the legal orders to leave when things got out of hand.

    If they peed their pants because they were stupid enough to hang out with those losers I don't really care. They are just lucky they did that here in Canada.

    The fallout from this is when police don't actually even stop looters and rioters because they have their hands tied by rabid liberal judges. You can give yourself a pat on the back the next time a riot near you goes unchecked.

  5. I think Christianity is far more nebulous than Islam; with it's 30,000+ sects, and the 'you're own personal Jesus' BS that is used by every Christian with an agenda. The Bible, and sadly I have read most of it, is a ponderous, poorly written, very contradictory and ridiculously cherry picked tome. The Quran is more succinct about it's message. As an atheist, I don't want to start a religious congeniality contest, I just disagree on this point. The despicable Westboro a-hats are truer to their religion than most Christians, yet I bet most barely religious United Church members are much better people. Catholics may have a pope, but the vast majority don't care what he says or commands.

    Christianity is nebulous, but that's a good thing in this context. Christianity has been evolving for the last 2,000 years. Islam is stuck in the 600's, and by definition it can't change because Mohammed was the last prophet and the hadith and the Quran are the be-all, end-all for Islam.

    I agree that the culture in many Muslim majority countries is more extreme, but Christian scripture is just as violent.

    Take Chronicles 15:12 for example:

    They entered into a covenant to seek the LORD God of their fathers with all their heart and with all their soul; That whosoever would not seek the LORD God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.

    True, both religions have a lot of violent text. The main difference lies in what you would do if you were wearing a bracelet that says "WWJD" vs "WWMD".

    WWJD: heal, feed, love, make peace, etc. Not a very good video game but a pretty happy place to live.

    WWMD: Commit genocide, order the mass rape of all the women in entire towns, take the children of the beheaded prisoners of "war" and the newly-enslaved mothers and strip their culture from them, enslave them, and legally marry them off as young as 6 years old. Tell the kids that if they ever decide to leave Islam they get beheaded. Then give them swords because they make the perfect, soulless killers/slavers. If you made a video game of Mohammed's life it would have scenes of violence and gore that you have never even imagined. What happened in Banu Qurayza is not very different from what's happening in Syria right now. ISIS is following directly in Mohammed's footsteps.

    All Muslim majority societies? Really?! That's like stating all US Christians are like those in the Bible belt. For the most part, Islamic cultures have certainly lagged behind the world in terms of cultural, scientific and ethical advancement. In most of the world this was largely achieved by tempering and leaving religion behind. However, as mentioned in an earlier post there are several Muslim majority nations with quite tolerant, modern and progressive cultures. Certainly, not what we have in Canada or Scandinavia, but also nothing like what you describe here.

    All muslim societies - maybe not exactly. But all ships rise with the tide, and if a society is muslim-dominated then it is either a terrible place to be or it could turn that way abruptly. Attempts at moderation within muslim-dominated areas have never gotten very far and even at that they have never succeeded for any great length of time.

    We currently find intolerant, regressive Christianity creeping into the legal code of the most powerful nation on earth. Is that a reflection on the religion or the culture and politics of those with the power in certain states?

    It's not accurate to say it's steadily creeping towards regression. It is far more accurate to say that it has been steadily creeping forward with brief setbacks.

    Keep in mind that many do not feel safe to give honest answers to survey questions. Also, many grow to think that is just how things are and how they should be. That's why grassroots groups in places like Pakistan that aim to reform Islam start by building support for democracy, rights and freedoms. People with more progressive cultural ideas treat their religion much differently than the oppressed.

    When they feel threatened with death by giving the wrong answer in 1 or more out of 10 fields that's probably all you need to know about the society in which the survey is being conducted lol.

    The moderate Pakistanis just finished a rape/genocide in Bangladesh 40 years ago. There was no Nuremburg to follow. No intervention or condemnation by muslim society. Their moderation is not impressive to me. And fwiw they are not "reforming Islam", that cannot be done by definition. They may be letting some of their stricter laws slide a bit but they will never go very far or for very long.

  6. jacee you're completely off track with every answer.

    You blamed the west for everything that muslims are doing. That's why I mentioned that the muslims were doing it before they even dreamed of the west. Your first answer:

    "All of which has absolutely nothing to do with the current topic.

    What's your point?
    'All Muslims always bad ... all nonMuslims always good?'

    confirms that you now completely understand that muslims have always been committing genocide. It has nothing to do with the united states. That's all I was hoping for is that you would grasp that concept.

    As per your 2nd answer:

    Yes Canadian companies are vicariously responsible for the actions of their employees. That's not to say that every single company is aware of and condones the actions of every single person that they employ all over the earth. That's why people get fired all the time. For you to say that those foreign employees are always representing the exact intentions of not just their employer but our entire country as well is just garbage and you know it. Do you think that Wendy's really wants people spitting on hamburgers? They actually don't.The whole story here is "some things may have happened". If they did happen our gov't is happy to prosecute. That's it. You can't extrapolate that into: "every single Canadian is happy to allow our foreign companies to rape and pillage at will". It seems like you want that to be the case so that you can throw down some righteous anger but as usual you have zero proof of your accusations. Do you know why you have no proof? Because it was actually impossible for it to make any sense to begin with. Seriously, where do you find the types of people who agree with the things you say? Do they have jobs?

    "Canadian companies are terrorists in other countries, controlling governments and pushing people off their land for access to resources.

    And my original point was ... western companies are terrorists in Muslim countries in the same way, giving rise to Modern Islamic extremist opposition to western invasion.

    That's neither an apology for them nor support for them: It's just the facts."

    Your logic is completely twisted and your understanding of economics vs terrorism is off by orders of magnitude. One more funny thing is that in the first part of your own post you acknowledged that you understand that muslims were committing genocide long before the USA existed. Now you're saying that what the big bad west did to the muslims is what makes them blow people up.

    I think that you are happy believing the sick things that you are saying, and I'm done explaining things to you that you manage to repeat yet can't quite fathom.

  7. Oh?

    You missed the fact that the SQ admitted it?

    Did you also conveniently 'miss' the fact that in Toronto, 90+ cops were not wearing identification numbers?

    Who were those hired goons?

    Were they even cops?


    You might not want to drag up old posts to attack me unless you know your facts first.


    I did miss that. Which video? There are 4 and I don't have time to sift through it all.

    I don't see the big deal about 1 cop getting charged with excessive force in all that mayhem. Out of 100 cops there, one went too far? That's actually pretty good imo.

  8. 6 out of the last 8 PMs have been Catholics. Not sure about Trudeau Jr. May be a follower of Selfie Worship.

    I don't know how J Trudeau identifies himself but he recited the shahada (in front of more than 2 muslims) in a mosque. That's the only requirement for "baptism" or entry into Islam. If he doesn't consider himself a muslim then he's taking their religion very lightly.

    May be a follower of Selfie Worship.

    He's definitely into self worship.

  9. His girlfriend had Hells Angels associates, if I recall. So yes, a big deal.

    That's true, but he didn't get canned for that. After they broke up she said that he left a NATO document at her house one day when he went to work.

    It's kinda funny that he got canned for allegedly leaving a document at his gf's place but down in the US Hillary didn't lose a moment's rest over servergate. Maybe it has more to do with getting him out of the spotlight while some biker chick was out blabbering to the cameras lol.

  10. We don't have a terrorism problem in Canada.

    We have over 1m Muslims living here peacefully, going to soccer and hockey games and parent-teacher nights with their neighbours and working hard to support their families and communities.

    We have a problem with police, politicians and miscellaneous catastrophizers trying to create fear of all Muslims, inciting hatred against all Muslims.

    Who benefits from that?

    Follow the money ...


    In order to understand the rise of the Islamic State we must first briefly review the history of Western intervention in not only the Middle East but throughout the world to reveal that Islamic extremism in not a unique phenomenon. For the past 500 years, peoples throughout the world have resorted to acts of violence that today would be classified as terrorism in efforts to resist Western imperialism.


    The first significant success for Islamic fundamentalism directly resulted from the United States and Britain overthrowing a democratically-elected and secular government and their subsequent support for a brutal dictatorship, all in the name of securing access to oil.

    And so it continues ...

    The western war on Muslims is, like all wars, designed to line the pockets of the rich and powerful. It's the new colonialism, waging war against resource rich countries to install 'friendly' leaders who make deals and get paybacks for western corporations steal the profits from their resources.

    It suits the resource and weapons megacorps - western military-industrial complex - to create broad anti-Muslim sentiment to improve their profits.

    It isn't about Islam.

    When they wanted North American resources, it was Native Americans who were vilified as 'heathens' and slaughtered.

    It's about colonialism ... aggression to take control of resource wealth in other countries, and the backlash/resistance against that.

    Here's a current specific case of Canadian aggression in another country, Guatemala:


    A Mayan farmers wife from Lote Ocho Guatemala, Caal has become the face of a legal case accusing Canadian company Hudbay Mineral, Inc., of negligence, though the details of the case are far more disturbing. In 2007, security guards from the nearby [Canadian] mine came, along with police officers, to Caals house and demanded entry, and then proceeded to gang-rape her before evicting her and her family from their land.

    It's going to be heard in Canadian courts, the first time a Canadian company has been tried for imperialist invasion crimes in another country.


    Honestly jacee what you wrote there was crap. The muslims slaughtered people in India for almost 1,000 years and it obviously had nothing to do with "the west". They started invading Europe relentlessly 400 years before the crusades started and it was exclusively about spreading their religion. Again, nothing to do with the west, or european imperialism. They committed their own special brand of genocide/rape all over Asia, massacring literally millions of people in the same fashion as Mohammed himself did at Banu Qurayza. Was that because they were mad at the west? Did the sunnis massacre all those shia 1,000 years ago because they were mad at the US? They must have had crystal balls to do all of those things pre-emptively, several 100's of years b4 America was even discovered.

    Now you're trying to cite an example of one group of people, who aren't necessarily even Canadian (just people employed by a Canadian company abroad), as an example of what "Canada" is doing to people? If some Mexicans working for VW in Mexico go rape someone is Germany to blame? Can other Mexicans go around to random places like Cuba and Costa Rica raping and murdering millions of people if it's found out to be true? You're off the reservation dude. If we elect a pm that wants to do that, and then we participate in it, I'm game for taking blame. Otherwise you have zero, as is the case here.

    I'm talking about over 1,500 years of history, all over europe the middle east and asia, with millions of muslim participants doing the exact same things as their spiritual leader did, and your comeback is "a mayan woman is accusing some people who aren't necessarily even Canadian but they work for a Canadian company" so we are to blame for everything that all of those muslims ever did? I can pretty much walk out my front door and do anything to anyone I want and cite almost anything that ever happened to anyone I know as a valid excuse for it using your "logic".

    One more thing: did you notice that the gov't here is actually listening, and looking at the possibility accepting some form of accountability here, or forcing that company to do so? That's not what "really really bad imperialists" do.

  11. Apparently it is ... or was :-) ... a common police tactic for 'policing' such gatherings.

    Remember Montebello QC?


    At the Security and Prosperity Partnership meeting protests at Montebello Quebec on August 20, 2007, a Quebec union leader caught and outed three masked undercover Quebec Provincial Police operatives dressed as black bloc protestors about to start a riot by throwing rocks at the security police. See the following videos documenting this event.

    Stop SPP Protest Union Leader stops provocateurs

    Evidence Police provoke Violence at SPP protest

    The operation was exposed by the following picture of the undercover police wearing combat boots identical to those of the security police arresting them.

    Do you think they've stopped using that tactic ... or did they just wear different shoes in Toronto? :lol:

    Who were those guys throwing stuff at police lines?

    I didn't see where anyone actually proved that those were police officers wearing the masks. Having similar footwear is not nearly enough proof for anyone to believe what you are saying. These videos are complete garbage without more evidence that what you presented here.

  12. Do police try to incite riots?


    Isn't inciting a riot a criminal offense?


    G20 London 2009, 1 year before G20 Toronto:


    An MP who was involved in last month's G20 protests in London is to call for an investigation into whether the police used agents provocateurs to incite the crowds.

    Liberal Democrat Tom Brake says he saw what he believed to be two plain-clothes police officers go through a police cordon after presenting their ID cards.

    Brake, who along with hundreds of others was corralled behind police lines near Bank tube station in the City of London on the day of the protests, says he was informed by people in the crowd that the men had been seen to throw bottles at the police and had encouraged others to do the same shortly before they passed through the cordon.

    Good to remember: The ones throwing bottles at cops ... are cops.


    Do police try to incite riots?


    LMAO, you answered your own question and you still got it wrong

    So an MP in England was told by some rioters that something happened and you turn that precious little bit of "he said she said" into proof positive that police all over the world intentionally incite riots?

    You wanna know what a kid in my third grade class told me? When he was on summer vacation his pee turned red. He really said that. So it's true. Everyone's pee turns red when they are on summer vacation between grades 2 & 3. Now you know.

  13. Okay, so our genocide has been the plan for 1500 years but we only became aware of it now.

    Could you expand on what you mean by now? Is it somewhere between say, 1499 years and 64 years ago or was it just this morning?

    Most Canadians aren't aware of a few key facts:

    -that the crusades and inquisition were a direct response to 400 years of muslim jihad

    -that Mohammed committed genocide himself

    -that the muslims committed so many genocides, and so large.

    Go talk to a few people you know and ask them if they know any of those things. Most people on this site didn't, and that's after they wrote dozens of posts about how cute and cuddly Islam is.

    "Now" refers to - now that we're suddenly bringing in boatloads of people who are theoretically refugees, although they are really just displaced by war, from the world's biggest genocidal terrorist zone and surrounding areas.

  14. You're generalizing. I have a lot of friends that would be classified as liberals in most ways... but a lot of them are working class and a lot of them are union members. I never here the end of the "god damn immigrants are taking our jobs and driving down our wages" rants.

    I think there's a fair amount of racism and xenophobia at both ends of the political spectrum.

    By "the Liberals" I mean the party. If I meant liberals in general I wouldn't have capitalized it.

  15. Too bad M Bernier dated that biker chick. A quebecer would have a really good shot at unseating Turdeau. AB and Sask are voting conservative no matter what, but you can't win an election without Que or Ont. I don't think people from Ontario are going to hang their vote on what prov the candidate is from, so a Quebecer is the best bet they have imo.

  16. Kellie Leitch sounds like the first person to kick-off the leadership race.

    Dr. Leitch was at the forefront of the "Barbaric Cultural Practices" tip line. I wonder if she will come out and admit how wrong she was in supporting that sort of nasty "identity politics" nonsense.

    I thought she was a reasonable person and would have made a good leadership candidate until she was involved in that debacle.


    Didn't they call it "snitch" line? That was what they said on the news.

    I'm not sure why they didn't just leave it as a 911 call.

  17. " The only organized or collective physical aggression at that location that evening was perpetrated by police each time they advanced on demonstrators,” Justice Melvyn Green ruled on Thursday. He was referring to a demonstration at Queen St. and Spadina Ave. on Saturday, June 26, 2010. Green stated police criminalized political demonstration, which is “vital” to maintain a “viable democracy.” Green’s stern words echo widespread criticism of police during the G20 ..."



    I wish we could find out what the hell was going on with the chain of police command. WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY THINKING?!!!!!!

    My impression, from reading a lot of accounts, is that police tolerated demonstration ONLY until one or a few protesters showed any aggression - annoyed the police - and then all protesters were demonized, criminalized, dehumanized debased, abused and

    incarcerated, even uninvolved citizens in the 'wrong place-wrong time' and anyone filming police actions. Over 100 police officers do not 'spontaneously' decide to illegally remove their badge numbers: WHO IN THE CHAIN OF COMMAND CONDONED THAT?!??

    Toronto Police Services?



    G20 Security Committee?



    How do we get the answers?

    How do we make sure it NEVER happens again??

    Are you talking about the "protestors" wearing balaclavas and carrying weapons? The protest where 97 officers were injured? Where 40 shops were vandalized, causing almost $1M in damage? What did the big bad police do jacee? Try to protect some people and property? Oh the shame.

    Here's how we make sure it doesn't happen again - start putting Ginko Biloba in the water supply. Justin Trudeau would only get one vote in his own riding (his wife would vote for the communist party again because she only drinks bottled water).

  18. If Operation Ajax was actually about resisting 1500 years of attempted Muslim hegemony over the West why did they keep it secret from us?

    Why wasn't Islamoconcern front and center in the media and public consciousness back in 1953?

    Hegemony over the west was never the plan that was given to the muslim armies. It's not about the money, it's about getting rid of all other cultures and religions.

    In 1953 the world was a much bigger place. They were there and we were here and the average person wasn't going very far from home very often. There weren't any commercial jetliners, there was no internet, almost everyone was in the dark about what happened in the rest of the world. The news told us what they thought we needed to know and gave us their spin, just like they sold the majority of you guys on Justin Trudeau. They thought we needed to know about the USSR, and even to this day the armies of the muslim world pose absolutely no threat to Europe.

    Islamoconcern is an issue now because we can see what starts happening in some of the countries in Africa, some of the islands in the phillipines and bangladesh when Islam starts becoming the majority. We've had muslims starting to ask for sharia-lite here. Family sharia or what have you. Seems like no big deal but it's a sign that they don't respect the liberal ideals of the western world. Ironically it's the Liberals who just can't get enough of them. They want to start bringing in the hard-core types from the world's foremost terrorist hotbeds while all the christians there are being massacred. It makes us look sooo politically correct. Who could refuse, right?

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