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Posts posted by poochy

  1. #Trudeaueulogies is trending and no wonder, what an idiot this man is, you're not supposed to say that some of these people on the left yearn for communism because that makes you an extremist, it doesn't matter what signs they show or what actions they take, no, your the extremist, eulogizing a goddamn communist dictator, how absolutely stupid would you have to be to do that?  Or maybe we have been so easy on people like this for so long that they think it's ok to express their true colors now, then again he already told us how much he admired China, not to mention the little matter of being cosy with Chinese billionaires and Communist party members.  I dont hang out with Nazi's or know anyone on the far right, nor do i sympathize with their views, but i will be the extremist for noticing the far left tendancies of my PM.  that's how it works in Canada, the idiots are in charge.




    His own daughter calls him a tyrant, and our communist sympathizer PM is eulogizing him.

  2. 18 hours ago, ?Impact said:

    While I can understand Strahl wanting to get away from the centre of this political fiasco, blaming it in the liberals only is laughable. It is the idiots who are trying to link a $250k donation to a worthy cause (ok, the $50k for erecting a status is a bit over the top) to the Liberals are just as bad as the Liberals trying to defend it by invoking Strahl. The continual calling it a $1 million donation is just more proof that the idiots are really that, because it was a $250k donation.

    Actually it was initially reported as a million dollars, so that's why people are saying that.  Not that it would matter to you what the amount was, you would still defend it, that's why you're here right?

    So your PM who warned his members away from these sort of conflicts just happens to be at a party where a Chinese billionaire also is attending who also needs a bank approved and also happens to donate money to Trudeau's fathers foundation, you would have to be an idiot to think he did it just out of the goodness of his heart, now, while you are here to cover for them, you aren't an idiot.

    The Problem isn't that this happened so much as it is this person thought our government was somehow for sale and your PM simply lied about most everything he has said thus far, they are AT LEAST as bad as the conservatives ever were, but you go ahead, i know you have a job to do, you don't happen to work for Canada 2020?

  3. 3 hours ago, ?Impact said:

    That is an antiquated notion of situational awareness. If you can see the aircraft, then it is time to kiss your ass goodbye. The dogfight is a leftover from World War II, it doesn't occur in reality any more.

    No, its completely valid, but you're trying to invent an avenue of argument where none actually exists, in other words, deflecting, do you not think that if drones were the right solution that the major powers would already have switched over to them?  In other words, your spouting bs to defend your boy.  Also, i enjoy how you mentioned dog fighting, since that was one of the alleged reason the f35 wasnt any good, but as you say, they dont do that much anymore, but that doesnt mean a person in the cockpit isnt a useful thing, another made up, stupid argument.

  4. 21 hours ago, ?Impact said:

    I guess thoughtful engaging conversation is dead, long live Trumpland.

    Sorry, unlike you, i dont shill for anyone, you hide your willingness to lie or cover for this government behind a veil of civility, but it's still just a lie.  If you had the tiniest bit of honor you wouldnt, but you dont, its a simple as that, you're a liberal, you stand for nothing, except wanting to be in charge.  Meanwhile our air force has to make do with last generation aircraft that are completely out classed by the f35, thanks to people like you.  This was a liberal project to begin with, it was the right thing to do then, and it still is, but for purely political reasons these liberals aren't following through in order to buy votes, and that's disgusting, and you, in my book, are equally so for supporting it, and that goes for all of the rest of you too.

  5. 11 hours ago, ?Impact said:

    Sorry, but your assumption is completely wrong. Participating in the program gave us the option of purchasing, or more specifically a place in line. There was no commitment to purchase made. The investment was a benefit to Canadian aerospace industry.

    Honestly, I could not be more disgusted by the like of you than i am right now, they are rigging the game, more than the conservatives were ever accused of, and you're ok with it because you're a f***ing liberal, you sicken me.

  6. Your last sentence sums it up, they are ideologues, no government with Gerald Butts as second in command could be anything else, they simply do not care about the consequences, that is secondary to their beliefs.  

    Nova Scotia, who has signed on to this in some way, has at least one bio mass plant that i know of, and there simply isn't enough biomass for them to burn, so, they are clear cutting forests instead, because it's 'green' you see.


  7. 1 hour ago, eyeball said:

    Herein lay the real roots of dissatisfaction amongst the right-wing.

    In one breath you claim that right wingers are engaging in virtual violence and in the next you claim they yearn for Nazism, accusing people of wanting to be Nazis is obviously ok because is `true`, right? You obviously don`t speak for everyone on the left, but if you are any indication their problem seems to be mental illness, you should be banned from posting for your own good, allowing you to continue does you a disservice.


    It's at least in part the completely undeserved smugly superior attitude of your sort that has lead to this, in my opinion, bad choice. Yes, I am qualified to judge you, I am that thing you for some, possibly, literally insane reason, you think you are, intelligent.

  8. It's of course a lie that this spending is about the economy.




    All that liberals do is lie, they seem to be genetically predisposed to it.

    "On average, annual revenues for the current and next three fiscal years are now expected to be $12 billion less than the track the Conservatives laid out in their last budget. Of that, about $2 billion is accounted for by the Liberals’ middle-class tax cut — you’ll recall, the one that was supposed to be revenue neutral.

    The rest is higher spending: about $19 billion more, every year."


    It's good for them, they don't care.


    "They will spend more next year, after inflation, after population growth, than the Harper government did at the height of a world-wide financial crisis."


    They demanded more spending during the crisis, then complained about the debt, now they are spending more and for less reason than Harper had, if you support this behavior you have no honor.

  9. It's easy for people to blithely tell pollsters that yes, of course, we support carbon reduction and carbon taxes - up until they get the bill. When they start to realize how much the new carbon tax is going to cost them, and how little they're going to get for it as the economy continues its downturn due to insane environmental policies, we'll see how strong that support is.

    And then they will complain the loudest about how they can't afford it and the government will give them some sort of energy credit allowance, and voila, wealth redistribution, the marxists never went away, they just started calling themselves enviromentalists, those of us who don't rely upon the government for our living, or for whom the government of the day isn't 'good for' will pay, we always do.

  10. I don't know how far off topic one can drift, but this one takes the cake. It is a cement plant, not a concrete plant.

    b.t.w., that 6 billion litres was flushed away 10 months ago. That is the equivalent of about 15 minutes of river flow, not to mention that the majority of it was fresh water anyway.

    yes, its funnny how ok you are with massive dumping of sewage into a river but a small oil spill gets you all riled up, i wonder what the connection could be, liberal.

    "The solution is simple. Stop the corporate welfare. The oil companies can put up a $100 trillion environmental security bond, and then we can talk about getting oil to market. How many thousand improperly decommissioned oil wells are there in Alberta because the industry found it cheaper to continue paying leases than properly closing down the wells?"

  11. Because agreeing with the experts on a subject and deviating from them are exactly the same thing. Sure.

    No, TimG, that's not how it goes. If 97% of accountants believe a generally accepted accounting principle and 3% don't, then Joe Blow who sides with the 3% is the one lacking the qualification to question the 97% who are experts in their field.

    Joe Blow who believes the 97% is correct is just better at discerning qualified advice.

    That 97% number has been debunked so many times only the most uninformed ideologue isn't too embarassed to mention it.

  12. He didn`t have time to change it after gaining power, becuase the US system exploded shortly thereafter. Hid did however give our banks a $120 billion bailout anyway.

    Another lie, and from you! Who would have thought it. We did not give the banks 120 bln.

    Your willingness to distort seemingly everything either against the conservatives or for the liberals is incredibly scummy.


  13. Or.. it'll have the exact opposite effect.

    If it gets built, he basically proved himself a complete liar with everything he said and did in France about climate change and reducing greenhouse gases.

    If it doesn't get built, the fact that ok'd it will tarnish him in the eyes of those who bought the whole "Canada's back" BS.

    Standing for everything and nothing, it's what they do.

  14. This is a byproduct of claiming to be all things to all people.

    Of course they will tell you that they can be, but if you review the policy decisions of the last year, and see how frequently they copy the last, evil government's policies, you quickly see how not only untrue that is, but how they never really meant to try.

    Considering there are some 190 conditions placed upon the construction of this project and the company interested isn't fully committed to it there is good chance it will never happen anyway, and this pipeline was the easy one.

  15. No, I mean exactly what I said. For the opposition to get their act together and provide a credible alternative.

    There is honestly just no talking to you, you're another example of a liberal who simply does not care about anything but having liberals in power, simply by virtue of not having been in power for so long and not having had a chance to, or in fact having screwed up so many things makes anyone more credible than this government.

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