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Posts posted by poochy

  1. I feel badly for Americans that their electoral system has only given them these two candidates, but I guess it's a woman's turn and she is on top of that pyramid, despite being terrible. It's also hard to understand how another candidate couldn't tap into some of what works for Trump without being a racist or a bigot, maybe that's the only reason it works, which is a really sad thought. I still don't believe Trump is electable, but on CNN this morning there is a poll citing that he is in the lead.

  2. I know your post was about disrupting wildlife by building roads in previously wild areas. I get that there is a cost to wind power in that region. Hearing you voice your concern for this relatively minor impact on wildlife and nature made me wonder how you view the environmental devastation and human health problems caused by mining and burning coal or the oilsands or pipelines. I agree with your concern. We should absolutely be sourcing energy in the most environmentally methods possible.

    The difference is, coal is viable, it has value, wind isn't and does not. Not unless of course it's subsidized by the kind of politician people like you elect.

  3. Argus:

    And this particular leak of a 200kl of oil by Husky should be looked into, should it not? Did Husky do their utmost to make the line as safe as possible?

    Surely, but it is effectively impossible to prevent all leaks, now what? When are all of you going to stop using oil? Why is it ok if the oil you use leaks from a pipeline in something other than perfect, untouchable BC and be spoils that environment? What if we lived in a slightly different world and the other provinces or countries oil has to pass through decided that while we need it, they aren't happy being solely responsible for its potential environmental problems and massive hypocrites can do without until they agree to bear some of the burden that they do? I guess the majority in BC would be just fine with that, or not at all.

  4. If someone is basing their argument on bigotry and ignorance, it's not surprising their arguments will be ridiculed and not considered valid.

    Ignorant, stupid viewpoints do not carry the same weight as well thought out arguments based on reason and knowledge.

    You mean ignorant and stupid like suggesting your precious little province shouldn't suffer the indignity of an oil pipeline just because you would rather someone else suffer the burden of the production and transportation of the oil the people in the province consumes? Stupid things like that? Well reasoned arguments indeed. What a joke.

  5. Luckily BC doesn't use any oil and can refuse to allow pipelines without being massive hypocrites.

    And this is an impossibly large spill, something the human race should not stand for, no matter how much benefit we gain from oil. This spill would almost fill one Olympic size swimming pool, and is in volume almost as much water as the North Saskatchewan river discharges every second of every day, huge.


    Thank goodness the adults in BC won't let their coast turn out like the Bay of Fundy coast of Nova Scotia, all that brown stuff in the picture must be oil.

  6. A POTUS or POTUS candidate hasn't been shot in 35 years. Not for a lack of want, given the vile hatred for Dubya and Obama (apparently some Americans don't like people with black skin). I would say security is very well prepared and nobody will be shot.

    Shoes may be thrown though.

    Apparently you don't see how much of a racist you are, but hey, i guess they had GOOD reasons for wanting to shoot bush jr right? How about you show respect for both and we can both agree there was and is no good reason to shoot either.

  7. I see self-described lefties get the cooler and they come back cracking a joke about it. A self-described righty gets the cooler and it always turns into a 10 page discussion about how the world is out to get them.

    They said the mods are lefty, the mods gave them Kimmy. Yet it doesn't seem to ever get better.

    They are forever victims.

    Can you link some of these 10 pages discussion, or are you just being ridiculous?

  8. Liberals, same as the conservatives, a year later, after an official declaration of genocide. Thanks for making the point.

    Now while you're waving the flag maybe you could explain to us why after a couple years of vilifying the conservatives for not recognizing the declaration on indigenous people from the UN, and after swearing, with all of their very big, and lying hearts that they would not only recognize, but also implement those recommendations, turns out, it was all for politics, all a sham, maybe you can start another thread to claim victory on that point. Let me start you out with the first sentence.

    Liberals, worst than conservatives for pretending they would enact polices the conservatives were honest about not enacting.

    If you need any other 'wins' to celebrate, let me know, there are plenty of others, from, you know, those kind, caring, nice, evidence based policy makers who are at best no better than the evil empire, and their former, Darth Vader ish leader.

    Hooray liberals.

  9. The only way this stops is for there to be justice for people who feel that the police can kill unarmed persons with impunity.

    Yea, if only 'hands up, don't shoot' had resulted in a false conviction of the officer in question you and others could "feel" like justice had been done.

    That's what we need, more lies resulting in wrongful convictions of police officers so the likes of people with utterly broken ideologies and world views like you can feel satisfied justice was done, insane.

  10. You're comparing an orchestrated group of Saudi citizens coming to the US specifically to carry out an attack to these weekly occurrences where some nutjob goes on a self-declared jihad?

    Yes, I will take the world of pre-Iraq invasion over this any day. You don't?

    Except this is exactly the kind of attack ISIS has been asking of it's followers, of course these people are lunatics, but why can't you understand that it's irrelevant? There are lots of people who are willing to do evil, whether they are clinically insane is irrelevant when they are being inspired by evil bastards somewhere else to run people down in a god damned truck. The point is they wouldn't be running people down were it not for the evil they have subscribed to. Honestly, at what point do some of you stop making these ridiculous excuses and false equivalencies, stop defending your belief in the world as your ideology tells you it should be, it isn't, and never was or will be, no matter how hard you wish for it.

  11. This forum needs a zero tolerance policy surrounding holocaust denial, under any of its forms, or 'finding the good' in Hitler, etc. Maybe it's just a troll, maybe the whole persona is, but it's embarrassing to be a member of a forum where that, or anti gay bigotry, etc. from a member is allowed to continue. No amount of 'truth' from that perspective can override the horrible acts they seek to down play, it is a discussion that has no value. It adds nothing to the forum, there is no need to protect it under the guise of free debate, and if I was affiliated with the forum in a management capacity I would be ashamed for allowing it to go on as it does, if I was not given a choice by ownership but to allow it to continue I would find another place to hang my hat.

    Hey, Hitler wasn't so bad, maybe he only killed 5 million Jews! It's f'in disgusting MLW, what is wrong with you people for allowing it?

  12. :lol: wow! That's some hard-hitting investigative journalism... that the Ontario Liberals could curry such favour for such piddling amounts!!!

    don't wait for an actual analysis of that described, "159 such private events and another 64 fundraisers"... over 3 years - raising $19.6 bmillion. You know, something that could actually address the editorial itself. I guess there might be industry reps attending some of those! It's too bad the G&M couldn't provide a summary accounting - then again, the $30K in purchased tickets for those 2 example events is "earth shattering" enough. Oh my... powerful Argus - powerful stuff!


    That's a weak rebuttal, even from you, desperate times.

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