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Everything posted by cougar

  1. The only reason for that would be they did not want to rule it in the same way. If they had their own tribes (that can be considered regions, or provinces) they probably did not need a global government from coast to coast. And a global government is in many cases detrimental to regional interests as we now see with many of the big hazardous projects. Whichever way we look at it, we took over what could have been theirs and then brought people from all over the world to make it look like it wasn't an act of one nation.
  2. I did. From chopping down our forests, exporting oil and digging in mines. And why is that? Because all value adding jobs were outsourced. And what else? Canada brought millions of people from overseas who came with no jobs and need healthcare too!
  3. I hope you understand this cannot go on forever. Resources are finite. We either ration them and limit ourselves in what we do, or we destroy all around us and then start killing one another . There is no other way! When I say "fast", it means I am aware of a problem and want to see a change to "fast".
  4. H-m, you start off well, but then quickly lose me the moment you mention the resource development approval process. I do not want to see this "fixed"; it is bad for the environment as it is. On the healthcare (fast and readily available), legal system reform (so it is available to everyone) and immigration (reducing the numbers to 0) I am with you.
  5. This is what I have been saying all along. Unfortunately it is too late to make a turn. Too many pink, orange, blue, grey, green turbans on the streets already. Our government, Argus, did this for money; they like cheap labor and increased demand for goods, services and real estate.
  6. What are the things you want to see done ? If you ask me, the less of the "doing" the better.
  7. It is your heritage you choose to ignore. Sorry what has been done cannot be undone.
  8. What difference does it make? Britain did it when it felt strong and saw an opportunity. China also will do it when it feels strong and sees an opportunity. As to how Britain treated the indigenous peoples, this is all in the history. Some North American tribes were wiped out, others were decimated to close to nothing; then there were the residential schools. But looking further into the past how did black people come to North America? something tells me they did not come on their own but were shipped like live stock by....who? We have to check the history.
  9. Wow. It took over North America, most of the Caribbeans, Parts of South America (Gyuana, the Falkland Islands), huge parts of Africa and Asia , Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania, most of the Pacific Islands (Fiji, Tonga, Norfolk, Christmas, Papua New Guinea, Cook Islands, Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Palau, Kiribati, Cocos Islands, Micronesia, Marshal Islands, Nauru, Niue, Pitcairn Islands, Penrhyn, Samoa, Solomon Islands to name but a few.
  10. How is this going to discourage a suicide bomber? I mean all of those people who came into the country and then committed crimes took the same oath. Realistically, it is not a deterrent.
  11. No job requirements for business class immigrants, just a certain amount they have to invest in the Canadian economy. As for clearance any "Osama BinLaden" could meet the criteria before they find out he is an "Osama BinLaden". Imagine we have a China-born minister of foreign affairs and an India-born Minister of Immigration. How would one know they do not work for the interests of China and India respectively instead for the Canadian interests? Is doubting their integrity racist or just prudent?
  12. Because of our multiculturalism, you can have anyone sneak into our government. Just imagine; if Osama BinLaden wanted to be there he would have been. He had the money to become a business class immigrant and the money to make his way into the government. This is how the USA lost their WTC buildings.
  13. I see nothing there. No observations, no report, no arguments, no pictures. Only your kill-the-messanger attitude is evident.
  14. Yes, it will be pointless. I can only laugh at the terminology the forestry industry hides behind.
  15. Again, they are not "replaced" . A replacement is when your refrigerator is a toast and you buy a new one. A tree replacement would be, when you bring a 40 meter tall tree to put in place of the 40 meter tall tree you cut down. You see anything like this happening? No. They plant a tree just to appease the public; but the actual tree is gone for good. I am not part of the globalist elite but hey, there are things that make sense. Carbon tax of course makes no sense; I agree with you on that one.
  16. Oh, I know they can shorten this turnaround to 30 years and all wood goes for pulp; no problem. The problem is that this is not a replacement of the original tree / ecosystem. First you have to wait for 50 years to get a tree of decent size; then this tree has to be left there for another 100 years to fulfill its purpose. The way we do it; we take away those 150-200 year old trees ; plant the shrubbery and in 45 years just when we are about to have a forest, we remove it again. No, this doesn't work for the climate and the environment.
  17. Really ???? The tee you cut today can be "replaced" by an identical tree in 100 years (if what you cut was 100 years old). Just putting a few seeds in the ground that grow into a little bush in a few years is not a replacement. So to quote you: WTH?
  18. You do not go to the top of the mountain in a car. I hiked from elevation of 200 meters to about 1,800 meters and then back down (which was the more difficult part by the way). Then I drove to Kitimat for supper. Then I went mushroom picking for two hours on the way back. I burnt the whole of 12 litters of 87 grade gasoline! Wow ! And I gave you a report of what is happening around here, so you know, in case you don't. I do not know how much gas you are burning, but I am positive I will get no environmental reports from you. Maybe you have to look at yourself first?
  19. Since this issue has persisted over the years, I think this is an established government policy - to undermine the standard of life of whoever is already in the country. My "disgust" comes from the pretense that the country needs to fill certain positions in demand, while in reality, it is always looking for cheap labor and population growth represented by increased demand for goods and services, real estate and everything else. I know that a referendum will show that Canadians do not favor immigration - at least those same Victorian old stock, who do not profit from immigrants. The rest, who wish to make their community and presence stronger or bring in family members will likely want the current situation to continue.
  20. This is not a job for the environmentalists but for those who remove the trees that are already growing. It is best for our environment if we do not cut those trees. Then we would not have to plant anything in their place. The best protection of the environment is to leave the environment alone and stop destroying it; not spending money on environmental projects.
  21. I agree with you. There were times I was so disgusted with our immigration policy I ran an anti-immigration site. The government preferred to ignore it, while still bringing their 250,000 skilled workers, god knows how many temporary/seasonal workers, how many business class immigrants and how many international students who, of course could decide to stay. Finally, how many eligible refugees. No surprises here. To have a human farm, you need space and humans.
  22. Definition of culture just for reference: "the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group." Born in Canada does not mean the person is really "Canadian" by culture; could be anything. Could be even a terrorist who does not speak English or French. (home schooling is acceptable , is it not?) Now bringing up the "economic success" into this discussion leaves a bad flavor. It almost sounds like one is willing to sell / dilute his or her culture for money. What we have is a business entity called Canada. Official language of business - English or French with other languages acceptable if money is good.
  23. This is what I imagine many do. They can spend their lives in their own cultures and their days in the culture that their business operates in. I can see East Indians working at Wal-Mart, Tim Hortons, Subway and other places and they communicate with one another in Punjabi in their work environment. They are simply predominantly Indian there, or exclusively Indian, so no point in using another language. And nobody wants them to integrate to anything. Canada is officially declared "multicultural". This means there is no common culture. You can think from the point of Victorian old stock white Canadians, but those will represent only one of the cultures. Imagine a young Russian guy who somehow found a job at a East Indian run Tim Hortons (lets imagine for a moment the unimaginable that they did not discriminate against him and hired him). What is he integrating into? His evenings may be spent in Russian environment and his days in East Indian environment.
  24. In another thread (or was it this one) people expressed a desire to see Quebec go, claiming those guys were only partying and draining public funds. Yet they became the prime example of Canadian culture. I have never been there , but I imagine they are more European minded and more into enjoying life than spending their lives in work. They are supposed to be predominantly from French origin. First Nations also have their own culture, art. artifacts, music and spoken languages. I hear what you are saying. I enjoy some Canadian bands and music. I really enjoy paintings too! But in your examples somehow I cannot see how a China town or a mosque will fit into the culture. There are so many people from so many places forming their own communities and speaking their own languages, to the point where "Canadian culture" will be impossible to define.
  25. I would not put blame on a particular party. The way I see it, we have allowed many manufacturing jobs to go to Asia. What we are left with are resource extraction jobs. So politicians try to get something going to evade a total economic collapse. This means our forests need to be sacrificed. Then whatever else is left. And when all else is gone, they will probably allow all Alberta pipelines to go through as well. And of course I will oppose and protest all of that. Not that I expect to make a difference.
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