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Posts posted by poochy

  1. Phew, i mean, what a travesty it would be if we let great nations like Pakistan, Argentina and Columbia get even further ahead of us in years served on the council. Hopefully we will get to ineffectually serve besides some of the better known African nations ruled by murdering despots while the permanent members simply do whatever they were going to do with or without us. But hey, it's worth the money to pump the tires of mushy headed liberals, think of how many more times the poor dears will be able to pat themselves on the back for how good we are.

  2. How many other countries would easily be considered worse? Most people don't criticize Israel because they are anti Semites, they are just piling on to a fashionable left wing cause for the down trodden that is in large part originated by anti Semites who like to use those bleeding hearts to their advantage, this exact practice happens over and over again on many issues including this one. If it was only about how one country treats those around it, those who tried to destroy it no less, then the list of greater offenders of these principles would be so long that Israel would barely be mentioned, now ask yourself why it is instead always at the top of the list?

    The university of Victoria is allowing a scholarship to be given out to students in the memory of Mao, murderer of tens of millions, it's privately sponsored but clearly the University should not be allowing this, now, want to bet on whether there is an out cry over this that compares to the BDS movement at U Vic? Think that has nothing to do with the shared ideology of most protesters?

    Im not defending Israel, some criticism is deserved, im defending the idea that their isn't an underlying bias, which be any reasonable measure, there clearly is.

  3. C'mon, these experiments are always so dumb....and clearly driven with an agenda can can only go one way. Lets take a bunch of women and have them stand outside in freezing rain with a chainsaw for 10 hours and see what they say too. How many women would choose crawling around in a sewer drainage all day? Would she maybe rethink quitting her high heel waitress job that pays her 10$ and hour more than that guy?

    Do you women have any idea what most men do in their everyday jobs?

    You haven't heard that everything women do is the most difficult of all things anyone can do? I worked at a store when i was a kid and NO ONE worked harder then the women who punched numbers into a register all day, they would happily tell you so, they were on their feet all day you see, those of us who were slogging literally thousands of pounds during the day, who were also on our feet all day, who also were at their beck and call to help with carrying groceries to cars, well, we just didn't understand what it was like to be such a hard working martyr.

    Also, if the dress code is in place before they accept a job then no one is forcing them to do anything, they volunteered.

  4. How about a heart with the word mom in it? Surely that's as valid as a proponent of eugenics or a 60's burnout folk singer, but no doubt there are plenty of good choices available, not that it matters to most, it's another empty gesture, it's what liberals seem to be best at. War memorials are symbols we don't need, but a picture of a woman most will likely never have heard of on money most of us don't use is somehow important, yawn. You only need to look at the kind of people here that this seems to impress to know how unimportant it truly is.

  5. Im not sure how it's possible to argue that they can't control it, unless they can claim to not understand why it's wrong because of some sort of mental deficiency they simply have no excuse. I guess it could be argued that many men have the urge to rape women, maybe it could be argued that it's many more than who are pedophiles, but no one would claim that they can't help it. Maybe its it's completely different, idk.

  6. Most do that without ever considering it further, based on a clips of a few seconds from a year ago.

    Right, anyone up for a penis joke about out military deployment? How about a hockey joke concerning an invasion of another country? Claiming to admire a dictatorship for any reason? Calling another mp a piece of shit in the house? The list goes on of course, so there are many valid reasons, not the least of which is simply listening to him speak about anything. Now of course I can't speak for you, but to intelligent people, he is exactly as Argus described, if his vacuousness was at some point just a theory it's already been conformed by the proof that he himself has provided.

  7. I went to a hooters once, i thought the whole thing was weird, over the top, and i wouldn't go back, but most restaurants don't take it that far. If you don't feel comfortable working wearing a skirt or tight clothes, then don't. It's almost as though people believe that we suddenly live in a world where women aren't willing to use their looks to get things they want, what's closer to the truth is that they want the option to, but not to be asked to do so.

    im sure that generations of men who killed themselves, literally, working dangerous jobs to feed their families would feel a little less than sympathetic for someone who is asked to wear tight clothing. Even now, something like 90% of workplace deaths are men, but a visible panty line is too much to bear? Cry me a river.

    There is lots of turn over in service jobs, go find another, and in your opinion, less degrading work place, when you can see women wearing much more "slutty" clothes in public everywhere it's hard to argue that asking women to wear skimpy out fits at work should be somehow illegal, also i thought using that word was wrong? You can wear anything you like, and it's wrong to judge you for it, right, but don't ask you to get paid for wearing it, in a completely voluntary way, because then you're making me dress like a slut...sigh, women.

  8. I love it when you guys start off like this - it means that me challenging your right wing mantras is getting under your skin.

    No, it means the forum rules and moderation team protect you and don't allow us to tell you what the real problem is,of course this protection is just a reflection of what you have been given in society as well, otherwise you wouldn't be here embarrassing yourself on such a regular basis. But go ahead, keep believing in your righteousness, white knight, meanwhile your ignorance, and willingness to spread it insults all of us daily.

    Thing is, we have oil, we need oil, we are going to keep taking it out of the ground, those are the facts. So no matter how much you squawk about it, even if ten years from now the world is a shambles because of it, your correctness or lack thereof will make absolutely no difference. O of course you can claim white knight status, if that makes you feel better, but nothing you have ever said or will say on the subject will ever matter, you believe in fantasy. This pipeline makes sense in the real world, the world you believe in doesn't and will not exist, maybe that sucks, but no doubt many, ah, people, thought the same when they realized their favorite fairy tales just weren't real, and never were. But I guess some people just don't stop believing.

  9. They can't commit crimes while they're still locked up. That alone lowers crime.

    no no, even though they have completely voided someones life they deserve to be given another opportunity to choose whether or not to do it again, don't you get it? The rate of recidivism is low, this is a chance we must take, for them, those good, well meaning, murderers. It's important that we return them to society just in case the other 8 billion of us can't manage without them, we NEED to take this risk. Frankly, jail time isn't a deterrent, why do we even bother?

  10. Social conservatives head will explode as assisted suicide will be legal, marijuana will be legal, prostitution will be decriminalized and the Canadian Health Act will be updated to allow for easy access to abortion services in Canada.

    Yea, just like abortion, gay marriage, and when women got the vote, sure, there are a very small minority of social conservatives who will be bothered by some of these things, and they will be ignored just like they mostly always have been, but probably not nearly as many as the stupid people on the left that say thought the gun registry worked. O but let me guess, left wing stupidity is just fine, because it doesn't exist right? Anyway, if you are capable of it, you might want to consider that the social conservative bogey man isn't nearly as prevalent as your hopes and dreams want it to be, but then who would you write silly rants about? O, fyi, the biggest marijuana users i've known were conservatives, and we already have unregulated and easy access to abortion, but keep on ranting on!

  11. Thank you for your bitter drive-by smear. Next time, some actual content would be appreciated.

    Alberta didn't throw it away, they gave it away - to the oil companies.The great giveaway started under King Ralph. He lowered royalties to 1% on tar sands until capital costs were paid for. And even after the oil companies pay all their costs with essentially free oil, the rates are still very low.

    Former Premier Peter Lougheed said much the same thing during an interview in 2006 - that royalties are too low and development too fast. Would you like to do a drive-by smear on him as well?

    Your 'concern' for Alberta is noted, except that's not what you're all about, everything other than you honestly saying you are simply anti oil is a smoke screen for what your real agenda is, it's a lie.

    Toxic sludge, fossil fuel addicts, Fossil fuels apologists, industry cheerleaders, scraping tar, Alberta's finest sludge, the eggs in one basket fallacy, reckless development fallacy, and many more, plus piles of insults to go along with the eco marxist buzz words that are used in place of intelligent debate that you can't provide. But you're the fringe, and come to think of it, im not even supposed to engage you, im supposed to accept that your indefensible opinions can't really be challenged because it isn't possible to debate with someone who just makes it up wherever they need to and throws out insults wherever they can't.

  12. An "eye for an eye" is not the purpose of the criminal justice system.

    Which isn't at all the point, but as i said, you're locked into one very narrow ideological corridor and you simply can't see beyond it.

    An eye for and eye would be an argument for the death penalty, which wasn't made, murder someone, you forfeit your future, you live out your days in prison, we don't need to rehabiliatate you, we don't need any reformed murderers in society, it's more likely they will do it again than it is that they will add something to society that compensates us for the person they murdered.

    What is it exactly that causes you to have this need to feel badly for a murderer? To think they need another chance, when the person they killed doesn't get that? That's just broken, you all can, like i said earlier, pat yourself on your back for your civility, but what you really are is weak. If you can't take a stand against murderers you really can't stand for anything. Not asking for the the death penalty, im not in favor of it, but as you have committed the worst crime, a removal from society, no second chances, we don't need them. Why do you want to help them 'get better'?

  13. I don't bother replying to you much because your stuff isn't worth reading, much less debunking. Here's a case in point. If you actually read the IMF report, you'd see the subsidies apply to all countries. And it's mostly health costs and climate change - not the pre-tax subsidies you're talking about.

    I didn't make my numbers up - they are IMF estimates. You've presented nothing in return but your own biased, poorly informed opinions. Go out and do some actual reading.

    There are lots of scientific studies out there that say that we can be moving much faster towards renewable power now. But they're all wasted on closed minds and people with a financial interest in fossil fuels.

    Alberta should have acted like a resource owner, not an industry cheerleader.

    Imagine you wake up one day and discover you are sitting on one of the world's largest diamond mines. The only problem is it's higher cost and more difficult to produce than most. If you're smart, you would make smart deals with selected companies to extract the most value. You would use the money to build your own diamond mining company so that you could extract maximum value and extract diamonds in a way that had minimum effect on your land. In short, you would maximize your own value over the long run.

    If you're stupid, short sighted and greedy, you would do what Alberta did - open up your land to anyone with money and let them pay for their startup costs with all the free diamonds they could carry. And then, after they paid for their capital costs with your diamonds, you would still let them keep most of the profits.

    It's quite an experiencing reading your posts, a steady stream of ignorance and insults. It's almost as thought the oil sands haven't been under development by contemporary heavy industry for more than 50 years, and under much smaller scale development and experimentation for much longer than that. In fact you make it sound like just yesterday they found oil there, and squandered it the next 24 hrs, and of course none of what has been mined from the oil sands and from elsewhere in the province has had any positive effect on Alberta or the country, it's all been thrown away! It must be strange always being wrong and yet completely assured of your righteousness.

  14. So if someone murdered your child, you'd be content with the system judging him to have learned his lesson a few years later, pat him on the head, and send him off to enjoy life?

    You will never receive a truly on point answer to this question, they have completely bought in to an illogical ideology.

    We have absolutely no real obligation to rehabilitate any murderer, we choose to do so because we want to pat ourselves on the back for our civility, as you might notice from our new government this is a very left wing trait. We aren't short on people, we don't need them, if you murder in cold blood you should forfeit your chance at a life outside of prison.

    The murderer made a choice, surely they should have no more freedom than the person they murdered, who has no freedom, no life, and had no choice.

  15. Are progressives so used to being sheltered that when they insult a woman on the day she dies they dont expect to be called out for being totally without class?

    I mean you really thought that wasn't going to get a response? It's pretty clear you exist in a space where you're so used to having silly thoughts and not having them challenged.

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