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Posts posted by poochy

  1. Inversely, if common sense prevailed, and they purchased the F-35 to avoid embarrassment (both by buying an inferior aircraft for the same price or more and gutting Canada's aerospace industry) they can do a bs dog and pony show and say they held a "fair competition", "got the best deal" and "saved Canada's high tech and aerospace industries" etc etc.......and what would the Opposition say? The Tories wouldn't say much, I doubt the Bloc would make too much noise over Quebec aerospace jobs and who cares what the NDP or Greens say........

    At this point, aside from it being the actual right selection, buying the F-35 is the right political choice and does little to Trudeau politically.......

    Lets hope they come to the same conclusion, im really sick of the bare minimum approach to equipping the military, it's shameful when we could easily do better.

  2. How have the Mennonites functioned in Canada since the 1700's?


    And whose business is it?

    People can live the way they choose.


    The Mennonites segregate themselves and they don't ask that they be able to live like the rest of us while the rest of us accommodate their extreme beliefs. This is not difficult. or complicated, I would think that anyone could understand the simple difference, think about it again.

  3. It is a good step for the plane to be declared combat ready.

    A couple of points;

    - This follows on a couple of successful tests for the F35... A successful shoot-down of a drone with an air-to-air missile, and a successful firing of the gun on the F35B.

    - Just to play devil's advocate... keep in mind that there are issues that have to be dealt with... software upgrades, handling the helmet weight, etc. Plus, at least in the short term I'm sure they'll run into a few bugs. (Remember, the initial squadron of 'combat-ready' F35Bs had problems with spare parts and availability, but that will diminish as ground crews get experience.)

    For sure, but there hasn't ever been a perfect new aircraft of any kind that i am aware of, it's been said hundreds of times here, but it's not really about the aircraft, it's about pacifists who would prefer we spent the money elsewhere and need a back door reason to justify not buying it.

  4. I have no doubt that the autistic Abdi 'stared' and 'got too close', etc. and those issues needed to be addressed.

    That behaviour does not justify his death.


    And no one said that he deserved to die, but other things obviously happened that required his arrest and restraint and that appears to have accidentally resulted in his death, which is unfortunate, but it isn't as your type wants to make it sound, like the police went out with intent to kill a black man. It's pretty disgusting that your type is so desperately trying to frame it that way.

  5. This will just be a paid vacation for most involved, the air charter companies will be happy, we already know why this happens, unfortunately the only people who can really fix it are never expected to do so. But, these liberals, the scum that they are, are more than willing to spend public money to give poor people false hopes if it might mean votes, gotta keep up that 'nice, caring' persona. Just like the overt lie they told about UNDRIP, the conservatives were honest about it, the liberals lied and used people to help win an election, it's pretty clear who the evil ones really are.

  6. The spill has reached 500km downstream.

    But don't worry... it's a small spill. A small spill that will take months of cleanup.

    You mean cuz oil floats on water? And this is a river, damn, why didn't they think of turning the river off? There won't be a real cleanup, unless there is heavy oil on the shoreline near the spill or on the bottom, it will be carried off and diluted, clean water will take it's place. I heard there are places in the west where oil literally leeches out of the ground and into rivers all on it's own, has for thousands of years, some of that water ends up in this dirty mud puddle..what's it called, o yea, Great Slave Lake, you wouldn't like it.

  7. Those trashing and bashing alternate power vehicles, imposing an either/or mentality here have, I suspect, commercial intent - trying to protect the fossil fuel 'market share'.

    Nothing to do with the reality of our lives, just commercial lobbying.

    You can suspect any foolish thing you like, and any conspiracy theory you wish, as you are prone to do, but at least in my case I have absolutely no commercial attachment to the oil industry, other than of course, and like you, having most of the things in my life powered by or made from oil. Your the one who is hiding your personal interest in oil, you use it just like the rest of us, but behave as though your above it all and therefore can cast judgement upon those who are beneath you. It's a common theme from the people from that perfect province.

    But I do find your's and others general ignorance to be insulting, to leave it go unchallenged would simply be wrong.

  8. Everyone uses fossil fuels because we have to. The fact that a leak contaminating thousands of acres is considered minor or no big deal, is proof that we have to leave the toxic, planet and health destroying, fuels behind. Like the horse and buggy, fossil fuels were tremendously useful but we can do better now.

    Cop out, you enjoy this modern, literally made of oil lifestyle, as does everyone in BC, there is no other option, that's just a fairy tale.

  9. Even if the next one's in your backyard?


    The hallmark of the fringe left is hypocrisy, so I can only assume you, like most who share your broken beliefs, are a massive hypocrite, it's a requirement of the ideology, it's impossible to function logically within that broken framework.

    In fact, you are to blame, in part, for every oil spill, and you're ok with that as long as it happens in someone else's backyard, if not, prove to us that you no longer use or need oil and therefore your hands are clean. I suspect you like your oil, you, just like all of the other lefty hypocrites here want someone else to bear all of the burdens associated with producing and transporting it.

    I live very near what might someday be the energy east pipeline, our water supply is very close to it, but should i fight against it while I fill my tank at the Shell down the street? No, because that gas came from somewhere and if wherever that is can accept the risks so can we.

  10. Given that the aircraft in question was able to carry a pilot around at a speed of up to 80 km/h, it could have applications for personal air travel / recreation.


    There is a reason it has to be comically large, doesn't look very convenient for recreation, but no worry, if we can magically improve solar cell technology by another, even 10% (in reality that is a HUGE amount) you might be able to park it in a hangar big enough for a 737.

  11. No one claims that solar panels will be running 747s, but this type of innovation and pushing of technological boundaries can only help the move towards sustainable energy.

    Tell us, exactly how did this flight do that? Do you think there isnt already a lot of people working to make solar cells more efficient? This flight is just another media show, it's designed to impress exactly who you would expect, people who in actuality know little or nothing about science. People who seem to think that 'Star Trek' will someday be possible, stupid people.

  12. You know your a dinosaur when you poo-poo any new advancements in technology just because the technology can't do everything right this instant!

    It's called energy density, orders of magnitude, impossible, those dinosaurs as you call them, they are just people who live in the real world, and they seem to be a lot smarter than you.

  13. CPC selling out BC's environment

    Where exactly?

    Why is normal industrial activity in most places "selling out" BC's environment?

    Other than people like you somehow thinking you're better than everyone else, everywhere else. Not a single one of you has given a reason that couldn't apply to other places that already have pipelines or refineries or oil terminals, etc. Not one.

    You think you're special, better, you aren't, neither is your province, it has rocks and trees and water, just like everywhere else.

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