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Everything posted by jacee

  1. Ya, that PC concept died in the '80's. The name hangs on in Ontario but it doesn't mean anything. Hey! What about Doug Ford for federal Conservative leader ?? TAKE OUR PREMIER ... PLEASE !!! Lol
  2. A savvy politician would refuse such donations as it could (and did) cost him his political career. The more conservatives such as yourself dismiss corruptions of democracy, the more it becomes apparent that conservatives are not interested in democracy. Democracy is not a business, not an autocracy.
  3. (I'll take a mea culpe on the election donations convictions: That was no-more MP Dean del Mastro. And "forced" is what it is when your employer pressures you to do something illegal ... to keep your job. Extorted would be more accurate, though bribed is also true. If you don't see the problem with that, you don't comprehend fundamentals of democracy: Governance isn't a 'business'.) Poilievre's offence (punished by Elections Canada) was making government funding announcements with Conservative Party logos on his shirt and on the ceremonial cheques. Very poor understanding and no respect for keeping partisanship out of governance. In any case, the good news is ... Poilievre is OUT. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/andrew-potter-what-if-poilievre-really-does-value-his-family-more-than-work If there was a common denominator to it all, it was that Poilievre is not super well-liked. He’s a notorious partisan who is widely seen as a major player in helping reduce question period to the level of schoolyard taunts and fratboy antics. He would not have been much of a leader anyway: I just can't imagine him in an international context. He's barely tolerable on a back bench. No couth. Lol
  4. "whether the individual seems ..." ? What are your criteria for "seems" ? What professional qualifications would an interviewer require to make those judgements about how someone "seems"? And if we are to require all Canadians to be "adaptable, open and tolerant towards aspects of OUR culture" wouldn't we have to get rid of all white supremacists? How would we do that?
  5. Poilievre was convicted for illegal election donations. I believe it was a local company forcing employees to individually donate, reimbursed by the company, with a bonus added. I don't believe Poilievre ever showed remorse. Big NO to him running our finances further into corruption!!
  6. We can't be at the mercy of the changing agendas of political parties. In a democracy, the rights of people must not change on political whims. Harper appointed three Conservative judges to the Supreme Court, hoping they'd follow his whims. It turned out that competent judges do agree on interpretation of Charter rights, regardless of politics. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/stephen-harpers-accidental-legal-legacy/article27150950/ And again, the "sovereign" power that you propose for parliament is not what democracy is about. You'd prefer a constant right-wing dictatorship, but you live in the wrong country for that - ie, you live in a democracy. You might prefer elsewhere. Lol
  7. Sounds like a system of checks and balances on power in governance, placing the rights of individuals at the core, which is the required situation for democracy. Many conservative thinkers and Conservative voters may claim to prefer an authoritarian model where a government leader has all power. However, I think their preference only applies when Conservatives are in power. Lol I somehow doubt that Argus would want the Liberal government's agenda to be unconstrained by the courts' Constitutional rulings. So, again, the desired balance is a model that applies, and works, regardless of which political Party holds power, and also when no Party holds majority power.
  8. You've got that right. But for white supremacists, facts never matter. Only smearing all people of colour matters, with Muslims now being the trendy target for the Alt-right fat white boys. I wonder what the rate of sex crimes is of white supremacists?
  9. 1 Insults betray a lack of valid, intelligent response. 2 Show us the data for "Let's just say it certainly appears there would be far less violent crime and shootings in my city if there were no Muslims here." Sounds like just more of your white supremacist racist lies and smears to me. 3 Insults again betray a lack of valid, intelligent response.
  10. Let's not forget he cheated on his election campaign contributions: On July 4, 2017, Poilievre entered into a Compliance Agreement with the Commissioner of Canada Elections, for failing to comply with the Canada Elections Act by "knowingly circumvent the prohibition on contributions to a registered party by ineligible contributors." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poilievre ... Took a free holiday to Taiwan on their dime ... https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-mps-free-foreign-travel-620k-1.4595379 And then, with that shady finagling of finances ... he's appointed Finance critic. Wouldn't be my choice. Lol
  11. RCMP Canada-wide warrants for sexual offenders: http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/wanted?term_node_tid_depth=1088&term_node_tid_depth_1=459&term_node_tid_depth_2=All What was the purpose of this exercise again? Scribblet, Dog on Porch and Argus trying to provide 'evidence' to support their promotion of hatred against Muslims? Have I got that right? So where is your evidence? I see no counts or tallies from the links you've all posted! Whassamatta? You did not find the evidence you hoped for? Can any of you three chronic promoters of hatred against Muslims - scribblet, Dog on Porch, Argus - tell me how many Muslims are among the sexual offenders with Canada-wide warrants in my link above? Post the number of Muslims. And then tell us how you determined what their religion is. Waiting ...
  12. Most child rapists and sex traffickers are not Kurds, or Muslim. Child rapists and sex traffickers exist in all religions, nationalities and cultures. https://www.timesofisrael.com/14-israelis-suspected-of-running-child-sex-trafficking-ring-in-colombia/
  13. Post your link for that claim, Argus. And state your allegations clearly. Do you mean: A. "All visible minority people are criminals." Or B. "All visible minority people not born in Canada are criminals." Or C. "All visible minority people who immigrated to Canada in the last 10/20/30/40/50 years are criminals." ? Pick one, or write your own. Be very clear who you hate and why, and provide evidence to 'support' your promotion of hatred against those identifiable groups of people in Canada. And remember: Ignorance (ie, failure to properly inform yourself of facts) is not a defense you will be able to use in court.
  14. Wow. Really twisting the truth to fit your prejudices, scribblet. Tell the whole truth: Full investigation conducted, many charges laid, 10 people now on trial. Not all criminals were men, and where does it even say these criminals are Muslim? Apparently you didn't read your own link: The current trial is the result of a police investigation started in 2016. The defendants, eight of whom are Kurdish, are: Usman Din, 35, of Seaton Crescent, Sheffield, denies three counts of rape and one count of trafficking Tony Juone, 61, of Pitt Lane, Sheffield, denies one count of rape Kamaran Mahmoodi, 39, of Walkley Road, Sheffield, denies one count of rape Shangar Ibrahimi, 30, of Cemetery Road, Barnsley, denies one count of rape Farhad Mirzaie, 29, of Ironside Road, Sheffield, denies two counts of rape Kawan Omar Ahmed, 29, of Margate Drive, Sheffield, denies two counts of rape Saman Mohammed, 40, of Fox Street, Sheffield, denies one count of rape Jasim Mohammed, 36, of Maxwell Way, Sheffield, denies three counts of rape Nzar Anwar, 40, of Exeter Drive, Sheffield, denies one count of rape and one count of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice A tenth man, Saba Mohammed, of Faranden Road, Sheffield, denies a single charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The trial continues. 8 are Kurdish men, but can't all be assumed to be Muslim: A majority of Kurds belong to the Shafi‘i school of Sunni Islam, but significant numbers practise Shia Islam and Alevism, while some are adherents of Yarsanism, Yazidism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity. These are clearly organized crimes of forced prostitution/sexual exploitation of a vulnerable minor, a crime that crosses all racial, religious and national lines. https://globalnews.ca/news/6036064/human-trafficking-arrests-york-region/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/project-raphael-child-sex-trafficking-bust-north-of-toronto-leads-to-104-arrests-1.3378404 And what the hell does religion even matter when we're talking about rape of children? Nobody who commits those horrific crimes is doing it because of their religion! Are Catholic priests raping children rampantly all over the world because their 'religion made them do it' ?!! Child rapists and child sex traffickers are not operating for reasons caused or supported by any religion. Sociopathic greed, power and perversion don't answer to any religion. Your allegations are defamatory, scribblet, concocted out of thin air and no facts, purely disinformation to promote hatred against Muslims here on mlw. That's a crime in Canada, scribblet: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-319.html Wilful promotion of hatred (2) Every one who, by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, wilfully promotes hatred against any identifiable group is guilty of (a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; Better watch your mouth, scribblet. Someone may report you. And ignorance is not a valid defense in court.
  15. Can't post any evidence. Blahblahblah
  16. So cite those. Links please!! You can't smear a whole group of people in Canada without data to prove the truth, because that would be "promoting hatred" under the law. Truth is your defense. So prove it.
  17. Cite the actions and polls of Muslims in Canada. (The war of the religious texts is nonsense.)
  18. Christians have been the biggest predators around the world ever since 'Christ' was co-opted by the Romans to serve the interests of wealth and power. 'Christian' USA is still the biggest predator in the world, infiltrating, invading, destabilizing and setting up puppet governments in countries to steal their natural resources ... to serve the interests of wealth and power. Indigenous people in those countries are murdered every day, for activism against US industry and interests.
  19. Pleas show me how you justify that broad-brush statement! In particular, how do you justify smearing Canadian Muslims that way?
  20. Would you prefer I say 'Nazis' instead of white supremacists? White supremacists hate both Muslims and Jews, regardless of skin colour, it's true. But they are quieter about their anti-Semitism these days as it's more acceptable to hate Muslims.
  21. Justify this: "none of them hold a candle to Islam for overall brutality and oppression."
  22. There is a lot of fake news out there originating from anti-Muslim white supremacists, or from Israel. The more of it you read, the more of it will be in your feed. But 'more' doesn't mean any of it is true. It's just propaganda designed to make you fear and hate Muslims. And it appears that you are falling for their tricks. There are over 1m Muslims in Canada. I haven't heard of any "brutality and oppression" here. However, a white supremacist did brutally murder 6 Muslims at prayer in Quebec, for no reason but hatred, likely after consuming that kind of hate propaganda. Terrorists are terrorists. Though they may claim to be Muslim or Christian, they practice no religion, and no religion claims them as their own. They are just terrorists, deranged by propaganda.
  23. I note that people who express the slightest doubt that Jesus Christ was divine, the son of God, or born of a virgin are routinely attacked by Christians who, if they had the power, would happily throw all of us nonbelievers in the lions' den. Lol
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