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Posts posted by poochy

  1. OK. so, i just watched it again, apparently the first video was in slow motion, but i honestly didnt notice because in real time the Prime Minister was moving rather quickly and aggressively, and it looked more like he pulled the conservative MP than he guided him. He honestly looked like he lost his head, inaprops. He didn't beat anyone, no he didnt, but what he did was angry, aggressive, completely inappropriate and unbecoming of his office.

  2. If Harper had done it your brain would have exploded. There is no question at the time that he should have been charged with assault for charging out into the crowd, throttling some little guy who didn't jump out of the way in time, and breaking his glasses.

    There's no doubt, and while he had never done anything approaching that, and while politically the liberals are once again proving that they wrote the book on abusing parliamentary process, (western) conservatives are evil, and therefore always more guilty.

  3. The opposition trying to score as much point by making a mountain out of nothing as they can out of a clear case of accident and this is shameful. In particular Brosseau which pretended to have been hit hard by yelling ouch so loudly and her physical exaggerated reaction and Mulcair behaved very badly the way he reacted. It is all politics and politicians as usual behaving like children.

    Allegedly cursing, and obviously taking a man by the arm, apparently without asking, and this is the best deflection you can come up with?

  4. No, but like I said, he has no business grabbing Brown and trying to get him to go to his seat. Teachers can't even do that any more in classrooms, and technically it is assault.

    You're not wrong, and i completely agree that what he did was inapropriate, this is the guy who has been telling us it's 2016, or 2015, or whatever, if i do that, after allegedly cursing at people, which he also has track record of doing, im suspeneded, at least. But, he didn't atttack anyone, and he didn't abuse a woman, I still think his behavior goes to far and is unbecoming of the PM, but that mostly just reinforces what I already thought of him from his previous actions.

  5. "NDP MP Tracey Ramsey said the prime minister swore as he approached Brown and the opposition benches. "He said 'Get the bleep out of the way,'" she said, adding Trudeau "violently" grabbed Brown"

    So i cant watch the video here, some say it doesn't look like much happened, but are people going to defend their PM flying off the handle, cursing at people and maybe putting his hands on them in parliament, in 2016? Something that would at least get many of us suspended if not fired from our own jobs? I don't agree with the woman abuser hyperbole, but this behavior is not becoming of a PM, and it's not the first time he's at least cursed at people in parliament, and he's represented himself as the, kindler gentler, nice guy PM, which makes him a massive hypocrite.

  6. Are we really trying to make a link between a religious person who killed a dog and Islamic terrorism?

    i would agree that the more truly religious you are the less likely you are to be very intelligent, but how much more likely does that mean it is you will kill a dog for the reason this person did? Probably not a lot. Then again being one of a member of a religion of a billion people where violence against those you see as your oppressors, or simply against non believers, is at least occasionally, and sometimes frequently preached, makes those results somewhat more likely, and the results do speak for themselves, at least for those who are honest enough to hear them.

  7. You didn't object to Harper's

    child care cheques,

    nanny staff,

    Laureen's assistant.

    Now it's suddenly a problem?

    You really get het up with partisan bile, Argus.

    Sauce-goose-gander ... you know.

    Or maybe ... hold the sauce?


    You forgot the part where Sophie already has all of that, and wants more so she can be the celebrity she's always dreamed about. Never honest.

  8. The most progressive Prime Minister of the most progressive country in the world has put forward the most progressive bill to extend human rights to the most vulnerable citizens, namely the transgender Canadians.

    O /puke, they already were protected, as every human being is, what they want now is protection for their special requests

    "giggles and whispers hurts and will not be tolerated in an advance society and those losers who may ignore it will be punished"

    Yes, normal human behavior will not be tolerated by the left wing fascists. Ever notice a guy with a disability, maybe look at them? That too should not be tolerated, that could hurt, perhaps someday we can all get a microchip to patrol our thoughts, we can be punished remotely for even thinking about, thinking about the wrong thing.

  9. I am with you on this one. It's getting ridiculous. It's part of the SJW movement and started with the new Feminism in my view. We have to accomodate every little difference between these classifications. Male, female, bi, gay, trans. ect ect ..... And this seems to be targeted at younger people who have yet to discover what they are. To me it's causing a lot of confusion in younger people which is leading to much of this.

    We have two genders, just like 99.9999% of the other species on this planet. No other animal on this earth is taking it this far, and really they don't care about it, and neither should we.

    It's as simple as this, it's progressive, and once you progress, you must progress further, extend the ideology further, which of course means the issues that are being fought about become more and more extreme, there is no limit to these people, there will always be another issue no matter how far left, and how liberal we already are, it will never be enough.

  10. The only real solution is to make all bathrooms and change areas open to any gender.

    Agree, but how much would you like to bet that there are transgendered people, who are female, who wouldn't want to use the same bathroom as cisgendered men? This is always ultimately the problem, no matter how much you progress, someone demands you progress more, split the hair even further, and eventually the whole thing falls apart. So there is no point in any of this, we all have the same rights, instead of making a special case for special people, simply break down all of the barriers that divide us now. I suppose the problem is that liberal politicians aren't a fan of being honest with their constituents, many of whom are women who won't be terribly happy with sharing a bathroom with a man, no matter how progressive they claim to be. There's no other way to do it, just how do you determine if that man in the ladies washroom isn't what he claims to be? You can't, if a woman can dress like a man, then a transgendered woman, who is still male can also dress like a man, so any man can walk into any ladies room and you can't legally do anything about it. Speaking as someone who accidentally walked into the ladies room at Rogers Centre a few weeks ago, I can assure you it wasn't appreciated, so, no more gendered washrooms, its the only way this can work. We must progress to the point that even the tiniest fraction of our population with even stranger predilections are accommodated, even if that means doing so makes the vast majority as uncomfortable as those people used to be.

  11. But the spouse of the Prime Minister, who has been involved in several cases in recent years, is flooded with requests. "It's hard to choose because it is affecting the people who want your help. This is terrible letters I get, people who suffer. You say to yourself: I will try to convey a message that will reach as many people as possible. "

    Meanwhile, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau has no room to its disposal in the Langevin Block that houses the prime minister's office. "I have an office at home on my dinner table. We want to dust off some old patriarchal ways and we want to modernize the equipment that allows us to serve people, because people want to be the modernized. That is clear in our heads. I have someone who helps me to receive requests, to answer them, and you get more than can be dealt with. "



    Yeah, she's a real evil person for sure.

    Are you done making things up? Who said she was evil? What's being said is we don't need to pay so she can spread her celebrity wisdom. What exactly does she have to offer us other than being the pretty wife of the PM? What does she have to offer that thousands of others don't? What exactly is your desperation to defend this about anyway?

    She is not required to make any of these appearances, if she wants to be charitable, let her, let her do it like most others do, when she can, and because of her station in life, she can already do MUCH more than most, we are paying for that lifestyle already, if you want to help her in her 'work', you make a donation. Or better yet, donate to a real charity, and you sure as hell shouldn't need her to help you to do it, how many of us even knew her name before last year? How shallow do you need to be to feel empathy for her plight?

  12. Neil Macdonald:

    Yes they brought out one of the heavy hitters to defend poor Sophie. She has so many requests to appear you see, and while she truly hates to be seen, (i mean it's obvious...), she just can't deny her public the opportunity to hear her sing or say some empty platitudes about some thing or another, the poor dear is just a 'tall poppy', though im not sure what exactly of substance she's done to deserve that moniker, but im not a liberal, im not impressed by the empty vacuity of the Trudeau ruling family. In any case, she clearly has important things to add to our society, things to give and enlighten us with that i can't appreciate.

    But I don't understand how this is about us meanies trying to keep a woman in her place, or how clearly over worked she must be, while having no actual job that she must attend, I mean, some parents make 'choices' that involve going to work because they have to, while not having free nannies, chef, driver, and whatever else comes with the free house, the 300k salary her husband brings home, not even to mention access to their significant personal wealth. Some women in fact manage to have a busy life filled with volunteer work, while having a family of their own and none of those enormous, paid for by someone else advantages. They must be the true super women.

    I honestly don't much care if she had more 'help', but to frame this argument as though she is somehow indispensable to the nation, that she is doing work that must be done, that she herself would obviously rather be home raising her family, but she just can't deny us her wisdom, well it's difficult no to laugh, or cry, and how ludicrous it all is. Yes, maybe it's hard to attack them with substance, but that would be because neither of them seems to have any.

  13. Its pretty apalling how nakedly some are wanting to have the system gamed in their favor. Harper spent a decade, even before being elected, being called every name in the book, and never even approached this level of alteration to our democracy. If he had changed it in someway that produced the magnitude of advantage the liberals are likely to give them selves, i shudder to think what the reaction from the 'democracy lovers' would have been. As it was, their government was constantly called illegitimate for having the same percentage of vote as the current, so legitimate liberal government, that they can completely change and game the system, without any complaints of ligitimacy from those same people. Its pretty clear, as it truly always was, who the real haters of democracy, who the real fascists are.

  14. They're refugees from an economy whose failure has clearly been exacerbated by climate change but I'm guessing that sounds like Martian to you. In any case you were warned this would happen decades ago. Entire animal and plant communities are migrating north and south in response to climate change - why wouldn't our species react the same way?

    You haven't btw, seen anything yet.

    Plus you know, the wars, the death cults, terrible water management and land use policies, and your normal everyday drought. Climate change is a tiny part of that problem, just as it is for the fire in Alberta, but you don't want to talk about that, reality doesn't further your politics.

  15. To get a sense of the size of this fire, consider that its only burned parts of the city, and then look at this image http://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?p=geographic&l=VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,Reference_Labels(hidden),Reference_Features(hidden),Coastlines&t=2014-08-20&v=-117.903409626157,59.93793969541184,-109.465909626157,64.30170922666184

    Those dark, almost purple patches were fires that burned in 2014, some of them are 50 or 60 miles wide, there are dozens of them large enough to cover any major city, there are historical reports of fires that covered much of the prairies in one summer, but a small fire in the wrong place, and the sad global warming fanatic tries to take advantage, what a surprise.

  16. Methinks I apologize if it offends you. I have been assured by a poster I find particularly irritating, that he/she will not read anything from Big Guy after he/she reads "methinks". I am quite prepared to accept that restriction on my communications if it guarantees that I receive no comments from the irritating poster.

    The moderation standards here create an environment that is equivalent to a play pen for stupid children and people who are only interested in doing their best within the rules trolling. Some of these people like the above are good for nothing but this, but their stupidity is almost celebrated. There are too many others of this ilk to name, stupid rules for stupid people on a poorly managed forum. Let them have it.

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